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Starting Chemo in Nov. 2011...anyone else?



  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    going in for my second AC today, wish best of luck for those who will be joining me today, may u all have minimal SE's

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270

    to WRKN,

    I don't think the Taxol is hardcore--but that is my response. Actually,  there are days when I wonder if I am on chemo at all--did they put me on a study? did I get the pacebo?  Did they forget to put drugs in the IV?  

    Only joking but my SEs (so far) have been very bearable!  That said, my docs are looking at some changes in my protocol. I am hearing a few different things but will wait until it actually changes!! I am unable to do quite a few of the standard treatments since I had an incredible intense tx for NH lymphoma when I was a kid including a lifetime dose of radiation which probably caused the BC.  So, I just go with the flow of things and enjoy my days as they come.

    Yesterday I felt great. Today so far good. Tomorrow--chemo.  Q 

  • Tipnas
    Tipnas Member Posts: 82

    Hi Ladies, I'm day 6 post chemo # 3.  I had 12 really good days at the end of my last cycle which I thoroughly enjoyed.  I told myself I'd hang on to that memory when I was feeling blah again.  I have the nausea and bitter metallic mouth taste.  I think the bad taste makes the nausea worse.  Has anyone tried Emend?  The NP gave me a sample at my last treatament but the literature says you need to take it before the nausea starts in order for it to be effective.  Has anyone noticed they are more fatigued?  I'm very tired this time around.  They only gave me half the Neulasta dosage this time so maybe that has something to do with it.  My eyes are also tearing a lot anyone else experiencing this with CT regimen?.  I guess the chemo effects are cumulative.

    Welcome to all the new ladies, you've come to a great place for good info and support.  I hope everyone is doing well.  My mum is coming to stay for Christmas tomorrow and my house is falling down around my ears  Yikes!!!!  xoxo

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270

    Welcome to everyone new here.  We are definitely a mixed group--so many different treatments-- I wish you all a wondrous holiday season, eat drink and be merry  and oh by the way--exercise, if you can!!!

  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263

    I have SEs at least 10 days after treatment. My taste is coming back but my tears haven't stopped. I am taking Xanax to help with the crying jags. They start on Thursday after treatment and haven't stopped  today. I am too tired to do much but I am trying to a little each day.

    Susan-thanks for letting me know about your crying episodes, I cannot wait until this is all over. I don't like this part. I cannot imagine going back to work full time during treatment. I am so thankful that I can stay home and take care of myself. I wish my husband was here during the evening with me. It gets so lonely when the darkness falls.

    Quaatsi-I am going to try. I have said this each day for a week!

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Clairenaz ~ I can so relate to what you are saying.  Foods are just mentally associated with times during these chemo cycles.  I had a nasty dream that involved very sweet foods and ever since then I can't even think about eating sweet stuff.  I e-mailed my MO to ask for any tips on getting through this time since it seems to be a rougher and got the usual response...hydration, good nutrition, and lemon on food...blah! blah! blah!  Doesn't he know I want instant gratification? Wink  So, here I am eating some Fritos...don't know why but they mask the metallic taste and for today that's what I need and want.  Certainly not good nutrition but if it blocks the nausea, I am there!

    Tipnas ~ I can so relate on the house not being how you really would like it to be, but I am sure your mum is coming to see you and now your housekeeping.  Just enjoy the time with her and the days you will feel good.  I am trying to motivate myself to finish decorating the tree...maybe tomorrow.  At least it's up and that's a plus. 

    I am wondering if this second chemo has been worse than the first, if the next four will get worse and worse.  That's an awful thought.  But, I think some of you have said that every cycle is different and I am hoping my next one is different in that there are less days with fewer side effects.  That's the number one thing on my Christmas list for myself and all of you.  Take care.and hope you are all having a great day!

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Clairenaz ~ I can so relate to what you are saying.  Foods are just mentally associated with times during these chemo cycles.  I had a nasty dream that involved very sweet foods and ever since then I can't even think about eating sweet stuff.  I e-mailed my MO to ask for any tips on getting through this time since it seems to be a rougher and got the usual response...hydration, good nutrition, and lemon on food...blah! blah! blah!  Doesn't he know I want instant gratification? Wink  So, here I am eating some Fritos...don't know why but they mask the metallic taste and for today that's what I need and want.  Certainly not good nutrition but if it blocks the nausea, I am there!

    Tipnas ~ I can so relate on the house not being how you really would like it to be, but I am sure your mum is coming to see you and not your housekeeping.  Just enjoy the time with her and the days you will feel good.  I am trying to motivate myself to finish decorating the tree...maybe tomorrow.  At least it's up and that's a plus. 

    I am wondering if this second chemo has been worse than the first, if the next four will get worse and worse.  That's an awful thought.  But, I think some of you have said that every cycle is different and I am hoping my next one is different in that there are less days with fewer side effects.  That's the number one thing on my Christmas list for myself and all of you.  Take care.and hope you are all having a great day!

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    I had a tougher time during this 2nd cycle also.  My problem this time was the Big D - had lots of problems with it starting on Saturday evening.  When I visited with my oncologist earlier today, he said I need to take control of it quicker by starting the Immodium immediately instead of waiting until it's a big problem.  I agree that each cycle will be different, yet alike in a lot of ways.  I feel like I'm learning more through each experience.  The key seems to be that I need to be more proactive, rather than reactive, when I get the SEs. 

    I was finally better today, and I'm hoping that I'm on the road to recovery for at least a couple of good weeks.  Due to the holidays and my doctor needing surgery for kidney stones, my schedule has been altered a bit.  I'll be getting the third treatment on December 30 (instead of December 27).  I know I'll enjoy those few extra days of "freedom."

    I hope you're on the downhill side of the last treatment and feeling better each day.

  • alameda
    alameda Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for your advice.  I do try to anticipate upcoming events and I agree, I have to slow down and take it as it comes.   I had a lumpectomy on November 17th and they took 2 lymph nodes that did not show any cancer. I must keep up my upbeat attitude.  I do believe in mind/body correlation.  Where are you in this journey? 

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    alameda, I had a lumpectomy in Oct. and 2 nodes taken and no cancer in them and started chemo November 4, Taxotere, Carboplatin, and herceptin.  I get herceptin every week for now and Taxotere and Carboplatin every 3 weeks.  I've had 2tx of what racerdeb calls the "Bad Dude" of Carboplatin, and taxotere, and I think about 5 of the herceptin (I've lost count).  After the T and C are done some time late Feb. or early March, then I'll have herceptin every 3 weeks until next November.  I'm suppose to have radiation some time in the spring, but I haven't even given that much thought, yet.  And I'll also have an aromatase inhibitor for 5 years, but I haven't looked into that, yet and don't know when that starts.  It's a long road, but we have to take it a day at a time.  I had to go to the doctor today for a urinary tract infection and yeast infection, am again on an antibiotic and monostat for the yeast.  They took a blood draw and my white counts are low, but on the rise but not dangerously low, thank goodness.  I get my 3rd tx of TC Dec. 23 if everything goes right. This Friday I go in for another herceptin.
  • alameda
    alameda Member Posts: 5

    What type of surgery do they plan on doing?  I don't understand some of the initials that are on this site.  Guess I will as I go along though.  Will let you know what is planned for me by the oncologist after seeing her on Thursday.  Gosh this nausea stuff sounds miserable.

  • alameda
    alameda Member Posts: 5

    I signed up for the Feel Good Look Better program and will go on Monday, Dec. 19th.  Will post what my experiences are.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    alameda, Here's a link for abbreviations used on this board:

  • alameda
    alameda Member Posts: 5

    thanks GrandmaV for the link, will try

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Today I made it to the halfway mark of my Taxol X 12 series.  The treatment was delayed because I am still running a low grade fever with this sinus infection.   I will have to extend the antibiotic for another few days which I don't like, but can't really argue with at this point. 

    The Benedryl and Decadron made me feel better fast!  The bad news is that by Thursday I may be crashing a bit, but I should feel good tomorrow at least!  I talked to a good friend last night that has had to do heavy doses of steroids for her Chron's Disease over the years.  She let me know that I'm not crazy for crying at every little thing on the second and third day after the Decadron.  We had a hilarious conversation about a not-hilarious topic.  I just love her.

    The whole chemo process today took all day but my port worked perfectly and my chest was MUCH less bruised than last week. I stood up for myself and talked with the chemo nurse about infection control and the processes we would use, including anyone in the room wearing a mask while access/de-accessing my port.

    I like the saying on here of "May your side effects be minimal."  Have a good week!


  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    alameda, the link doesn't work, but if you copy and paste it should.
  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    phgraham, half way, wow! Sound's great!
  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263

    Phyllis--Thanks for the Decadron report. I have treatment on Tuesdays and start crying on Thursday. I finally stopped yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. I take decadron in liquid form with my chemo and then for 2 days after. My oncologist prescribed prednisone for 2 more days to stop the crying but it didn't work this time.

    My next treatment is December 20 and I hope to have things under control by Christmas day. This will be my LAST A/C treatment!!! I will have 4 Taxol treatments and then be finished. I found out yesterday that my cousin will need 4 chemo treatments. For those of you who don't know, 2 of my cousins have had bilateral mastectomies also. My surgery was on 9/19, one cousin's was on 10/19 and the 3rd cousin was on 10/27 or close to those dates. We are going to be having a group celebration in the spring. 

    This morning I am experiencing the stomach issues. I am thinking ginger ale is on the menu for today. I finally had an iced tea from McD. I drank one while my mouth was yuccky and haven't been able to drink any tea since that time.

    GrandmaV--I hope you don't have to postpone any more treatments because of low blood cells.

    I hope we all stay on track for our treatments!!! 

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    beth, I'm glad you're past the crying this tx and just think you'll be half done too after you're last A/C.  I'll be half done with TC after Dec. 23.  Sometimes I can't believe we're doing chemo and actually getting through it, and even though it's tough at times,  it's actually not as bad as I imagined it would be.   You're doing an amazing job getting through your treatments, even though they are hard on you.  Keep up the good work.
  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Second time around is definitely more difficult. I do believe my taste-buds are getting worse. This morning coffee tasted disgusting, so I am sipping ginger tea. My fingers are so tender today, it hurts to type on this keyboard. I keep a journal of SE's and have compared last round with this one. The only similarities; the bone pain day 5 after the nuelasta shot. I did stay on the claritin this time so it was not as severe as last round. I have had the crying jag off and on since last Wednesday, I am hoping it leaves me alone for a while.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    Lory, How many more treatments do you have?  What did your onco recommend for the finger pain?  I have two cuticles that are sore.  I've been icing my fingernails and toenails during taxotere to try to prevent nail issues.  That may have been two places I need to concentrate on for next time.
  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270


    I am sorry to hear about the crying-- I am assuming it is steroid related???  I really dislike them.  I have a horrid aversion since, when I was 29 and had lymphoma I had to take 180mg per day for 6 months on ten day cycles--  made me crzy -- not literally. But when I had to take them for my first two treatments, I found myself like a yo yo. I was up and then down. Irritated easily. And always physically uncomfortable.  I have a sensitive 16 year old int he house and I cannot do that. I asked to stopped them and for now, my wish was granted.   

    I go in to today for my 6th chemo so if I was just doing Taxol I would be halfway through this part. But, I am not. I am expecting that next week, at my appointment with my doc I will find out that I am starting Taxotere, Carbo and Herc-- what did someone call that combo???  Eager just to get this DONE!!

    Grandma V-- I also had/have a UTI--first one I have ever had.  Must think it is has to do with chemo and not drinking enough water.  I used D-mannose becasue if I use an antibiotic I will go into a cycle of yeast infections etc.  Keeping my fingers crossed it will work!

    Will do to the gym today on the way to chemo--- makes me feel so much better when I sit there in the infusion room for 6 hours.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Good morning ladies!  Do any of you know if using a product like Tucks wipes will help to prevent a UIT while on chemo?  I read somewhere (can't remember where) that the first few days after chemo are very irritating to the urinary tract and someone suggested that Tucks can help neutralize the pH balance externally and prevent irritation.  I just don't know if that would also help prevent a UTI.

    I'm also interested to know if any of you have done the chemo regimen that I'm doing, T/FAC.  I mentioned that I'm halfway through the Taxol X 12, but after that I begin the FAC X 4 (one week on, two weeks off).  I understand the FAC is much more toxic to my organs (and me!). With the Taxol on weekly doses, my white counts are stable, so I'm worried about the FAC part and having to add Neupogen (?) to the regimen. 

     I tell myself that I'll worry about that when I get there but I also want to manage my expectations.  Thanks to everyone on this board for sharing information so generously.  Nobody told me before chemo that my hair would hurt as it fell out or even that I might lose fingernails and toenails.  I asked my chemo nurse yesterday about icing and she had never heard of that or of using Claritin to reduce bone pain when using Neupogen  (I get chemo in a small hospital in a small town and it's a new unit with newly trained nurses)  but said she would research it.  From what I've seen in the chemo unit there, I'm the youngest patient (59) and maybe the only one with breast cancer.  I do meet regularly with my MO, just not every week since she is 70 miles north of here.  Anyway, thank you all!  ....and may your SEs be minimal this week.


  • Tipnas
    Tipnas Member Posts: 82

    Linda Thanks for reminding me about what's importantMy mum gets here today and I intend to enjoy her visit.  Co-incidentally one of my friends turned up at my door like and angel and cleaned my house yesterday.  This whole experience is helping me to realize that I am truly blessed with wonderful friends and their love and support lifts up my spirit.

    Phyllis There is a supplement called D-Mannose that helps prevent UTIs but I would ask your onc before you take anything.  Drinking lots of water for a few days after your treatment would also help to neutralize things.  Hard to do when you're not feeling great!  I'm sure any liquids would help.

    An update  on my friend who was featured on the CBS evening news a few weeks back.  She had a lumpectomy with wide clear margins and her immune system is making antibodies to attack any further HER2+ cells if they recurr.  She is so happy! More hope for all women with similar diagnoses.

    I hope everyone has a great day

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    That's great news about your friend.  Since I watched the original broadcast, I'm very interested in her progress, so please continue to keep us in the loop.

    For those who may have missed the broadcast, here's a link to the story on this very promising vaccine:

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    phgraham, icing the nails may work for taxol, but the study was done for taxotere(docetaxel) the following links (you may have to copy and paste) will take you to the study that was done.  My onco and the chemo nurses had never heard of it either so I printed it out and gave them a copy.  They seemed happy to get it.  The ladies on the taxotere, carboplatin, and herceptin thread are the ones who provided me with this info.

    Also the following website gives practical ways to accomplish this:

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    Tipnas, thank you for the update on your friend and the breast cancer vaccine.  That's exciting.  I hope your mother's visit is the best you could ever have.  My mother has been gone 3 years now, and what I wouldn't give to see her.
  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    racerdeb, how are you doing since your 2nd treatment?
  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    I'm finally feeling better today.  I've had a lot of trouble with diarrhea this time, and I think it's finally under control.  Thanks for asking.  How are you doing?  You'll be a bit ahead of me this next treatment since mine isn't scheduled until December 30.  Just think, we'll be halfway through with the "Bad Dudes!"

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Besides this uti and yeast infection I feel great.  I was reading on chemo side effects and many of them can cause urinary tract infection, and yeast infection, because of lowered white counts, so I may be battling this side effect from now until I'm done.  I managed to keep the diarrhea under control this time with diet and immodium.  But still had the cramping days 6-9, but not nearly as bad as the first time.  I plan on doing the brat diet again for the first 10 days to try to keep the Big D at bay.