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Starting Chemo in Nov. 2011...anyone else?



  • Sandy I too had fibrocystic breasts and they told me that's what it was, until it got over 6 cm when I started chemo

  • Q ~ I am certainly no expert, but I have been given a lot of information that I have absorbed like a sponge (for obvious reasons :).  Here's what I have been told: The TRAM flap surgery is where they cut out a large chunk (the scar goes hip to hip) of tissue from your abdoman, but they don't detach it completely.  They keep it attached to the blood supply and muscle.  Then, they strip a part of that muscle and they tunnel the entire area of tissue underneath your skin from your abdoman up to the breast.  Abdoman tissue is very similar to breast tissue, so when moved from one area to the other, it reacts well.  In order to keep the tissue from just dying, it must stay connected to a blood supply.  The TRAM procedure does cause you to lose a certain amount of muscle on one side (there are two strands of muscle that run down the center of your belly) of your core, which can cause problems later.  Core stomach muscles help to keep the spine (and your discs) in place, so decreased muscles might affect your back down the road.  I already have back problems, so I am not anxious to do anything that might further weaken my back.

    If you Google the two procedures, you can find out loads of information on both.  Sorry about all the acronyms.  When I first started on this site, I felt like everyone was speaking a foreign language.  I swear, we need a legend at the bottom of the page!  


  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270

    I posted a long thank you that got dumped somewhere in cyber space....  so the short of it is thank you for the information.  I wish you both easy surgeries and quick recoveries. Q

  • Sandy land

    How do you feel about DIEP? I have not done much research but many of my moms friends says DIEP is the way to go. I just wanted quick silicone implants since I have kids and business waiting for me to be at full steam again. I'm going to talk to Some more PS soon second opinion at least

  • Q

    it's good to hear from you. I just finished 4th taxol today and I've got some nueropthy now too. I also got a cold from my son for third tx and was in bed for 10 days resting. My blood tests came back good so maybe the rest agreed with me. Good for you for keeping on!!! I'm going to try to build up my exercise over next few weeks to get stronger b4 surgery

    Good night all


  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270

    Hi Cindy,

     I kinda  "lurk" here to see how all my friends are doing.  There is no active thread  for my new chemo even though I have tried to rev it up-- maybe because so few are on navalbine and definitely few in something other than stage IV.  Plus, many of us here started at the same time. 

    I think I am still being affected by the Taxol too-- have quite a bit of numbness and body aches.  Hard to tell which is causing all that!

    You might want to try a chinese formula called Yin Qiao San.  It is intended for early stage colds and flus but I use it preventatively and generally take 2-3 per day.  I love that stuff-- builds up the immune system.  My favorite brand is Honso, if you can find it.  Otherwise, if you find Plum Flower (often in health food stores) you take just one dose--like 10 little bb's.  Of course, I am not prescribing this for anyone-- just suggesting that it works for me....... :)


  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270

    Geez-- I must be "losing it" ...RFLMBO!!!  I thought I was posting to the Taxol thread.  Nope this thread is "home" to me!!!  Hope everyone is more on top of things that obviously, I am!!!  

  • Q thanks I can't wait to take vitamins and supplements again. I did what onc wanted and went off all my healthy stuff. I'm waiting 2weeks then I'm firing up my juicer and getting all my vitamins out. My son was out of school 2 days coughing and I got it lasted over a week for me. Well see what happens for SE on last taxol I'm expecting to rest for a week and try to forget the last 3 months of SE. Good to hear you are getting out. All the best


  • Kelley-I know how you feel about the one positive node (that was what I had also), but another way to look at it is like this:  the job of the lymph node is to grab the impurities, foreign bodies (like cancer cells), enclose them in a barrier and contain them.  I like to think that the lymph node was just doing its job and that it kept the cancer from spreading further.  Actually, if there had been no node involvement (in my case), I don't think they would have prescribed the chemo and I would have spent the next 10-20 years wondering if there were microscopic cancer cells growing somewhere that had passed up the nodes. 

  • Thanks Bahamamom3-   I am a little stressed tonight ladies. I believe I have a UTI and my GP gave me antibiotics today..however..I dont know how I got a UTI and I am silently freaking out that it is something kidney cancer...ugh..I hate this!

  • Andimom03
    Andimom03 Posts: 64

    kelleysgroi, try not to be too stressed out. The way chemo works is attacking rapidly producing cells...including healthy ones. Thus, the hair loss, dry mouth (mucus membranes), I've had a low grade yeast infection the whole time, and UTIs are not uncommon either with the way chemo unbalances everything. I've had a lot of bowel issues too. Don't underestimate what this does to our WHOLE body, not just the rogue cancer cells. I hope you get some relief!  UTIs are a pain!

    I had 6 nodes affected, and am thankful that they are giving me every chance of getting rid of EVERY cell possible! I don't like the chemo, or what it does to me, but sure am glad to be given a good prognosis over all. This is a stage of life...we will survive!

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Posts: 1,045

    Kelley, I also had a UTI after the 2nd tx.  Was on an antibiotic for 10 days, then had a yeast infection.  So as Andimom said it is a very common thing to have while on chemo, its very uncomfortable though.   Hope it clears up quick. 

  • Sandyland
    Sandyland Posts: 106

    Oh my friends...I hate that you are suffering with all of these ugly SE's!  Chemo has definitely been a HUGE challenge for me.  I am finally through my last infusion (I'm on Day 8), but I think I underestimated what the cumulative effects might bring.  This round has been a rough one.  Oddly enough, today I have some weird pelvic pain/cramping for the first time since I started chemo.  Like Kelley, my mind immediately went to uterine cancer, cervical cancer, etc...  We have to remember to listen to our bodies without goiing to "the dark place" every single time with our thoughts.  So, I took a deep breath and wrote it on my list of questions for my doctor when I see her next week.  It's like I just don't have any freaking-out left in me. :-\

    Q ~ I totally cracked up that you were posting on this thread, thinking it was Taxol.  Somehow I feel better that I'm not alone in the "You've lost your damn mind" category.  I had the most ridiculous conversation with my CPA today about taxes.  It's like I couldn't put together a coherent thought or express myself.  Luckily she's a good friend and a good sport, cuz I sounded like an idiot!  By the way, my mother has been making me super-healthy smoothies all through chemo with my juicer.  She also put in that super-green stuff.  It makes it ugly, but it feels sooo good to drink the healthy stuff.  Cheers!


  • Thanks Ladies- as always- you calm me down enough to be logical.  I am 2 weeks out now and feeling stronger. Having my implant surgery on Monday which is a surprise.  Both myself and my surgeon are taking vacations so in order to start radiation Monday it is..I am excited!

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270

    San-- I am very happy I could make you laugh. I certainly find my own behavior quite amusing.  I am doing things that are so funny like.... putting a lovely hunk of Manchego cheese in .... the freezer....  I found it there and asked everyone in my family who put it there.... no one fessed up and finally my 16 year old said...Mom you did....

    Oh well, this is me on chemo!!!

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Posts: 278

    Hello all, long time no post. Congrats to the lucky ones who r finally done with their treatment! I am a little over half way done, finished my AC, thank goodness for that, now on weekly Taxol, anyone else?

  • Andimom03
    Andimom03 Posts: 64

    I'm done A/C as well, thank God. Now on 4 bi-weekly Taxol txs. Done 2, 2 to go. How are you holding up, naan1004?

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Posts: 278

    Andimom I'm doing good just can't really taste anything and my lower back down to my ankles hurt like I ran a marathon. Otherwise good, no more nausea, yay! I'm not done with chemo til first week of June, then surgery, have a long way to go.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Posts: 714

    Dear all,

    Sometimes I hesitate to post since it seems many on this thread know each other really well...I am down to three Taxol txs left to do. On March 14 I have a planning session to set up my 6 wks of radiation.

    It feels like this is passing so slowly...I'm weary.  But I do make a point of finding 5 things to be grateful for every day.  I usually include chemo in there somewhere at least once a week, since I do wonder where I might be w/o  it.

    It's hard to remember what I was even like before dx and tx.  I feel like I've ALWAYS been going through treatment, you know?  And then at the same time I'll stop at times and simply say to myself: "what the HECK?!!???"   I still can't believe at times this is happenning, really..

    My hair is growing back now--about 1/2" long! I'm happy to see it, although I look like a convict --just give me some tats, shackles, and an orange jumpsuit--or a noviate in a nunnery. 

    Hope everyone else is doing okay out there.



  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Posts: 1,045

    Claire, it's really good to hear from you.   I know what you mean about this passing so slowly.   It's only been 5 months since my surgery, but it seems a lot longer.   As I remember, you had 12 taxol, so to be down to 3 is a real accomplishment.   It does seem surreal at times that this is happening.  Sometimes I'll feel for my port to make sure this is real.  Radiation goes a lot quicker, I'm half way through my 6 weeks and can hardly believe it.  

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Posts: 1,045

    Naan, it's good to see you're hanging in there.   I hope your Taxol txs have few SE's  for you.  You're doing great.

  • Andimom03
    Andimom03 Posts: 64

    Claire, I was just telling my husband the same thing this morning about how slow this is. The weekends when I'm in pain are long and knowing that I am willingly going to subject myself to 2 more of these is hard sometimes. But I too find things EVERY day to be thankful for. That will be the stuff you look back at and appreciate. I have a blog that I write since I started this and I keep it upbeat and write out the things I'm thankful for...some good is coming out of this, I hope and pray!

    The last 6-8 months have happened so fast, it does seem surreal. My eyebrows are JUUSSTT about gone hair yet, but it will come.

    Hang in there. Vent anytime you like and it doesn't matter how often you post. I come and go too, but it's always good to hear from anyone and know we are here for each other.

  • bethu77
    bethu77 Posts: 263

    Claire--Don't EVER hesitate to post anything. If you read the threads, you can see most of us have lost half of our minds through the chemo! 

    Q---cheese in the freezer??? I have done the same thing.

    Most of the people around me know to either help me with my sentences or finish it for me since I usually forget what I was saying anyway!

    I have a hard vein going down my left arm. I went to see my family doctor and was talking to the nurse about what I have been going through. I was talking about my reconstruction and accidently said my reproduction. On my way out of the office, someone asked about one of my daughters. I told her that my daughter lived in "Enema" instead of Ninevah. I have been doing this a lot lately. Does anyone else feel like they should not enter a conversation?

    I was thinking about the A/C treatments and how scary they were for me. I was also thinking about how glad I am they are over!

    My TE exchange is scheduled for May 17. My PS will take out my port also. It just doesn't seem real. All the things I have gone through. I just lost another friend to C and I have been sad. This friend is the 2nd one in 2 months. I have really been thinking that I really don't want to go back to my job. I have given them 17 years already. Since this is my 2nd time with BC, I don't think I want to spend another day working for someone else. I really don't know what to do....suggestions?

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Posts: 1,045

    Andimom, You are very upbeat and have such a good attitude.  I look forward to your posts to give me a boost.   

     Beth,  I don't know what to tell you about your job, though I can understand how you feel.   I know for myself, I don't really trust my own judgement right now.  Maybe you should take some more time to think about it, before making a decision.  It takes time for our minds and emotions to return to some semblance of normal after going through all this.  You may feel different about it in a few more weeks.  When do you have to go back?

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270

    Funny -- must be something in the water or maybe it is about that time-- I find myself saying I am really weary of this whole thing-- and I can't do that since I have 9 treatments left of this particular chemo, not to mention the year of herceptin.  I think, at least for me, it is just a glitch in my willpower.   And afterall, I still have many things to put in the freezer-- not just the cheese!!!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Posts: 909

    I hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm going to work for a few extra hours today since I'm feeling good. I'm dreading FAC tomorrow and feeling bad that comes after. It's been better than the taxol, but I'm definitely not looking forward to it. I've had a good week...feeling almost normal so maybe I should be glad for that and not down in the dirt over the next tx. Maybe.


  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Posts: 714

    Dear all, thank you for your kind words.  I guess sometimes I'm just tired of thinking about all this crap so much and try to ignore it, so don't feel like posting. I'm glad I did. 

    Beth, so funny (in a horrible way, I mean) about "misplacing" words in your head. I've done the same thing: I hesitate in the middle of a sentence and finally find the right word that follows! I feel like Colin Firth in the King's Speech film.

    Grandma--yes, I had 12 weeks of Taxol and then got delayed one week when they wouldn't treat me b/c of my WBC.  At least that's up now (ANC) to 7.5...and I'm getting neupogen shots weekly through the last of this. 

     I find I'm getting really, really good at ignoring a bunch of what's said to me.  On Friday I got my neupogen shot and I've gotten close to one of the nurses there (she's in my bikram classes too, so I knew her a bit from before BC).  She told me that "radiation can make you more tired than chemo....blah blah blah", which is what I heard AFTER that first part of her announcement. Blah blah blah. I've heard it all: Taxol is easier, Taxol is worse, rads are easier, rads are horrible, you'll gain weight on chemo, you won't gain weight on chemo....I still don't know why medical people want to tell you something bad that might happen to something you haven't even experienced yet, but I just looked at her and just said "uh-huh"...and then didn't hear anything afterward...and it didn't even phase me as it might have 4 months ago.

    Hugs to all of you!


  • Sandyland
    Sandyland Posts: 106

    Claire ~ Once upon a time I hesitated to post too, because I felt like I was elbowing my way into a tight knit group and I wasn't sure I belonged.  Trust belong.  We are close here, but it is because we have all been thrust together in this crazy, upside down world of breast cancer.  You are right in here  with us, so post away!  Seriously though, even when you feel beaten down, or reluctant to talk about it any more, do it anyway.  It truly is therapeutic to vent, or ask questions, or be irreverently funny in this forum.  Anything goes really, if it helps you survive another day.  I have found this group of ladies to be robust with support, concern and wisdom, while being totally devoid of judgment.

    Beth ~ As per usual, you and I are totally on the same track.  In addition to the somewhat innocuous habit of losing my train of thought, I have actually had several instances of SPEAKING GIBBERISH!!  Each time, I will be talking away, and then two or three words will be replaced by words that make no sense whatsoever together.  It's like, I hear it okay in my brain, but something totally unexpected comes out of my mouth.  To tell you the truth, it has been kinda scary :-\  I am now 13 days past my last chemo (TAC) treatment and it has not happened recently, so I am hoping and praying that it was an SE related to the cumulative effects of these powerful chemo drugs.  As far as your job goes...I'm with GrandmaV.  I wouldn't make any big decisions while on chemo.  Having said that, however, I work for myself and I don't think I could ever go back to working for someone else.  As a business coach, I specialize in helping people find their passion and then figure out a way to make money at it.  When all of this is behind us, I'd love to brainstorm some ideas with you :)


  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Posts: 532

    i am so glad to hear you guys talking about losing your words in the middle of sentences.  i had this problem toward the end of chemo and it scared me.  i've heard about 'chemo brain,' but still, i worried.  i finished chemo in november and rads in february, and i'm just now noticing that my brain is working better.  women here would talk about the fuzzy brain and i had it badly, but i'm beginning to feel the cobwebs clearing, thank goodness!  all this to say that it DOES get better, although it takes a bit longer than we'd like.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Posts: 1,045

    YaYa, I'm glad to hear that your brain is working better.  There's hope for the rest of us.  By the way, I've always liked your avatar.  It's so bright and cheery.  Put's a smile on my face.


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