Starting Chemo in Nov. 2011...anyone else?
Thnaks to all for all the support through my chemo treatments. Ad my last Taxol infusion yesterday & last neulasta shot today. Yippee!!!! Now looking forward to a short break then onto my TE exhange for implants and then 5-6 weeks of rads.
Wishing you all a long life filled with love and kindness.
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Rose, Congratulations!
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Congratulations to all of you who have completed your chemo treatments. Although it has been a huge challenge, together we're fighting our way through one of the most difficult times in our lives.
As several of you have posted, the SEs have become increasingly challenging with each treatment, but just knowing that an end is in sight makes it all more tolerable. I've been very weak and almost completely bedridden all week following TCH #5 - with the exception of my doctor's appointments. The ever-present diarrhea and anemia have taken their cumulative toll on my body. Today I actually feel pretty good!
I got my biopsy results on Tuesday that the lump above my mastectomy scar was a benign cyst. YES! I had follow-up appointment with my surgeon that same day, and he thought he felt very small nodule on my left breast. So, following my Herceptin treatment yesterday, I was back in radiology, getting a mamogram and sonogram. I'm again awaiting results, and I've only shared the latest concern with my immediate family. It's all such a scary roller coaster ride!
The target date for my last TCH is still March 8, and I know that my faith, prayers and support from my friends and family (and this message board) will get me through the difficult situations.
I wish all of you a great, minimal SE weekend!
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Racerdeb, Yay for a B9 result! Hope the newer one is the same.
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We have been through a lot together on this board. Remember when we were first beginning these treatments and our fears. I have grown close to each of you. Thank you for cheering me on!
Deb---My husband says our favorite Bingo number is B9!!!! Congrats to you. Let's hope the good news continues.
SAN--I have the Bottle of Tamoxifen on my favorites. It is a big board. We may have to start a new discussion board for those of us just starting Tamoxifen. Let me know what you think. I didn't take it with my first diagnosis and I don't want to take it now. I got the prescription filled but haven't taken the first one yet.
Rose---Congrats on your last treatment also. You, Kim and I started and are finishing at the same time. I hope to keep in touch with each of you.
GrandmaV--How are things going with you?
Everyone else---How are you and how far along are you in your treatments. It snowed here yesterday and it is snowing again. This doesn't make my joints feel any better!
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Thanks, y'all! I'm getting ready to head to the race track on a beautiful day in San Antonio, TX - cool and sunny. I told my husband that I feel so much better this morning, almost like I've crawled out from a deep, dark hole.
The diarrhea is still my constant companion, but at least the weakness and fatigue has finally subsided. It's a good thing because we have our season opener at the race track next weekend, and I'll need all of the energy I have within me to keep up with the upcoming challenges this week. I started out my day by creating a big delegation list.
My mammogram and sonogram were all okay, so maybe that's why I feel so refreshed today.
Is anyone else fortunate enough to have a Breast Center available to you? My hospital just began one around the time of my mastectomy. The Director and Nurse Navigator have become my dear friends and have really been so helpful during the biopsy, mammogram and sonogram this week. Even better, the Director is married to my ONC! Thanks to those two awesome ladies, I've been able to get my tests scheduled and results back almost immediately. They tell me that I've become their favorite patient! LOL
I just wanted to share some of my happiness today. Like I said, it's been a rough week, and I'm so glad that some of my good attitude (and strength) is returning during this difficult time. I wish the same for all of you!
Go, Smoke (Tony Stewart) in tomorrow's Daytona 500!
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Hi Beth, Thanks for asking. I'm doing so much better. The anti-depressant has really helped and I'm coping with the tinnitus better. It still gets loud at times especially the day after herceptin (like today), but after about a day it goes down to a civilized level. I have one more weekly herceptin and then I will get herceptin every 3 weeks until November. My radiation is going really well, so far. I've had 10 tx out of 30, so am 1/3 of the way done. My breast is a little pink but I have had no pain so far. I have some residual neuropathy left over from chemo, mainly in my lower back and legs, but it's getting better too. I was able to walk a full mile this week and am trying to work back up to the two miles I was doing everyday before diagnosis. My hair is growing back and beginning to thicken. It is now about 1 inch. It's been 2 months since my last chemo.
Racerdeb, For me the diarrhea stopped about 6 weeks after my last TC, so it does finally stop. Have fun at the race track.
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Beth- congrats on finishing up! I hope you will begin to feel better.
GrandmaV it is so good to hear you are doing well.
My port came out yesterday so I'm feeling a mixture of things..relieved of course, but I'm still so frightened that this beast is going to anyone else feeling more afraid now than you did when you started this journey? That 1 positive node keeps freaking me out!
Glad to see everyone finishing up and doing only gets better from here!
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Kelley, Rads will be sure to "mop up" any cancer cells left near where your positive node is. I think I will feel the same way when I get there. The herceptin feels like a security blanket, but when I'm done with it I'll be glad, but worried.
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Hi Ladies ~ I am on Day 5 after my last chemo infusion!! I am in bed and still weak, but like some of you have said, I kinda feel like the sun has risen again
There is something so amazing about not having to picture myself back in that infusion room ever again. I hope this is a new era for all of us. Even as we move on to our next treatment (for me, rads in 3 weeks), at least we can mark something huge off the list! Chemo....CHECK.
GrandmaV ~ I am so glad to hear that you are doing a bit better. It is the craziest thing, but I feel like I know you. Days 2-5 always come with a lot of ear ringing for me, so I think about you (and pray for you) during that time. My family even knows who you are now. I was thrilled to hear you were getting some relief from it and I am praying it goes away once and for all.
Beth ~ You and I have been on the same track for a while now. Yes, let's meet on the Tamoxifen board (or start a new one). I am still so very undecided about this course of treatment. Initially, I just accepted it as a "must do," but now I am really unsure. My BS said hormone therapy will be as important as chemo for me because my tumor receptors were 99% progesterone and 98% estrogen, but I really REALLY don't want to take the stuff. What is your team telling you about it?
Deb ~ Thank God for your good news! Good news on these boards always make my day. It is such a reminder that not every single thing has to go wrong
I found a lump under my left arm, 2 days ago. It is the side that my MX was on in Sept, so I'm not sure what it might be. I've just completed 6 rounds of Taxol, Adriamycin & Cytoxan so I'm hoping it's just an enlarged whatever and not a new concern for me.
Kelley ~ I hear ya about the concern. I had a weird rush of worry the other day that (I think) has to do with finishing chemo. It's what? I have to wonder how in the heck to I move on with my life, after all of this madness. I am opting to leave my port in until after rads in case I need extra hydration or whatever. I think I might stay on these boards until long after this nightmare is over. Nobody else gets it like you ladies.
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Kelley- I also have been freaking out since the last chemo infusion on FEB 22nd! Go figure----I am almost breathless most of the time worrying about the timing of my TE exchange & start of radiation---I continually doubt my decisions and am fearful that the treatment decisions I have made will result in a recurrence. I have not been this freaked since my diagnosis in AUG 2011. Now I know this is not productive and that I shoud concentrate on the successful part of my journey already completed. Why is this so hard for me to do? I am not sure how to turn the internal dialouge off :-(
Love & {{{HUGS}}}
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Sandy, I feel I know you as well. I feel that way about many of the ladies I've met here. I don't know anything about Tamoxifen, I've been reading up on aromatese inhibitors since I'm past menopause. And I felt the same way, unsure I want to take it. But I've decided to give it a try. Many women do very well on Tamoxifen or an aromatese inhibitor, but we just don't hear from them as much as the ones who don't. I'm hoping I'm one who can tolerate it well. If not, then I can either stop taking it or change to something else. 5 years sounds like a long time, but as fast as they are making new discoveries in breast cancer research, in 5 years they may have something better, with less SEs.
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Rose- its maddening isnt it? I have been told by so worker, docs, other survivors that this is completely normal but it sucks just the same. Every little twinge I get..most likely pains left over from taxol leaves me feeling like something is terribly wrong. We need to turn our thinking around somehow..when I was diagnosed I was so positive and never even considered dealing with cancer a second time..lets do this together! {{{Hugs}}}
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Just checking in since it has been awhile. I'm hanging in there, getting ready for my 2nd Taxol on Tuesday. Not as bad as A/C...fewer overall SEs, but much more joint/muscle pain than I expected. Not easy, but not impossible.
I'm confused by one thing...I have been told by my PS that rads would damage implants and he will wait until at least 2 months after radiation to do my swap to allow for complete healing from rads. He said no matter what kind of replacement - implants or my own tissue - the rads are too risky in terms of damage to new tissue or to implants. It makes sense, so I guess I am wondering for Texasrose, what the differences are for you? Maybe dosage or procedure. Just asking. I'm not trying to cast doubt but am truly curious.
I am not looking at rads until beginning of May, so won't have my swap surgery til September, probably...wouldn't you know my daughter is looking at an August 11 date for a wedding! That's not confirmed yet, but I told her I kinda wanted my new boobs for her wedding! They're not even officially engaged, but close. And we love him...and it's THEIR day, not about me, but oh well...
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Andimom ~ I have the same question. I was told that implants do not do well with rads, so I have to have my TE in place until after my rads is complete. Furthermore, I was told that my "radiated skin" would not be useful and therefore I am not even a candidate for implants anymore. I have to have the tram flap procedure which takes skin and tissue from my abdoman, part of my abdomanol muscle and blood supply and transports it to reconstruct my left breast. I was given this information as if it was 100% factual and there were no other options. THEN, I read everybody's posts on here about how they are swapping out for implants prior to rads, OR having their radiated skin operated on afterword. Wth??
I do know that my tumor was very large and they had to take a tremendous amount of skin for my MX. Also, I am having a very large area radiated. I guess that is the difference for me, but seems like my PS is not leaving any room for the possibility of an implant. Anyone know more about this than I do? I'd really like to avoid this complex 10-hour surgery is possible.
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I have apt with surgeon tomorrow so I'll let u know what he says. I'm going for BMX end march with TE then rads also concerned and confused, will see what he says. I want implants to avoid long surgery, but will be losing a lot of skin on left. Will see...0 -
will be going to chemo dr this coming friday....very nervous about this stuff....i go tomorrow for a muga scan
they said my recurrence rate was 22% withing 5 yrs without chemo
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Andimom, Sandy and anyone else who have doubts about a procedure or suggestion from a surgeon, RO, etc. I highly recommend that you get a second opinion. Your peace of mind is a very big part of your recovery. It's very difficult to even think about getting a second opinion when you're weary from surgery and chemo, but is so worth it. I got that advice from a couple of the ladies here and am so glad I got a second opinion for radiation.
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munnybunni, we all understand about being nervous about all this and there are no easy answers. But you're doing the right thing, learning as much as you can and considering all of your options. You've probably already done this, but be sure to write down all of your questions before you meet with your chemo doctor, if you can take someone with you. I take a little voice recorder with me to all consultations and record the conversation, because when they say something that kind of shocks me I don't hear anything else after that. It helps to be able to listen to the doctors advice again later. Ask any questions you have here too and these wonderful ladies on this site will help you.
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i do have a voice activated recorder...didnt know if the dr would care that i used it
i guess i look at the diagnosis of different people and wonder will i be doing the same it my mouth some of it...or is it IV..i just wonder wonder wonder
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munnybunni, I always tell the doctors ahead of time that I'd like to record this and why. All of them have been ok with it.
The waiting and the unknown is a very difficult part of all of this. Most early stage breast cancer treatments are IV. Many of us have a port o cath implanted on our chest to save our veins. I know for me, I was very nervous about getting one, but am so glad I did. Some have opted to get their treatments through a vein in their arm every treatment. Learn all you can about both options and see what your onc (chemo doctor) recommends for the chemo you'll receive. We're in this with you and will support what ever decisions you make.
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GrandmaV, thanks for your suggestion. I have had a second, similar opinion...I don't really question what my doc has said so far, but was wondering about those having rads AFTER implants. I also have had several friends who have had difficulty with reconstruction issues (all different docs, different situations) and I try not to listen too much to the negative outcomes! And you are right...every step of this whole process is waiting, wondering, more questions, etc. So much to get your head around...
Munnybunni, I have a port also and SO very thankfull for it. It was yet another procedure but one that was well worth it. So much of your treatment depends on the chemistry of your tumor/tissue. Ask questions! I don't take a recorder, but also have a sister who is a nurse that has gone to every appointment where I am gathering information. The second set of ears is incredibly helpful. There is so much to process. And, I'm with GrandmaV...we are here for you, no matter what! Support here is irreplaceable.
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WOW-- I am so happy for you all who are done with chemo or nearing completion. I wish you a lifetime LONG lifetime of happiness and few doctor visits!!
I am not close to done unfortunately. I have 3 more months of weekly chemo to complete and contrary to my doctor's prediction this one is NOT any easier!!! Oh well, I can still type with my numb fingers and I can still ride my horse albeit not very hard nor long but ride nonetheless. I can still get up in the morning and see my son's shining smile and my dogs still want to be hugged and kissed well as fed. So, life is good-- that which I wish for you all.
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Q ~ I'm like you attitude-wise. As crummy as this process has been, I wake up every morning and list off all the incredible things I have to be grateful for. It literally carried me through some dark places by doing that. I love that you are focused on what you CAN do, not what you can't
FLislander ~ I'm anxious to hear what your surgeon says. It is so crazy to me that I see so many posts from women whose doctors seem to be giving advice that is diametrically opposed to what other doctors are saying. I am so very grateful for all the many medical advances in the treatment of breast cancer, but I swear, sometimes I wonder how far we have really come? I have literally had doctors on my own team contradict each other. No wonder my head is swimming all the time. Good luck tomorrow and let me know what info you get
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I had radiation with my first diagnosis 3 years ago. I have the same PS and he put the TEs in when I had my bilateral MX. He has said my skin may not take the expanders but we will see how it goes. So far, I am expanding. Everyone has told me that I have boobs! I am more excited about the cleavage. I originally wanted a size C. I didn't know at the time that I would need chemo. After the onco type test and my high score showed that I needed chemo, I have changed my mind about the size. I think I will stay with the B size that I was originally. I can't wit to be finished with everything.
I don't know when the exchange will take place. I have a fill on Thursday and I have a list of questions. I can have my port taken out in 3 weeks. My PS has worked with my breast surgeon for both of my surgeries. I don't know if he (PS) can take the port out of is my other surgeon has to do it.
I am experiencing a lot of joint pain and I also have a cold now. Nto feeling well but it is a beautiful day in Indiana. I have taken a walk today and enjoyed the sunshine. I am going to continue these brief walks until they grow into longer walks. I don't want to take another day for granted ever again.
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Well I got the same news you did also. Big tumor stuck to skin going to lose a lot of skin. Then rads because of size.
He said to heal for 6 months before I begin plastic surgery, no TE now because too much skin coming off needs to heal before I proceed, recommended tram flap or DIEP only because of silicone incapsulating or something like that because of scar tissue from rads. I'm going to look up more info but he said too much skin loss to put in TE.0 -
FLislander ~ Bummer. Wow, our diagnosises are very almost identical. How that heck did we let our tumors get to 5cm+?? I know for me it was about the fact that my husband had lost his job and we had just moved across the country. I was building up my business and I didn't have a doctor out here, so I just ignored it. I had always had fibrocystic breasts, so I chalked it up to more of that. I regret it severely now.
I barely had enough skin left after my MX to put in a TE. However, I think my skin has proven to be pretty elastic because we have now expanded this sucker by 680mls!! My PS felt like I would have to have a lot more skin removed after rads too, so a TRAM or DIEP are my options as well. Although my PS acted like TRAM was the better option and I totally don't buy that now, based on my own research. I have had back problems (herniated discs, etc) most of my life, so I don't think I can afford to lose any core strength by having my abdomal muscles stripped. I just really really really want a regular implant surgery.
Keep me posted on your progress.
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Sounds all very complicated San and FLislander! I can hardly follow the conversation without the cheat sheet on the acronyms. I am realizing how much is involved for those getting some form of reconstruction. Seriously, could one of you ladies give me a little overview? I am planning on leaving my chest as it is but you never know.... thanks and good luck! Q
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I am with you. Never take another day for granted. You just gave me the motivation for a walk
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Tram is where you use abdominal muscle and tissue from ab and swing it up to use for breast tissu, Diep is lipoprotein like with a chunk of tissue. That's my interpretation, sure you can find better info.
He will not so TE til 6 months after rads when we starte reconstruction. He suggested only Diep or tram flap because of scar tissue in breast0