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Radiation recovery



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Janis and Mostlysew. I will  be in my ownbed tomorrow night Hooray. Last night on the  ba chelor C asey was eliminated. Too  bad I wanted Courtney to go. Stephn I hope ev erything went well today.

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2012

    Hey girls!  Thanks so much for all the thoughts and sweet wishes!  I would've posted earlier but couldn't log in from my phone.  All went well today.  I had to get extra pictures (of course) and had to have an ultrasound for a lump under my armpit.  I had noticed it after surgery last fall and my MO was watching it.  Anyway, they ultrasounded it and it was nothing.  Some muscle or tendon or something that wasn't where it used to be.  What a HUGE relief!  

    The radiologist who came in (at my clinic a doctor always comes in for an ultrasound) said that I have to remember that I've had surgery (really?) and things will feel different and look different and we all have to get used to the new normal, even on mammogram pictures.  So, I'm all clear for six more months when I go back for the bilateral.

    Kate, I'm so glad to hear that you are getting to go home.  It's been a long road for you.  I hope your recovery is smooth sailing from here on out!

    Lisa, keeping you in my thoughts as this week goes by.  Just a few more days and hopefully you will be on the mend!

    MostlySew, a knitting convention sounds like so much fun!  I don't knit...I used to sew when my kids were little, though. 

    I'm taking Femara, too.  It's not so bad.  A few aches and pains, but I'm taking fish oil and curcumin and that seems to help.  

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2012

    stephN, I am so glad that you received good news today.  Enjoy the six months without mammograms or ultrasounds.

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2012

    All clear never sounded so good...Steph do something special for yourself. After all the stress you deserve it.

    Mostlysew that sounds like so much fun... I can't wait to have a party in my pocket. Everybody can hop in 9:00am Friday. I will be the one smiling all day cause my BCO friends are with me. What a comfort knowing you will be there... Hugs

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Steph...YIPPEE on a good outcome for you!  I know you must be feeling lots better just knowing all is well.  I am really happy this is behind you now.

    Kate I bet you are thrilled to be going home.  We'll have a Welcome Home party for you!  Enjoy being in your own bed for a change.

    Irw....We will be with you my friend.  Pocket party!  Sending TONS of healing energy your way.  I get up early, your surgery is 7:00 my time.  I'll bring the coffee to the party, okay?  I am sure it will be appreciated as we all wait.  Plus tea for those who prefer.

  • kicks
    kicks Member Posts: 319
    edited February 2012

    Knitting - so easy to do I'm told. "I'll teach you!" - I can't begin to remember how many times I've been told that and the same number have given up on me learning - it just doesn't make sense to me. I'm a fairly good crocheter and a great tatter. Actually I can't remember a time I could not tat - G-mother used it to teach me counting when very little.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Stephn. I am so gl ad that you had good news. Irw I am thinking ab o ut you and sending go od vib esd hugs. Tonight I will  be in  my own b ed YEAH!!!!!! I will also  be typing on a keyb oard  that   does not skip. I ha ve to g et i v antib iotic s for at least a week, so a nurse will c ome to my house to administer it. Of c ourse, I still will require one more surgery in a few months to replac e the implant. That surgery will b  e my 6th since July 8, 2011. I  can't thank ev eryone enough for all of the support you hav e g iv en me. What a wonderful b unch of sisters.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Home sweet home! It feels so good, and it is a gorgeous 80 degrees in Santa Monica today. A nurse is coming to my home at 5 to give me iv antibiotics. I can rest and take it easy at home through Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday I have doctor's appointments. Again, thank you everyone for your support.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2012

    Welcome home, Kate.  I am so glad that you are out of the hospital. Enjoy the gorgeous weather.  Even us folks in the northeast are experiencing great weather today.

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2012

    Thank you ladies for caring!  I told my daughter that you all had a party in my "pocket" while I was at the doctor and she nearly cried.  She was the one actually with me at the doctor's office.  They love seeing her cute face and she makes me laugh by making inappropriate "boob" jokes.  

    Kate, I'm so glad you're out of the hospital and in your own place!!

    Lisa, my thoughts are with you for your surgery tomorrow.



  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Welcome home Kate. I know your happy to be there.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2012

    Yay for being home kate!  Hooray for good mammos and easy surgeries (I hope.) 

    Had a routine follow-up appointment with my RO today.  All is well in sab-ville so far.   Bone scan coming up in 6 days. Oh I just hate waiting for tests.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Welcome home Kate.....I can imagine how good it must feel to finally be there!  Now stay put for awhile, please! :)

    Steph, your daughter sounds like a real doll.  How old is she?  You are so lucky to have her.

    SAB.....Glad to hear your RO appointment went well.  I hate waiting for tests too.  Will be thinking of you  next Tuesday and sending happy thoughts! 

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Janis, great idea for the coffee and tea for Irw's pocket party Friday. I'd bring donuts, but have vowed to be on the rabbit food brigade, so how about some....ummm..carrots? Oh, and don't forget, you also need to pay attention to your pocket, because we're also all going with you to the LE Specialist appt to make sure they can offer some relief........And ladies, I promise to bring my smallest knitting needles so I don't poke any of you inadvertently.

    Steph.....I'm so glad you've gotten thru that. I was a miserable wreck when they did my Ultrasound after 3 months, but it's such a relief to be done. Glad you could feel the support....the people in your pocket were wonderful to be with. We tried to keep the loud cheering down when you got your great report, but it was difficult!

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 920
    edited February 2012

    YAy Kate!  So glad you are home and enjoying fresh air and warm temps.  Let that sun heal you.  Steph, so glad your reports were all good.  You daughter is such a sweetheart coming with you and giving you that much needed support.  You are blessed.  SAB one more appointment that you can put in the past, and the bone scan will be normal - completely normal.  MostlySew, glad you are going to bring the smallest needles.  That is very thoughtful of you.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Gigigl. The nuirse was here about an hour ago to attach my line with iv antibiotics,and gave me a fanny pack to walk around with. She will come back everyday at noon, and I don't have to do a thing. As far as I know I only have to wear it a week. I see my infectious disease doctor next Wednesday, and hopefully I can get rid of it. I probably will kind of hide out all week, because I hate for anyone to know that I was ill, and wearing an iv tube is a dead give away. I am enjoying a probably forbidden Chardonnay( I didn't ask), and the comfort of my home. I am thinking about you irw. As you know Lisa I am resilient, and I will be resilient for both of us. You can do this. You will get through it easily with your sisters holding your hand for support. Many Hugs!!! I wish I could be there in person to hold your hand. You are a sweetheart. 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,981
    edited February 2012
    LET'S HAVE A PARTY FOR KATE!  I'm bringing cupcakes....Joan

    Home sweet Home
  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2012

    Congratulations SAB !!! Praying for good bone scan results. We will all wait with you...

    Steph what a sweet daughter you have.  We know where she gets that from....And she makes good boob jokes..hehe

     Kate Thank you for your kind words So sweet..... And YEAH!!!   (Happy Dance) Welcome Home and drink one for me. I can't.    ;(      Time to let the healing begin....  

    These pocket party sound like so much fun. Mostlysew so glad your taking your needles. Can you poke them if they get out of line perhaps???      ;)     So Thankful that all of you will be with me.... I am truly blessed to have such wonderful and caring sisters...Janis you have such a good heart. Always there to listen. Thank you.

    After another rough night, I can't wait till Friday. This has just about got the better of me. I just got home from the emergency room (2:15am) AGAIN.  God forbid I should eat Jello and very bland tomato soup... Eating very little and the LE in my leg is huge from the IV's they keep giving me. I am so bloated I have gained 10 pds.I am sure most of it is water in my leg and stomach.  This to shall pass. lol  Hugs....

    EDIT: Thanks for letting me vent...

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 2012

    I haven't read the thread (because it is huge), but hope it is ok if I ask a question here. How long does the pain last? I finished rads last Friday. There is one sore under my arm. Today, 6 days out, it HURTS, under the arm, across the chest etc. It is bearable, but really unpleasant, with occasional stabs of really sharp pain in various places. Is this normal, how much longer, anything I can do?

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    glad you are home Kate....don't you just love the smell of your own sheets!!  That is such a comfort for me.

    Kicks:  I can relate to the "I'll teach you".  Mom tried to teach me to knit and crochet, only know how to do basic knitting and can make great wool scarfs but the crocheting, no way.  Although I do some awesome needlepoint and guess what, tried to teach mom and she gave up.  So now we're even.

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    question for you ladies, did anyone have breathing soreness during radiation?  I wake up in the morning and when inhailing I have some discomfort.  It goes away.  This morning though it's still with me and I have been up for a couple hours. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Momine, it may take awhile for the pain to subside.  Rads really irritates both incisions and it may not calm down for a bit.  Sorry you have to go through this.  Hugs!

    Joan...I am all for a party with such good looking cupcakes!  Welcome home party...count me in. 

    Kate..Welcome home!  Enjoy your own bed, but be careful please mixing wine with pain meds.  I hope you are feeling much better!  Hugs to you.

    king...I had a couple of episodes of breathing and pain during rads.  I went to see my RO's nurse for the first episode as the pain was so bad.  She told me to go to the ER to rule out a cardiac event.  After many cardiac tests, they decided I had either Costcochondritis or pluresy....likely from rads.  There is not much they could do, pain meds and back home, Advil.  The second time it happened I ignored it but it took hours to subside.  How soon before you return to your doctor?  You need to mention this, especially if the pain keeps you up.  I would give them a call.  Hope you feel better soon and please keep us posted.  Hugs and much luck.

    Irw.....I am SO sorry you are in such misery!  Trips to the ER are no fun for sure.  I am all ready for your pocket party tomorrow for your surgery.  May get a bit crowded in there!  You have quite the cheering section here and tons and tons of love and support. 

    Sending love and hugs to all.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 2012

    Rats! Buyt thanks for the heads up, Janis.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2012

    Friday is almost here irw, and you will soon feel better.  Now, where can I sit in this pocket...quite a crowd!

    Great week to relax and recover has been so gorgeous out.  Enjoy.

    Momine, congrats on finishing!  I think my initial pain from skin issues took as long as a very bad sunburn to heal, but keep in mind that the internal changes in your breast tissue will continue for months.  I hope your RO has given you some soothing creams.

    Thanks everyone, your prayers and good thoughts must have worked really well.  My PCP emailed me last night and said that the tumor markers on my blood tests were so low that she wants to cancel the bone scan and address my pain with a visit to a "physical" doctor.  I have never heard of this type of specialist but anything that prevents me from more radiation sounds good to me! 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Ladies my gift to you today. Copy and paste or click on to enjoy a beautiful aurora borealis show.

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2012

    ptdreamers that was breathtaking. Calmed me down for a few mins. Thank you... 

    Ladies I will find bigger pockets if I have to. I want you to be comfortable and happy.  And well just party!  ;)   Oh and keep them straight while they work on me....Kate how you doing today? I hope all is well.  Hugs and Prayers,

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    janis:  thanks for reply.  I actually suffer from costocondritis due to fibromyalgia.  Thought that it might be that but it feels a little different, especially when I breath in.  I see my RO on Monday and will mention it to him.  I brought this up about the fibro before I began my rads and he said that I might have a flare up.  The nerve endings a flaring up here and there too.

  • GabbyCal
    GabbyCal Member Posts: 46
    edited February 2012

    Momine - As to post-radiation healing time. My experience was that it took 6-8 weeks for my skin to recover. The internal healing takes a lot longer. Like a year or more. It's gradual and it's not like I'm in constant pain. I can just feel changes that I associate with healing and I'm coming up on a year. 

    Gentle, controlled stretching is very good to promote healing safely. Avoid lifting heavy objects on your radiated side. Have patience. You're through the toughest part, but unfortunately it's not an immediate "back to normal" the day after you finish radiation. (Which, silly me, I was expecting.) 

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 920
    edited February 2012

    Irw, you will have quite a group of us there in your pockets.  Picture us sipping tea, chatting quietly and pacing a little until we hear the surgery is over and you are on the road to recovery.  We will occupy ourselves watching MostlySew knit, and that will help to keep us calm.  You will feel our energy and know we are there.

    kingjr66 I also have fibromyalgia and I have had some trouble with costochondritis.  Sometimes inhaling can be painful.  I had a particularly miserable bout of it after a slight cold, and it comes back from time to time.  I alternate heat with cold, and use one extra strength tylenol and one ibuprofen when it gets too miserable.  My dentist clued me into that combination, and it works very well.  I have also used aspercreme with some success, but stay AWAY from capsacin.  That stuff is horrible.

    SAB HOORAY for the low tumor markers.  That is the kind of news you deserve to hear.  

    Momine, the pain got much better about two weeks out for me.  I remember wondering if it would ever end.  It did! 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Saab and Irw. I still have some pain, but thank God its not as bad as it was. I don't like the iv at home, but thank goodness its only for a week. It felt so good to sleep in my own bed last night. Today we had another gorgeous sunny day in the 70's, and I went out for a little bit.The sun felt so good, especially after being pale for 2 weeks. I will find out if the infection is all gone next week, when they stop the iv antibiotics. That will be a little scary for me. If there still is infection the pain will increase, and I will need further treatment of some kind. Irw I will be thinking about you, and keeping my fingers crossed that this goes as smoothly as possible for you. Plrase post as soon as you can to let your worry-wart sisters know you are alright.Hugs, Hugs, and more hugs.