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Radiation recovery



  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited August 2018

    Sew, 2 different daughters, the sick one keeps getting worse, horrific SE's from new meds, Dr is gone til Sept so she has had no one in the medical field to talk to about them. Pain is worse now as well.

    here is a link for wildfire & effect on us.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2018

    Oh Fran I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you have 2 daughters. No one can help her? That’s unbelievable and outrageous.


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited August 2018

    Diane I have 4 girls, the youngest are my twins. One of them is the sick one, Mudhero is #2. Finding it hard to keep out of "mom mode" & butt in, she is an adult & as such should be allowed to make her own choices regarding her health. I have to keep repeating this to save my own sanity.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2018

    Wow 4 girls...I have 4 boys.

    I think we will always be mommy regardless how adult they are. I have to bite my tongue too. My youngest son said I treat him like a baby sometimes. Hard to break that habit but I’m working on it.

    Hope your daughter finds some relief soon.


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited August 2018

    Same pic, different air qualityimage

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2018

    What a difference Fran.


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2018

    Glad my air isn't that bad this time around...I wouldn't be able to breath at all. Amazing, but such damage

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2018

    Fran, I was out in Santa Rosa this morning, and find that my air quality isn't a whole lot better than yours! It's one thing to be in it, where you can't really see how bad it is, and another to be able to see out to the hills and realize just how bad it is. We need rain.....

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2018

    Hello everyone I’m sorry I’ve been absent lately. It’s beem a rough Summer especially since August 5 th when we said goodbye to our home of 26 yrs due to foreclosure. Unfortunately we had to move in with my mother in law and brother in laws. I’m thankful they were able to take us in but it’s been kind of depressing.

    More from me again soon sorry but turning in for the night.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2018

    So very sorry, Josie.  The past few months must have been absolute hell!  At least that part is over and you can hopefully hunker down at the in-laws' and figure out how this happened after so many years and how best to move forward from here.  I'm sure you know this, but YouTube is chock full of inspirational posts by people who have dug themselves out of monstrous holes.  I know how strong and resourceful you are and I know you can do it too!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2018

    Thanks Brookside,

    We are really lucky my mother in law has the extra space to take us in. We are just going to try and move on. I can’t blame myself or my hubby for our situation because it is really a combination of several things and frankly if I hadn’t taken that position for the psychiatrist we may have been ok. But thinking back on that time if I had been working full time I wouldn’t have been there for my youngest daughter when she needed me most. She may not be with us today if I hadn’t been on top off my game. We knew I really needed full time work.

    Let’s hope I can just live peaceful with my mother in law until we get back in our feet

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2018

    So sorry Josie. I agree with Brookside’s comments about inspirational stories and how much resolve you have. Our kids come first no matter the consequences. I know people who have gone through the same thing. They have managed to crawl out of their financial holes and are doing okay now. You will too.

    I’m glad you had your MIL available to help. After all it’s about family.

    26 years is a long time but you can take your memories with you no matter where you go.

    You and your family are in our prayers. We are all here to support you in any way we can.

    Keep the faith.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2018

    Thanks Dia

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2018

    Saturday afternoon DH and I hosted our grandkids and their parents and my son’s boys godfather and his daughter to a swimming party at our neighborhood pool. DH grilled chicken and made all the dishes. Delicious! We also had ice cream and cookies. Everyone had a good time. It was a fun time to get everyone together other than the holidays!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2018





  • veeder14
    veeder14 Member Posts: 273
    edited August 2018

    Hi MostlySew,

    I'm in Napa and it seems like the air has been bad almost all summer from the fires. I've been staying inside for weeks on end otherwise I'll get real sick. I wish that Ranch Fire would be out but it keeps getting bigger. Ugh. Here's a website I found that posts air quality in real time every 3 hours which is better than just the Bay Area prediction of air quality. It seems to cover most of northern CA.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2018

    Happy Labor Day everyone! We are having DS and twins over later. DH is working on the dormers on the house. Always a house project going on. He just redid all the kitchen cabinets. They look awesome! I’m so blessed he is so talented. His trembling from PD was getting worse so he went to his neurologist and got some meds. So far they are helping.

    We are supposed to go to my niece’s wedding in Savannah in October and a football game in November at Notre Dame. We have to decide about the game by Sept 15. Already made a deposit. It’s a fun bus trip with other Irish fans. Just want to make sure DH can handle it. He loves going. The wedding is another story. We have to decide about that by Sept 27. We’ll see how he’s doing by then. It’s a long drive and frankly we aren’t that enthused about going. It’s going to cost a lot and this niece is all that interested whether we go or not.

    Twins will be 3 September 18. Hard to believe!

    Hope everyone is well!


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited September 2018

    Josie, so sorry, chin up, one foot in front of the other, no looking back.

    Diane love the pics. Busy Busy for you.

    We had a lovely time on our trip. Hotel was only 35% capacity so it was quiet. Had a chance to distress, not think of a single thing. Got back home & into the grind....for 4 days...BAM!! Hubby got the boot from 63 he's never been fired. What a punch to the gut. NO IDEA what we r going to do from here. So I tell myself chin up, one foot in front of the other, no looking back. After 46 years we will get thru this too. Somehow, Good days, bad days.

    Been busy "gathering for the winter. Store had chickens on for $2.88/lb, I got 3 of their 2pks for $10-$12 each pack. Usually these chickens r $10-12 each so $5-6 bucks a cluck is really good. Also got a case of corn on the cob(48 cobs) for $19.20 or 10 for $4.00. I usually by it at the u-pick $8 a doz. So I saved big, I did them up today & got 17 bags of niblets with 3 cups per bag. Maybe time for some baking. I like to keep busy when I'm down or worried. Hubby has been cleaning the house trying to get it ready for sale. Have a few renos to be done. Must start looking for some deals for that stuff as well. Have a great week Ladies.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2018

    Thanks Fran. Sorry about husband’s job. No one’s job seems secure these days. My brother got hired by a company, got a merit raise and the next month phased out his department. Blindsided too.

    You are so right it’s another challenge you will get through. It seems like we are constantly having our faith and resolve tested. I still in awe of how we do it.

    You have a good week too! Keep the faith


  • Skier-girl
    Skier-girl Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2018

    Did anyone have slight headaches after radiation? I am 3 weeks out. Of course my thoughts go to brain tumor. My thoughts are.bad enough... I am researching risk symptoms of a brain tumor!! I am pathetic. Any help would be great.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited September 2018

    skier -girl, no headaches here, could be just stress or maybe your back/neck is out & u need an adjustment. Hope you feel better soon, let us know what comes of this.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited September 2018

    skier girl.....I had headaches. I think it’s a combination of stress, like Charger suggested, and dehydration. Water is such a key to recovery and it’s hard to stay truly hydrated, which can lead to those headaches. Recovery is a difficult thing, and those mind games are hard to ignore. If these headaches continue and nothing works, do call your radiation oncologist or oncologist but first try some (lots) ofwater and some gentlyeexercise. Let us know

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 576
    edited September 2018

    skier girl, I did not have headaches, but I am just like you... my mind goes to the very worst thing and then I am on google for hours looking it up. I am kind of glad that I am not the only crazy one out there. LOL

    Your headaches could be caused by a lot of things that are not bad. I agree with 70charger and mostly sew.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited September 2018

    I am so down tonight. Been thinking of all the wonderful people on here that we have lost.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2018

    It is disheartening Fran. Makes me wonder if we are making any progress at all towards a cure. It’s an epidemic.

    Sending pic from my twin grandsons 3rd birthday party in the park yesterday.,Fortunately there was a breeze and shade where our table was. Can’t believe those little guys are 3! Of course they made out like a bandit with lots of presents!


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2018


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited September 2018

    Looks like everyone had a great time with great weather, unlike here. We had our first snowfall warnings of the season. 2 1/2 days of snow & rain . Big huge fluffy flakes with accumulation then the flakes would get smaller. All day Friday-Sat, Sun. I can see green again this morning, but man it was depressing. So not ready for it. Farmers don't even have their crops off, lost them now.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2018

    Bummer Fran. It’s hot as blazes here. We will be lucky to get snow once or twice in the dead of winter. I like it esp at Christmas time but other than that not a huge fan. We aren’t used to it so driving is treacherous with the roads and the drivers.

    Hope it warms up for you!


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2018

    Hello, everyone; it has been a very long time since I have checked in with you. It has been a very busy summer with lots of coming and going, and computer breakdowns to add to the mix. I hope that all is well with you and say welcome to new visitors to this forum. All is well here; as of August 18, I am still NED for cancer; my tumor markers were back up to where they were in April, though they were down a bit in June after repeat scans. So, though they were back to April values, the MO has decided that maybe that is "my normal". We will seen what happens when the next scans are done in mid-November; interestingly, I will get those results exactly one year to the day after I started radiation therapy. Though I consider that my cancer "was gone" as of my lumpectomy date in July 2017, the MO goes with October 30 as the "anniversary" as that is the first time she saw me.

    We have had LOTS of damp weather and cold temperatures (at 2C with a "real feel" of -4C here today), which is so unusual for September here and, after a very dry summer where the farmers were mourning the lack of rain for their crops, now they are frustrated with all the rain over the last two weeks which is hindering them from getting their crops off. Unfortunately, there is nothing they can do about it.

    Will let this do for now, and will be back soon; must do some reading to catch up with you. Have a great Fall. Hugs!!!

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited September 2018

    so far another 2 days of constant snow. Still waiting for fall!