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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    AJ - sorry you are having such an issue with the itching - I hope you get good news on your path and get your drains out today - that will hopefully help take you mind off the itching a little.

    Gamegirl - wow I am so sorry you are having so many issues.  I hope they can figure out why you keep filling up with fluids and get it resolved.

    Tomorrow I have a big Dr day.  First appointment with oncology Dr since I finished chemo 9 weeks ago.  It will be interesting to hear what she has to say.  I then have my herceptin IV then off to PS for 2nd fill.  Then end the day of Dr's with a facial at my PS office - he has a medspa and they are doing free facials for all their breast cancer patients.  I will be released tomorrow to return to work Wed unless something strange comes up.

    sending gentle hugs to everyone  --  can you all believe today is the last day of Oct? 

  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Gamegirl & Maria

    Cry   Sorry about your fluid issues.  Hope it is resolved soon.  In the meantime know that we are all thinking of you.

    Love, Hugs & Prayers

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    Sorry to hear about all the fluid and itching problems. My mom got me a bottle of acidophelus to counteract all the antibiotics I'm on (they threw me on a second one because of the UTI). I'm desperately hoping that keeps my normal bacteria in check. I can't stand the idea of a yeast infection at this point!!

    I have to admit I feel lucky with my drains - I'm down to about 10 ccs in each, but I'm starting to wonder if there are any kinks or other things holding things up. I'm just amazed at how these things are sutured in and that you don't have more cases of them getting pulled out! I freak out every time I try to milk it before emptying it. And they pinch like crazy on the side.

    Margie - good luck with the onc tomorrow! 

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2011

    Seems like several of us are having additional "issues".  As it turns out, my simple lumpectomy and axillary node dissection was not so simple.  The tumor was larger than originally thought - 3.4cm - and 7 out of 10 nodes are positive.  They couldnt get clear margins so im going to need a mastectomy.  However, they want to start and finish chemo before doing the mastectomy.  I also have fluid issues from the AND so I need to have that taken care of tomorrow morning.  Does this crap ever end?  Yeast infections, UTI's, unbearable itching, fluid build up, and unexpected results?  I think we all need a big time break, right?

  • kks_rd
    kks_rd Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2011

    (((((Mardibra))))) So sorry to hear your news.

    Big hugs to everyone else too.  Let's hope November brings healing and positive things for all!

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    Mardibra --- sorry you have to have another surgery. I will keep you in my thoughts that Chemo and the additional surgery go smoothly.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011

    mardibra~ I'm sending giant hugs.  I am so very sorry to learn about the unexpected results. I'll be hoping that the fluid aspiration goes smoothly tomorrow.   

    kks_rd~ I'm with you in hoping that November is a better month for ALL. 

    rachelvk~ You probably already know this, but make sure that you take the probiotics at least 2 hours before or 2 hours after the antibiotics.  If not, the antibiotics will just eat them right up.  I'm waiting until I take my last dose of antibiotics (tonight) to start my probiotics.  I've been eating yogurt all week though (just not around the time I take my antibiotic.) 

    Update:  Got my drains out at PS office... but still no path.  Waiting on the report from the Breast Care Center.  It felt good to get "unwrapped" and out of that tight surgical vest.  Fingers crossed for NO INFECTIONS.  My drain holes are just covered with gauze--- no topical antibiotic due to my rash/allergy. 

    Off to Trick or Treat with my boy :)  Be back!


  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    Mardibra - Sorry about the news. I hope the chemo does a lot of good work before surgery. And those of us who have already been through a mx (or bmx) are here for you.

    AJ - Thanks for the heads up. I did not know that. Good news on the drains, and I do hope you have no problems with infections. Enjoy trick or treatings. My Mom's picking up a bag of candy in case I get anyone showing up. I'm almost never home on Halloween, and there are lots of kids in my apartment complex.

    I had a beautiful venture out onto my balcony this afternoon - soaked up a little sun, checked my poor - but alive!!! - tomato and pepper plants, and breathed in the fresh air. Then as I walked back in, I instinctively reached to close the screen door with my right (bad - SNB) arm and the tiniest twinge raced up my arm. Now the back part of my upper arm is numb, just like right after surgery. Damn! I figured I'd overdo something.

    I have my PS follow up tomorrow - I assume he'll check drains, incision, etc, possibly another fill. Any questions I should be thinking about asking? 

  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies.  Sorry to hear about some of the issues going on.  Gamegirl---I know how you feel about not wanting the drain tubes.  I hope you don't have to get them again.  Not to rub it in, but I finally got my other one out today.  I am so thankful.  They want to give me another week before trying to do a fill in the TEs cause I still have a lot of scabbing.  I am not in any hurry.  I have plenty of time.  I meet with my oncologist tomorrow....hopefully to get our plan in place and get a date to get this damn chemo show on the road.  The quicker I start, the quicker I will be done.  Sending hugs and love and all good thoughts to everyone on here!  Happy Halloween! 

  • Kim137
    Kim137 Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2011

    I am 2.5 weeks post op. I had my first TE fill this past Friday. The fill itself didn't hurt, just tightness and my anxiety acting up! Several hours later though the TE rested on my rib cage and every time I moved it rubbed across my bone. Yeeouch! Nothing a lortab couldn't handle. I slept it off after that and took Tylenol the following day. Much better now. I meet with my oncologist this Wednesday to set up our "game plan". I'm still having a great deal of numbness and sleeping is uncomfortable at best. Does anyone know how long it takes to get range of motion back?? I can use my arms fairly well, but cannot lift them above my head, actually far from it!! I can barely lift the arm I had AND on to put on deodorant. I still require help with this. Maybe I'm just wanting too much too soon. I am only 31 yrs. Old, fairly active and going INSANE FROM ALL THIS RESTING!!! My mother has to make my meals, pick up my son, run my errands (I haven't attempted driving yet! Have any of you?!) I'm just wondering what everyone else's experience is with ROM. Anyone doing exercises? Seeing PT?

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    Mardibra...I am sorry for your unexpected results...  Sometimes it just seems like it won't end...but it will get better...I hope very soon.

    AJ...Yeah on the drains...I hope the itching stops soon...  I had no gauze covering my drains and was just instructed not to get them wet...and had no antibiotics after I left the hospital.  Hoping you have no infection.

    Rachelvk...I cannot recommend asking about PT enough.  I cannot believe what PT is doing for me...and no one mentioned it...I had to advocate for myself for it.

    Shannon...I am glad the drains are out...that is a relief...  I hope chemo starts and ends quickly...

    Gamergirl, I am sorry that fluid build up is giving you such grief.  I hope you find resolution quickly.

    Kim...PT has been awesome for me.  I had a umx with snb and no recon.  And I was feeling very limited in my movement.  In 4 sessions, I have almost full ROM.  The PT identified a tiny bit of cording in me and is treating it.  I am so grateful I went.  I know someone who had bmx 5 or 6 years ago and never got pt...she still cannot reach above her head....  I cannot recommend it enough.  I would seek out someone who has experience with breast surgery...and better yet, with lymphedema and how to prevent/avoid it.  Mine has only limited experience, but she was the best I could find.  At least she knows how to identify and treat cording.  If I began developing LE, she would presumably be able to recognize it. 


    Happy Halloween to you all!!!  And an end to our list of surgeries...:)

  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Hi Kim-

    I am also 1 1/2 weeks out from my sugery (BMX TE) & meet my onco for the first time on Wednesday also.  You will be in my thoughts on Wednesday.  I don't know about you, but I have a real hard time with the unknown.  I tried to research on possible chemo & rads for my situation, but all I could get was general info.

    PT has worked wonders for me.  I asked PT a few weeks before my surgery.  She said that I was not scheduled since I was not considered high risk (whatever that means).  She said she would send a referrel if I would like.  I said yes. Bottom line is--- you might want to ask your doc for a referral.

    I met with PT 3 days before my surgery & she gave me exercises to do (inclding walking) for the first week & an appointment for 1 week after surgery. I am currently walking for 1-hour 3x per day.    She gave me additonal exercises to do thru 6 weeks post op.  At that time I can resume my normal exercise routine. 

    My right arm (non-AND) has full range of motion already.  My left arm (AND) is another story.  Although I have some motion, I still cannot raise my arm directly over my head.  I am hoping that I will have full range of motion at the 6-week post-op point.  If I do not have full range of motion at that time I will revisit with the PT.

     Love & Hugs---

  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011
    Kim--- Typo is my previous post --- I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op Smile
  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Gamergirl and Maria- hope you both dry up real soon.  Really, enough is enough! I am taking deep breaths for you both.

  • LisaWade
    LisaWade Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2011

    Good Evening Everyone,

    Gamergirl I am so sorry for all you are going through and Mardibra I'm sorry to hear about your news, I hope things start looking up soon <3

    I am officially drain free as of this afternoon, I'm worried though because I have a lot swelling on my left side from under my arm down to the bottom of my ribcage and it feels really numb, I am also having swelling on my breast bone it's all puffy (the only place that wasn't cut)... has anyone else had this or do you know if it's normal.  I'm 2 weeks today since my surgery and pt came by today we did a very few little stretches and she showed me what we would be working on but nothing that should cause this kind of swelling as far as I can figure out.

    Thank you for any input you might have, as always warm thoughts and prayers for everyone Lisa 

  • LisaWade
    LisaWade Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2011

    I should mention that my SNB was on the opposite side on the right

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2011

    November 1st.  We made it through the surgery list!  Not sure about everyone else, but I was happy to say goodbye to October.  I am a month out from surgery and doing really well.  Started back part time to work and go back full-time this Monday.  The redness I had on the right side is finally going away so I'll get to keep my TE.  I am so thankful that PS was williing to wait it out instead of taking it out right away.  Had my last fill today and I have an appointment for my exchange Dec. 19th.  Trying to get it in before the end of the year because of my high deductible insurance plan.

     So sorry to hear about the issues some of you are having.  Hope they resolve soon, I've not been posting but I've been reading and keeping up.  You are all an amazing bunch of Women and fighters.

    Thanks for the information and warnings about Lymphedema.  I've been reading up on it and taking a more vigilant approach in prevention.  You guys are right, there is not enough info and warning given about it before surgery.  After my surgery I had to keep stopping the nurses from taking blood pressure from right side.  They just didn't think about it.  They automatically went to that side because I.V.'s were in other side.  Seems like some sort of warning bracelet on that arm during hospital stays would be a great idea.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Kim- 2.5 weeks is still very early in the healing process but I had a terrible time sleeping the whole time with TE's in and my range of motion is also very bad. I am 5 days out on exchange and PS told me yesterday that after she sees me in 3 weeks she will order PT. I would definitely advocate for getting some PT as soon as it is allowed so that you do not need to wait till after exchange heals to get it. My lack of ROM caused issues with muscles all the way down my back to my hips. I wish I had jumped on it sooner and pushed for PT to take care of some of it.

    Mardibra- sorry to hear your disappointing news! Here's to hoping November brings better things.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2011

    Hello, November! 

    Back from my first follow-up with the PS - one drain gone, one left to go. That was a relief. He also scheduled another visit for next week, along with a PT appt. I am so surprised at how few PS actual recommend it regularly!

    After my first encounter with an aide slapping a blood pressure cuff on my right arm, they put a pink "limb alert" band on my right wrist. So far I seem to be okay.

    Continued good wishes for better recoveries. 

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited November 2011

    Good Evening Ladies~

    Ginger~ Is everything going well with your exchange?  I think it's great that you'll be starting PT before long :)

    Rachelvk~ YAY for having one of your drains removed.  1 down and 1 to go. Glad you got the "limb alert" bracelet too!

    Well Ladies, I finally have pathology news to share.  Much to my surprise (and after differing pathology reviews), it was determined that I do not have invasive or in-situ carcinoma in either of my breasts,  My final diagnosis revealed ADH in both breasts (thought to have been low grade DCIS) in addition to having "rare benign intraductal microcalcification, non-proliferative and proliferative fibrocystic changes" in the right breast.  I'm relieved that I listened to my gut on this one.  While some people in my circle of friends thought that my decision to move forward with BMX was extreme, I honestly believe that I did the right thing and at just the right time.  While it could have been 2 weeks, months, or even YEARS until I was diagnosed, it would have inevitably happened.      

    This experience has changed and will CONTINUE to change my life.  I've never felt so strongly about taking an active role in my community with regard to breast care awareness,  I just met a woman today who was recently diagnosed with later stage BC.  Sadly, she hadn't had a mammogram (or any type of clinical exam/diagnostic testing) in 8 years,  

    I wish you ALL sound sleep tonight as I send hugs to each and every one of you.  I feel like I have found my "lifeline" here and I'm stickin' around for the long haul :)

    Night Everyone~



  • Clams
    Clams Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2011

    Hey you guys.  Not much new to report.  Things are going well for the Mrs.  Just want ya'll to know that we're thinking about you.  

  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Dukes_Up- A big sigh of relief and hugs coming your way for the good news.

    Hope all you ladies are doing fine, now that we are beyond October surgeries. 

    I am n a panic.  My BMX & TE was on Oct 14th & I had a sentinel node dissection at the same time due to positive sentinel lymph node.  In the end I tested positive for 6 out of 10 removed nodes.  I was feeling under my arm today and there is a huge lump that was not there yessterday.  It does not feel like fluid and is not painful. I am fearful that is is another tumor! Reasonable assumption or not?

    Has anyone had a similar experience.  If so please share.  Good news is that I meet with my oncologist tomorrow for the first time---- I will certainly run it by him.

    Love, Hugs & Happiness to all :-)

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2011

    AJ - That's such good news! And it's good that your perspective is positive - I'm sure many women might have gotten angry that they did 'too much.' I have one friend, who is a cancer survivor (not breast) say that she felt I was beating my cancer with too big a bat by going for anything more than a lumpectomy. 

    Rose - I can't help you on that one but it's good that you'll be seeing the onc tomorrow. I hope you get some reassuring news.

    Judy - Good luck as you return to work. I'm glad things are working out with your TE. I'm in the early stage of getting used to them and hope I don't face a lot of the irritation/challenges that seem to be common. 

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2011

    Hey Gamergirl. . . is your activity level influencing your fluid output at all? I was having some serious ups and downs in terms of output (the one drain that I had was just removed yesterday - 3 weeks out). . .I was seriously recommended to lay low to get the output decent (30 ccs -- which I hardly ever got down to) . . . I'm sorry if it's a stupid question - just wondered . . .and was concerned. I can't imagine how this is going for you. . .

    AJ - wow. . .just wow. . . I have a funny feeling you're going to be doing some major advocacy in your world. THAT is fantastic. I'm still waiting for your exercise guidance!

    I am drain free finally. I'm a little bit in disbelief - feeling like I'm missing something - His name was Dobby. :) Helpful, somewhat in the way. . .I have a whole Harry Potter theme going - the breast mound is Voldemort (aka "He Who Must Not Be Named") . . . My path was finally confirmed as well: Lymph nodes negative, all DCIS. Unbelievable.

    I'm still trying to relinquish control. :) thanks for the kind words on that. Final control had to be relinquished last night when we returned from trick or treating to the aftermath of what was a small kitchen fire . . . really? seriously? Soot everywhere. . . . . everywhere. You could say we ended Halloween in a blaze . . . I hope someone's laughing (she says from her rented condo.... and not enough pillows for a recuperating UMX BC patient to sleep on!). . . . :)

    Sending good hugs and lots of prayers . . .kelleyod

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2011

    Kelleyod - Thanks for the laughs, really! I haven't got around to naming anything; couldn't even quite see my boobs as 'the girls.' I'm glad the fire was small and that your good humor prevailed. And great news on the path report.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Rose- I have no answers for you but good luck tomorrow!

    AJ- my exchange is going so well; I am almost afraid to jinx it. The pain has been minimal and easy to manage with tylenol. I am taking it really easy because I have read so many stories about people who tried to go back to 100% too soon and had setbacks. I feel better now than I did at any time with the expanders in. I am finally sleeping again and the muscle spasms are gone. I am just dealing with some range of motion issues in my shoulders. The PT should take care of that soon.

    Congratulations on your path results.

    When I was diagnosed with BC I had a lumpectomy which removed the cancer. It was only when I got the BRCA2+ that I decided to do the BMX versus getting radiation. I also questioned if I was doing the right thing and about 2 weeks post surgery(in pain and quite miserable) I was really second guessing that decision. Then my pathology reports came back with atypical, precancerous tissue in both breasts. I knew right then that I had made the right decision and that I have done all I can to prevent further BC down the road.

    This experience had really changed my life and the way I look at things on a daily basis. The support that I have found here in the last month has meant the world to me. I wish I had found back in June when I had my BMX but better late than never!

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2011

    Rose - I can't help with that scenario but good luck. . .breathe. . . let us know what you find out. . . .

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Kelleyod- that is unbelievable; a fire, really? Here's hoping some pillows come your way to  help support that sleep position. Congrats on the good path and getting rid of those drains. My house is full of Harry Potter fanatics also; can't wait to hear what you name next.

  • CookieMonster
    CookieMonster Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2011

    Sorry I can't respond individually, but I am reading!

    Wow, I thought I was the only one with a nickname for some of the parts.  I was given, and still have, the mammogram films of my breast with the localization wires in it. There were three needles/wires sticking into and out of my breast. From that I nicknamed it Frankenboob, then after lumpectomy #2 one of the sutures had an end that was sticking out of the skin a bit, so I had a string about 0.5-1 cm long hanging out, that just confirmed the Frankenboob to me.

    One evening when looking in the mirror at my now three scars (2 on the breast and one from the SNB), new words to the song "Starry Starry Night" popped into my head so I shared them with my DH.  It went, "Scar-y scar-y wife..." It made us chuckle at least.

    I have found that having and keeping my sense of humor has been instrumental throughout this ordeal.

    I'm so glad that I found this group too, it's so interesting to read just today about the decisions that you all chose about your breasts. I seem to have gone a different route from most of you, but after three surgeries now, I'm definitely wondering if I made the wrong decision, although I don't know that there's really a wrong decision, it's so personal.  If my follow up with the surgeon tomorrow is bad news, then I'll probably end up with a MX and wonder why I didn't do it in the first place. Both my mom and my aunt (aunt had an MX) thought I should have done the MX, but I just wasn't ready for that at the time. I think if it happens now I'll be more ready for it, still not happy about it though.

    The thing that I really like about this group is that we're all here to support each other and not judge or wag fingers at anyone's decisions. So, thanks to you all for being here for each other and for me. I'm very thankful that you are.

    It is also great to hear that many of you are moving forward in a positive way, are receiving positve news, and life is continuing for you.

    I'll post tomorrow after the f/u with the BS, but I think just about everything is crossed for only good news tomorrow. Best wishes to the rest of you for progress and good news.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    Good bye to October 2011, may I never face you again. So here I was thinking that waking up from my exchange with a flat Lt chest and TE still in Rt would be as bad as this past month could get, um no. I just got discharged from the hospital after 5 days. Here goes my diagnosis...Hepatitis A, Mononucleosis, Anemia and oh yeah your thyroid has shut down. This diagnosis was only after 3 days of my MO, the hospital primary physician, the infectious disease MD and the renal MD not knowing what was wrong with me. Went from missed liver cancer, to acute renal failure to unknown infection. Scared the hell out of my family and probably would have me if I hadn't been unconcious most of the time from built up waste products in my blood stream. All came down to continued immunosuppression and neutropenia from aggressive chemo treatment. WTF, I finished chemo in Aug. One good thing about it is that it took my mind off of my flat Lt chest for awhile. Now I'm dealing with fluid overload from hospitalization so most of the time my face looks like the elephant mans until the Lasix kicks in and my docs all tell me that I will be weak as a kitten for atleast the next 4 wks-great. Gosh this has been fun. Anyway good news is before I started getting really sick I saw 2nd opp PS and he was great and my TE will be able to go back in Jan 6th with hopefuly exchange in May. It sucks that it will take 7 months to get back to where I was 28 days ago. I hate this fuc_en cancer. I want my life back.