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Radiation recovery



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Im glad to hear about your certification Josie, and the positive attention at work.  Josie and RunFree, I will add my household to the flea battle zone--3 dogs and 3 cats (outside) and the woods require constant vigilance. One flea is enough to send me off on a frenzy of flea hunting, as I know how fast it can get out of control. I too am frightened of the chemicals.

    I just had blood work done yesterday for my PCP appt. tomorrow, and my MO added some tests, including tumor marker.  That's not unusual, but all of the (pretty darn good) results are published on my web access except the tumor marker.  Trying not to react.

    Ahem, I just want to put out there that the anticancer diet did allow me to get off statins completely this year, and maintain good numbers.  Sorry, I know I'm an evangelist for the diet. Be patient with me.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2013

    Flea battle veterans, please help explain this to me.  The woman at the vet's office said I have to spray every inch of my house including all dark places.  Our mattress and box springs are right on the floor, but she said I should pull the bed away from the wall and spray/vacuum behind it.  And I will have to repeat the process multiple times until the current crop of fleas and their children have all been conquered.  This sounds completely overwhelming.  Does "all dark places" mean "between every book"?  Between every piece of paper?  Under every chair, inside every cabinet, inside the baseboard heating system with its thousands of little metal fins?  Are there places the fleas wouldn't bother going, that I don't have to bother spraying and vacuuming?  They said I could treat the dog with Advantix again after 2 1/2-3 weeks, so I did it this morning.  Now if there are any fleas starting to return to bite her, they will be killed, but the others will again turn their little jaws to me, right?  Maybe I shouldn't have done that....  I am considering trying to find a cleaning service or exterminator to do all this for me, although the choices are limited in my rural area, and it might be a while.  But I'm concerned about the chemicals an exterminator would spray with, and perhaps I'm overreacting about how thorough I need to be?

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2013

    OK, I have a little more information.  I called the manufacturer of the spray I bought and talked the situation through with the nice lady, although I didn't go into the BC aspect of the sudden-chemical-sensitivity subplot.  I should spray the carpets, but not the beds or furniture, and not the non-carpeted floors.  Then I have to vacuum again, and sweep/mop, the entire house, daily if possible or every other day for up to a month, until there don't seem to be fleas anymore.  (I am a very lazy house-cleaner so this would really entail a change of lifestyle.)  Fleas can't burrow, so they won't be between things very much.  She said if I'm having trouble with chemicals, while she wouldn't expect any troubles from their product, I should probably get someone else to do the spraying for me.  She also said fleas can get extra aggressive when their food source is gone for a while, which was the case while our dog was in the kennel and we were gone.  I sprayed only around our bed in the bedroom and I already feel as though my throat and lips are affected by the chemicals.  Come to think of it, I've been having trouble with aerosols this summer, and I made sure to get this stuff in a pump spray but it's also troubling me.  I'd still be happy for any advice you all may have.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2013

    There's got to be an easier way than turning into Suzy Homemaker.  Flea collars and hazmat suitsfor all family members, canine or not?  I'd similarly be pretty disinclined to use the spray overmuch, but tomorrow morning, before you jaunt off to see your MO, might be a good time--you'll be out of the house for hours.  I'd probably use the painting-the-floor technique--start at one end of the house and back up until you've covered everything and are out of the house.  Shut the door, wash your hands and face with the wipe you've cleverly provided, or the hose, grab your keys and purse from the doorstep or wherever, and scoot off, breathing the fresh air deeply.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Hang in there RunFree, I called a friend who just dealt with the critters naturally and will post when I hear back.

    Got my tumor markers back and glad to report that I am just paranoid.  They are normal.  

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Brookside and SAB!  Much appreciated advice, Brookside, though I think my husband and son will be home tomorrow....  And thanks for calling your friend for me SAB!  That is also fantastic news about your tumor markers.  I don't know that test--what is it looking for exactly?  Tumors elsewhere or in the breast again?

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    RunFree-My friend said that she took a three pronged approach.  1.Outside she had an exterminator come and spray and powder her yard.  2. Inside she sprinkled the rugs, carpet and cushions (soft surfaces) with a mixture of salt and baking soda and broomed it into the fibers.  Then she vacuumed very thoroughly.  She then did it again and left a thin coating in the fibers, to dessicate the eggs before they hatch. that process might have to be repeated over and over until no more fleas. She said that she had fleas on her beds, but just pulled off all the sheets and bedding and used the baking/salt mix on her mattress. 3. Animals have to be dipped and/or treated with something like frontline.  Maybe both.  Finally, as an aside she said that fleas don't like citrus or lavender scents so she would put essential oils or lotion with those scents on her legs and that it helped.  Since lavender is estrogenic I might suggest sticking with citrus.  Good luck!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Runfree, just saw your post.  I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the test measures calcium, which is thrown off when bone mets are forming.  That's overly simplistic, I'm sure. I'll jot down the name next time I'm on the website.

  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2013

    I am so sorry for all you flee suffers. It recalls me of when I first went thru chemo. I had 2 cats which we had checked by vet and told there were no flees but hubby and I just scratching up the sickens.We stayed and did everything but it only got worse. We finally decided it must be mites.Only thing that worked was washing everything in Borax and also actually microwaving our clothes before we put them on.There were no visible bug bites at all. I was itching noticeably at work.This went on for over 2 months. Flee bites cause me to get hives and itch for weeks. Moving out overnight and bombing w/one of those special foggers best way for flees. No easy way. As for tumor markers my NO said they were really not great indicators. Mine were normal recently and just diagnosed w/BC spread.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Grammy, I'll be careful.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Not to hog the thread, sorry guys, but I just received informal offer from admissions office at local university.  Mixed feelings but mostly very happy and relieved.  

    Grammy, I'm sorry that your bc spread, forgive my brief note.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2013

    Grammy, thank you for the tip about the fleas.  We used Borax when we washed our baby's cloth diapers!  So I know it's gentle.  Microwaving clothes, very interesting idea too.  Thanks for the info about the tumor marker but I am very sorry about your mets.

    SAB, thank you for your friend's great ideas!  I love the salt/baking soda on the mattress and rugs idea, and the citrus for my legs.  I have a lovely grapefruit moisturizer I can try, and I'm going to be near the healthy store tomorrow when I go see my RO so I can look for other stuff. We used Advantix on our dog, which is like Frontline.  The yard part, sobering.  I will see who I can find for that.  I also did not know we have to avoid lavendar.  Jeepers.

    Also SAB, that is great news about the job offer!  Working in college admissions is one of my unlived lives.  I think it would be very interesting and exciting work, all about young people and their futures.  That is, if you believe in the school enough, I guess.  Congratulations!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2013

    Run free.....yuck! I once moved out of a summer house with the dog, and went back a month later, and the entire lower legs of my white slacks turned black from all the fleas. Totally gross! I got an exterminator. The company guaranteed one treatment would do the trick. It took two! As for friendly flea control you can try penny royal, a homeopathic, bay leaves or eucalyptus leaves ( under rugs or just around) You need to wash the dog bedding and vacuum especially cracks like in floor boards etc. if you do use any sprays, you really need to have a mask on to protect yourself. I've included a link to Mother Earth News, as they've got some ideas for you. I personally recommend getting an exterminator to treat the house while you're out, coming home and washing everything, and if you don't get to all the bedding, put it outside till you do. Good luck...

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2013

    Borax kills roaches--you put it where they walk and they bring it back home and share it with all their friends.  Nighty-night.  Stands to reason that it  would work on fleas as well.

    Great news, SAB.  Are you going to accept now, or wait until the other eighteen offers come in?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2013

    Grammy so sorry to hear about the Cancer coming back.I'm so sorry.

    Thanks for the flea tips.

    SAB, congrats on the job.

    Run free I hope your able to get the fleas under control.I definitely would be careful about the spraying especially if you reacted to it after such a short time.

    I appreciate everybody's encouragement on my job situation.It was quite a day today and then on top of training I had a patient that was getting a Bone Density tomorrow and she needed to be pre authorized by her insurance because of her young age.Well you can't just call you have to send them a form via fax along with records proving why she needs one etc.

    Well the fax never went through Monday and I was off Tues and I called her yesterday and 're faxed it but they stated they still didn't get it.Well she calls me today and wants me to stop what I was doing and go call them.Well I was in the middle of learning the new position and rooming patients and we were running back and forth between doctor and Nurse practitioner

    Setting up rooms and all that fun stuff.I forgot to call for the pre auth.She called back and wanted to know if I did it .Well I told her the truth that I was learning a new position and hadn't had time.

    I guess I could have lied but I'm not a liar.

    She said "Do I need to speak to you office manager in order to get this done?" Well I asked her if she would give me the chance to do it.So she agreed.I called the insurance company immediately after hanging up with her and got the info faxed to them.The patient was pre authorized by the end of the day so she was happy.Meanwhile I hung up the phone and just broke down and started balling.I never do that at work but that was my breaking point.I got over it but tomorrow I have to act like all nicely nice to this lady when I do her bone density.Over all not a great day.

    Sorry I didn't mean to give such a play by play.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2013

    Sab, way to go with the both markers and the statins. Good job! You should be well pleased. And a job offer, however informal, is something to celebrate too! What a great year this is!

    My sister in law got thru her surgery really well with little pain, and clear lymph nodes. Then she had to wait a full week for the path report, and it turns out she doesn't have clean margins and has to go back in. Except the surgeon can't fit her in for another 10 days. I'm so sick of Kaiser in Fresno! I think the doctors are good, but it seems they are really under staffed. No excuse for waiting a week for path reports and then 10 more days for re-excision. Plus they want her in for surgical follow up on the 6th but she has to be up here (a 5 hour drive) on the 7th for my brothers memorial. What a problem for her. She'll go back for surgical follow up on the 10th. Which will delay the start of rads and probably messes up her thanksgiving too as she wanted to come up here. Oh...she's also apparently a grade 2, which of course is more worrying than being grade 1 as its just that much more aggressive. I don't think Kaiser does the onco-type testing and they have said chemo isn't necessary, but her aunt and grandmother died of BC and her Mom died of lung cancer....I think she should have the onco test, especially as this was a bit of an agressive cancer, but I don't want to add to her "worry load" right guess I won't suggest it.

    Meanwhile, a good friend who went thru BC last summer found out today that the clouds they're seeing on her lungs is not pneumonia at all even though they've been treating it as such for the last 2 months, but apparently she threw a blood clot, radiation induced they believe, and this is permanent damage. That's scary....but at least, for now, they don't think it's more cancer.

    I'm feeling positively healthy compared to that! Hope everyone else has a great evening...even you Bunkie, because you deserve one for sure.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2013

    Josie, whew! You've been thru the ringer today too. I don't blame you for hitting your limit. I think a nice glass of Chardonnay is in order, and a cake ball, but Janis must still be visiting her son. TGIF tomorrow!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2013

    Sew, what an ideal for your poor SIL.I hope her second surgery comes out better.And your friend now that's just plain scarey.I was afraid you were going to say that she had Mets to her lungs.Thank God it wasn't.

    Thanks for understanding about my horrible day.

    I didn't have a drink but could have I guess.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2013

    Sew, that's an awful flea story!  Thanks for the link and all the tips, really great stuff!  Good point, Brookside, about the way Borax works. So much going on right now with my poor skin, which has never been something I've had to be careful about before.  I am going to hit that RO's office tomorrow with all my self-advocacy flags flying.

    Sew, your poor SIL is sure going through a rough time.  What a drag to have to go back for a re-excision, with all the rest that she's facing.  Will you go back down there for her second surgery?  Does she have good friends or family near her?  It's scary about your friend's blood clot.  I guess we all need to be on guard about those too.

    Josie, that would have made me cry too!  I'm not sure I would have been able to recover as well as you did.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Run free and Sew for listening .I am definitely ready to go to bed early tonight.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2013

    Josie, yes, bed, and wear your favorite outfit tomorrow...the one that makes you just feel great.....then, when things get tough, just glance down, smile and do your darnedest!

    RunFree..yes, I though that article was great. Talked about the borax too, I believe. Actually, taking the vacuum bag outside made sense too. And, I can just hear the neighbors talking about your housekeeping skills when you have diatomaceous earth scattered over all the floors, giggle giggle... Good luck. Oh, and yes, when those fleas covered my slacks, I stripped and ran outside......fortunately it was no longer summer and no one was around. I left those pants there and drove home in my underwear....thinking of the pink panther movie.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Josie, You may have gone nighty-night already and you certainly deserve it but I wanted to send along a hug! I hope tomorrow is better at work.  I know that this woman was probably all stressed out but it's too bad she took it out on you.  

    Sew, awful news.  Reexcision was one of my great fears, it is necessary about 40% of the time, and I feel so bad for your sil, with all that she has already gone through.  With all the bc in the family maybe she should have a brca.  Personally, I think every woman should have one early in the process of determining their treatment plan. I know that if mine had come back positive I may have made different choices.  It's criminal that only one facility does these, and they charge a fortune.  I'm sorry about your friend too, but thank goodness it wasn't mets.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited August 2013

    Hi y'all

    Crazy week...hubby not doing so well. Canceled several appts last week until I dragged him to dr for his cough. Turns out pneumonia, acute kidney failure, UTI infection, and blood sugar @657!

    Oh my Dr called said ER was waiting for us...been in med surged...I'm tired...comes home tomorrow. We've been fighting the diabetes issue for a few yrs refuses to test, eat right, and there can be no more denial ugh:(

    Josie - hang in there at work! Tami you did pull the rabbit out of the hat:)

    SAB - yippee:) a start always easy to bounce to the next when working...pretty dd:)

    Kate - luv w pic rock the girlie girl weekend:)

    RunFree - healing girl:) fingers&toes crossed for RO showdown pow:)

    Bunkie - hang in there you've come so far! Stand strong warrior!

    Sew - hugs to you sil and friend...geeez ths c:(((

    Janis - yippee TGIF pocket party ladies :)))

    Brookside - no bugs in your house Ms Eloise :)

    Joan, GiGil, Gram...enjoy the kiddos...summertime coming to an end...

    (((Hugs))) to all


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2013

    SAB thanks for the big hug.My dreams of going to bed early are just dreams..hubby works tonight again after working all day.But as soon as my DD goes to bed so am I.

    Cindy I'm so sorry that your hubby has been so sick.

    I will definitely keep him in my prayers.

    I never even heard of someone's BS to be that high unless they were comatose.He's a really lucky man to have good Doctors and such a loving and caring wife.I 'll bet your exhausted .rest up as much as you can honey.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2013

    Cindy...OMG, you and hubby have been thru enough already. How totally scary, and after all that, I'm surprised to hear he's coming home tomorrow already. Guess all the dancing you two do has paid off. Keep your chin up, and hug that man hard when he gets home....I'm sure you will. Let us know how he and you are doing.....

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Josie

    It is amazing that hubby didn't have a stroke or go into coma...I've never seen someone with such thirst...and denial. My mom died from massive store with BS around 300!

    This wifey LVN is enjoying a quite night at her assisted living home...hope the cna arrives tomorrow ...ha! Breathe tomorrow is another day :)))

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited August 2013

    Bunkie, Cindy, Runfree...Big hugs for all you're going through....
    Josie, SAB, hoping for good outcomes on the job front.
    Gigi, how wonderful that you have had your time with your family at last.  Here's to little brave man Cole.

    Thanks for your kind words and concerns....I am going to sleep and will have Day 2 at work tomorrow...will check in during my first break.
    Thank you all for being here...BC happens; Life happens; and usually neither waits for the other.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Cindy, what a fright! I hope dh will listen to some good sense now. Sometimes it takes a near miss. I know I got a lot healthier after bc. Hugs to you too...get some rest.

    Good luck getting back to work Joan!

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2013

    Hugs to you Cindy.  So glad hubby is getting better, but such a scare!  You must be a total wreck.  Hopes and prayers for you and him, and also for those of you with medical appointments today:  Bunkie, Kate, RunFree, and for Sew and sil, and all the rest of you ladies!

    Josie, I find some of my most difficult clients are really softies at heart.  They just understand that if they want something badly, being pretty aggressive gets them where they want to be faster.  Afterwards, they're kind of embarrassed, and sweet as pie.  Hope this is the case with your lady.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2013

    Just sending hugs to my sisters. My fingers hurt too much to type much more but Cindy, will keep hubby in my thoughts. That BS is really high! Holy cow!