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February 2012 Chemo



  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Happy to hear you're feeling better and you sound less stressed too.


    Good to hear from you.  I'm on Tamox as well.  I also have stiffness but mostly in the mornings.  I'm finding that stretching before I even get out of bed helps and once I start moving its fine.  I hope they can resolve your TE issue.


    Isn't the head fuzz great, a sign its growing. If your like me you can't stop petting  your head right?  It seems to me that the leg, underarm and nether region hair come back full throttle very quickly yet the head hair grows too slow for our liking.


    Ugg on the toe front!  Apparently from what I have been reading on these boards its pretty common to lose nails.  Quite a few posters on the Hair thread have talked about it and they all say that they grow back if its any consellation.


    Hopefully someone with chime in if their on the same meds you've been prescribed.

    Man on Man this heat is too much.  I was working away in my home office yesterday afternoon and was on a call and I was sweating  like crazy.  I thought this can't be a hotflash!  I go downstairs to check in the temp and its 85F in the house.  I can hear the fan running but the air isn't cool.  Go outside and the AC unti is not running at all.  I'm thinking its 4:30 and no way I'm getting a service person now. DH was in bed (works nights) so he gets up and all it was is a fuse!  Thank you God!!.  Mind you it took until about 2 am for the house to cool down but its cool now so that's all that really matters. 

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Msbelle - I have my prescription sitting here for the same meds.  I am going today to do a load of blood work to get baseline levels before starting it.  So I will probably start it next week if all is good.  I have a history of high cholesterol and a family history of osteoporosis (had a bone density done 2 weeks ago) and heart disease so I want to make sure what my "normal" levels are before starting the pills. 


  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your good wishes and prayers. So far so good. Got to the hospital at 9:00AM. Surgery was at 10:30. In recovery at 12:00 and out the door at 2:00. No pain, just a little soreness. I have not even taken a tylenol.I actually feel better than before the surgery. It feels so good to have those bricks off my chest! I am wearing a surgical bra and have one drain on each side. PS said no work for one week.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    That's awesome Dipad.  How long were the expanders in for?

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    dipad; just take it easy on yourself!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    msbelle...many of us are taking Arimidex...there is a thread dedicated to it...check out "Arimidex...Coping with the SEs"

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    dipad:  Glad you're doing ok.

    lumpy: all my nails seem to be saying bye bye, and, yes, the nail bed is more tender.  Watch out for infection.  several of my nails got infected and that was icky.  at this point, i cut the nails down as far as i can because i do have some healthy stuff at the bottom of many of them (don't want to end up with the nail being ripped from the finger).  

    i obsessively look at my nails to see if they're growing. a watched pot never. . . .

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    right now it's just lifting slightly all along the side edge-poo!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    All my finger nails have gone now I hope they grow back soon. Went for my check up and she said my arm was good and thinks I shouldn't have problems.

    All I need to do now is wait for my meeting on Monday and see what they have to say.

    DH is doing my head in so I'm going out with my girlfriends tomorrow for a meal.

    Glad my daughter is home she is such good fun and tells great stories of her travels.she has been offered a job in Hong kong, Singapore or Vietnam for 6 months with her company. Last year she turned down china because I got Cancer so I have told her to take it this time. I'm so proud of her she is 24 and full of fun and laughter.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Wow, I can't believe the number of nail problems on this thread. I almost feel bad I haven't had any problems with mine. Sorry. If you want to trade, you could take the diarrhea, you know the one where you get the feeling you've got to go, and then , you just do? And the medicine doesn't help because you aren't supposed to take it till you actually have diarrhea? So you can only takebit after you have embarrased yourself and before you take a shower and do another load of laundry? Did you know ladies diapers come in a lovely peach color? What no takers? LOL. I really hope all your nails come in fast. My hair is all over my head, soft and downtime, but, so far, mo underarm or pubic hair has come back, weird. Much love.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lumpy I had that problem with my fingernails. They were incredibly sore after my last two chemo treatments. The last treatment was especially brutal and they got super discolored, several died quite a ways down the nailbed, and two have lifted a little. BUT I am 7 weeks PFC and they have NOT fallen off. The PA and NP at my onc's office told me 3 weeks ago that I'll probably lose all or almost all of them. But they are growing out just fine and looking much better. It took about 2 weeks for the pain to go away. I can't wait to go in for my herceptin tomorrow and show them that my nails have stayed on.

    msbelle - I am supposed to start zoladex at some point in the future but I am not sure when. I think I will ask that tomorrow. I think it is similar to Anastrozole. But I can't tell you much about it.

    I think I am getting close to sporting a G. I. Jane look. I am so proud of my 1/4" hair. Laughing

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    lol my 7 yr old son hugged me tonight when I was putting him to bed and he started to feel my little hair. he said ooo fuzzy.. almost as fuzzy as Raja!(our boxer mix dog)  Now when he starts telling me its like Gwen our Collie with long hair then I will be REALLY happy!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    jen isn't it great how kids can be so positive and put perspective!

    well today is my last day of work for the week- tomorrow is my last chemo!!!!!!! yay me!!!!!!!!!

    the toe nail has only lifted slightly along one side edge- but i packed a bandage in my purse in case! pain is lessened ...we shall see what happens! i'm still not thrilled- yet; i HAVE been very lucky in re minimal SE's all along! counting those blessings!

    my hair is almost 3/4- 1 inch long yet there are many many places where it's less existent! i see the wig for a few more months...brows are trying to fill in...leg shaving once in a great while but not consistent...

    ok- i have to get to work! hugs and positive vibes to all!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm amazed at you with working at your new job throughout TX.  I hope it at least made the time go quickly.  Yay for the last TX.  You're going to find once chemo is out of your system that your hair should start to take right off! 

    I hope that toenail hangs in there for you and to everyone else experiencing the same issue!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    LAST CHEMO FOR LUMP!  Thats very exciting! 

    Dipad, glad to hear the surgery wasn't too onerous, but i am bummed to hear that drains are once again involved. Those are such a PITA, and frankly i think are the source of quite a bit of scarring for me at least. I think my body is an enthusiastic producer of scar tissue. Hope they come out quickly! 

    Toenails and fingernails--my 2 big toenails lifted to about halfway down the nail bed, but I just kept trimming them waaay short and they are about grown out now. ditto the first three fingers on each hand. I do have some lingering numbness--at 11 weeks pfc, its lessening, but is still there.

    So may I whine a very selfish whine?  There's a bit of back story first: My poor husband has had a hellish past 18 months or so--I would venture to say worse than me. His mom died in May 2011; his Dad, who was the chief caretaker, started going radidly downhill shortly thereafter with a multitude of chronic issues, like blood clots.  Then I got diagnosed in November, and his dad got diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma shortly thereafter--he declines chemo and dialysis, as he's 89 and the meds would do more harm than good.  His dad lives in South Carolina, we are in N.E.  So my brother in law was between jobs at the time. He's a bachelor, so he said the heck with it, sold his house, and moved south to take care of his dad--is he a mensch, or what?  Anyway, now we get the call that his dad isn't eating, is sleeping a ton, so they've set up hospice for him.  So DH is heading south this weekend to spend some time.  We were going to go down for a week in August as a family, but I just don't think we can plan that far in advance. 

    So the selfish whine is this--my 50th birthday is coming up. I was going to have a big party, but decided to wait until the fall when I could really put some energy into planning it, and also (vanity alert!) not have to wear a wig.  So then I think, okay, we can still do something like go up to the extended family cabin for the weekend. But now I feel bad reserving the cabin when I don't even kjnow if we can use it b/c of my FIL, b/c who knows, we may be down South saying good bye. So that's out.  I don't just want to hang around my house all day. I don't want my poor mom trying to make a party b/c she's 80 and shouldn't have to do that.  My husband--forget it, he's just trying to keep his head above water.  So I understand all of these things, but still there's a 3 year old inside of me stamping her foot and whining, "But I want to DO something special! I had a lousy year too!" 

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

     sorry, double post!

    LAST CHEMO FOR LUMP!  Thats very exciting! 

    Dipad, glad to hear the surgery wasn't too onerous, but i am bummed to hear that drains are once again involved. Those are such a PITA, and frankly i think are the source of quite a bit of scarring for me at least. I think my body is an enthusiastic producer of scar tissue. Hope they come out quickly! 

    Toenails and fingernails--my 2 big toenails lifted to about halfway down the nail bed, but I just kept trimming them waaay short and they are about grown out now. ditto the first three fingers on each hand. I do have some lingering numbness--at 11 weeks pfc, its lessening, but is still there.

    So may I whine a very selfish whine?  There's a bit of back story first: My poor husband has had a hellish past 18 months or so--I would venture to say worse than me. His mom died in May 2011; his Dad, who was the chief caretaker, started going radidly downhill shortly thereafter with a multitude of chronic issues, like blood clots.  Then I got diagnosed in November, and his dad got diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma shortly thereafter--he declines chemo and dialysis, as he's 89 and the meds would do more harm than good.  His dad lives in South Carolina, we are in N.E.  So my brother in law was between jobs at the time. He's a bachelor, so he said the heck with it, sold his house, and moved south to take care of his dad--is he a mensch, or what?  Anyway, now we get the call that his dad isn't eating, is leeping a lot, and they've set up hospice for him. So DH is heading south this weekend to spend some time with him. We were going to go down for a week in August as a family, but I just don't thinkw e can plan that far in advance at this point.

    So the selfish whine is this--my 50th birthday is coming up. I was going to have a big party, but decided to wait until the fall when I could really put some energy into planning it, and also (vanity alert!) not have to wear a wig.  So then I think, okay, we can still do something like go up to the extended family cabin for the weekend. But now I feel bad reserving the cabin when I don't even kjnow if we can use it b/c of my FIL, b/c who knows, we may be down South saying good bye. So that's out.  I don't just want to hang around my house all day. I don't want my poor mom trying to make a party b/c she's 80 and shouldn't have to do that.  My husband--forget it, he's just trying to keep his head above water.  So I understand all of these things, but still there's a 3 year old inside of me stamping her foot and whining, "But I want to DO something special! I had a lousy year too!" 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    oh hildy-gosh...i SO understand!!!!!

    i have no suggestions other than go ahead and stomp your feet but don't let hubby see you!


  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906 that sux, but many of us have been thru similar happens as we age but the thing is YOU WILL HAVE MANY OTHER BIRTHDAYS, they may not. Why not forget this shitty year and celebrate your 51st with a big bash and a gorgeous new head of hair? JMHO

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Hildy, use this as an excuse to get an even bigger celebration for your 51st and a nice piece of jewelry now from your husband.

    Just saying.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hildy, I'm with grit girl! For my 50th I wanted a party, told my husband, but he didn't do a thing. He didn't even come home for it. I would have spent it alone but I convinced my two sisters to go to a comedy club, they reluctantly agreed, when we got there they were full. We spent the evening singing oldies in my car in the parking lot drinking sodas. Not quite the party I envisioned! But it is one of my sisters and my favorite memories. So, go ahead and do something a bit special, but plan a big splash for next year, (and you can be 50 all over again, who's gonna know? - well besides us) LOL

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I agree with everyone here and have the big bash next year.  I'm 50 this year too and don't want a party.  I do however want to go to Jamaica with some GF's.  Could you mabey do something like that with some freinds to take the pressure off DH?

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Hildy, I agree with everyone's suggestions - especially gritgirl's.  :)  And, don't think of your whine as being selfish; after all the crap you've been through with this stupid BC, you're entitled to want something special for this occasion!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    First of.. YAY lumpy on last chemo! woot woot!!

    Hildy- that stinks and I understand how you feel.  I say plan a little something cool with some good friends and family, like a spa day or something where if you need to cancel they will understand.  But after the year you have been through I say yes indeed celebrate what you can!

    I want to do something BIG for my 40th.. however it just so happens to be right around Christmas and people are busy.  I want to go on a cruise as I have never been... I started to tell my friends now to start saving their money and then over the kids spring break(so I can ship them to Grandma's and she wont have to worry about school!) we are going to go.  It will be 3 months after my bday but thats ok as its still MY40th present.  Maybe you can do something like that in the future?  I think we should have big birthdays from here on out because we are extra special!!

    So I met with the RO today... while I like her as a person I am just not sure i feel comfortable with her as my RO.  Granted I know part is my bodies fault.  From the beginning she said I was in that gray area on whether I need rads or not.  I had a very suspicious lymph node in the beginning, but it tested negative.  She wasnt convinced it really was.. plus I had so many spots(they found 7 of them in my right breast) that she didnt want them to escape into the chest wall.  However, in surgery my lymph nodes were negative and I came back with clear margins.  My body just responded really well to chemo.  So my MO says no i dont need rads.. go into my RO today and she still is leaning towards rads.. as we talk she gets a bit more wishy washy.. So in the end she is going to represent my case to the cancer board in 2 weeks with all the new found data and see what they say.  The good thing is my MO is also on this board and I hope he is vocal in the NO category.  Not sure what I would do if she is still wishy washy on it.. I am half tempted to not do it but i am only 38 and dont want to risk a reoccurance either.  Wait and see for now I guess. :)

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Thanks, you guys! I agree with all you guys too about waiting till later for a big party (Actually, it doesn't even have to be a big party, I like the Jamaica idea, too. ;) ) And if it is a party, I want to be the one to plan it, b/c I love doing that stuff and my hubby hates it.  And I wouldnt want to do it now, b/c he's so stressed that it would be no fun for him, which would stink, too.   It's just that internal 3 year old who occasionally pipes up, so I figured I would vent in here. 

    I may look into a couple places around here that will take you out for an evening sail; that would be cool.  and I must say, the idea of Statement Jewelry hadn't occurred to me, either....

     Jenn, fellow grey area person here--what do they say that rads will do, percentagewise, to reduce the risk of local recurrence?

    My onc pushed for the rads b/c she felt that in my case, if I had a local recurrence it would likely metastisize, I think because of the stupid LVI.  So she fed me some stats that got the risk of local recurrence down to a tiny amount.  

    Hope you can all reach a decision that makes you feel comfortable. 

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77

    Hi Ali

    I sympathise with you re aspiration of the site where the breast once was.

    This happened to me too. I had it once - without any painkillers - and would not allow it again. Fortunately, the swelling went down after some weeks.

    It still comes and goes but it is small now and not sore so I ignore it. Everyone is different of course so I guess it is an individual decision.

    Best wishes


  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hildy that just stinks all the way around. This really has been a lousy year. Don't lose hope, you may end up with a nice birthday anyway. 50 is a big deal and should be celebrated. I like MLB's idea of celebrating with friends if possible.

    Jen, I'm hoping for no rads for you...I hope the two weeks goes fast and you get a good answer from them.

    Had a rough day today. Went in for herceptin treatment. Met with onc's NP. Asked when I would start the hormone surpressing med (I forget the name - maybe zoladex?); I thought it would start after herceptin was all done. Nope, they said, let's start in 3 weeks when you come back for herceptin! I said no way, that is the day before my UMX and starting a new med the day before surgery sounds like a bad idea. Who knows what SEs I may have. I said this, and said I was especially worried about the menopausal symptoms. I had just been complaining to her about the hot flashes. She said "Well it should not be any worse than what you have now." I did not say anything to her but the PA that I used to see, that is not there now, knew about my vajayjay dryness... I am really hopeful to have relief from that before starting the hormonal med. DH and I have not been able to be intimate that way since April and it is very upsetting to me. So I did not tell her this, but I asked that we wait until the following herceptin. The NP with was not too happy with that, but she spoke to onc and onc said it was okay to wait. I left and cried all the way to WalMart. Decided I might just quit everything...eventually turned my attitude around but I was pretty upset.

    I did borrow Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book from the cancer center and have been reading that this afternoon. Even at this stage of the game it's very informative. I'm getting a lot out of the reconstruction section. I am about 80% sure I want to do a DIEP.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Hildy- Thats the thing I dont get.. She couldnt even give me stats this time because she said there was nothing to give a % to.  She first was assuming( I met her in the beginning during chemo) I would have some stray cells or something in the chest wall, but all my nodes were neg., I responded completely to the chemo, and my margins from surgery were clear. Sooo she said she cant even give me a % as there is nothing to use to get it.  I really dont want it, but then again if it helps prevent a reoccurance i would defintely get it.

    Christina- I need to do more research too but just havent found it in me to go there yet. I was leaning towards DIEP too :)  If you find anything good let me know!

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    myleftboob- my expanders were placed in January. So glad that's done.

    Hildy910- you should do something special. its been a rough year. I like the spa idea. There's a few really good ones in Connecticut. Not sure how far that is for you, but thats my plan in a few weeks. I regret not having a big party for my 50th. My husband is 5 years younger and it bugged me out turning 50. After all this it seems to insignificant.

    I cant wait to get these drains out. They've only been 3 days but I'm really not draining much anymore. However, ps wants them in till Monday. It's so hard to sleep when you cant turn on your sides.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    UHG on the drains.  I found that to be the worst part of surgery.  I'm leaning towards a TE and a lift to the right next year when I'm done Herceptin and was curious about the timeline as to when the exchange surgery happens.  I was originally thinking DIEP but the thought of the additional surgery just gives me the willies you know?

    On the party issue. My DH is 7 years younger but he threw me a party for my 40th.  My only issues with parties that makes me uncomfortable is my family.  Most of them don't like to mix with my friends and are quite uppity.  As a matter of fact only one brother attended out of 5 other siblings. Where they get this from is anyone's guess.  We are really spread out in ages and I have a wide circle of friends from all walks.  Long haired hippee biker types, yuppies, 70 year olds, partiers, abstainers you name it.  I actually found it quite insulting.  Sod 'em.   I'm going to Jamaica mon LOL!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    MLB - that is a wide variety of friends, I bet your birthday party was great! Jamaica sounds great...

    Jen, I can't recommend anything in particular that is swaying me towards DIEP although Dr. Love's Breast Book is confirming a lot of my worries re: implants. One of my biggest worries is needing to replace them every 10 years or so. I am only 33. That is a LOT more surgeries, assuming I live a long life (which I hope I do!). And I like the idea of using my own body tissue, instead of having something foreign in me. There is ONE PS in my area that does DIEP; she is at U of K in KCKS. I went there for my onc 2nd opinion and it is a great place. I think when the time comes, and I feel ready, I will have a consult with her. I'm hoping she does DIEPS a lot and from the information they have online, she sounds very qualified. But there is no one here that has used her, and that is surprising to me, with all the women here. If I do not feel comfortable with her, then I think I will be open to traveling to New Orleans like so many others here have done. If I'm going to have to travel then I may as well go to one of the best places possible.

    You ladies that have had MXs, did you get a recliner? I am thinking of purchasing one in the next couple of weeks if it will be helpful. I hate not sleeping.