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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2011

    I'm anxious to get tomorrow over with. Many thanks for the well wishes. Catch up with you all on the other side.

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    Mardibra - good luck tomorrow.  Hope everything goes smoothly.  Get a good night's sleep if you can. Hugs from Texas,                                                                                                                         Judy

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    Good luck tomorrow, Mardibra...I hope all goes smoothly...  Claire

  • justme1
    justme1 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2011

    I  didnt get to have my surgery today .My insurance didnt approve it yet.They will just takes  alil time i guess. I wll let yall know my new date to get to the other side .

        Reading here seems like yall havent had to  hard of a time healing up. Makes me less scared . I hope everyone is haveing a great afternoon and healing real good  or the one waiting ur not too nervous .I know the emotions run from excited to scared to mad to relived to well all of the emotions we can have.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011

    Good Evening Ladies~

    Well I just spent 30 minutes replying to recent posts but I foolishly forgot to hit "preview" again and lost everything.  I'm tired tonight so not sure how much I've got left in me... 

    Mardibra and Netty~ Wishing you both very smooth surgeries tomorrow.  I'll be thinking of you throughout the day. 

    rk85~ Yep, we're on deck alright!  No time for POWI at this point.  WE GOT THIS!  

    justme1~ Sorry your surgery was delayed :(  I had issues with insurance approval too.... not a fun issue to deal with.  Hope it all gets worked out ASAP.  

    Kim 137~ So grateful to hear your excellent news.

    Sal~ So sorry to hear about the hot lymph node.  Please let us know the outcome of your Onc appointment tomorrow. 

    Shannon/Jerry~ Know that you're in my daily thoughts and prayers. 

    GrandmaV~ Thank you for the update.  Very relieved to know that your nodes were clear. 

    Ann~ How are you doing?  Post when you can..

    So much more I'd like to write tonight but my brain is refusing to cooperate.  

    Hope you all sleep soundly tonight!  Will post more tomorrow. 



  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    Mardibra and Netty. Good luck today I will be sending positive thoughts your way.

    AJ. Try to have a good weekend prior to BBBday Monday

    rk85. It will be ok. I said the same thing the day before my surgery (I don't hate my boobs I want to keep them). Once your on the other side you will be happy to be cancer free.

    Justme1. Sorry for the delay that has got to be horrible to wait. I hope the insurance gets their act together and gets you approved.

    I'm feeling sorry for myself this morning. I'm 7 1/2 weeks post Chemo and 2/3 of my left and 1/2 of my right eyebrows decided to fall out over night. I know they will grow but geez it sucks.

    Sending everyone gentle hugs.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    Good luck, Mardibra. We'll be thinking of you today.

  • kks_rd
    kks_rd Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2011

    Thinking of you Christine (mardibra)! 

    Oh and MargieC - losing eyebrows and eyelashes was almost as difficult for me losing the hair.  It's OK to feel sorry for yourself on this one!  (((hugs)))

  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2011

    MargieC, I'm 5 weeks PFC and I now have absolutely no eyebrows and I can count my eyelashes. I have been having a pity party as well.  I seem to be getting more and more emotional as surgery approaches on the 28th.  Our state Race for the Cure is this weekend and I'm really dreading having to go to that.  My niece had special shirts made and lots of family will be there, Man, I'm so dreading it!!!!  I'm so ready to get off of this roller coaster.

    rk85, I so understand.  I always wanted to have a reduction, but NEVER this way. Now, my 48 year old boobs seem perfect!!!


  • justme1
    justme1 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2011

    Mardibra and Netty Hope your day is goes fast and good!! 

    eye brows and eye lases for me the worst part between them and hair .I look like i have cancer with them gone. I do but still .........

  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2011


    That's exactly what I told my husband, i said, I look like a cancer patient!!! He just looked at me like, you idiot, your ARE!!! Lol!!! Sometimes you just have to laugh.  Now I say I look like a "healthy" holocaust victim.


  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited October 2011

    Margie, Kat, Justme, Denise,

    My last chemo cycle was on the 12 August and my hair is now growing fast...a few days ago I noticed that my eyebrows are coming back.. presumably eye lashes will soon follow. So the boiled egg look will pass!!!

  • justme1
    justme1 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2011
    deniseday  yea  just cause we have cancer dont mean we want to look like it .LOL After all its the treatment causing the hair and eyebrows and all to come out not the cancer . I will be so happy to get over all this stuff .When the doc said breast cancer it was two words that stopped the world from turning as i knew it.
  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011


    I did our race for a cure 3 days before my surgery I wasnt sure I wanted to do it either, but it was very uplifting. We had 17,000 participants and 1,000 of them were survivors. They did a balloon release and each survivor had 1 balloon for each year they have been a survivor. There was a lady there with over 50 balloons. Good luck tomorrow.

    Thanks for the eyebrow support. I will get over it just sucks since I have lost my breast and my hair and now my eyebrows. I need to focus on the positive. My hair is growning back - my path report was good and I start me TE fills Tues. Denise - yea I am sick of looking like a cancer patient I like your "healthy" holocaust victim.

  • Kim137
    Kim137 Member Posts: 105
    edited October 2011

    Deniseday....."healthy Holocaust victim".....I cannot stop giggling! I think we should form some sort of Cancer Comedian Crew and take you on the road! Love it! Thanks for the smiles :-))))

    Justme1- I'm so sorry about the delay. Insurance companies drive me insane! They denied my MRI initially because my mammo & US were benign. Once approved, the MRI discovered that 50% of my right breast was covered with DCIS! I hope they come to a resolution quickly. You'll be In my thouts and prayers, waiting is the worst part in my opinion!

    Mardibra-Thinking of you!!!!!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,331
    edited October 2011

    I know you all may think I am being a bit sensitive, but being of an Eastern European Jewish background, I can't find anything funny in a reference to Holocaust victims. I grew up with many friends whose parents were survivors, knew many who had lost family members, and saw the tattooed numbers on people's forearms, a constant reminder of unspeakable horrors. I know no offense was intended but for those of us who are Jewish, there is no humor in a Holocaust victim.


  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2011

    I'm still in a drug induced haze so forgive me if I don't make sense! Today began at 7:30 at the hospital. Had the wire process done and it didn't hurt at all. They numbed me up good. The worst part was the mammo squeezing. The first time didn't work out well so they had to do it twice. But really not bad at all. Woke up from surgery with a big chunk of boob missing. But not too bad. Also have a "ball" like drain hanging from under my arm filled with some sort of anesthetic. I'm told I can take it out myself Monday. Pain meds are working so no complaints there. Time for some toast and more pain meds. Thanks so so much for the well wishes. One down and two more to go (chemo and rads next).


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    Yay Christine...already posting. Thanks for checking in. Glad things worked out well. Get some rest!

  • iLUV2knit
    iLUV2knit Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2011

    It has been one week since I had my BMX with TE'S. I am still sore and extremely tired.   I alternate Lortab with Morin for pain control.  I am mostly sleeping in the recliner chair, occasionally knit or read, but I find myself dozing off ALOT.  Is anyone else feeling this way too??  When can I expect to get through a day without sleeping thru most of it??? any input is greatly appreciated...

  • AthabascanWarriorPrincess
    AthabascanWarriorPrincess Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2011

    Thank you all for your uplifting posts! I had my last drain taken out! YAY! Then I had an allergic reaction. REALLY? REALLY? SERIOUSLY? So I've been in bed for 3 days. We think our (new) cat is exsaserbating the allergies. I'm living on benedryl now! But better than dying! :) I posted on my fb page that I wanted to do a bra burning, but no, wait, I still have one to need one! :) So I'm still here folks and I going to KEEP laughing, smiling and LIVING! Love you all!

    Margie C~ I noticed when I first looked at this thread how much we have in common, cancer can't keep me from meeting new wonderful people! :)

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    Caryn -- sorry about my comment as you I didn't mean to offend.

    Christine -- glad you are doing so well.

    ILUV2knit-- sleep is good it will help you heal.

    Have a good weekend.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone. Diving into a whirlwind pre-surgery weekend.

    Question (which I asked on another thread a while back) - my lease up at the end of the year. "The Plan" had been to move into a new apartment with my BF. Well, by the time the time for apartment searching was to begin, I had my diagnosis. I really can't afford to stay in my current apartment, and if I ask for 3 or 6- month lease, they tack on an extra $150-200 a month!!! I have 3 possible apartments within 15 minutes that we would consider. I have an army of friends who I could ask to help me pack and move (parents and sister have offered to chip in on professional mover). 

    Still, the reality is that at the end of December, I'll be 8 weeks out of bmx surgery, and probably on chemo. And I'm a packrat on top of it - lots of stuff (trying to weed that out now) Help!!! 

    Any advice? When it rains....

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2011

    Hi rachelvk,

    You've probably already thought of this.  Could your BF move in with you at your current apartment and help pay the extra expense until you can get past and recover from treatment?

    Or, and I know this would be hard for me to do, Just turn it over to the family and friends and let them pack you up and move you.  Maybe put some stuff in storage (family and friends may have some space) until you can sort through it.

     It is a difficult situation and I hope all the best for you.


  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Justme1-  I am doing ok considing that my post op info is not as encouraging as the pre-op.  Physically, I am great, albeit a little sore.  I have een doing strethcing exercises 3 times per day and walking for 45 min to 1 hr 3 times per day.

    I will not have my complete post op pathology results until Tuesday Oct 25th when i visit with my bs.  On Friday, one of the nurses in teh breast center gave me some prelim reults that wer in-

    Left Breast (IDC) good news- still grade 2, low replication rate, & no vascular involvement.  Not so good news- lymph node involvement 6 out of 10 (presurgery thought was no lymphnode involvement) & they found an additonal tumor in another area of the breast not visible in any of the preop testing. I had every test known to man except for a PET scan.  Atthis point, it loooks like both radiation & chemo are in my future :-(

    Right Breast- no cancer in the breast tissue or the lymph nodes. Even though it appears I had a perfectly healthy breast removed, the peace of mind is indecribable. Yippe!!!

  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    iluv2knit- A little over 1 week since my BMX w TE's & Ia m still fatigued.  It helps to cut back on the pain med & increase the motrin.  Also, getting up and around as much as possible will increase your energy level.  In any case, enjoy the down time and pamper and be patient with yourself in the weeks ahead.  Right there with you!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    iluv2knit - Hang in there. I hope you start finding a little more energy each day.

    Mardibra - I hope your recovery has been off to a good start.

    Athabascan - Your good humor is uplifting. It does seem that BC is the perfect storm for Murphy's law. Just when everything seems to be going the way it's 'supposed' to, something doesn't.

    Rose - Sorry to hear the path report was filled with things you weren't expecting to hear. Hopefully things will be clearer when you get the full results. But it sounds like your recovery is off to a solid start and that you're moving around well (relatively speaking).

    Justme - So sorry for the delay. I hope they get that cleared ASAP. I've been told that the best way to approach things like that in our situation is to tell them or the hospital that you don't care, you're the patient, you're the 'customer,' and YOU WANT this done, period.

    Just in case, I'm calling the doctor's office and insurance company first thing Monday to double/triple check that everything is set. Ironically, insurance already okay'd a DIEP - but all I wanted was to find out how much it would cost, and the insurance told me to have the PS send them the code and fee and they'd get back. Supposedly they sent a letter Sept. 30 that neither I nor the PS received saying I was good to go. So I hope they don't get confused with a request for plain old TEs.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited October 2011

    I am 2+ weeks post-op. The TE fill two days ago did not go well! Last week (first fill after having no fill at surgery) was 180 cc in each TE, and that seemed fine. But the next fill was 120 cc in each TE. The pressure in the left TE was immense, but I was guessing it's supposed to be uncomfortable, so I'd adjust. Well, I could hardly walk out of the PS office (with DH help) and we went on to my first (still morning) appointment with the RO (to get ready for rads next month). In talking to the check-in nurse, I asked if this was just a talking consultation or an examination too, and she said there would be an exam. Oh no! I was in so much pain, I said I'd have to reschedule, and then we went home so I could rest this pain with meds. Not a good idea--should have returned to the PS. By 7:30pm I was in such pain that I called the PS's cell phone number and had to meet him at the office to have 50 cc removed from the left TE. That was night before last and it has been OK since, although I have continued to be on pain meds every 4 hours except for sleeping through the night. Has anyone else had such trouble with the amount of fill? Now I am at Left 250 cc and Right 300 cc. I can get fills each week up until rads start, which may be in about 4 weeks. I am aiming for a final B-cup size, but have no idea how much fill that involves in the TEs, or whether I can tolerate it within a month -- especially an overfill of the left TE that will get rads. Any insights?

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    Iluv2kinit- I was about 3 to 4 weeks post bmx before I really felt good energy and made it through the day without napping. Take the time and rest. I really did not pick up full speed till about week 6.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,331
    edited October 2011

    Margie, don't worry, I know no offense was intended. This is just one of those subjects, like rape or abuse that I have a hard time joking about.


  • sherylh72
    sherylh72 Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2011

    Glad to hear folks are doing well. I'm two weeks out from BMX with TE's and feeling okay. I don't rest enough and I'm still pretty sore. I have my first fill Wednesday and am a little nervous. They filled my TE's with 300 cc's during surgery. with still being so sore I'm nervous about them adding but on the other hand if I could get my swap surgery done in 2011 I'd save myself quite a bit of out-of-pocket expense so I want to be done quickly.

    I still don't have my final pathology report :-(. Two weeks and they said it would take one!  I broke down and called last Wed. and they said Columbus day set them back.  I'm really hoping to hear something Monday.