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Radiation recovery



  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    Kate: so sorry for all your troubles still. Love the hug above for you.

    2 weeks out, 4 more to go.  I have a terrible cold right now due to co-worker who would not stay home last week when she was sick.  Already threw her into the fire and hexed her with bad karma.  Some nerve paid and looking just "tannish". 

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2012

    kingjr Hang in there. It is rough but doable. Promise..... I hope you are feeling better soon from your cold too.

    Kate Hugs!!!!        

    Janis thinking of you as always. I have been up 2 nights. I know what you mean. Surely they will sort it out soon... When I was taking high doses of Gabapentin I could not even remember my phone number. It was bad. But b/c of my stomach issues they switched me to Lyrica. Suppose to be the same drug made a different way. I really like it and have my memory back. Yeah!!!

    Thank you everyone for all the encouragement and your experiences with it. I have BIG pockets for Friday..... Kinda scared and trying to work through it..... I hope everyone has a lovely, peaceful day.... Hugs

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Irw333, We are lining up for the pocket brigade. Take care.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Ptdreamers and kingirl66. I think my do ctors all took  president's day       off,  because tey       ha venot  come to see  me yet.  My   breast is still  red, and I still ha vepain, so I don't know when I wil get released. Kingr I am sorry that     you ha vea cold, and I hope you feel b eter soon. Irw I f orgo t to  thank you. I will  be sending food  vibes your way, and hope your surg ery g oes well.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    king....i am so sorry about your cold.  I am just getting over one so I feel for you.  Some can linger so long and just make you feel generally crappy.  Get well soon.  Healing hugs to you.

    Kate, I know how sick you must be of being sick and stuck in that hospital too!  I truly hope you get a release date soon and can go recover in the comfort of your own home.  Feel better soon!

    Irw...feel better too sweets.  I will be deep in your pocket on your surgery.  Having to have my gall bladder removed was many years ago and an emergency situation for me.  I had the large incision which was very painful.  However once I healed all my symptoms disappeared.  You have been through so much.  I know you have a lot of love and support here.  I am sure everyone feels you pain.  Soon it will be better, I promise.  Hang in there and PLEASE don't be a stranger here.  Hugs to you. 

    Hugs to all of you as you struggle to feel better!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2012

    Kate, I can't believe how much you've been through and how long this ordeal has been for you. You WILL see the other side. Big Hugs!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Janis and Trueb ff.Your support is so g ood for me. I am hangig in there. Thank G od it is not sc ary like te  canc er we hav e all  been through, b ut itis ag g ra vatig and painful.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012
    Got your back, Sister!
  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2012

    ptdreamers that is sooo cute... I want to learn how to do that and copy and paste.  Thank you I need you in my pocket for sure. So glad you will be there.... Janis I am a lucky girl to have you for a friend... Thanks and feel better soon!!!  Kate I wish I could do something for you.  It must be so hard for you to stay in the hospital for so long. I stayed 7 days one time for pneumonia and pleurisy. It drove me nuts.. lol Just know many healing prayers are coming your way. I hope your home soon . Hugs, Lisa

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Kate aggravating and painful is just no fun.  One day at a time.  Keep healing!

    I made an appointment to have an LE evaluation Friday.  I am going to the Elk's Wound Center, which my BS referred me to weeks ago, but my RO steered me on a totally different course.  More meds and no LE therapy at all.  Today Imade the decision to at least go for the evaluation.  This has been really bothering me, and I feel better already just knowing I am going. will feel better soon, but I know how frustrated you have been feeling so losuy.  Trust me in knowing that agony should end as soon as that gall bladder is out.  Friday my friend...soon.  What time is your surgery scheduled?  Let us know.  We need to get the pocket party planned!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Ok, Ladies, I'm in for Irw's pocket party, although I will have to jump out occasionally. I'm going to a 4 day knitting convention this weekend and am totally excited! Perhaps I should get the yarn to knit get well soon shawls for Irw's and Kate and Janis?

    Kate....I've got it.....your poor breast is still pink because you're carrying all of us in your pocket! I think we should move to the one on the other side so you can get home. Hugs...

    Janis.....I'm so glad you're going to get the LE evaluation. Some doctors still don't really believe that LE is an actually curable thing not that those Drs aren't good...they just don't believe. So.....I bet it does feel good to try another route with all this pain and swelling you've had all this time. I believe we all have to be our own best advocates and do everything we can. Perhaps they won't be able to help, but you will have tried it! Good luck, and let us know. I'll be quite busy jumping out of Kate's pocket in to yours and Irw's and then off to knitting classes and the shopping mall.

    Hugs everyone...keep on healing......

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2012

    Kate, big hugs for you! Hope your docs get that pain and infection under control ASAP!!

    Janis, so sorry that you're still struggling with that LE and pain.

    Lisa, I know you're so ready for that to be done and over!

    Kingjr, you are on your way!  Hugs for the cold!!

    I have my appt with the breast clinic and my surgeon tomorrow.   

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Steph, is this a 6 month check up? That is scary. I won't see my surgeon till a year after the diagnosis, so I've got a bit of time to go for that. Here's hoping you pass with flying colors, and can mark this off your checklist. Perhaps we should have a pocket party for you for tomorrow. I'll be there: you never can have too much moral support! Hugs

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Tha you  Irw,  Janis, Mostlysew, ad Stephn. Mostly sew  I hope you  hav eso muc h fun at your knitting c onv ention. You are a  sweetheart and you deser ve   a  g ood           t ime.Stephn I  hope all   go es  well at your appointments tomorrow. My doc tor  c hanged my pain meds to perc oc et, and it seems to b e working. G ot to g oand watc h the b ac helor. G osh I hate C ourtney. I t hink B en will c hoose Lindsay.Courtney li ves in my   city                                                                                                   Santa moni ca, so I hope they show some o Santa Monic a tonight

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2012

    kate, I always loved Santa Monica it's beautiful.  Hang tough, you'll be out of the hospital and enjoying your town in a blink!

    Janis, I'm glad you are looking at every avenue.  For me, it WAS breast and trunk LE but my Dr.s took a long time to figure it out. 

    Irw and StepN I know we are all thinking about you guys this week.  Steph I just had my 6 month and I know you'll feel SO good after it is over.  Irw, I hope that Friday comes and goes quickly, and that you feel better soon. 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,981
    edited February 2012

    Glad to hear the perc may be working for you.  Are you still taking the antibiotics?  Such an ordeal!  This has been going on so long.....please come home soon.
    I'm with you - I watch the bachelor for pure mindless escape-ism....tonite surely shows what the bachelor wants and doesn't want.  Not sure how it will end...
    I started Femara and so far, no new side effects.
    I traveled to (of all places in winter) Buffalo.  It's been cool.  Leaving for NYC in a few hours.  Gotta get sleep.....hoping to hear good news soon.
    Mostly Sew - loved your description of the whales.  How exciting to see that.
    Good wishes and HUGS going out to all tonight.


  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2012

    How do you copy and paste a picture here?

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2012

    Kate, I hope you will be able to go home soon.  I admit to being a fan of The Bachelor show, too. Every Tuesday, my daughter and I call each other to discuss the latest episode.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 920
    edited February 2012

    Kate and Joan I watched the Bachelor tonight too.  Poor Ben,  I'm afraid he is going to pick the wrong girl.  Dang it Kate, it has been a long haul for you.  I surely do hope your doctors see much improvement tomorrow and let you go home.  I know you want to sleep in your own bed.

    Janis, I am glad you are getting another opinion.  I think that is always a good idea when you are feeling doubts.

    Irw, wishing you quick healing and easier times.  

    MostlySew I love your whale story and analogy.  It is a comforting thought.  Enjoy your convention.  It sounds like a lot of fun and soothing to the spirit.

    Steph, I know you will be glad to get past that check up.  I had mine awhile back, and I was glad to check out fine.  Every milestone helps.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    hank you Joan, Saab , Eliza beth, and G ig il. It is lonely in the hospital,  but I ha ve felt your support. Joan I am taking  iv antib iotics, and will ha veto c ontinue it at home. I ha ve a pic c  line, and will hav e a nurse  come to the  house ev ery day to administer it. I am gl ad you are hav ing no side ef fects from F emera. Enjoy NYC. I lov e it there. THe b achelor is definitely mindless esc apism, whic h I really need to take my mind off things right now. My g uess is that the final two women will b e  C ourtney and Lindsay. I am hoping B en will   come to his senses and c hoose Lindsay. C ourtney is suc h a B ----.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Steph, I had my 6 month checkup last month.  No problems at all except the BS noted the LE.  Will be thinking of you today!

    MostlySew.....have fun on your convention.  I wish I had learned to knit sometimes.  It seems like a dying art.  My mother knitted and she did such beautiuful work!  She had knitted a blanket for my sister, had bought the pattern for mine (I picked it out when she visited..we lived in different states), and when she became suddenly ill, I found the yard.  It broke my heart...she was gone just five days after I got to her and less than 2 weeks after being diagnosed with lung cancer.  Anyway I really admire the talent and hope you have a wonderful time at your convention!

    Kate....I am glad the pain meds are working.  Now just to get you home!  I had a pic line too, they are easy to care for.  I learned to just infuse myself, easy!  Of course the nurses still came every other day to deliver fresh antibiotics and flush the line.  Get home soon!

    trubuff...I have never been able to figure out how to get one here easily.  I finally discovered the easiest way, just post the pic on FB and copy and paste it from there to here.  You can always delete it right off FB if you don't want it there.  I hope that helps!

    I must be the only one who doesn't watch that show!  I don't really watch any reality shows except "America's Got Talent" in the summer, and some of the cooking competitions.  I have never seen Idol!  LOL.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2012

    Joan, I'm joining the rabbit food brigade too - got to make a dent on these extra pounds.  By the way, I was in Costa Rica when I felt the earthquake - 5.8 they said.  I had never experienced one before, it was pretty wild.  It happened at 5am, the bed was shaking like crazy, I woke up and asked my husband what he was doing :)  Then he says "it's an earthquake!" and I hopped out of that bed real fast. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Pat1.....the last time Iwas in an earthquake was in California in 1980 I think. It hit about  5AM and got us all up out of our beds.  I was in Fresno visiting my mom with my two very young children.  The epicenter was near Yosemite, about 70 miles away, and it killed one person.  I lived in SF as a child and remember a couple from then.  They are very unsettling.  That day there were many aftershocks so it kind of keeps you on edge.

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2012

    Steph Thainking of you today. I hope everything goes well.... Kate hang in there surely you will be in your on bed soon.... Mostlysew that sounds like so much fun.. I crochet but never learned to knit.  Pocket party? I like the sound of that. I have plenty of room. Thank you everyone.. I am off to do my pre admission testing today.It will be interesting to see what vein they get. Mine are awful. I keep hoping this is a bad dream and I will wake up soon. Oh well. Hugs....

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Janis and Irw. I am feeling b etter and most likely will  be ab le to go hoe tomorrow. Irw I know this is a scary,  but remem ber that          you ha ve  a to of support and we will help you g etthrough it. I am throwing wonderful v ib es your way.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Irw...hoping all goes will with the pre-op stuff today.  Will be waiting for news!

    Kate...going home tomorrow would be great!  I hope that becomes a reality.  Hugs!

    Joan....I have never been back east.  Have fun in NYC today and I hope you find your good news!

    SAB.....I don't know why some doctors take so long to recognize Truncal LE.  My RO does...but for some reason does not think the massage therapy is helpful.  I just find that so bizarre.

    Hugs and happiness all around!

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    mostlysew:  my mother has been knitting for 70 years.  She evens crochets and quilts.  Her grandmother taught her when she was 10.  She has knitted 100's and 100's of blankets and sweaters for newborns and friends and family.  there is not a single household in the town that she lives in that has not received one of her creations. She is so talented.  She would love a convention like this.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012 mom did the same thing,  Whenever a friend of mine had a baby, they got a blanket and often a sweater.  I still have a couple sweaters she made for my sons when they were little.  She loved beautiful and whimsical buttons!  She made countless blankets and sweaters and such for her coworkers, the nurses or aides that she worked with, etc.  It was just her passion.  She would have loved it too.  Gone at 65....such a great loss for me.  Your mom sounds like her! 

  • JazzG3
    JazzG3 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2012
    Hey everyone, I'm in year nine this year and  I've decided to do a project on Breast cancer, but I'm also focusing on cancer in general. I'm just wondering about your period after you've had treatment. I really want to find out if it still comes every month.Cool
  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Irw......a pocket party is great! We all go with you and give moral support while you're meeting with the Doc. We attempt to stay quiet during that time, but sometimes you'll feel a few of us giggling at something silly, or, heavens forbid...dancing! The dancing only happens when you're all thru and well. So.....wel'll all be with you (in spirit) for support for your surgery and when you wake up, we'll all still be with you. We might even clean up the crumbs from the tea and crumpets when youre done. Fun, huh?

    Kate...I just knew you'd get better as soon as we changed pockets so we were no longer making that breast pink! And they think it's the Percocet! Hopefully you're home in your own bed tonight.

    I've only watched bachelor once, a week, tell me...which one was eliminated last night? How did those home visits go?

    Steph......did it go well today? Hope so, and that you don't have to go back for another 6 months.

    Keep on healing, everyone......