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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2018


    Remember what you have just been through. The diagnosis, the treatment and now is the time to let your body and soul recover. I remember the month after radiation. It was very exhausting and mentally challenging. I had to just take baby steps and eventually I could get stronger and stronger. You’ve gotten some great advice. Please take it easy on yourself and don’t expect too much.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited October 2018

    Josie, I think of you and your family all the time. So nice to see you are following the thread.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited October 2018

    Me too Brookside. Hope things are going well Josie.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2018

    thanks ladies. I was just feeling sorry for myself the other day and really kind of down but decided to check in on everybody here and that’s when I read somebody’s post about Joan. I had her on my mind lately because of that terrible tradgedy in New York with the Limo and was hoping it wasn’t one of her relatives or someone. I was so shocked when I heard her new diagnosis.

    Hope all is well with everyone


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited October 2018

    That was a horrible tragedy Josie.

    I’m sorry you are feeling down. How is living with your in-laws going? I know it’s not the ideal situation but hopefully it’s only temporary and you can move to your own place again soon.

    It seems our faith is constantly being tested. Just when you think this is the one we just can’t handle - we do. BC knocked us all for a loop yet here we all are. It’s obvious we all are stronger than we think.

    For you and Joan we are all there with you guys in spirit and prayer.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2018

    Diane, thanks so much, that means a lot. We are surviving at my MIL house and very thankful to have a nice place to live. My DD Claire has done wonderful at her new school. It was a few hoops to jump through to get her into that school. It’s in a better school district and they have very strict standards on who can go since people like to lie in order to get in that school district when there school district is terrible like ours was. Since she was the homeowner we had to have some bills in our name so they had proof of us living there. Also someone came to my mother in laws house to verify we were actually living there. She was a few days late starting school due to waiting for a descison but she didn’t miss too much. Also she has an attendance of 90% which is much improved from last year and her grades are like A&B and the classes she flunked last semester she is now retaking along with her normal sophomore classes.

    BTW my hubby surprised me for our anniversary and rented us a house at a Bed and Breakfast in the country. What a great relaxing weekend and the lady was so sweet she even made us an anniversary dinner which we ate with her and her husband on the porch


    imageoverlooking the farm. Much needed.image


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited October 2018

    So glad for your daughter. What a difference a good school makes.

    That’s so sweet of your hubby. Sounds heavenly and I’m sure much needed R and R.

    That’s good your MIL has a nice house. I bet you guys are a lot of company for her since she lost her husband.

    Take care.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited October 2018

    Josie, it seems the new school district is a very shiny silver lining. Hopefully it won't be long before your beautiful daughter has a few new friends who will encourage her to enjoy her classes.. Are there resources/activities that interest her that the other school did not offer? It seems like this is a real do-over opportunity for everyone!

    Speaking of everyone, is your older daughter still living down the street from you old house?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2018

    Thanks Diane and Brookside.

    Brookside yes I would say the new school is the silver lining. She hasn’t made too many new friends but says she just wants to focus on her studies instead of possibly getting in with the wrong crowd. As far as activities they do offer way more than the old school but she seems not interested. Her cousin goes with her and that helps . Because her cousin needs friends.

    BTW I am friends with Bunkie on Facebook and I let her know about Joan. I hope that’s ok. I think she would want to lnow

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited October 2018

    Good for your daughter Josie. I’m glad she’s concentrating on her schoolwork.

    Absolutely okay to tell Bunkie. Btw how is she doing?


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2018

    I don’t know she hasn’t responded to my message ye

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited October 2018

    I hope Bunkie is doing well.

    Your daughter shows such maturity in holding back a bit in the friendship area. She sounds absolutely ready to make the right choices. I know staying with your MIL was never the goal you and hubbie had in mind, but if there is a way you can stay there until your daughter graduates, it might make a huge difference for her.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited October 2018

    Hi everyone,

    Stopped by to check on Joan and was very shocked by the news. She is always the energizer bunny, teaching, traveling, hosting family etc. Time to slow down there Joan...just until you recover of course. Then back to it! xoxo

    Wow Sew! You mom is 100!!! May you have her longevity!!

    Josie, so happy for your daughter's new school. A new start can make a big difference. She will find new friends before she even realizes it. How is little Maisey doing? I bet she is getting big. My grandbaby will be 4 on the 23rd of this month! Her sister is 10! My son adopted her after marrying her Mom and he has been her dad since she was 2 so she is my other granddaughter and I adore her too.

    Good to see all of you. Hugs and know that although my new position keeps me even busier than the old one, I still think of you all and lurk when I can.

    See you all soon. xo

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2018


    So happy to hear from April. And your and Brookside are right Claire is doing well and has matured a lot.

    Enjoy those Grandkids!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited October 2018

    Thanks for checking in April. Our grandkids are definitely growing up too fast!

    DS and the twins’ mother are taking all 4 of the kids trick or treating Halloween night so we won’t get to see them in their costumes up close and personal. DS said he would take lots of pictures!

    Have s good week everyone!


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited October 2018

    Just a quick hello today; a month has passed since I was last on; it seems like these last weeks have been spent in trying to get the garden, flowerbeds and lawn furniture put to sleep for the winter, in between bouts of rain and high winds, with some snow, but it was slow going. Yesterday and today have been in the 50 - 65F range, so we have managed to get tulip, crocus and daffodil bulbs into the ground; hubby is just doing the last of them now as I tidy round the house. I have felt so good today, that I even baked bread, and mincemeat cookies for my better half - they are his favourites. I have been hearing lots of doing up carrot pudding in canning jars and baking them in the oven; would be so much nicer than the boiling water bath, and I wonder if anyone has tried this method. We took a five day break and went shopping at Fargo, ND at the begging of September, then six days down to the Bismarck, ND and took our trailer on that trip. Lots of rain and snow on that trip but we still had a good time. Made a stop in Minot, ND on the way home to pick up new kitchen flooring, so full speed ahead with winter projects now that the season is almost here. Take care everyone and hope things are going better for you.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2018

    Our group is quiet these days. Hope it’s because you guys are busy and all is well.

    DH and I are busy helping babysit the twins. They are 3 now so they are starting to be real conversational. Idk what language it is but it’s non-stop chattering and loud.

    We missed my niece’s wedding in Savannah a few weeks ago but couldn’t be helped. DH didn’t want to make the long trip for 3 days. His PD is better with the new meds thankfully.

    We are going to the Notre Dame-Florida State game at Notre Dame this weekend. Can’t wait. Lots of major remodeling done on campus. Leaving really early like 4:30 am Friday and back on Sunday night. Bus trip is really fun. 50 of us are going. Really cold in Indiana.

    Have a great week everyone!


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited November 2018

    busy adjusting to hubby at home since getting the boot. Finally got on EI, what a shitload of crap his employers lies put us through, bastards. Busy with reno. Hubby was painting ceilings, pulled painter tape off wall, all the old paint & primer came with it. Fran has meltdown cause now she has to mud & sand 50 ft of top walls, so up the ladder down the ladder move the ladder. So pissed. Then yesterday I had to mud a corner joint by the bath sink, countertop is off, I was so proud of the smooth job I did as corners r hard to get right. 2 hrs later I go look & he decided to put a temporary top on the vanity. The corner of the top dug into the mud, caught the paper folded it over & wrinkled. Crushed, devastated, angry sad depressed. Couldn't decide whether to kill him or commit suicide. So today I must figure out how to fix that mess,a corner, an f'n corner!

    We had an all day rain on Friday, then 4 inches of snow, can u say treacherous! going to be -16C this week. Hate it hate it. Hoping to get out of my depressing funk.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2018

    Sorry your hubby lost his job. Been there before. You are so industrious doing that home stuff. I can’t paint by numbers much less do what you are doing. Oh and I vote for slay the husband. I’m sure you were royally ticked.

    That’s flipping cold. Mild temps during the day here cold at night but nowhere as cold as where you are.

    DH and will experience the really cold weather this weekend in Indiana for the football game. High is 40 at game time(that’s cold to us)

    Hope your week gets better.


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited November 2018

    Any word on how Joan is doing?

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2018

    I’m concerned too Fran. Hopefully someone knows.


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2018

    I am too, Diane and Fran. I've sent her a couple of email notes but have not heard back. Email is not her most favorite thing so that's not too much of a surprise. I'm trying to get her snail mail address so I could send a proper card, but so far I haven't had any luck with the people I've contacted. I know she's on facebook with some of her friends from BCO, but I'm not on Facebook so can't reach her that way either. Anyway, I'll keep trying.....

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2018

    Thanks Sew.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2018

    Hi my dear friends,
    Josie, so good to see you and thanks for your kind words, along with so many others. I have to catch up on a lot. Love your trip to the looks beautiful. And Fran, oh, what a time you are having...when something is wrong, then everything else gets magnified. You are such a hard-working lady and strong!! But some days, OH, some days...!!! and c-o-l-d

    It was hard to read back, but there were so many wonderful and thoughtful comments and concerns...I just love this thread and I apologize for not keeping in touch.
    It is six weeks since surgery but feels longer. I recovered amazingly (according to my savior surgeon Dr. Z from Sloan). Everyone said to my face "you had a BIG surgery or a HUGE surgery...." but I slept through it so I had no idea. I was up the next day in a chair, then walking, then doing PT...eating real food in 3 days...(Sloan has room service...pick up the phone and they deliver exactly what you want, HOT...real food, healthy food). I had salmon and mashed potatoes 3 days out. Did not know if that was OK! But digestion kicked in about the 5th day and I was so relieved. I never had any raw pain from the surgery. The digestion discomfort started but it was nothing like what I had before. I had the disease for a long time, undiagnosed.
    But Dr. Z says he removed 100% of visible tumors and took out all the organs and surfaces involved.

    I started chemo Monday and it was uneventful. I slept most of the time and no side effects on the first day. Yesterday I got a port put in and it is annoying and I have have restrictions again on lifting and arm extension. All the feel-good drugs are out of my system today so I'm prickly!
    Well, as someone said (I think it was April), I am still an Energizer Bunny but not for work!!! I am on sick leave and should make it until March when 18 weeks of chemo end. Then retire, or finish 3 months of semester. I miss what I do; I do not miss going to work every day or long hours or some people.

    So, when I was 3 weeks out of surgery, my daughter Heather from Massachusetts called and asked if I wanted to go to the World Series. I said yes, and next day took the ferry 40 minutes to CT then got picked up by DD and we drove to her home...saw my granddaughters...then we went to the game...I love baseball!! and it was fun. We had an indoor/outdoor suite with heat and food and private bathroom...I had coffee and ice cream!!!
    I survived and the next day got dropped back at the ferry and made it home fine.

    The week before chemo started, DH and I decided to fly to Colorado to see my son who just moved to Boulder. I did not know when I'd travel again, so had to do it. I am now sticking close to home for awhile. Kids will come to Long Island for Thanksgiving. One daughter rented a house on the beach so we don't have to do dinner at my house.

    I am grateful for each day and for feeling so well. There is a lot to keep up with, appointments, medications, meals, and rest...paperwork, endless texts from kids and friends. All good!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart...for the kindnesses and concerns here.
    I know this is a BC place, and yes, I still have to be vigilant about BC!
    I do not want to scare anyone with this awful disease but I do want to say that for women, any persistent pelvic or abdominal pain should not be ignored or dismissed or misdiagnosed by a doctor ever.
    Love to each dear lady here,


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2018

    So glad you are doing so well Joan. We were all worried. Thanks for taking the time to update us.

    You are always in our pockets and our prayers.


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited November 2018

    Joan!! So happy to hear from you! Sounds like you are doing AMAZING!! Gosh we are a strong bunch.

    Thanks for the compliments, I just do what I do. Bathroom is almost completed will post a pic or 2 when done.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2018

    Joan, I’m sooo happy you are doing well. You’ve been on my mind lately and I’m praying for you. You are so brave and strong Joan. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Please let everyone take care of you and take it easy.(((hugs))))

    Fran, good for you you are much more talented in the painting and missing department than I. I will pray your husband finds a job. My sister from Connecticut had her husband lose his job and now he has finally found one in Florida!! Talk about a move across the country. I think they will stay in Connecticut for a while while he works in Florida. They have 4 kids in college all in different states.

    Diane, sounds like you are enjoying grandkids and football games.

    Winter has arrived here. We woke up to 4 inches of snow . Kids are off school and we have a late start at work. So wish me luck.

    Love you all.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2018

    That will be a culture shock for your BIL Josie. Do they want to move? At least he found a job. Ditto hope your DH finds a job soon Fran. It seems a number of people I know have had to relocate. Tough decision but I guess you have to go where the jobs are. My brother has been able to dodge moving and fortunately landed a new job he likes and pays well. He had been on a lot of interviews and getting discouraged before he landed this job.

    How are things going at home Josie?

    We are busy with the twins and in fact they are coming over tomorrow and most of Saturday. DS has a rugby dinner Friday night and a tournament in Nashville Saturday. We just got back from Notre Dame Sunday night. Freezing cold there but a fun game and beautiful campus.

    It’s really cold here too. We had snow yesterday.

    Have a good weekend everyone!


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2018

    Thanks for all the good wishes. They really keep me going.
    It sounds like the cold is everywhere this week. We had snow today...New York City had record-tying early snow. It is warmer where I live, so it all melted. But the wind is howling tonight. Rain tomorrow.
    Diane, I admire your dedication to Notre Dame! How old are the twins now? They must keep you busy! Stay warm..

    Fran, I am glad to hear the bathroom is almost done...especially after the mishaps. You are a talented worker! We no longer attempt anything ourselves.
    I hope things have warmed up a little for you.

    Sew and Brookside, thinking of you...
    Have any of our old friends checked in this year? Gigil, Cindy...others?

    We surely have come a long way on this thread.
    I wish all the ladies here who have just finished radiation, or who are facing it now, a peaceful expectation for life after radiation. So many of us have been able to live normal lives and enjoy the simple everyday pleasures of life. It's the best thing.

    Best wishes,


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2018

    Thanks Joan I am a monster fan of Notre Dame. Oh and the NYY too. Ugh hated seeing the evil empire Boston Red Sox win it all but have to admit they were really good. ND is playing Syracuse tomorrow at Yankee stadium. Wish I could make that game!

    They turned 3 in September. Growing up way too fast.

    I worry about our BC sisters in this group too. Hope they are okay.
