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February 2012 Chemo



  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Christina and Jen - there is also fat grafting. It isn't as well known, but I liked it because it uses my own tissue but from all over my body. Taking from all over my thighs, hips, love handles etc. the obvious con is that it takes at least 3 phases/surgeries. Please feel free to ask or pm me if you want more info. Good luck w your decision!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Faithhopenluv - I'm open to all options. Please either share here, or PM me, if you don't mind.

    So what has everyone done with their chemo meds? You know, nausea meds, etc. I still have mine. I don't know what I am saving them for. I'm sure I'll never need them again but then when I think of throwing them away, I feel nervous.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, well, I am keeping my pain meds for my TE surgery. Also the nausea meds. Keeping the ambien to. Hmm, I guess I am keeping them all for emergencies! Kind of like carrying an umbrella, if you have it it won't rain, but if you don't take it, it will pour. LOL

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Faithhopenluv- Same here! I am open to ideas too. 

    I start back to work full time tomorrow.  While it will be good to get back to "normal" I will miss some of my time at home with the kids.. plus all the soaps I finally caught up on! ;)

    I think I got rid of the steroids but have kept the rest.  I figure I still have Herceptin and Rads to get through and you just never know!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Christina - Regarding the recliner....I dont have one, but I have a large over stuffed chair and a footstool, which worked quite well.  The recliner might be ok, but this, with LOTS of pillows.  That plus my pellet stove (It was mid winter) worked fine.  Lots of pillows.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, I got a lift chair because it reclined without using my arms. It is electric. I got the lift chair cause of my bad knees, it helped me stand up. If you don't have bad knees a recliner is helpful, or at least an electric one is, as you can't use your arms to pull the handle if you have a BMX. just what worked for me. I also slept in it for more than a month.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I didn't get a recliner but I like firstcall had a comfy arm chair with an ottoman.  I slept in bed though with alot of pillows around me for support and it worked ok.  Mind you I had an MX not a BMX.   I can see it being a total necessity for a BMX mind you.

    Re left over meds, I took all of my steroids and anti nausea meds so I'm only left with some painkillers which I'll hang on to in case I need them in the future.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, I had a great weekend and went out lots and stuffed my face with cakes and nice meals.

    Went to see the onco today and had a good chat, at one point she got a bit worried She thought i wasn't having rads but it's sorted now. She says because of my stage and grade it wasn't good. If the cancer came back in the armpit it would be 50/50 they could cure me again. So she says having rads is better than not and I'm now on Tamoxifen for five years then something else for another five years.

    I'm not happy about getting the tattoo's as some will be near my throat ( great) and two on the breast and under arm. She said I might have problems eating ( great) and told me other SE the list goes on.

    So I go on Wednesday for marking and painfull tattoo's then start the following week.

    What gets me is the doc, breast care nurse and general nurse just sit there and smile when I ask questions. She told me over the years my breast may look darker, smaller, harder, have spider marks,( onco has them and hasn't had cancer) shooting pain, stiffness in arm, problems with heart and lungs.

    They are all still smiling!!!

    Then she tells me SE from Tamoxifen and by then I shut off.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali, just remember you will not get every SE they told you about. Here's praying for a very short list of SEs for you.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Okay, I know I'm gonna forget something b/c that's what I do these days--forget stuff! 

    Ali, good luck with the rads! The whole radiation thing is a crapshoot--some people go sailing through, some get burned, some are hit by the fatigue problem. I hope you are one of the sailors! The tattoos aren't a big deal-- I hate needles, and didn't mind the tattoos. They were certainly less of a PITA than than getting a shot or blood drawn. I got six tats, and they aren't noticeable, but then again I have lots of freckles/moles, so they hide in the crowd. ;)

     My skin did fantastically well, for which I credit the My Girls cream.  I got tan, that's it. I started u sing the cream about three weeks before rads, and I th ink that helped, too. Here's the website, worth a look:

    Regarding meds: I have a whole bag of them  headed for the RX drop off at the police station. I'll be happy to get that chore crossed off the list!

    Hope everybody had a good weekend! 

     Regarding the recliner and MX--I just had the single, but no need for anything other than lots of pillows in bed for a few days. 

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Ali -  I don'tknow how it is out your way but I didn't have any tattoos - they used permanent marker covered with a round plastic disc which they change as needed.  It is very common here not to have the tattoos done.  Your Rads sound much more extensive than mine were.  My skin held up pretty well and I didn't have much of a problem until it was over and then the two weeks after it was done the skin peeled and was painful but it healed rather quickly and now less than two months since the last treatment, the skin is still a little tan but that is pretty much it.  The fatigue didn't hit me until after it was all over.  During Rads I wasn't any more tired than I had been since starting chemo.  Now I am still needing more rest than normal but I think it is just all part of the body's healing.


  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    On the recliner issue - I had a BMX but didn't get a recliner.  Instead, I got a bed wedge which could be used 2 ways - a lower/flatter or upper height.  I also put a pillows along my sides.  This worked well for me.

     Regarding medications, I still have all of them starting with the pain killers from my surgery!  I figure, I may need the pain killers and sleeping pills again at some point.  I guess I should get rid of the steroids.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Christina - I had a BMX and I did ok without the recliner.  I seriously considered getting one, but decided I could borrow one if necessary.  You will be relying on your stomach muscles to lift yourself up but it does get better each day.  I had the 'pillow pocket' going on as well.  I used that for my LX and also with the port initially to give myself support and extra comfort when laying on my back.

     For the fat grafting - I can only tell you what swayed me.  I know many, many people are comfortable with implants but I was aslo freaked out over the need to replace them every 10 years.  I'm 41 and wanna see 90+ so that seemed daunting.  Especially having the risk of a failure and needing surgery when I was much older.....and harder to get up/recover afterwards.  For the DIEP and other types TUGS, need to have enough in one area to create a breast, or do stacked surgeries and you will also have a decent size scar from the donor site (or so I am told).  With fat-grafting it is more like body scuplting to some extent.  My first grafting session which was immediately after my BMX took fat from about 16 small holes in my legs, about the size of a nail head. I'm not going to sugar coat it, there are still holes that need to heal, but they closed up and began to scab by the next day.  My legs were sore but not horribly.  It was like working out too hard and feeling it 2 days later.  It didn't hurt to sit or lay still, or once I was walking but only when I'd first get up and stretch.  When I woke up from the BMX I had small mounds.  They aren't pretty - they fill from the outside in, so they are kind of like deflated lava cakes.  But that part barely hurt at all - there is nothing but fat added so it was only the incision to heal and some soreness.  After that I healed for 5 weeks and then start wearing the BRAVA bra.  There are domes that suction to your breast that pump and massage the tissue to prepare it for the next grafting.  Again, no sugar coating it is not a cake walk because you need to wear it for 12 hours per day, everyday (as much as possible) for 4-5 weeks.  The next surgery will take more fat (from my hips and upper thighs) and add to what is already there.  The healing is about the same soreness that I experienced the first time with my legs.  The fat is injectioned with tiny needle pricks so that is not very invasive.  It will take a total of 3 surgeries including the BMX to bring me to a solid B.  The cons are - this is a long process, you don't wake up with boobs.  The BRAVA is a chore, but normal fat retention from grafting without the BRAVA is 50%, with it is about 85%.  And there are at least 2 additional surgeries.  To me the pros over the DIEP is less scaring.  He is taking a little from all over, as I have plenty to make 2 B's it isn't concentrated in one place.  My thighs are already thinner and he will do my hips next.  The third will take my back love handles that I hate. 

    This is such a personal decision.  The only way I got through it was to accept that there really wasn't a good option.  A good option would be to maintain my own breasts disease free.  Once I got past that I knew I needed to find the best option for me and ride it out.  Trust your instincts and do your research, you will make a good decision.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154 a 2nd unrelated note.  I know we all have been warned about LE but we also have to be very careful about celluitis even without a LE dx.  I don't have any LE symptoms and was evaluated 2 months ago and the LE therapst said I didn't have anything noticable or clinical.  On Saturday my forarm started to get red for no obvious reason.   The only thing I could think of is that I hit my funny bone earlier.  By the time I noticed it was about 5 inches long and an inch or so wide.  By morning it was 3 inches wide in the widest spot.  It is not something to mess around with at all and if anything like that happens a quick trip to urgent care can save you an ER visit or hospital stay.  I learned this from the wonderful ladies on the LE threads.  I think-hope I caught it in time and will be able to kick it with antibiotics.  It is something that I easily would have ignored in the past.  Please keep this in mind if you see any inflamation on your bad arm.

    Take care everyone!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    OMG Ali...sometimes I think it is better to not know. How depressing. And for them to smile all through it... I don't know if professionals like that think it's reassuring, or if they are just totally desensitized to all this. *sigh* Anyway after all you've been through, rads has to be a thousand times easier. My mom had rads and breezed right through...her skin got tender for sure at times but she assures me, rads are way easier than chemo. I hope you breeze right through it too.

    Leftover pills - Oh yes I am definitely saving my painkillers! I will be honest and say I've used them a couple times when I was desparate for sleep. But I am thinking I really don't need the antinausea meds, or the protonix... I just can't bring myself to throw them away though.

    faithhopenluv - how would I find places that do fat grafting? It sounds interesting, I would be open to doing a consult with someone regarding it.

    Sounds like a lot of folks need either a recliner or lots of pillows after MX. Still not sure which I'll do but I'll have to get something. I need to get some button down shirts too.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ok, I scared myself today. My port felt so different, like it flipped, or something, I went to my onc center to have the nurse look at it. Of course none of my usual nurses were there so the ones who were didn't have any idea if it moved. So one of the nurses said she would try to access it, and she did. So no problem, then she said I don't even know who you are, no name , so she told me to go. In other words, no charge! Yay, probably would have been over a hundred bucks to access my port. But I was really freaked thinking I might need a new placement. It still fella Luke it moved, but as long as they can use it, its ok. Guess I didn't need to panic. I realized it was my first full blown panic since this started, so I had to cut myself some slack. Lol

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hi all ! yesterday wasn't a good day- came to work and only stayed 4 hours...just feel "funky"...not right....anyhow today i feel some better but really and truly ready for this to still not complaining cuz i still have been relatively SE free however i just am ready to be done!

    will get serious about my rads soon- waiting for them to call me for an appt....will check out  that mygirlscream site!

    so i have a question- is it possible that chemo drugs can amplify allergies? my allergies to foods etc  have been off the charts- it seems like there is very little that i can eat or drink without my eyes puffing shut or probs breathing or i would be at ER in a heartbeat but i am getting tired of this! after my gastric bypass i am limited by what i can and should eat and so now i am struggling with everything!

    well- came in early to catch up and do some other online stuff- need to get self motivated enough to set up home computer-no clue why i can't seem to get that done!chemoslug!!

    hugs to all....

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    lumpy...I don't know about allergies to food but the chemo...mostly the taxol...made my eyes and nose run constantly and I had a cough the whole time from post nasal drip. When the chemo was done, so were my allergies!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Good Morning all

    Looking for some advice here particularly from Lumpy because you've been through it.  I am activly seeking employment and have two interviews lined up.  One in my field, one not but in sales.  One is onsite and one work from home.  How did you handle the whole cancer subject if at all.  I still need to have H every 3 weeks along with SIMA every 3 months.  I know I can work around it but did you tell the employer upfront about it or not? 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Any advice- where they cut me around the nipple the dark part, it has caved in.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    My scar is above the aereola and caves in a bit, but is only noticeable when I bend over. It is caused by the tissue that was removed. I assume the same is true for you. In the scale of biggie!!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Mine is very noticeable and has caved in a lot so I would say half of a circle. It looks terrible and I'm really upset, no doctor told me this would happen.

    Can we do anything about it?

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    lumpy, i'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well.

    hello, all. sorry i've been gone a bit. monday i see my oncologist to talk about next steps. she's considering radiation for the spot on my bone on my left leg.  we'll also talk about next steps in chemo.  my hair is coming in now, but i tell folks that i am not getting too attached to it since i might lose it again soon.  i do love the eye lashes growing in now.

    otherwise, trying not to focus on worse case scenarios but instead to do things i enjoy. the chemo fatigue has been getting better, but slowly.  my ankles still swell and i keep my feet up a lot.  i also still have neuropathy in the feet and fingers.  doing my best to focus on the gratitude of this chemobreak and that i'm still alive and kicking.

    if i can have surgery, i'm doing a BMX with DIEP.  Made that decision based on the idea that 1) it's my own flesh and 2) it'd only be one surgery, minimizing the chances of infection.

    Hope everyone is okay.


  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Ali,  I would think that it's worth a call to your surgeon just to be safe.  If it's just a surgery side effect, I wonder if they can do some microfat injections to plump it up a bit? This isn't the same as what Faithhopenluv is doing, but I think I recall that lots of women have these injections to even things up after their reconstructive surgeries are done. 

    Lumpy--sorry to hear about the food allergies! I hope it wears off ASAP.

    MLB, I don't know if I would mention it at all until you have an offer in hand. That's just me, though. 

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    gritgirl- keep your spirits up. I hope your doing something to spoil yourself! 

    mlb- I woudnt mention it either. I saw a job posted for a social worker at a local hospital in their breast cancer department. I submitted my resume and in my cover letter I put that I am a breast cancer survivor and would love to work with women going through this. Afterwards I thought, why did I put that? They may not call me because they will feel this posistion is too close to home for me, meaning it may be upsetting for me. To my surprise they called yesterday to come in for a interview. Its scheduled for August 1st.  

    I had my drains taken out today. They were a real PITA!

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    ps- just got a notice in the mail today that I am to report for jury duty next month. Are you kidding? I have missed so much time from work because of bc. I am hoping the my ps or onc will give me a note to get me dismissed.  

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Dipad: I think having had breast cancer makes you one of the best folks to work with breast cancer folks.  So it was probably good to mention it there.

    Yeah, probably you can get a hardship excuse for not doing jury duty at this point.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Susan, glad you checked in. Also glad to know you are enjoying the break! Ali, CALL your PS, what can it hurt to call? Dipad, glad drains are out, and good luck on the interview. Lumps, hope the allergies clear up. MLB, good luck on the job hunt. To all, much love

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    MLB- I work in HR and from my experience (although I dont do a lot of recruiting) it isnt something that I would bring up in a phone or first interview.  The first impresion is the most important and it should be all about your skills and what you can bring to the company.  Depending on the job, it is the final interview where I would ask maybe about flexibility for dr appt or such.  You are not required to tell the employer that you have/had cancer.  Just my opinion but get a toe in the door first and wow them with YOU before you even have to bring up the dreaded IT. :)

    Susan, I hope you find some relaxation during this time and hopefully the next steps will be easier for you.  I need to do more research.. my PS told me that if I went with the DIEP it would be 2-3 surgeries to get the whole process done.  I am not sure what I am going to do.. the fat grafting is intriguing now too.

    Dipad- grats on getting the drains out!  Good luck with the interview!

    Exhausted!  Started back to work full time yesterday, Kids start back to school next week which of course means all the fall sports are starting now too.  Tonight my daughter had 3 1/2 hrs of gymnastics while my son had karate and football.  I love fall but it sure is the busiest time of year... if only we could get some of those fall weather days too! 103 tomorrow.. ick!

    Sweet dreams all!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    MLB; i'm with jen- i wouldn't bring the cancer forefront - certainly honesty is always the best policy but you are far out enuff in tx that it shouldn't be "the" thing--in my case my loving daughter jumped ahead of me and blurted it out...and she was instrumental in me getting the first interview-

    this whole allergy thing is really frustrating-am hoping it's just the taxotere- i truly believe that it is-either the tax or something it's suspended in....

    i got a vm from the radiology oncolgy dept yesterday so will call today to schedule my appt to go see them to set up my rads... glad that you check in! we DO worry!

    ok- i am really pushing self today to get something done at work so i must go!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Went and had scan and 6 tattoo's done very painfull for my arm as it took an hour in same position. Onco doctor did the markings and four other's fiddling about, I got quite tearfull but they didn't see. My onco said most ladies who have rads as well as everything else start to feel upset and everything starts to sink in. She said you will find you will snap at your other half. I'm glad she said this in front of DH as he thinks I should pull myself together.

    She saw my problem and said it happens and wait till after rads and surgeon can do some magic on it.

    Day 3 of Tamoxifen and have had night sweats badly, hives and a dizzy head. Feel at bit sick but nothing to worry I hope it stays like this.