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Radiation recovery



  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2015

    Josie - I wouldn't sweat what your co-worker said either. How does that look anyway bashing someone you worked with in an exit interview? As for the person who told you and telling you not to sweat it? She's got issues too spreading gossip.

    Awesome you drew blood. Don't know how you do that. I know I couldn't. On your car -we sold our PT Cruiser to a company that buys used vehicles and boy was it used. Needed work and barely ran. In fact I don't think it even had to be operable for them to buy it. Had a zillion miles on it and needed lots of work. Hated that car. Every repair we had done was major and DH is a pretty good mechanic. Found the company on the Internet. They came and got it too thankfully. We got 500 for it and we're lucky to get that.

    I know the mammo is making you nervous. I think I'll always be anxious since my DX but that's just me. Poster person for worrying. My SIL is 7 years out and had something similar happen - it was scar tissue. You are def in our prayers. Bet it's nothing.

    Sew - sorry you had a relapse. Feel better. You are right at least there is a cure.

    Joan - good grief you have had some car troubles! You were blessed people helped you. Scary.

    Thanks for thoughts on son's situation. It has knocked all of us for a loop. Trying really hard to stay positive. DS is going to need us more than ever. We have managed to be there for him through some very difficult times but this is by far our greatest challenge. He has a lot of friends which helps a lot but I really worry about his state of mind as we get closer to the day. I asked him how he was doing the other day and he said he hasn't been k in some time. Still he has a good job and likes it, plays on a rugby team that he loves and hangs out with friends every weekend so at least he's not sitting at home but staying busy. That will change. It all comes down to her and how she handles this. She could make it work as co-parents or she could make his life a living hell. Time will tell.

    Janis - hope your baby is feeling better. Never been to Colorado but heard it is beautiful! Got your cyber hug and yes it helps.

    Thanks again everyone for your kind words and encouragement. I'm turning to the one person who can help us deal with this. Not supposed to give you more than you can handle but this is really close.

    Have a nice weekend! We celebrated with my FIL last night on his 91st birthday! Amazing he takes 1 med.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Thanks April and Diane, I appreciate it. Your right hopefully it's just scar tissue. I told DH this morning I'm scared. He promises he would be there for me no matter what happens. It's such a relief to have such a supporting spouse . He truelly is my best friend.

    April congrats to your FIL. Wow 91 yrs old that's great.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2015

    Hi Josie,

    The fire is in the next county and over several mountain ranges, so we're OK. We're getting some smoke but not really even much of that. It's cooling off here and we're getting fog in the mornings now so I'm hoping that helps with fighting this fire. I too have been sent in for mammo's early because the oncologist found suspicious lumps. In fact, I used to have to have mammo's every 6 months and ultra sounds along with them, and sometimes ultra sounds after 3 months. I finally am on a 1 year mammo schedule and it's been 3 1/2 years since I finished treatment. It is always scary when they tell you to go in early, but in my case it was just dense breast tissue and scar tissue. I expect it's the same with you especially since 2 other doctors have done breast exams and didn't feel anything.'s always scary and worrisome. Of course we'll have a party for you....we're really good at that and they do count on the support of all of us and try not to fret too much.

    Thanks everyone for well wishes on my health. I will get over this at some point and while it is rare, I've found a group on Yahoo just for this disease. They are kind of like this group, very kind, happy to share experiences and are supportive. The trick is, just about none of them have actually recovered. One guy had been OK for a year I think, but then he relapsed. I'm not thinking about that part. This may just be my new "normal". And we all know about new normals don't we. But....we carry on.....

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2015

    Oh Sew, I'm sorry that you had a relapse and had to up the dosage. Please take care.

    Hi everyone! Just here dipping in. I hurt my back lat night (how? I don't know) but stubbornly went out for my hike this morning. Six very slow miles later I am suffering. Doing some computer work and taking a break every 15 minutes or so to lie flat on the floor. Sigh.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2015


    Sorry to hear about your back...I hate when that happens. Perhaps an extra glass of wine and a nice soak in the tub? It sounds so good perhaps I'll take my own advice! Of course I'll undo all the good trying to bail the water out of the tub to put on my drought striken plantsLoopy

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Sew . I appreciate the encouragement and look forward to the company at the Mammo on Friday. I'm glad your not too close to the wildfires.And I'm glad you found a support group for your lung disease. I hope it helps if not don't feel guilty for leaving it. Sounds kind of depressing if no one has recovered.

    SAB, sorry to hear about your back. Sees right maybe a nice soak in a hot tub can't hurt. Sounds good to me.Your not close to the wildfires are you SAB?

    Went to dinner with DH tonight by ourselves. Nice but our waiter forgot about us. He was new and after we ordered our drinks we waited and waited . Finally I said something to my DH. And the little girl busing the table behind us musty of overheard. Next thing we knew anouther waiter came over and apologized for the other waiter and explained he was new. He took over our table and gave us great service after that. Apparently the couple behind us were giving the new waiter a hard time and kept complaining he messed up their order etc. Pretty much s they could get a free meal. Then I felt bad about complaining . He was trying but had his hands full with that table.

    What can you expect for Applebee s? The long lost DD had brought her pup by and we couldn't be gone too long . He only destroyed a box of Christmas lights. Better than something more expensive. And no accidents. He's fully housetrained now.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2015

    SAB - sorry about your back. Soaking does help. DH had to take muscle relaxers when he had back issues.

    Mostly Sew- sounds like a good support group for your lung issues and maybe they haven't success with treatments but doesn't mean you won't.

    Josie - actually it's my FIL who turned 91. He is doing really well considering his age and the fact my MIL has had Alzheimer's for over 10 years. Heart breaking. Cruel disease.

    My DS was a server for years. It's a hard job and they have to take a lot of grief from customers like the couple you described trying to get a free meal. Some restaurants don't cave though because they pretty much have seen it all so they know what's going on. My son's biggest complaint was people who stayed and stayed even when the restaurant was closing. They even dim the lights and they still didn't leave. Finally had to just tell them to go.

    We went to a b'cue at my stepson's house last night. Really good. DS came too. Lots of conversation about the babies. Not surprised because DS is close to this stepson and his wife. They are good for him. Pretty much told him he has to man up and he will. They have 2 boys. Don't expect that kind of response from my side of the family but I will cross that bridge when the time comes. Stepson is an amazing guy. Just got his masters. Special Ed teacher and handyman on the side. Extremely talented. My personal fav and most like my DH.

    Brother just got a job with Thomas&Betts. He is excited and nervous. Leaving Fedex after 20 years but a great opportunity. He has interviewed for a lot of jobs within Federal Express with an impressive resume including a master's degree and recommendations from other managers but with no success so their loss. Taking him for celebratory lunch tomorrow.

    Josie - your DH is a keeper. We take for granted sometimes they will be there for us but I have read some heartbreaking posts on this website from ladies whose husbands weren't there for them in their hour of need.

    DH's birthday is today. Taking him to dinner tonight with DS. Bought him gift cards from B&N and Lowe's. Loves both stores. He is real handy too like a kid in a candy shop in Lowe's.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Diane, oops sorry I shouldn't rely on my memory when posting .

    Glad to hear your DS is close to his Stepbrother and trusts his advice.Enjoy your dinner with DH hope he has a good Birthday.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2015

    Hi Josie. It's nice that you got a night out, bad service aside. Thank you for asking about the fires. We have had a number of small (less than an acre) spot fires in the area but so far, thankfully, nothing like the fires that are raging inland.

    Edwards, I hope that both sides of the family will pull together, for the babies' sakes. It sounds as though your son will have lots of emotional support, and that's great.

    I'm going to take the good advice you all offered and break for some hot tub time this afternoon. This morning I'm settled in bed with my laptop trying to get some work done.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2015

    Sew, I am so sorry to hear about the relapse. I know it has to be so frustrating but hopefully it is nothing more than a hiccup. I am weaning off Paxil and understand those annoying med adjustments. Hopefully you won't have to be on the 40 mg. for too much longer. Then you can start all over again. I am glad you were able to find a support group for such a rare illness. Promise you won't forget about us though!

    April it was good to hear from you. It sounds as though your life is as hectic as always. We will definitely have a pocket party for you on the 11th. That is something very easy for us to do. Who doesn't love a party?

    Josie sweetie, of course we will have a pocket party for you on Friday. Weird, that is my dad's birthday. :( Looks like I will be making a double batch of cake balls so there are plenty for both parties. I am sure someone else can provide beverages. Try not to worry, I know you will be fine. I am so happy your DH is so supportive, that makes all the difference in the world. He sounds like a gem.

    SAB Yikes on that back. You have no idea what caused it? My Sampson (my other Golden) just started limping this morning. So worrisome these unexplained issues. Try alternating heat and ice if you can. I hope you feel much better soon. I am really relieved to know you are not in danger with those terrible fires.

    Diane it sounds like your DS has several things going in his favor. Having a good job, playing a sport he enjoys and a step brother and SIL who care sure are good pluses. Plus clearly you and DH have done so much for him and he knows how much you love him. I know things simply don 't work themselves out, it takes a lot of work. You are doing all you can Sweetie, know that. I am sorry your family is not supportive and that is tough. I know! More cyber hugs your way.

    Love and hugs to all. :)

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2015

    Hey Sab, you know, when my back starts acting "dicey" and either goes out or threatens to, I find that if I flip my mattress it takes care of the problem. No idea why, but maybe this could work for you?

    Hi Janis, no, I'm not leaving this group. Actually the support group for BOOP is nice since they all suffer from and have information about the disease but I'm not sure they actually form lasting friendships. But this thread is really an overall support support group, and I would never leave this group of women.......we're all friends......

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Janis, I'm looking forward to those cake balls.!!

    Sew, I'm glad you found the support you needed and we feel the same about you..Friend

    SAB, glad your in the range of the wildfires. How the back is getting better.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2015

    Janis - thanks. DH and I have tried our best to steer DS in the right direction but sometimes it doesn't take. He told DH he is working hard to get his own place so his sons will have another home. Of course we will do whatever we can do in the meantime. With 3 large dogs it's going to be dicey.

    GFF invited him to her baby shower which is the weekend of his birthday. A friend of his is going to be a father too and his GFF's mother is hosting the shower for her and my son's GFF. He's not going. This is so awkward. Her family is angry esp her father because my son won't marry her. The rest of the family defines the word dysfunctional. What they have done and still do is beyond despicable. He has no intention of facing that firing squad now. Don't blame him. I feel bad for her but at the same time he has to deal with this his own way. She would like it to be something other than what it is but sadly it's not. What's telling is she didn't invite me. She is ticked because I haven't called to check on her. My son told her he tells us what we need to know. I'm sure we will have conversations post-babies births but not now.

    It serves no purpose for me to be hostile or uncivil to her but right now I am still dealing with the shock of it all. It's a fait accompli(sp) and I get that but I'm still depressed and anxious about it. Praying about it every day.

    SAB - thanks he does have support other than us thankfully. Btw my husband had to sleep on a board too when his back went out.

    Josie- that's k. Just giving my FIL his due. 91 years old and only uses a cane.

    Prayers please - yes again - a lady who was at the tea party yesterday is really suffering. Her BC came back. She had aggressive BC the first go around and now it's come back in her spine and liver. Massive doses of chemo. OMG she looks really bad and it's added 10 years to her appearance. She is so sweet and cheerful it is beyond heartbreaking. She has such faith and courage. I don't know how much more she can take. She has an 11 year old and a 20+ year old. Both boys.

    DH had a nice birthday dinner with myself and DS at Buckley's. Upscale steak restaurant. Good but pricey.

    Thanks again you guys for your support. You are the best! Have a good week!


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2015

    Many, many hugs, Edwards. What a difficult situation! The day of the, "give the baby a name" wedding is long past, but, alas, GFF's father grew up in that time period and clearly finds the concept difficult to step away from. My heart goes out to everyone, to every single member of both families, but mostly to you, of course. How torn you must be-- both totally supporting your son and what is best for him, and, simultaneously considering the welfare of the babies and your future grandmother-ing. It is so difficult to figure out how to move forward, so easy to take exactly the wrong step. I am praying like crazy for the best possible outcome for everyone.

    Glad you found a support group, Sew, and sure hope you soon find some members who have completely recovered, and that you will soon be joining them. Pooey on the medication step backwards!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2015

    ((((Diane)))) Sometimes we are damned if we do or damned if we don't. It is really not up to you to figure out which one. Our children are our greatest joy and yet they are generally responsible for every gray hair on our heads. Hugs and I know that whatever outcome there is, you will make the best of the relationship with all of them and especially with those grandbabies!

    Prayers for your friend. I know how hard it is to worry about dear friends as presently one of mine is very ill. Hugs

    Just wanted to chime in but gotta usual, am going Mach 3 with my hair on fire today. Short-handed is getting on my nerves big time in this office!! Now it is time to sit at front desk and play receptionist (hardest job in this joint if you ask me) and someone should give Marilyn, our normal person, a BIG FAT RAISE!



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2015

    Edwards, I'm sorry about your friend.

    Active shooter training at work today. Isn't that awful?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2015

    Geesh, Sab. But is that like "duck and cover"? Or are you too young for that one.....

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2015

    Thanks SAB - she is such a sweet lady. Bad things truly do happen to good people.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited August 2015

    Hi all,
    Janis, you summed it up well with your advice about Diane's grandbabies.
    Thinking of you as you wean from the drug. It is challenging but it will be worth it.

    Diane, is your son's friend going to the shower? It all sounds like an attempt to support the GFF which I understand. But for your son to face them all, it could be very tough. There is plenty of time for DS and GFF to get together if that turns out to be the right thing for him. It is very good for your son to have the support and advice of your step-son. As a grandparent, the most you can do is to be supportive of the children at every opportunity without going overboard. I am surprised that you were not invited. It is all so complicated. I always said that love in abundance will cover the mistakes. I hope everyone will learn to get along.

    Josie, of course, we'll be in your pocket Friday. I am glad your DH expressed his unconditional support. Waiting is so hard....
    And April, pocket party for you on the 11th.
    And for myself on the 17th.
    Janis, please make 3 batches!

    SAB, walking through the pain is good, but take it easy for awhile. I hope you are feeling better. I know you are busy at work (always!). How is the rogue dog doing?

    Hi Brookside, I hope your summer is going well. Are you working completely from home now? Will you be coming down to CT or LI at all? Have you kept in touch with Runfree? I think of her often...and gemini. And, of course, Joan / Big D. I just wish we had more information.

    I have just 11 more days before full time work starts. When I left, things were not good; but I am working hard at a focal point for myself that does not involve others at work. I need to make the changes work for me. Most of all, I need a short term goal either at work or personal.

    Bogged down with a summer respiratory thing - DH caught it from DS in California; DH brought it home and I got it Monday. Throat, ears, cough...I have been on the sofa for 2 days. Not what I had planned for these last few days of freedom!

    Sew, feel better soon! It is possible that those who have recovered from BOOP are no longer on the support site. While others' experiences can contribute to our knowledge, we are all unique.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2015

    Here's to perfectly unremarkable imaging today, Josie.

    Joan, no, I have not been in touch with RunFree, although i have several times been very, very close to sending her a PM. Perhaps I'll do it now that you've given me that little nudge. I'll be in CT sometime soon for the new baby's baptism. As of now, the kids are trying to figure out who the godparents should be. Very political decision! In a couple of weeks I'll visit my cousin in Austerlitz, NY. Anybody happen to be going near there?

    Only eleven days left? Today I suppose that'll be ten. If it weren't for the money and the benefits and the students andt the intellectual stimulation and the neat new office space and the lovely commute.. . . .

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited August 2015

    Brookside you are reading my mind today. There are seemingly unfair and unfavorable changes coming at work; but you just listed why I'll stay. I have now qualified for free medical for life by completing 10+ years. Pension will never be big. DH and I must experiment with living one salary for a few months. If we can do it, then we have options.

    I took my indoor kitty outside for a supervised walk this morning (mostly holding her). I showed her trees and birds and grass...she was so excited. I'd like her to come out on the deck with me but I cannot risk her disappearing. She is slow to move and inexperienced outside. Large feral / outdoor cats have been in our yard. There are also coyotes in my town yet.

    Has anyone every tried an outdoor enclosure for an indoor kitty?

    Josie, don't forget the big pockets tomorrow.

    PS -- maybe we can dream about a Northeast meet up this fall. We were so close, but so many life-interruptions were happening.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2015

    Joan, I would love to have an outdoor enclosure for kitties but never had the funds. We used to take one cat camping with us and got a harness for him he could not escape from. He loved riding in the truck and loved to have that 12' of freedom on his leash. He was a character. Later couldn't keep him in, too many exciting things on the prairie to explore. He was never allowed out at night but one evening managed to sneak out when the dogs went out for late night potty. We never saw him again and searched long and hard. My current three can go out back, we have a huge yard. Initially when we moved here we kept them in a harness and a light rope in the yard. One day we saw Pistol's harness in the yard and no Pistol in it. We were horrified, terrified. Called and called and then we noticed him lying a few feet away in the grass, looking at us like "what"? LOL. If you can find a well fitting harness that is escape proof that is one way you and she can enjoy being outdoors together knowing she is safe. I highly recommend getting her a cat tower of some kind. Cats for the most part love exploring high places. My DH built one for ours with the round tubes to sleep in at three different levels, and toys dangling off the sides and a basket at the very top which is Pistol's very favorite spot. Also used PVC pipe for the support beams and covered them all with sisal rope. All the cats love the different scratching posts built in. Cats really love them and you can buy them online and look at different sizes and styles to fit both your space and budget. We are making a new one soon just to change things up. Loads of fun for sure for them.

    Of course I will make more cake balls for your party Joan. Turning out to be a busy month with the parties, but I love making them for all of you.

    Diane I am thinking of you and hoping you are going through a bit of a calm period. I am so bad at keeping up with things lately, but trying hard to get better. I love you all and hope I never ignore any of you.

    SAB, wow on the training required. It is a sad tribute to where this society has taken us.

    Brookside how nice you get to travel for the baptism. I have never been back east but I know traveling from state to state is nothing like the west. I remember years ago living in a smaller Wyoming city our shopping was very limited. Our carafe had broken on our coffee pot and I could not find a replacement for it in town. It wasn't a common brand, and not even a universal pot would work. I called the toll free number for the company which I think was in RI. She said she could search for a store that would carry it. Great! She finally said she found a store that had it. It was in Sheridan. I had to laugh, I told her that wasn't going to work as it was way too far. She asked how far and I told her it was well over 300 miles. Sheepishly she asked "is it in the same state"? I got such a kick out of that. I did order online which I was trying to avoid due to the shipping charges. Oh well, that has always made me giggle!

    Josie those cake balls are all ready for tomorrow. You will have a very crowded pocket and an excellent report!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2015

    Yes DS's friend is going Joan. I'm up for going if DS decides he wants to go but not by himself. Make no mistake I'll be his shield if I have to. He will have to face them sooner or later just not now.

    Sorry you aren't feeling well. So flipping hot here even after the storms. Some people won't have their power restored until midnight Sunday. Brutal.

    Thanks Janis. Alls quiet for now. Helped with church's rummage sale sorting today. Ugh. Nightmare to organize and price. Sale is August 29.

    Josie - we are all praying for you tomorrow.


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited August 2015

    (shyly) Is there a particular protocol (forgive the pun) for starting a 'season' thread for people undergoing radiation treatment? I'll be starting on August 31st--sim on the 26th--and I'd like to hear from women (and men!) who'll be undergoing this in the fall.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2015


    Good idea to start a fall radiation group. I didn't know how to start a topic either so I just checked the Help file, and to start a new topic, you go to the fourm (in this case radiation before and after) and then just click the button which says "start a new topic". that way you'll be conversing with people who will be going thru the same things as you are at the same time. Of course, you're always welcome to check back in here too.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited August 2015

    Oh, I'll definitely still be checking in here/radiation recovery as well. If only to converse with the lovely ladies here, and see if there's any questions I can answer in future.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Joan,Brookside,Janis,Diane, and anyone else I missed .Thanks so much for the support and prayers. I was so nervous and thinking the worst last week but all the sudden a sense of calm came over me. When I say I had thought the worse I was already thinking about what would it be like to have chemo and how would I tell the family. I can't believe I let myself go there. I'm much more calm now but still prepared either way.

    Joan, I hope your feeling better soon. Just rest up and what a good idea to have a plan . Enjoy your new office.

    Brookside, I too think about Runfree and Big D, Gemini and others we haven't heard from lately. Haven't heard from Redheaded lately or the sweet lady from Canada.

    Terribly busy day at work and my totally clueless managers decided to bring an MA from dermatology to run patients while I handle the front. She hasn't worked our department in years and tried but didn't do too well.Then my only other MA is so stressed because she didn't have time to train her and do her job too and got news that her Grandfather died tonight.She even admitted today would of went much better with me in the back. Remember the girl that was so mean to me? That is who they sent us today. But is was different to see her a little stressed for once.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited August 2015

    Josie, I'm still up and thinking of you...sending a special prayer for your test and for calmness. I will head to bed soon but hard to sleep since my sinuses are blocked. I will fall asleep eventually. And when I awake, I will be in your pocket with savory treats! I am glad you found some calm moments.

    Diane, my friend lives in southern Illinois and he couldn't believe the storms that passed through. Glad you came through OK. We have not had rain in so long in my area. 20 years ago we had a wildfire in my town which burned for 2 days. Long Island is not very wide so they aren't huge; but it was in the high 90s and everything was catching fire. I had big cinders falling on my roof. The smoke was bad. It is that dry once hoping it rains soon.
    Diane, if your son did decide to go, I hope you would be able to go as well. It would demonstrate your support and that your son is not running from his responsibility. But it could be too much for him. Your job is to support your son, right? He needs that. By the way, there is no 'road map' for this situation...just put one foot in front of the other and trust God will lead.

    Queen, we will be thinking of you as you start your treatment at the end of the month. Check to see if someone already has an August thread - if so, maybe you can start a September thread. Great idea for helps so much to talk with others who are going through it together.

    Janis, I like your ideas for kitty mobility. DH wants to harness her...I think she wouldn't like it. I looked at the cat enclosures...that's a maybe. She is very stand-offish lately. It's probably a result of boarding and the fact that I have to put drops in her ears which she hates. So she steers clear of me. I don't mind giving her space.
    Has it cooled down at all where you are?

    Sew, how are you feeling?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Joan, I too had trouble sleeping too. Nightmares about Cobras chasing me and Wolves. I know it's the stress and my lexapro causes vivid dreams like that..

    As I climbed into bed last night I remembered it was charger I was trying to think of her screen name.

    Also Gigil has been MIA too. Hope all is well with her too.

    Got to run soon. My mammogram is at 7:30 am and They want me there by 7:15 .

    Time for my coffee and oatmeal.

    Have a good day. I will let everyone know this evening when I get home tonight My results.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2015

    Josie, in your pocket chica!

    Joan, cats do hold a bit of a grudge sometimes when you leave them for a little while. My Jack (who has since gone over rainbow bridge) used to ignore me when we returned from even a long weekend! Even though we used a pet sitter who came to our home and he was never inconvenienced, the little devil still got mad at us for a few days. LOL As for outside, we closed off the area to the stairs on our back deck and when we are out there only, we let Simon out with us. If he climbs on the railing, we scold him and pull him off. Helps a lot that he is not very brave when he is outside. He jumps a mile if he hears something not normal to him...LOL

    Shout outs to everyone. As usual, busy busy day ahead at work and must prepare all of the files for my appointment which begin at 9. Our boss has left for greener pastures (only lasted a year and I knew this would happen cause even though she was awesome, she is young and ambitious!) so now I am once again the defacto supervisor until they hire someone. I personally stopped applying for these jobs. They always hire someone much younger (not too smart since they always leave) than me so I learned not to put myself through it anymore.
