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Radiation recovery



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Janis I am sorry       if you are not feeling well.   I don't think I will      be  g oing home with a pi c c line now that    I am g oing to  ha ve surg ery tomorrow.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Kate, bummer about surgery. Hopefully that will clear it right up and you can be back on the recovery path.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you ptdreamers. I hope that will be the              case

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2012

    Hi all I am also starting my year follow up next week I know all is going to be ok,  Have a great weekend and stay warm

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2012

    Kate, Good luck on your surgery.  I hope you will feel better very soon.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Eliza beth. I ama little sc ared,  but I will  be   ok.My surg ery isnot till 2 pm pac ific time which is 5 est. I will post to let you know that I am ok as soon as I  can.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2012
    hope you are sleeping by now, but my thoughts are with you.  You are one brave lady!
    You gave it your best to try to heal with antibiotics.
    but enough is enough....praying you are now on the way back to health and comfort.
    Hope your hospital gown has big pockets 'cause we are all jumping in....if not, we'll hang on the hem.
    You are not alone....
    gentle hugs and prayers....and healing thoughts.
    xoxo Joan
  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2012
    Stage 1,
    I am not sure what you need to know....I was looking at my 30 day rads dose and it is ridiculously high....worrying about the other tests seems like trying to swat a fly off an elephant. 
    That said, I do agree that from here on in we should be conservative with the radiation tests, if that is even possible.  I will PM some web links.
    It is all so crazy - the things we have to do to be rid of BC.
  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2012

    Thinking of you today Kate. Hope all goes well with your surgey,,,,

    Janice I hope your Dr. is right and you do NOT have LE. Either way it sounds very painful. Then to have that nasty cold you have. I beat your feeling really down. I hope your feeling better soon.... 

    Lynniea Congratulations on your 1 year cancerversary early!!!

    Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and support you give to me. Ladies you Rock... Means more then you will ever know to never be alone through all the madness... BC sucks!!! 

    Hugs and Prayers

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Irw and Joan. Joan my hospital  gown does  ha ve  big po ckets, and your support andthe other sister's support will bewith    me in the operating room. It is 7 am here in Santa Monica, C a., and my surgery is  at 2. I  will post to let you know that   I am ok as soon as I can. Thank you e veryone for your support. I feel it and it has go tt en me through these rough times.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2012

    Thanks Irw333 I know all will be well God has been very good to me.  I am going back to work on March 10.  I work at a seasonal restaurant they where nice and considerate to hold my position for the year.  I worked for them for 10 years.  I love it.  It is outside and very busy place.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2012

    Back from vacation in Costa Rica, what a wonderful place!  I caught a sailfish, experienced an earthquake, and went ziplining down a mountain.  For the first time since my diagnosis, I felt so perfectly normal and alive, know what I mean?  It was an awesome feeling.  Now back to work, ugh.  My goal now is to lose some weight, I have really porked out since going on tammi.  I have been trying to lose weight since Jan 1, with no luck, so it's time to step up the efforts.

    Too many posts to catch up on, but Kate, you are having more surgery?  Prayers for you, you have gone through so much.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2012

    pat01, congrats for doing normal stuff!!!  well, Costa Rica is not exactly every's on my list of places to spend time....I am looking forward to some travel this spring and summer.  Last summer almost everything was canceled for me due to dx.   I managed a few days in CA while awaiting surgery.  So, I dared to plan ahead for this summer....bought air tix and all already.  I plan to be healthy.
    I too gained weight during rads and A.I. drugs.   Too busy at work to exercise - gotta fix that.  Seems like I ate in the car every day -- whatever I wanted - while driving to and from rads. 
    I know what I have to do....(eat like a rabbit)
    Sending good thoughts for today!


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Kate....I will be right there is your pocket with the other gals.  Glad it is large, it will get crowded in there.  Sending you tons and tons of healing hugs.  I am so sorry you have to go through another surgery.  Hopefully this will get you on the road to full recovery.

    Irw....thanks for your sweet words.  I seem to be stalled with my condition.  So frustrating.  Doubling the Gabapentin is making me more drowsy than normal.  The two top SE's are drowsiness and dizziness.  Also short term memory loss.  That drives me crazy as you can imafgine.  I will be the first one to hop in your pocket the 24th when you have your gall bladder out.  I think it will be pretty crowded in there.  You have a big cheering team on your side.

    Pat....welcome back from vacation, sounds like you had a wonderful time!

    lynniea.....I am happy for you that you get to return to work soon.  I bet you have missed it.  It sounds like a fun place.

    Joan....I will have to join you on the rabbit food diet.  Because of the herniated disc in my back, my doctor has me on NO activity.  Of course I clean and keep up the house, but I am not supposed to do much.  I do try to take my dogs for a walk every day.  I need to do something with this poor body!  Rabbit food is on my list.  Funny I love salads, but have trouble just snacking on raw veggies.  I have a really bad sweet tooth!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Pat and Janis. MY surgery was at 11:30 am pacific time and not 2 pm as planned. I  am ok. I  am in s ome pain,  b ut they  ga ve me morphine at first and now perc ocet ( spelling) I felt the support of all of my friends on this site, and I thank you for that. They are keeping me here until Monday. Monday they  will see how I am doing and prob ab ly release me then.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Kate, well, I'm glad the next step in this long process is over for you.....waiting for more surgery is certainly not easy. So, rest, take the pain meds, although I know you hate them, and get well soon. Monday will be here sooner than you think and your body needs this time to deal with healing rather than fighting that blasted infection.

    Janis, hon, you've been thru a lot too. It does seem a crazy catch 22 that we get ourselves in to doesn't it? One thing leads to another and another. I do hope you get this all under control soon. Keep walking the dogs, that's probably the best medicine for you right now.

    I second Pat's feeling of being normal while on vacation. Maui isn't exactly as exotic as Costa Rica, but it was far enough away for me to get away from all this cancer stuff. It's a miracle, and has made me feel so renewed! Like I can tackle anything!

    In that vein, I'm joining the rabbit food brigade. I've got no more excuses for eating like a wild woman, so am going back to walking and veggies. They both actually sound pretty good right now. Hope that lasts!

    Joan811, I'm so glad you've got your vacation trip all planned. There's got to be a perk for working so hard and getting thru the past good for you!

    Be well, ladies, and's a special hug for you(()).

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank yo Mostlysew. I am so g lad that you had a great time in Maui. Feeling renewed is marv elous, especially after all that you ha ve b een through. Just from your posts I c an tell that you c an c onquer anything, and I expec tto hear more great things from you

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2012

    I missed somehow that Kate was having more surgery.  I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I'm so, so glad you are through with it and on the other side.  I hope you can get some rest and finally heal.

    Janis, hugs for the side effects from the gabapentin.  I hope your body gets used to it soon.  Those are icky s.e.'s.  I take a seizure med for migraines but most of the worst side effects went away after I got used to it.  

    Hugs Lisa, for your surgery.  It's definitely going to be crowded in your pocket!!

    Love hearing about the trips!  Mostly Sew and Pat, so glad y'all had some great experiences!!  I'm feeling more normal too, but it's because I'm arguing with my husband and kids, driving carpool, on a deadline, cooking meals and buried under laundry.  ;o)

    Add me to the list of the those with a growing waistline.  I'm eating healthier, but I'm not losing weight.  Thank you, Femara.

    I have my checkup at the breast clinic on Tuesday.  Scanxiety. 

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited February 2012

    Kate, I am praying for your quick recovery from this surgery and that you heal and get rid of that pesky infection.  You will be so glad to get out and home and into your own bed.  I popped on here tonight especially to see how you were doing.  Gentle hugs to you.

    Janis, sorry you are still having problems.  I hope you are getting to the bottom of things now, and doing the right things for you.

    Irw, I know you are waiting to get your surgery over and done with, so you can experience blessed relief from the stomach pain.

    Pat your trip sounds heavenly.  Isn't it nice to just get away and forget about the bc.  MostlySew your trip sounds wonderful too.  We can all enjoy the reports of our sisters who are getting away from the usual hum drum routine of checks and rechecks.  I miss the days of being able to know that I had nothing to worry about in the health department.  My yearly visit to the doctor was brief and to the point.  

    I have my grandson visiting and my husband is home.  Tomorrow we pick up our granddaughter and we will spend a day doing kid friendly things.  My grandson has SMA (a mild form of Muscular Dystrophy).  He is such a wonderful child, and a real trooper.  He is loving the light hearted fun this weekend.  He is another one who hates to have anyone even talk about medical problems.  He has dealt with too much in his 9 years of life.  He uses a walker and a wheel chair for long distances.  Tomorrow we will find some fun! 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2012

    Kate, you've been in the hospital awhile now...I hope you
    will go home in much better spirits as you are finally on your way to recovery.
    You are getting pretty good with that keyboard!

    Janis, what a bumpy road you've been on. It's not enough that you've had
    persistent discomfort; but now side effects from the drug. I hope you can get
    to the root of your pain and find what works. I agree - walking cures so many
    ills. Try to keep moving.

    About the rabbit food....I too love salads, cooked vegetables, and small
    portions of meat or fish> I'd eat a lot better if I had 3 meals a day prepared and waiting for's so much easier to grab the quick carbs. With the
    nice weather coming, I hope to keep my new years resolution to get outside and
    try to walk every day.

    Mostly sew - what's not exotic about Maui?  It must have been the perfect place to relax, refresh,regroup and get perspective on the past months.  Glad you could go!

    Pat - you said you felt an earthquake - where were you?  Am wondering how big it was. 

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2012

    GiGiL, Alas, our days about not worrying about anything health wise are over.  We are in a new normal now. Thank goodness we have each other.

    Have a wonderful weekend with your grandson.  All of you deserve much fun. 

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2012

    Kate- I am so glad that your surgery went well. My fingers are crossed that you will get to go home very soon. Hugs.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    Kate, I hope you are feeling much better and get to go home on Monday.  I can't stand to be away from home.  I would miss my dogs and cats so much!

    GiGiL...your grandson sounds like an absolute doll!  Kids are so amazing.  He sounds like such a trooper and a real sweetheart.  I hope you enjoy every second you get to spend with him.  My grandson is 10 and lives in another state.  It is so, so hard not being able to see him.

    Joan, Steph...thanks for the well wishes.  I am really confused about what my actual diagnosis is.  When I saw my RO Thursday he mentioned neuropothy which is why he increased the Gabapentin.  I had already scheduled an appointment with an LE therapist for this week.  He told me to cancel it, and not do anything until I see him again in a month.  He said that HIS opinion about the Truncal LE is that is does not really respond well to massage therapy.  So now I have this weird neuropathy?  I am just really confused about all of this.  I have to do a lot more reading, which often confuses me more!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you Janis, Stepn,Gigil,Joan, and  Ceezthe day. I am feeling bettertoday, and hopin g  to  go  home Monday. Gigil   have     fun    with   y ou r       gran d children                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Joan, you're right.....Maui is exotic! I actually spent an afternoon watching a whale giving birth! They come in quite close to shore and just lay on top of the water, not moving. Occasionally she sort of sinks below the surface for a few seconds, then comes right back up in the same place. The more amazing part is that they have a Nurse whale that stays with them the whole time. She sort of circles gently around the area not too close to the Mom, but close enough to protect her from any enemies.

    I sort of view this list as the same sort of protection/support we're giving each other. Seems there's alway someone here able to answer a question, or send hugs, or just cheer us on. Very nice.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    MostlySew...what a wonderful analogy about the whales and this forum.  I loved reading about the gentle birth.  It had to have been an amazing experience!  You will never forget this trip.  How wonderful you were able to go!

    Kate, so glad to hear that you are feeling better.  Hope you continue to improve so you can get back home on Monday!  Healing hugs headed your way.

    I was up all night last night and have stayed busy today.  I need to sleep but it eludes me lately.  So much spinning in my head these days.  I really am so unsure about my RO and his diagnosis.  He seems to agree that I have LE in the breast, but advises against ANY PT/LE massage therapy.  He is treating me for this vascular issue.....says that the Trental can take 3-4 months to really work so hang in there.  Then he doubles my dose of Gabapentin as he now says much of the breast pain is from neuropathy.  He does not seem at all concerned about the swelling.  I feel like I am just spinning........I see him again in one month.  Unless I get worse of course.   Pass the Xanax, PLEASE!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Oh Janis,

    I'm so sorry this is so difficult. How about keeping a Consultation appt with the LE specialist? Just to get more info? Your RO said no therapy, but didn't say not to talk with someone..I know first hand that LE massage is the most gentle thing imaginable however, you wouldn't actually have the massage yet, just talk with them. I think it might help define the problem for you since a good LE therapist would know if that's what you've got and if they can help. It might be worth the try........just my 2 cents worth. In the mean time, hang in there, it will get better for you, soon I hope.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2012

    MostlySew...thanks so much.  I am weighing my options and may just call her tomorrow.  I already told her I had to cancel because my doctor would not allow the treatment.  So she may not want to try.  Plus, there are other issues  too.  I just need to figure some things out.  But big thanks to being here, you are always such a joy and so supportive.  Thanks Sweet Lady!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you  Janis. Unfortunately I am not go ing home to morrow either. My  doctor was here this e vening, and she said that  since my  breast is still pinkish, and  because I still ha ve pain  I am not going home tomorrow. This is getting old. I amanxious to go ome,  but it is  better for me to still  be here when I ha ve pain.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012
    Kate, Sorry you aren't going home.Hope it turns around soon.