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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited November 2011

    LisaWade...I hope your swelling issues are resolving...or, at the very least, that the docs are being helpful.

    TexasRose...Good luck tomorrow with the onc.  I hope it turns out to be something simple.

    Kelleyod and AJ...YEAH on the path reports!  Nothing like a kitchen fire when you can't do anything to teach you to let go of control...:)

    I agree with CookieMonster.  We all did take different routes and have different issues to contend with.  (I think I might be one of only a couple of us that has opted to not do recon, and does not intend to in the future...)  I think it is wonderful that those differences have never seemed to matter among us.  I personally contend that there is no such thing as a "right" decision, no answer key in life.  There are choices we make.  Then we live with the consequences.  No one else can tell us what consequences we are willing to live with and so no one should tell us whether we made the right choices. IMHO


    As for me, I am going back to work tomorrow, something I have been facing with a good deal of trepidation.  I woke up tonight having what I can only guess was a panic attack.  I have never had them, so I don't know.  All I know is that sleep now eludes me and I am quickly approaching the time I have to get up.  Nothing like really testing out how well I've recovered...sigh...  Wish me luck getting through the day of work on limited sleep.

     I wish you all resolutions to your current issues and continued recovery on this crazy bc roller coaster....


  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited November 2011

    Oh my goodness, Survivor! You just moved to the top of my prayer list!!!! I am so sorry to read your news. Here I am feeling sorry for myself that I start chemo Nov. 29, found out today. Probably a cake walk compared to what you are going through. I am hugging you so hard right now! God bless your heart! sis.....a fire! Oh my! At least you are all okay. You have been on my mind lately. I need to call and catch up. Let me know when a good time is. I miss you! If calling is no good, shoot me an email. I hope all of my October sisters are holding strong...I'm praying for us all. Much love and hugs to everybody!!!!


  • kks_rd
    kks_rd Member Posts: 101
    edited November 2011

    Wow, as usual too many posts for my feeble brain to keep up with!  I did want to reply to Rose, although by the time she reads this she may already have her answer.  My SNB incision has puzzled me as well - there is a very firm ridge under the skin and it was alarming at first.  But I now remember the surgeon telling me that in addition to the stitches in the skin, there are two layers of sutures holding together the tissue underneath.  They use dissolvable stitches and he said it might take several months for them to dissipate.  So, yes, please do ask you onc... but it could well be it's an exaplanation as simple as that.  I hope so anyway!!

    My next surgery (re-excision) is scheduled for November 16th.  I feel well enough that I almost could go back to work for the two weeks between now and then, but both my surgeon and HR rep advised against it.  To quote my BS, "your body's been through hell and back" over these past 6 months with DD chemo, etc.  I've been reading up on the August and September rads threads and it seems it's not as 'easy-breezy' as I've been told.  So although I feel ridiculous staying home when I'm not all that ill, I'm trusting my gut with this one.  Gonna use the time to get a jump start on stuff for the holidays, since I will likely be in the throes of rads in December.  I'm coming up with more than enough projects to do that I need to remember to use this time to rest too! :)
    Best to all-Kat
  • kks_rd
    kks_rd Member Posts: 101
    edited November 2011

    Can I just add that I'm glad to have been included in this group?  I was looking for a November surgery thread and it appears it's for MX only.  Thanks GamerGirl for allowing those with "other" surgeries to come to the party.

  • LisaWade
    LisaWade Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2011

    CLC thank you, it seems I have some fluid build up and they want to wait to see if my body will absorb it before doing anything more, as I had some major low blood pressure issues after surgery that seem to be resurfacing so I have my homecare nurses coming in and checcking it more often now. I'm not sure if I'm imagining it but the swelling seems a bit better this morning.  I was due to see the surgeron today to get my final path report but they just called and said it isn't ready yet...  bummer for me I was really hoping to hear that they got it all and I'm good to go (as we all are) so now I just have to wait another week.  It comparison to what some of you ladies are going through I'm a little ashamed to feel as upset as I do. I am just so happy to welcome in November and hope like heck it's a turns out to be a good month for all of us bringing healing and piece of mind would be nice. as always warm thoughts and prayers for all Lisa

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2011

    Rachelvk  -- congrats on getting 1 drain out.  Hopefully the other one will be out soon.

    Kelleyod-- congrats on getting the drain out and the good path report.  UGH kitchen fire is the last thing you need right now.

    AJ - congrats on the path report.  I bet you will be a great advocate for women's health.

    Ginger - thanks for sharing your experience with your exchange.  My PS told me yesterday that we are on track from my exchange in Jan and I cannot wait to get these TE out.

    Dawn - wow you have been through a lot.  I hope you get feeling better soon.

    I want to thank all of you for your support through Oct 2011 - the move we all want to have far back in our rearview mirror.


    update on me...  yesterday I had my herceptin IV and then I meet with ONC (first time since I ended chemo Aug 29).  She was so excited by how well the chemo had worked based on my surgical path report.  She also told me that my post chemo muga (heart test) was better then my pre-chemo one.  Which really shocked me because before chemo I was working out 10 hours per week.  After all that I went to PS for my 2nd fill.  I told him last week's fill (60cc) wasn't too bad to deal with so to fill me with as much as he could.  He put 75cc in left and 80cc in right.  I told him I would rather deal with the muscle spasms and discomfort rather then take longer to get my chest ready for exchange.   At this rate I will be done with fills around Nov 22 and have my exchange early Jan.  I can not wait to get these TE out of my chest.  As I told my PS yesterday these TE are the worst part so far of my cancer journey and that includes 4 months of chem and BMX.

  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited November 2011

    Hello to All!!

    I had my surgery Friday and I haven't been on here since.  It was a 9 hour procedure, so I'm still pretty wiped out.  Breast surgeon was in for about four hours and did the MX followed by the plastic surgeon that basically put me back together with alloderm and saline.  Everything looks pretty good I guess.  I have four drains and I'm so scared I'm going to accidently pull one out. 

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2011

    Dawn - I am so sorry you have had such a hard, awful, October.  I hope everything starts going good for you.  That's good news on the expander.  January will be here before we know it.  Thinking healing thoughts for you.

    MargieC - I'm with you, can't wait to change out these expanders.  I would love to sleep comfortably on my side again.

    Lisa - That happened to me too with my path report.  I got the call the morning of my appt and the Dr. had to reschedule because of emergency surgery.  I almost cried on the phone.  The waiting is still the hardest part I think.  Hope you get a good report and that this week flies by quickly.

    Shannon - sorry about the chemo, especially during the holidays.  I find out for sure if I'll have it next Wed. after I get my Oncotype DX report back. 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2011
    Deniseday -- I had the same fear of my drains getting pulled out.  They are secured with little stiches.  Plus there is a lot of tubing inside you.  My DH was shocked at the amount of tubing the PS pulled out of me when my drains were removed.
  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited November 2011

    I just haven't felt like writing much, but it's good to see how you all are doing. I'm 4 weeks post-op tomorrow. Today I had the second of three drains pulled. The other one seems to have set up home in me. Eviction notice: one week! I had the TEs filled some more, now 350 cc on the left and 360 cc on the right. I don't know what the goal is, but I'm guessing around 150 cc more each side. Are any of you becoming accustomed to the TEs? I do not like them -- never comfortable! I'll have them for months if all goes well, through rads and beyond.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2011
    Ann --  I was thinking about you earlier today wondering how you are.  Wow 360cc/350cc you are over 100cc ahead of me on the fills Sealed  I know what you mean about them being uncomfortable (they range from uncomfortable to painful).  I told my PS yesterday that the TE are worst part of this whole thing including 4 months of chemo. 
  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    Shannon-thanks so much for the prayers. This has all been a pain and a real roadblock on my journey to getting back to normal, but I keep telling myself that it's all temporary and that it could be so much worse. Good luck with Nov 29th. I know it comes with alot of mixed feelings, but just remember that every treatment you get thru is one day closer to getting back to normal, will continue to think of you and your husband.

    kks_rd-I know what you mean about work. Right now I still feel crappy but I still feel guilty about not being a useful member of society. Have been off work since May and was hoping to go back this month until next surgery in Jan, but now I'm not allowed. Can't wait to get back to the point in life where I'm praying for a day off.

    deniseday- so glad to hear surgery is behind you. Healing thoughts being sent your way.

    Judy67-thanks for the thoughts, appreciate it.

  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Hi ladies!

    Good news on the lump under my arm---- I visited my onco & ps nurse practioner today & I was sent for a sonogram--- it was just a seroma (fluid filled) and should resolve itself on its own.  Apparently this is a somewhat common condition as a result of traumatic surgeries.  Yeah!!!

    I also met my medical onco today for the first time.  Good news again--- he considers me stage II based on all the characteristics of my tumor. I was obsessing that I came out of surgery a stage III.

    I do however, have 6 of 10 positive lymph nodes which throws into the pool for chemo & rad :-(.  If I do not have the treatments my chance of recurrence is 50%.  With the chemo & rads my risk drops to 20%.  I'm in.  Have my first chemo treatment NOV 15th.

    You are all in my thoughts as we navigate these waters together.

    Love, Hugs, & Prayers 

  • mauimom
    mauimom Member Posts: 53
    edited November 2011

    Just wanted to drop by and say hi - I'm hoping that things are going well for our October group.  So much is going on with everyone, it's hard to keep up, but I'm reading what you're all posting.  My thoughts are with you, rejoicing with the good news and offering comfort with the hard things.  I'm waiting for clearance to begin radiation - was hoping to finish my 6.5 weeks before the end of the year, now not thinking that will happen...and I probably have 1-2 more fills left - I'm at 320cc so far with the next one next week.  And thank you to all of you who posted about physical therapy!  It's making a big difference in my arm.  hugs to you all.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2011

    Hi Girls,

    Hope you are all doing well! I'm a week out today, still feeling a little weak and a little angry about stupid cancer. I got to start the day at my pre-op appointment for my NEXT surgery, which is two weeks from today. I guess I have to find the November surgery thread. I hope that is the last one for a while, but I know I'm going to want to have the Nipple Fairy visit me, but maybe I can do that this summer and give my body some time to heal.

    Im going to close this out now and decide if I should eat yogurt and banana or Haagen Daas PB and Chocolate ice cream. Maybe a little of both ? Xoxox

  • CookieMonster
    CookieMonster Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2011

    kks_rd - enjoy the time off, soon enough you'll be wishing for it again. The healing from re-excision was way easier than from the SNB or even the 2 site original excision.

    Claire - I hope your return to work was pleasant and that you received much love and niceness from your colleagues.

    Shannon - we all travel different paths, yours different from others but not an easy one either. I hope chemo is as minimally unpleasant as possible

    Margie - you make the TE's sound like so much fun, I just might have to get some myself! 

    Rachelvk & Kelleyod - yay for fewer drains, but let's only have to put out metaphorical fires, not real ones, OK?

    AJ - I'm JEALOUS of a good path report

    Ginger - sounds like you're healing right up, keep at it.

    Dawn - hang in there and keep your spirits up, any way that you can

    Deniseday - 9 hours, oh my. Welcome back on, from what others have said, it sounds like it's harder than it seems to pull the drans out

    Lisa & Judy67 - boo on delayed path reports, the waiting is hard enough. My BS said she almost called me last night, but decided to just wait until our appointment today and talk to me in person.

    Ann - glad you're losing drains and I like the eviction notice, although when I first saw that I thought, great just what you need on top of this stuff, but then realized you were evicting the drains.

    TexasRose2127 - Great news on the lump! And hoping for smooth sailing through the chemo and beyond.

    mauimom -I was also hoping to finish radiation before 2012, but now that's out of the picture for me. Good luck with the rads.


    now my update - I wanted to update earlier but just didn't feel up to it, sorry. Had my follow up with the BS today. The path report looked like the previous one, with one focus of DCIS about 2 mm and less than 2 mm from the new margin. She echoed my thought when she said that even though we could do another excision and possibly get clean margins, she would still not be comfortable that we'd gotten all of the DCIS as there seems to be little bits of it (not connected to any other areas) that we keep finding. So it looks like I'm off to mastectomy land.  I'm still pretty shocked about it and have lots of research ahead of me about the type of MX to have. I've been referred to a PS and will meet with him sometime soon, I hope. I suspect that the MX will happen in December sometime.I'm glad that I took the route that I did, as I wasn't ready for a MX back in August when I had my first surgery, but now I think I'm better prepared for it, still not thrilled about it, nor about the recovery/long haul, but I can cope. On the upside, likely no rads for me anymore, unless the MX margins aren't clear, then again, not having clear margins seems to be my specialty. Hey, at least I've not lost my sense of humor yet.

    Best wishes to you all and I know I've got positive thoughts coming my way too. I'll be checking in here still, of course. Keep healing everyone!!

  • 9911
    9911 Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2011

    Hi all-

    Sorry, I'm not going to even try to read all the posts from Oct 25 ... the date of my surgery. I would like to let everyone how my BMX with DIEP & free TRAM (one for each breast) surgey was like:

    Surgery Day- Got to the hospital at 6:30am ... 10+ hour of surgery ,,, in room around 7:30pm

    Day 1- Your flaps get check every hour for 24 hours. They have to keep you warm. My room was 80* and I had a Bear Hugger on. I also had calf massager boots on ... which I hated by day 3. I was doing good for not doing anything. No food ... just sleep.

    Day 2- The day they tried to move me. I was feeling pretty good till I try to sit-up ... I could ... but the room would not stop moving. Time to test what kind of drugs will work of me. The flaps are now checked every 2 hours. YES, you don't get to sleep. I also found out I had real bad blisters from the tapes they used after surgery around the breast area. The heat + tape + blinder  = blisters. It's a liquid meal plan for today. Why is it ... by the time you received anything that should be cold is warm?

    Day 3- Reg food meal plan ... still was not able to eat most of the food. I was able to get up and sat in the recliner chair. I sat in it for 8 hours! And I had to goto the bathroom everyhour ... they had 100cc IV dripping every hour. OK, my flaps gets check every 2 hours & I have to goto bathroom every hour, I AM NOT GOING TO GET ANY SLEEP. The blinder was killing my lower back. I had to a new drug for that pain. 

    Day 4- My husband was able to be with me all day. I don't know how you are supposed to do all the stuff you are suppost to do without help.I would be pushing that nurse button all the time. With any flap surgery ... you are limited to moving ... I can't get half of the stuff that was on my tray. I was able to walk around the room more and getting real good getting in and out of the bed. My pain was like a 2 or 3 out of 10 ... it's a 10 when they were touching the blisters. I finally got my drugs right where I'm in control and not the drugs.

    Day 5- I asked to leave the hospital. I had a real good talk last night with the RN ... it's time to go home and get a good night sleep. I learned to take care of my blisters and the 4 drains and was home by 4pm. 

    Day 6 - FREEDOM ... to sleep as long as I can. Too bad for my husband ... he had to do everything ... drugs, food, school drop-off & pick-up, work ... 

    Day 7- I finally let myself to do some stuff around the house and use the laptop ...

    Today -Follow-up ... got 3 drains removed ! I might be able to get the last drain remove Friday ... for sure Monday. Everything looks good ... I was able to walk and did not have to use the wheelchair. The back feel much better today with all the walking. The blisters are painless now. My BS called and the path report is clean ... no cancer. And I'm up too long writing this.

    Peace and calm too all ... this is the final part of my treatment ... all I have are follow-ups.


  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, thanks for various good wishes...just checking in briefly to say left side was aspirated went very smoothly, and came back home in the afternoon.  Thinking of you all, especially those who are having a rougher ride..

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2011

    9911 - Good to hear from you, though it sounds like you've been through so much. I hope you've started on the road to a smooth recovery from here on in. Good news on the drains! That should mean the healing is well underway.

    CookieMonster - I'm sorry you'll have to join some of us here in mx land. I have to admit, I am amazed at what the surgeons can do. I'll agree the TE isn't the most comfortable thing (I don't know what, if any, recon, you're considering), and I'm not exactly pretty to look at from the front at the moment, but I've already got cleavage, and once things heal up, I think it's going to be pretty good. I'm sure you'll find the right option and be comfortable with it.

    Maria - Glad the aspiration went well.

    Got my path report this morning - no surprises, thank G-d. And the 5 additional nodes that came with the breast tissue were negative. The cancer turned out to be 3 cm, so technically that makes me Stage 2, but I can deal with that. Since it is triple negative, BS is recommending chemo, and for that I am grateful because I know chemo is my best defense against a recurrence. I love my hair immensely, but I'll have to make do with the hat my best friend has knitted for me for a while... I just wish I hadn't had it cut a few weeks before I found my lump. I might have been able to use it for a wig or ponytail hat.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited November 2011

    Good Morning All~

    rachelvk~ I'm relieved to know that your path report didn't reveal any unpleasant surprises.  Do you know when chemo will begin?

    Maria~ Glad the aspiration went smoothly yesterday.  I may be headed that way too as I have a puffy bump forming that I believe may be a seroma.   Need to call PS. 

    9911~ Wow, what a long surgery.  So glad you're home and that you've received good news re: your pathology. 

    CookieMonster~ Continued positive thoughts coming your way.  While I'm sorry that mx will be necessary, I'm glad that your BS is being cautious. 

    Eema~ Is your next surgery the one for your moles?  Did you go with yogurt, ice cream, or both?  :) YUM.

    mauimom~ Good luck with your remaining fills... and I hope that radiation goes just as smoothly as possible.  Keeping you in my thoughts!

    TexasRose~ I'll be thinking of you on the 15th. Happy to hear the lump was a seroma and should resolve on its own :)

    survivor11~ I can't believe how much sh*t you've had to endure.  You are one incredibly strong woman and I admire your kickass ability to overcome all that's been thrown your way.   Hugs and prayers to you, Girl.

    MargieC~ Sorry your TEs are so uncomfortable/painful.  I'm only at 150cc on each side so no problems yet.   Great news re: chemo success and Muga.

    Ann~ So glad to get your update.  I can only imagine how uncomfortable you must feel with the quick fills.  YAY for having another drain removed... you're almost there!

    LisaWade~ So sorry you have to wait another week for your pathology--- ARGH!  

    deniseday~ Welcome to the other side, Girl!  I had the same fear re: pulling out my drains.... try to relax. 

    kks_rd~ I think you've made a great decision re: work.  Your body will appreciate the healing time before your next surgery.  

    slgarcia~Hey Shannon!  Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you!

    CLC~ Hope that Day #2 at work is going okay so far :)

    To ALL:  Sending healing vibes to all of my October friends.  I don't know what I would have done without our group of strong and amazing women. 

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2011

    CookieMonster - I'm sorry you're looking at a Mastectomy after already going through surgery.  I did a BMX and looking back I'm glad I did.   They found a couple of areas of Ductal in another location in the breast than the original site.  Hopefully radiation would have killed this if I had went with a lumpectomy, but I feel better knowing it's gone.  I'm about 5 weeks out now and although my new boobs are not that comfortbable at the moment, I've become attached to them and it doesn't bother me to see them.  I'll get an exchange in Dec. and PS assures me those will feel great in comparison.  Hope it all goes well.

    Deniseday - wishing you a quick and easy recovery.  I think the drains were the worst part of it.  They weren't painful, just annoying.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2011

    CookieMonster -  Dont let my complaining about the TE effect your decision.  They are a pain, but like the drain tubes after surgery it is a short period of time in the over all scheme of things.  My PS has told me I am going to look great when this is done - he is going to do some fat grafting when he does my exchanges I was teasing him that if he could take a little extra from my butt and thighs I would appreciate it.  If you haven't heard of fat grafting it is where the surgeon harvest fat from the abs, butt or thighs and injects it around the permanent implants to give you a more natural look. 

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2011

    Cookiemonster - I'd second Margie's comments, although I'm only a week into them. I think down the line there also is an option of doing a DIEP in the future if you decide implants are too much of a hassle. While that means another surgery, it also means your mx operation, which is a big enough assault on your body, doesn't have additional complications from the abdominal surgery and your recovery can be faster in the short term. That said, I know many women love their DIEPs from the get-go.

    Rose - Glad the seroma and Stage news was good for you. Good luck with chemo and rads. My first onco appointment is the 15th - though I don't think that means a first treatment... I'll keep you in my thoughts.

    MauiMom - good to hear from you. Good luck on the rads, even if it puts off your final fills. I hope all goes well.

    Survivor - Hang in there. Sending you my best.

    I know I keep missing posts and updates - my thoughts are with all of you guys. 

  • kks_rd
    kks_rd Member Posts: 101
    edited November 2011

    BTW Rachel, because of my unique color and curl, I was asked time and time again if I had looked into making my own hair into a wig.  And I did.  What I found out quickly was that is was very costly and time-prohibitive -- and that the hair from one person's head is rarely enough.  I don't remember the specifics but it was something like 8-10 weeks and $3000-5000.... or thereabouts... so please don't kick yourself too hard. Wink

    Anyone looking at chemo is welcome to ask me about it.  I did dose dense AC+T June-September and although some of the SEs are far from pleasant, the experience on a whole is totally doable!!  I am about 6 weeks PFC and many of the SEs are merely a hair is coming in pretty well now...

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2011

    Kat - Thanks for the heads up. I actually have found a hat or two that I figure I can probably lop a few bangs off and between me and a crafty friend, figure out how to sew the locks into the brim so they look 'natural.' Gives me a project to work on! I love the color of your hair, by the way. I have faint red highlights, so if I go with a wig, I'm tempted to try red. I'll check back when I know what chemo I'm heading for.

  • Clams
    Clams Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2011

    You guys are all doing great.   You probably don't know it or believe it, but you're all so brave and strong and inspirational.   Keep up the fight and don't give up.  Best wishes...

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    TexasRose-great to hear about the seroma and Stage 2 status. I know chemo sucks but the way I kept looking at it was every treatment down is one day closer to normal so will be sending you healing thoughts and big hugs for Nove 15th.

    Eema-I vote icecream everytime.

    CookieMonster-I'm so sorry you now face a mastectomy, but atleast you know you did try a less invasive route. Just know we will be here for you for what every you need. I'm hoping that once it's done you will have some relief from the fear of "not getting it all". Best wishes love.

    9911-man girl, you've had a heck of a last few days. Glad to hear that everyday seems to be bringing you relief from the pain. Hang in there, will be thinking and praying for you.

    Marie_Malte-glad aspiration went well.

    rachelvk-yeah on path report, sorry about chemo, but it is doable.

    Dukes-up-thanks for the kind words. Yeah things have sucked a bit, but what are you going to do. Just pick up and fight again and take it one day at a time.

    Kks_rd-I agree, I had TAC from June to Aug and although it sucked at times, it is doable. Just take it one treatment at a time and the time really will move faster than you can believe.

    Thanks Clams for the wonderful words of support. Very much appreciated.

    As for me, I'm feeling better everyday just trying not to overdo it now that I don't feel life death. Good news is that my boys are finally home sleeping in their own beds since I've been sick. They have been staying with their Dad and my parents (they have been very supportive), but soooooo glad to have them home, makes me feel normal again.

    Hope all are doing well and have a great Friday.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2011

    Survivor11 - I'm so glad your sons are with you again. Normal is a good thing to feel at this point. I'm sure that will help speed your recovery. Take care!

    CLC - I hope your week at work went well.

    Shannon - Hope things are going well. You sound like your mood is back up - that's great! You've got such energy and courage!

    Ann - I hope you get that last drain out as 'threatened'! I've just started with TE's, so I'm in the getting-to-know-you phase. They do drive me nuts sometimes, but since I'm still so numb in many places, it's hard to tell whether it's the TE's causing discomfort, or a muscle nerve just springing back to life, or what.

    Denise - Hope your energy is coming back and that you've gotten used to the drains. I was worried too, but they seem pretty well attached.

    LisaWade - I hope they speed up that path report. It is so hard to have to wait for that. Glad you have the home nurse. They can be reassuring when there are so many things to worry about watching.

    Happy Friday! I hope everyone finds a little more rest and recovery this weekend. 

  • iLUV2knit
    iLUV2knit Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2011

    I have really enjoyed listening to the encouragement of all the October ladies out there.  I can't keep up with all  the postings, so if I disappear, just know I have appreciated all the kind words from those of you who are fighting the same fight and TRULY understand where I am coming from.

    I have had a rough couple days at home.  It has been 3 weeks post BMX.  I started doing too much because I found the family was gone more and seeing that I was moving about more, let me kinda go on my own.  They are used to me doing ALOT around here.  I vacuumed, swept the barn floor, fed animals, made beds, etc.  Well I have spent the last two days crying (alone) and feeling very sore. My new friend is an icepack and I am popping motrin 800's and vicodin so I can feel 'normal'.

    Today my daughter is back with me and my hubby stepped up and did double duty last night with everything!  I just feel guilty, I guess because I know they both have their own things during the day to deal with and I have never been a sitting around type person... 

     WHEN will I really be able to be physically active like I was used to?? I hate being exhausted and feeling sorry for myself and getting swollen with the TE's and pectoral muscles-plus trying to sleep in a real bed...forget it!!  It hurts to roll on my side because my sides (under my armpits are swollen too) and I still have a prolific drain on the right side. 


    feeling sorry for mysefl in Michigan

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2011

    {{{Iluv2knit}}}  hugs!

    Isn't that the tough part about recovery? On the one hand, we want to get our lives back and start doing things on our own, but we can't trust our strength to hold out. I keep knocking wood because I feel I've been pretty lucky so far, but I'm worried that in a few weeks, when my mom is gone and I'm on my own trying to ease back into work, it will sneak back up on me. And by then I'll be on chemo to top of everything. I'm still checking in on the September surgery ladies, and 6 weeks out they're still having to stop and reboot from time to time.

    It's good your daughter and husband can help. You DO need to allow for a lot of time for your body to heal, and you'll continue to need their help on and off. I hope you're able to help them understand that mix of emotions and needs. And we're always here for you to vent.

    Have you checked around for services through the American Cancer Society or other organizations? Not sure if barn-floor sweeping falls into some of their programs... ;)  but you never know what you might find.

    What type of farm do you have? I can't imagine how much work goes into that. I can't even keep my 2-room suburban apartment in order (and I don't even have a cat or dog!)

    Hang in there. I hope you're able to find some time over the weekend to rest and relax.