Starting Chemo in Nov. 2011...anyone else?
Munnybunni ~ I had almost ZERO effects on my nails and I had AC & T (taxotere) at the same time which is a pretty wicked chemo regimen. I credit my success to Juice Plus, a fruit, vegetable and berry supplement. It just so happened that I started taking this supplement about 3 months before I was diagnosed. I noticed that my nails got really healthy and strong for the first time in my life ~ I've always had weak nails that peeled easily before :-\ Anyway, I asked my MO if I could stay on it through chemo because I was terrified of losing my nails or having them turn black or whatever. Anyway, I had no reaction whatsoever on my fingernails or toe nails, except a very slight yellowing which went away. I did not escape any of the other SE's though, in fact, my family jokes that I suffered from every side effect in the book except the one I was most afraid of, which was having my nails fall off. Message me if you want more info, but I highly recommend that you take Juice Plus! Also, just for the record, I got a medi-port (in fact I'm having it removed tomorrow), but it made chemo so much easier for me. I have crummy, unreliable veins though. I hope all is well with your test on the 12th!!
Linda ~ Wow! We are neighbors! I am a native Chicagoan that moved here in the 1989 to go to college. Eventually my whole family migrated out here and I moved back to Chicago after a divorce in 2004. It took me all of one winter to remember why the heck I moved to SoCal in the first place. I met my DH out in Chicago and when I married him I thought I'd probably be stuck out there forever, but he loved it here so much we moved here permanently in 2010. I am SO glad to be back! Where are you being treated? I drive from Temecula all the way down to Sharp in San Diego (near 163 & 805), but my RO just moved up to Palomar Hospital, so I will only have to drive to Escondido everyday of my rads. Yay!
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Dear all,
Haven't posted in a while or if I did, I can't remember if it was on the Taxol thread or this one, darned chemo brain I haven't posted here for a while...was kind of bummed out and just felt crummy. But anyway:
I finished #10 of 12 weekly taxols yesterday! 2 more to go! Have neupogen shots scheduled (one was today, one tomorrow then one Monday). My ANC was 7.5 last wednesday, but with only two shots late last week instead of the three I had received two weeks ago, it dropped as of yesterday to 2.0, plenty high to treat, but we don't want any more delays...
My favorite oncology nurse took a job in radiation, where I'll be headed next, so I'm glad she'll be there to take care of me for the last part of my tx! She also told me that it's a good sign that my white count is low, since she thinks that shows a response to the chemo. I thought low white count was a negative so I like that she turned it into a positive.
I also found out (through my BSE, which my oncologist confirmed yesterday) that my breast tissue has become less DENSE than it was. With 5 regular yearly mammos that didn't show my 2 c. ILC mass at all, I'm happy that my tissue has less chance now to hide anything. So the chemo seems to be dropping my estrogen levels, which is great for an ER+ girl like me. I'm also having mild hot flashes, the first in my life, and I'm happy about that too--since it means the chemo is taking the foot off the estrogen gas pedal.
I've chosen my plastic surgeon and breast surgeon as well. My plastic surgeon is awesome and said that because I want to stay small, he won't have to use a tram flap, meaning my strength and muscle tissue will be unaffected which I was afraid about, and that he can liposuction some fat from my hips or belly to fill in to help support the implants. He said it's a pretty new procedure and what they are finding is that taking fat from ourselves actually places stem cells to help us heal from surgery faster. He's been at this for about 30 years so I trust him, although I have to wait about 6-8 months till after radiation to give my skin time to heal.
My hair is growing back--I've got about 1/2-3/4 inch and I nearly look like I really WANTED to cut my hair short on purpose instead of looking like a convict or a novitiate.,. I'm going topless almost everywhere now. I love it; it's so freeing after a few months of the half-hairpiece with hat thing. Big earrings and more eye makeup seem to help offset the lack of hair. Still have some of my lashes and brows, wearing glasses helps hide the lack.
Hope all of you are well. we are the November 11 crew--I remember when we first started on this journey together and here we are, either done or moving towards being done.
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Sandyland ~ Sent you a PM.
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Claire ~ It sounds like things are going pretty well for you. So glad to hear that. I am still laughing at the "looking like a convict or novitiate" comment. I can so relate. Can't wait to finally be done with chemo and spend my extra time watching my hair grow! My lashes are starting to go and I hate it. Without mascara I look pretty bad, so I will miss my lashes a whole lot. Oh well, just another part of the journey to get through. You are so right, I remember being so scared when we all started in November. I am so glad we are moving along and feel lots of empathy for those just starting out. One of my co-workers is in that position and my heart goes out to her. I am going to try to pay it forward to her like so many of the women on these boards have done for us. Take care and have a great weekend!
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Hi Linny,
Thanks for the kind words! Yes, I'm nearly "there". I remember being so annoyed at the beginning that I'd have to get a shot after every AC tx (neulasta), now I don't mind getting three shots a week (neupogen) just to get through this...I came from the "WTF" mode to the "whatever it takes" mode during the last four months, I think...and I'm glad about that.
I figured that sooner or later I'd get tired of trying to cover up my baldness. I thought it would be when my hair started growing back, and I was right. i feel like a combat vet going topless: I feel FIERCE.
I'm not putting mascara on my lashes--those I have--don't want to take the chance of rubbing them off when I take off my makeup! Glasses hide a multitude of sins, anyway
Yep--convict. I just need shackles, an orange jumpsuit, ugly sandals and a bunch of tatts. I'd definitely be picked up by the police
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Claire...tats come with rads and reconstruction, right!? My son has a tattoo, but I am not telling him we will have that in common. He wouldn't handle that well! never realy thought of a convict. I prefer thinking of myself as looking like Sinead Oconner, but I'm not that young or as pretty.
It is pretty amazing that we keep moving along, though it seems to be taking longer each really is progressing and I am thankful for that! Each day brings a new discovery of what may or may not be a SE, but also one day closer to being done!
Have a good, SE-simple weekend, everyone
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i've used the Sinead O'Connor comparison too...why not?
Yep, tatts with recon and rads. Orange isn't my color though, so I'll have to pass on the jumpsuit
I hope all of you have some cancer-free time. I'm headed to get my second neupogen shot of the week--and a long hike.
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munnybunny-I had 4 rounds of taxotere and cytoxin, and my nails are definitely coming off-every one of them. They lifted out of their nailbeds. They are very discolored (yellow mostly and black in some places). I don't know when they are coming off, but you can see that they are on top of the new nails that are growing underneath them. The new nails are less than about half as long, though, so I am not trying to encourage them to come off until they are longer because I don't want to have bloody stubbs for fingernails. I did ice my nails every single time, but I got this SE anyway. By the way, my toenails are fine.
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Linda-It is very understandable to be upset when you have to postpone getting your chemo treatments. This is hard enough to cope with when you have no surprises and definitley no delays. Good luck in getting your last one over with and done.
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Linda I can relate to delayed treatment as it has happened to me three times I think. AND because I had such a difficult time with every other week with the AC, I am doing every THIRD week for the taxol. So my treatment will end up being a month longer. I was so disappointed at first but I'm like another person here, WHATEVER. And I went from one neulasta each treatment to ten neupogen shots each treatment. My husband gives them to me and I think he kind of enjoyed it! I will finish April 13 but who's counting?
Taking the boys t Disneyland next week and I'm so excited. It would have been hard with an every other week schedule, so it all works out in the end.0 -
This evening i just found out today they took one of my diabetic drugs off market so PDr is sending me to an endocrine dr wednesday.
I have seen so many white coats since December that I shld wear sunglasses
Am a Friday cat about this A/C thing. 4 treatments every 3 weeks0 -
Linda-- I laughed so hard-- not at you but with you for the absurdity of the whole thing. I even read your post to my husband who was kindly behind me rubbing my heachachy head. But of course-- any delay has got to be traumatic. I have not yet had that but I think it is well within the range of possibility.
On that note, I went again this wednesday for my Navalbine.With my lab results on the computer, my Onc shook her head ...again... She can hardly believe how good my counts are. I am taking my chinese herbal formulas and I truly believe that is it. I just ordered more astragalus as well as a few other things to make my decoctions. But I have mushrooms to last me through the end. I am trying to up the amount I take but there is only so much a body can consume!!! I seem to take more supplements than eat. That said, my weight is finaly dropping...
Hair is coming in too -- and I still have 8 NAvalbine left!!
So today I do for the longest ride yet. I am going to do this ride I have wanted to do for years called Hole inthe Rock- 5 hours and tough terrain. AND it ismighty cold out there right night-- a balmy 38 degrees. Need to bundle up and hope for the best. Gotta get ready-- have a great day gals! Q
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You guys all make me laugh!! Love the "going topless" and being across to wear mascara because when you take off your makeup the lashes may go with it! It all sucks but we have all come such a long way since November.....thinking of the newly diagnosed and knowing the road they have ahead. It is so awesome we have each other and we can laugh about these really centers your life and what is truly important. My husband and I discussed how some people we felt were so close to us and yet haven't called. I know it is hard for them and they don't know what to say. I have received so much love and support from places I would have never guessed. I really don't care or expect anything.....I am sure we have all been blessed with support from somewhere totally I travel forward I have to say how truly thankful i am for having found all of you here and love the humor that helps get me through each day......I can hardly contain my excitement with having only four more treatments to go! Blessings to you all!
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I haven't posted in a while, but I've taken the time to catch up with all of the recent posts. I wonder how I would have survived this journey so far without all of the support, tips and funny stories from all of you on this thread and the TCH thread also. I was so relieved to see all of the talk about the "chemo brain" stuff. Y'all so closely describe the way my brain and mouth have not been working in sync lately!
As you probably have already concluded from my name on this site, I'm into (stock car) racing and I work for a race track in Kyle, TX.
I did get my last TC (Taxotere and Chloroplatin) treatment last Thursday. Unfortunately, it wasn't my usual, relaxing day, and it didn't go exactly as planned.
My iron levels were extremely low again, and my oncologist agreed to go ahead with my treatment only if I committed to complete rest for the next few weeks. I don't have to stay in bed, but he doesn't want me to do anything demanding or stressful.
I made it through my first "Bad Dude" drug (Taxotere) without any problems. However, I had an allergic reaction near the end of my second drug (Carboplatin). My body went into a severe allergic reaction and my vital signs spun out of control. I also had extreme itching in my hands and arms, a fast pulse and coughing and wheezing. My awesome chemo nurse responded quickly and gave me two immediate injections (additional Benadryl and another allergy drug), and my doctor simultaneously monitored my heart. I felt like I was in an ER Trauma Room!
Within a couple of minutes, my pulse slowed down and the itching stopped. They then had to put me on oxygen and a saline drip for a couple of hours to get my oxygen levels and blood pressure back to normal (BP had plummeted down to 96/47 at one point).
Fortunately, the drip on the Carboplatin was 90% complete when I had my reaction because now I can no longer take that drug. So, I'll just say I had a wreck on the last lap, but I was still able to take the checkered!
I'm feeling good today, and I know I'll crash and burn over the next few days afer I quit taking my steriods. And I'm sure my diarrhea will start up within the next couple of days and stay with me for a while. I'll still have to get my Herceptin treatments until November, but I feel the worst is behind me.
To top it all off, my husband had a recurrence of his A-Fib yesterday morning, and he's in the hospital right now. So, we're in a bit of a health mess right now!
I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't get your treatment as scheduled. To follow up on my deal with my doctor, I've taken a Leave of Absence for a few weeks from the race track and I'm working on setting up a direct donation process for a blood transfusion. I'm sure my Red Blood Cell counts and Hemoglobin will be worse when I see him on Thursday due to my latest treatment. I'm trying to take more control of my life and place my full focus on getting better! Please keep in touch on your rescheduled treatment.
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Bonseye posted the other day that she feels so at home here, and I was thinking, that's exactly how I feel. Seems like a second family. Hang in there Bonseye, those 5 tx will be done soon.
Linda, your last treatment delayed. That's so frustrating. But the end to chemo will come. Then you won't have to do it anymore.
Claire, 2 more to go. Yay.
Munnybunni, several here have been on AC, and can tell you about their experiences and se's, so you'll kind of know what to expect. Did you know about the threads that tell how to prepare for chemo? In case you haven't here's links to them:
These lists really helped me to get prepared and to know what supplies to have on hand.
Racerdeb, That must have been scarey. I had a similar reaction during my second infusion of taxotere, so I can relate, I hope you'll get the rest you need the next few weeks. Congratulations on being done with Chemo! You made it.
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Thanks, GrandmaV. I remember your having that same experience. From what I understood, once you have that reaction they will no longer give you that particular drug, correct?
Yes, I feel like the hardest part is behind me. And I'm taking a proactive approach to make these next few weeks go smoother. We all have so many bumps in the road along the way, but I think it only makes us stronger in the long run.
Take care, and I always enjoy hearing from you.
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racerdeb, the reaction I had was at the beginning of the 2nd infusion and they doped me up and finished it that day, and when I had the 3rd tx they really over did it with the steroids to try to prevent a reaction. I probably shouldn't have had it again, but I thought they knew what was best. That treatment really did a number on me, but I'm better and learning to cope with the problems I was left with. Now I'm close to getting done with radiation, I've done 20 tx and have 10 to go. My skin has held up pretty well. I'm very red, but no pain so far. I'm supposed to get a mammogram in April, a month after radiation is finished and I'm very nervous about it. Hopefully they won't find any new surprises. I hope your se's are few.0
Racerdeb--sorry to hear youwent through all that pain and are still dealing with the consequences. I can see this happening to any of us so, use us to keep busy and engaged. hopefully we can make you laugh enought to forget things even for a few minutes.
I just finished 4/12 Navalbine and I was expecting nausea today but whooppee-- none. See what you get when you expect!!! can't predict ANYTHING with this chemo!! I completed my 5 hour ride, tired and aching but enjoyed very much--14 miles total and it was mighty cold so I was all bundled up.
So here is something funny you all might appreciate--
we were riding along and there were several horses that use these removable boots (mine has stell shoes which are nailed on). At any rate, this one guy yells out
i yelled back
............. Q
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Quaatsi and all,
I appreciate your thoughtful response. It will be hard to kick back and rest as my doctor ordered, but I know it's the right thing to do.
You're amazing - completing a 5-hour ride! I used to ride horses all the time, but after my grandfather passed away (he had the horses), I haven't done it in years. And I really enjoyed it too. I totally agree with you about not knowing what to expect with the chemo. Some of it is predictable, but much of it isn't!
I absolutely loved your funny story about losing a boob. I'll bet the guy was almost speechless!
So now I'll share mine. I lost my hair on my head pretty quickly and almost all of it in my unmentionable area. But, for some reason, I still have most of my eyebrows and eyelashes. What I like to joke about (might as well) is my constantly runny nose. I didn't realize that I had lost all of my nose hairs untill I was looking up and putting on my mascara one day. So, I just tell everyone to pardon my drip and let them know that I don't have any nose hairs to prevent it! Like I said, sometimes it's just better to laugh about it than to complain.
I've driven everyone crazy these past two days with being hyper from my steroids. Hopefully, I'll end that phase of my life when they finally wear off tonight. The bad news is that I'll probably crash and burn for the next few days, which has been my pattern with treatments 4 and 5.
Thanks to everyone for listening to my crazy ranting on . . . and on. . . and on.
Good night from San Antonio, TX!!!
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racerdeb - I'm not a November girl, I started in December but followed this thread from the beginning. I am on TCH too and am scheduled to have my last infusion 3/22. I had a reaction to the Taxotere on my 2nd infusion and it scared the crap out of me! Now I'm nervous about the last one.....didn't know you could develop a reaction so late in the game. I didn't have the Carboplatin at my last treatment because my platelets were too low and my MO said it was the least important of the three drugs. I hope you are feeling better and can soon celebrate that the "Bad Dude" portion of your treatment is over!
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Hi Everybody ~ I had the minor surgery to remove my medi-port on Friday now that my chemo is officially over. It was done with just a local, so nothing to take the edge off my nerves, like a sedative or something. I was kind of counting on getting that "twilight sleep" stuff that they gave me when it was implanted, but no such luck :-\
So I laid there on the table being a brave little soldier when all the sudden I noticed my big bad husband looking a little weird (they let him stay in the room). Next thing I know, his eyes are all un-focused, he's a nice little shade of green and he was totally unresponsive to us asking him if he was alright. The radiology tech who was assisting with my surgery had to take him out. Now he will never live it down Later he told me that he was fine until he saw the doctor with his finger in my chest, trying to dig out the port (mine was a little stubborn about coming out). The good news is that I only needed Vicodin for one day and now I am managing fine on regular Tylenol. No big deal for me at all!
I am now almost 3 weeks out from my last chemo infusion and I feel better every day. I still over estimate how much energy I have, and I tend to need a day to rest, every time I try to do something fun, but it is worth it. I just want to encourage all of you that CHEMO DOES END! I was beginning to think it never would, but it does. Hang in there and do whatever it takes to get through because you will get through this.
Much love,
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SAN- thank you for your story. Funny about you're husband! Yeah, I wouldn't want to watch either. But I'm glad that you are finished and give us hope that it ends.
I had some very dark days during AC and I seriously doubted if I could finish. Now I'm two taxols away from being finished and I feel so much lighter
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Hi to All! Thanks for understanding that I was disappointed in having to wait until this coming Friday for my last chemo treatment. I have gotten past pouting about it and am just looking forward to having it over with really soon. It's weird to actually WANT to get a treatment, but knowing it will be the last time I will have to dread the SE's makes me want to just have it done! Hoping that all of you had a great weekend. I met with the "girls" in the family to have lunch at the restaurant where we are planning to host a bridal shower in July for one of my nieces. We had a fun time and it was nice to be out doing something positive. I do have to add that I am hoping I don;'t have any bad reactions this last time...yikes, you guys have had some really scary experiences! San, I am still thinking of your poor husband trying to hold it together while you were having your port removedl Although, I have to agree, I would be just like you...never letting him live it down! Take care all...XOXO
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Linda ~ I'm sure he'll give you his side of the story when we meet for dinner soon He's swears up and down that it was the mask he was wearing...apparently, the mask comprimised his breathing...blah blah family now teases him mercilessly. Anyway, let me know when you are a couple of weeks on the other side of your next (last??) infusion and we'll make a plan. I was in Escondido today for an appointment with my RO at Palomar Hosipital. We ate at Fillipi's on Grand downtown...I haven't been there in 15 years! It was as good as I remember
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munnybunni--I am still in the process of losing my nails. I was so scared at the thought of losing my nails but it was not so bad. My new nails are pushing my old nails off. My thumbnails still have a small bit attached and my toenails are coming off slowly. It is strange but not so bad.0
Hello All--I too enjoy coming back to my "family." All of you have helped me so much. Tomorrow, I will be 3 weeks past my last treatment. My PS will take out my port when he does my exchange so SAN, my husband will not be in the operating room with me.
Q, that's hilarious about losing a boob! At first, I didn't find anything funny and now I have learned to laugh again. Thank You!
Everybody---I really don't have any energy. I need thoughts and suggestions. I am thinking about calling my onc tomorrow to ask for blood work and I don't like needles. Today it was so sunny and beautiful outside. I went out for about 10 minutes and it wore me out. I have been walking everyday for a small amount of time. I know I need to get up and get moving but how do you force yourself to go when you have zero energy? I know the extra 30 pounds does not help. How are you getting your stamina back? I need suggestions from my sisters!
I lost my eyebrows and almost all of my eyelashes. I have 3 lashes on my top right lid and 3 on my bottom left eye. I think I may put a lot of mascara on them and go out sometime. When I put eyeliner on, no one knows that I have lost my lashes. They also cannot tell that I don't have eyebrows when I wear the browliner.
I have been taking off my scarves in public. I don't go out 100% of the time yet. I'm not ready yet.
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Racerdeb ~ Hope you are relaxing and keeping your deal with the doctor. I also have low iron and have been taking extra (per onc's order) for a few weeks. These drugs really do a number on us. I did not go into work today because I just felt worn out. I was so lazy all day I am almost, but not quite, ashamed of myself. I want to do what my body is telling me so that the platelets are high enough to get that last chemo. I am glad you are finished. It has to be a relief even though we have more stuff to get through.
GrandmaV ~ Glad you are making it through radiation without too many issues. You deserve an easy time of it after what you dealt with during chemo. I hope to get through that OK as well. Will see the radiology onc in a couple of weeks for a treatment plan.
Kelly ~ One more for each of us...that is such a good feeling. I am going to think positive that we both get through the last one with no issues. Mine is scheduled for this Friday (3/16) so we are right on the same schedule. I am going to start rads and continue with the Herceptin through November. Are you on that same path as well? We can cheer each other on...along with the rest of our treatment buddies.
Beth ~ Sorry you are losing your nails. Mine have lots of lines and ridges, but haven't lifted and I hope that won't happen. I am faithfully icing (per Lago's great advice) and I hope that will have prevented that nasty side effect. One of the teachers I work with has BC and is starting treatment (including Taxotere) on March 20th and I already have passed that advice along to her. I hope it works for her as well because it doesn't sound like a fun SE at all.
Sandy ~ Hey, you were at my husband and niece's favorite place of all - Fillipi's! Their birthdays are 3 days apart and they pick that place at least every year or two for their celebration. Have you gone to the one in Little Italy? We think their pizza tastes different, but really good. And then there is the one in Mira Mesa. Barry and his friends love the prime rib there. Can't wait to tease your husband. I was laughing about the mask. It so sounds like something Barry would claim made him feel that way, too. Such a typical "man excuse." LOL! Yes, I will DEFINITELY let you know when I am a few weeks past chemo swe we can get together for dinner. It will be fun to meet both of you. By the way, how did you like the rad onc at Palomar? Hope it went well.
Hope you are all having a great evening and an even greater tomorrow! Hugs to all of you...Linda
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Linda - yes we are on the same schedule, one week apart! My last TCH will be 3/22 and then I will continue with Herceptin until early December.....and of course, rads. Have you met with your RO yet? I will definitely cheer you on and I hope the nasty platelets cooperate with you. Mine were too low last tx but my MO just gave the T and H, left out the Carbo. We'll see what happens this time. I'll be thinking of you!
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Hi all, I am writing this from my hospital bed--- should be here a few days.
You know you'd think riding would be a good thing and I still think it was but maybe it was the wee littel piece of chocolate -- cuz i ate a piece and that starting downhill-- pukey pukey all the way saturday and sunday-- we stopped counting after about 20 pukey pukeys. I couldnt walk any more. slept all day sunday. got up weak on mondya but went to work. came home and coughed-- huge pain on my left side up my shoulder blade. long story short-- it went from a heart problem to a pulmonary embolism to finally pneumonia... so i sit in my hospital room nice an quiet and get meds... bewteen my continued vomit and the nicey nicey meds that make me feel all good inside and laugh... I am here .....entertain me!!! LOL
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p.s. never eating chocolate again!!! 3 for 3
your friend,
Ima Purger, Ph.D.