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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • sott
    sott Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2011

    Sigarcia - So sorry to hear that  you are still in pain and that your treatment needs to be so much more extensive.  You have every right to be SUPER pissed off.  Hope your wonderful DH is able to keep you going during this difficult time.  It's got to be hard on him too.

    Hang in there...


  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011
  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    Shannon...I am so sorry you have to deal with this.  I am thinking of you and your wonderfully supportive husband...  Claire

  • Netty59
    Netty59 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2011
    10/21 UMX with node disection(3 to 6) Smile
  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited October 2011

    Hello Netty, welcome and make yourself at home!  Will be thinking of you on Friday!

    survivor, rachelvk, margie, clc, and anyone else I missed, thanks for your kind thoughts..

    sigarcia, of course you are afraid and pissed off...these are totally natural and expected reactions..but just like you got through surgery, you will also get through whatever else you have to and manage to beat this monster... there are many of us here who can help you navigate through this rough passage to reach calmer waters... (besides your lovely man!)  Take things day by day...I hope thatthe pain is easing

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,331
    edited October 2011


    I went in to my bmx thinking I had a small tumor and no nodes. Final path showed 4 cm IDC and 1/15 nodes. Mad, sad, pissed, depressed are just a few of the things I felt. also found out I needed more surgery to remove left nip. Had that done last Thursday and they put in port at the same time. I have now reconciled myself with reality because,really, what else can we do? Let yourself feel anything you want and then do what you have to do. Much love, Caryn

  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2011

    slgarcia05, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to move on to Plan B.  I've learned through all of this that I'm often being moved to Plan B or Plan C.  I had chemo first for 16 weeks. I just want to encourage you that it is absolutely doable.  It may be more difficult since you are recovering from surgery as well.  I worked almost everyday.  There is no question that losing my hair and coping with that may have been the hardest part.  I had a son get married and moved my baby girl 5 hours away to college.  I hated being the mom with the scarf on my head, but somehow we manage to get through it.  I have surgery scheduled for 10-28 and I'm so very nervous about the outcome from the path reports.  My post chemo MRI show very little decrease in the size of the largest tumor, but it didn't grow, so I guess that is good.  I feel some knots under my arms, so naturally I'm worried about lymph nodes.

    I will pray for you all the best and if I can be of any help getting through chemo, just let me know.  this is such a strong group of women.

     Happy thoughts are being sent your way,


  • luckyjnjmom
    luckyjnjmom Member Posts: 114
    edited October 2011

    October 3 BMX w/ recon - nodes clean - anyone else told that they'll be on Herceptin for a year?

  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2011

    I'm supposed to be put on a hormone blocker for 5 years.  I'm not sure if that is Herceptin.


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    Denise-- herceptin is the HER2 blocker most ONC will have you on it for 1 year via IV. The 5 year is a hormone blocker pill for ER\PR+ I'm not sure of the drug name.

    Sending gentle hugs to everyone. I'm off to my first PT.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2011

      I will be on herceptin for a year after chemo.  I will also have rads after chemo. and be on a hormone blocker for 5 years.  I got my pathology report today and it was actually better than I thought it would be.  After the sonogram guided biopsy they estimated my tumor at 2.6cm but after surgery it measured 1.7cm.  Also after the biopsy I could feel my nodes swell.  The surgeon even thought they looked suspicious after my sonogram just before surgery.  But they came out clear.  I meet with my onc next Wednesday and since I had a port put in at surgery will start chemo soon and find out the staging.  

     I hope everyone who has had surgery will have a speedy recovery and everyone still facing surgery you are in my thoughts and hope everything goes well. 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    Shannon- sorry to hear for your change in plans. Sometimes pissed off is good cause it makes us fighting mad! I still had a lot of pain until about week 3. Don't be afraid of the pain meds. Your body needs them to heal. Hang in there.

    Mr. Clams- thanks for the update. Glad Mrs Clams is getting to do some fun stuff in between resting.

  • iLUV2knit
    iLUV2knit Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2011

    Oh wow,reading some of the updates just makes my heart heavy for those who have yet more to battle.  STUPID cancer...!!

    I met with my plastic surgeon today, hubby drove me up.   He got his first look at my mangled skin sacks that will soon be perky foobs.  I asked him what he thought.  He just looked unconcerned and shrugged his indifference.  I guess he really does love me for me and not my old familiar DD breasts after all :) I was able to get one drain out today, so we are hoping for another one (or two next week).  I didn't realize how much that particular drain pinched until it was all gone! Good riddance!!

    The BS called while I was still in the room with the PS.  She said the final path didn't show any surprises.  Nothing was invasive (yet) and the nodes were clear. 

    I have been having interesting revelations while dozing in the recliner chair.  I wake up and say things to my daughter like "Oh I sat next to her on an airplane" (referring to Jessica Alba--who "was on TV and I have NEVER met)  or I will look over at my daughter and say "Are my eyes open or closed" (she can't decide because they are little drugged slits)  Oh the things I say when on pain meds....

    I hope you are all healing nicely and I am still reading your posts...I think some of the information ends up in my drug induced dreamy haze but know I am thinking of you all!!! 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    ILUV2knit-Congrats on getting the drain out and on the great path report. My husband was the same way throughout this whole thing. He told me it was up to me if I even got reconstruction at all. We are so much more than our breasts! It just sucks that we have to go through all of it.I have exchange next week and cannot wait!

    I know exactly what you mean about those drug induced comments. I went back and read some of the texts I sent friends from the hospital and there are no actual words in them. I have such great friends they never even mentioned it till I brought it up. They just laughed and said they figured I would eventually start making sense again.

  • kks_rd
    kks_rd Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2011

    Just a quick note: I am home from surgery and everything went as smoothly as could be expected. I did have some trouble with some of the pre-op things (wire localization hurt like hell, three tries before getting a successful IV placed, etc.) and I had some pain and vomiting as the anesthesia wore off.. but all is well now!

    The best news of the day is that I had three nodes taken and NONE of them showed cancer.  Maybe that's because of the neoadjuvant cancer, maybe not... in any case, I'll take it!!!

    More later... still quite woozy...

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2011

    Kks - I'm having the wire procedure as well. It freaks me out more than the surgery itself!! Although I'm not a frequent poster I am a frequent thinker...thinking all good thoughts for each and everyone of you! We shall conquer this bitch called cancer.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    kks_rd- you are over the worst of it now.Congrats on the nodes. That is great news!

    Mardibra-good luck on Friday. Just take deep breaths and you will be ok. I had the wire procedure and it took a couple of tries but it really just felt kind of like the biopsy did.Sending good thoughts your way!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    Kat - 'smoothly' is good. Glad to hear there were no major (unforeseen) obstacles or hassles.

    Welcome to JustMe and Luckjnjmom, and anyone else I've missed recently.

    Shannon - So sorry to hear that your path report was so upsetting. It's amazing how they do a biopsy and give us a diagnosis, but that it can go out the window once they finally get in and get the bastard out. Stay strong - there's a lot of good advice from women who have been through chemo, both here and on other threads. I'll probably be a few weeks behind you, so I'll stick by you during chemo if you want. Make sure you get lots of hugs from Jerry.

    Iluv2knit and Ginger - Speaking of which, let's hear it for the wonderful and supportive men in our lives. And iluv2knit - congratulations on the heartening news about the nodes. I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly.

    Healing thoughts and wishes to everyone else - especially those who have been pretty quiet recently. We're here for you when you need us. 

    In one week, this festering lump of cancer will be GONE!!! In the past week or so, I've really notice it change; I won't be surprised if it comes in over 2 cm (hello Stage 2 - but better that than 3 or 4).

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2011

    Then biopsy didn't bother me a bit. Hoping the same for the wires.

  • SalSpecht
    SalSpecht Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2011

    Hi, everyone.  Surgery update from Monday 10/17.  All went smoothly.  Surgeon said he was confident he had removed enough tissue, and that the SNB was clear.  I was sent home and felt pretty good.  When I spoke with him yesterday to get the pathology report, it was a different story: he had actually taken 2 lymph nodes, one of which had a 5mm malignant mass.  Two of the 6 margins of tissue removed were too close for comfort (7mm and 3mm), so he needs to take more tissue.  Because of lymph node involvement, I am seeing the oncologist tomorrow morning.  I know that the tumor is ER+/PR+, but did not ask specifics beyond that.  Was very shocked and disappointed at this unexpected turn of events.  Chemo will follow before radiation, due to the hot lymph node.  Recovery hasn't been too bad.  Ice is very helpful.  Avoided vicodin and used advil instead.  Discomfort not so bad, and I have been able to sleep well (very unusual for me). 

    Will catch up with my sisters who had surgery this week, and send warm hugs and strength to all.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    Sally- I am so sorry to hear this news. Once again proof that all is not within our control.(as if we needed any more reminders of that) Glad that you are recovering from your surgery. Stay strong and rest up for wherever this journey takes you next. Know that we are here for you!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    Sally - Sorry to hear that your path report also came out worse than anticipated. But it's good that surgery itself went smoothly and you're starting off your recovery well. Keep your spirits up.

    The way I'm looking at it - while radiation or chemo may be a lousy thing to go through, I would rather have it as an additional line of defense to mow any stray cancer cells down than have the doctor say "We got it all, you're fine," only to discover something really did slip under the radar.

    Wishing everyone a good day today. 

  • kks_rd
    kks_rd Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2011

    ((((Sally)))) Sorry to hear the news. 

    ....Thanks for the reminder about the ice. Going to fill up and ice down right now!!

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited October 2011
    Mardibra & Netty I think you're both due for surgery am sending calming thoughts and positive vibes your way....will be thinking of you both; remember half of us on the list have had our surgeries now!  Believe me, waiting for the op is the worst part...
  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited October 2011
    Gamergirl, thinking of you and hope that the problems with your drains were sorted...and that you are rid of them!!! 
  • Kim137
    Kim137 Member Posts: 105
    edited October 2011

    I am exactly 1 week post-op today and doing great! I had my follow-up with the plastics MD today. We removed 2 drains, 1 from each side. 2 more to go. Hopefully they will come out by my next visit with him on the 28th. My pathology report came back yesterday. It was all DCIS, no invasion!!! My surgeon removed 14 more lymph nodes, all of which were negative for cancer cells! Woot-woot!!! :-)

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    Kim 137- congratulations on the great recovery and path!

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Kim, awesome news!  It doesn't get better than that!

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Mardibra, don't worry about the wire loc, you will do fine. I was scared but it was not bad at all.  They numb you up well and you just endure it as you have the many other assaults on your breast(s) so far.  It did help me greatly to have taken a valium beforehand.  Be strong for tomorrow, you will be on the other side soon.

    Kat, I wonder if your level of pain with the wire loc may have something to do with you being a redhead.  I recall reading in Discover how red heads have a gene that makes them more sensitive to pain or makes pain meds less effective for them.  This would be good to know if you need more surgery.

    Dukesup, 9911 and Rachel, we are on deck.  I'm shaking in my boots and keep thinking my good old cancer sacks aren't so bad after all...maybe I should just keep them.  Looks like I'm back in my POWI but now with the added elements of quiet panic and pathological denial.  Good times, good times.   

  • kks_rd
    kks_rd Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2011

    RK85, indeed I have had trouble with pain as a (former) redhead.  Good observation!  The wire loc was difficult because they did NOT numb me.  Said it would be several sticks as compared with one.  Well, I was wearing my glasses (which I am quite unaccustomed to wearing) and accidentally nudged the part of the machine that projected the "crosshairs" marking the spot on my breast.  So the doc stuck me in a totally wrong spot!  They had to do it all over again, and I was squished in the mammo machine the entire time.  Plus the chemo apparently left scar tissue, so there was a lot of manipulation once the needle was in.  It was incredibly traumatizing but obviously nobody's fault.  Definitely an exception to the rule, lest anyone reading this gets apprehensive.  I think the only thing I would do different is to insist on being numbed anyway, because I feel like the needles used for that are smaller than the wire loc needle.  Also, for any of the neoadjuvant chemo ladies out there, be aware that it is common to have scar tissue and this might be another reason to insist on being numbed.

    A valium would have helped.  Why didn't I think of that?  I was so freaked out about the dye injection the pervious day (that really turned out to be not-too-bad) that I didn't think about what the wire loc would have entailed.  For most people, I would say it would compare to the core needle biopsy experience (which I was numbed for).

    Sorry if TMI for everyone. :(  The good news is I'm doing ok today, feeling a bit beat up but am up and moving around the house without much trouble. 

    Good luck to all those who are on for tomomrrow!  I agree the anxiety of waiting is the hardest part.