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February 2012 Chemo



  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Christina and AEM....that describes me exactly. I've been told it will probably last for about a year.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    A year? Oh my god. i hate that stiffness in the morning

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    A Freakin Year !!!  I already gave up almost a year to this wretched boob issue.  I have seriously had my fill of being uncomfortable !!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Omg, I'm really bad in the morning, getting out of car from driving, sitting with my legs on sofa. Also my hips and wrist are giving me pain all the time, you are going to laugh I have hypermobility syndrome since birth also my middle daughter as it.

    Yes I have something else wrong with me

  • Ulightup
    Ulightup Member Posts: 10

    I felt this way especially after my 6 th and final tc. I am a physical therapist and this is part of the cancer related fatigue symptoms. I recommend that you do a full body stretching program daily or even yoga. I am 8 weeks out form pfc and my aches and pains have significantly decreased. I did yoga and pilates throughout my chemo though. Good luck!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    diana i am there with you on the hair...i truly want my OWN and i want my lashes and brows!

    and this allergy biz--is taxotere an allergan??????

    i am so tired of my eyes so puffy etc--calling my GP to get in to see him to discuss allergies/CPAP/etc etc

    at work so can't "talk" much right now! hugs!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Moonflwr, Ali, Jen and Christina thanks for the hugs and kind words. It helped so much to 'talk' about it with you guys 'cause I know that even though this part hasn't happened to you AGAIN .... you all 'get it' in the way that no one who hasn't been through all of this has or will.

    Ali so sorry you toenails are coming off. 

    Christina - I do think it's the chemo that is causing the hair loss and not just a normal hair cycle. Besides the fact that there is so much coming out - even though I have a lot of hair (albeit about 1" short hair - some longer, some shorter) - it appears my underarm hair has gone dormant again (and that can go away forever as far as I'm concerned), my leg hair is almost non-existant again (and although it's blonde, it could depart forever also <grin>), and more than a normal amount of pubic hair departed at once last week too.) I'm with you on the electrolysis or waxing down the line. It was wonderful not to have to shave my legs and underarms. 

    Great job on your workout and keep up the good work! If you can do something daily - it will help you immensely and I would encourage you to really work at now prior to whatever reconstructive surgery you decide to have. 

    Aem, Msbelle, Moonflwr, gritgirl, Ali, Christina ... sorry about the achy stiffness. Are you all on Herceptin or not? Or just chemo related side effect? I wonder if I have some of this and have attributed it to overdoing a run or my fall a week ago Friday and such. I don't think I share that story with all of you. But I digress ...  Hope you are all feeling better and that achy stiffness does NOT last a YEAR. 'Cause you are right .. that would really suck.

    Radiation Oncologist appointment in a couple hours. I will also have my set-up for the simulation. When I called to make the appointment (without asking) my RO actually got on the phone with me and talked to me about it. That was wonderful since the last time I met with her was the end of January. So .. all things being equal ... I will most likely begin rads in a week or shortly thereafter. 

    Lumpy -- are you there? I think you and I will be doing these together. Wouldn't wish another thing on anyone but hoping that this knocks out anything that might have tried to stay around after surgery and chemo. 

    Hugs to everyone!

    Can you believe it's almost August?

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    my consult with RO is aug 7th and set up is probly the following week.... i have had no previous communications so it will all be news to me!

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    dltnhm - I'm supposed to go on Tamoxifen, but am pretty weary about possibly feeling more stiffness, etc. on it.  I swear they want me to start just so I forget what normal felt

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Wow, this has been my new complaint this week. I was really getting worried as to why I feel so achy and stiff in my legs. Once I start walking around it gets better. Well I'm relieved to know we're either all crazy or all normal!

    I went in for ct scan today. It was scheduled prior to chemo. I thought it was because there was a spot on my liver that the mo said was most likely normal liver spots that we get with age, but would repeat ct after chemo. When I went in this morning the tech said I was getting ct of abdomen, liver, lungs stomac, etc. I asked why and he said that was what the doctor ordered. Is that normal procedure after chemo? Also what is the diffrence between a pet scan and cat scan? How often is everyone get boodwork checked? My mo said every 3 months.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Dipad I had scans of my liver/ abd several times and recently an MRI. I have the same spots on my liver. They are just monitoring them, mine are called hemangiomas. My oncologist and cardiologist both say many people have them and never know it. They are usually only found when scanning for something else. I think they will always monitor them but I'm not sure how often, that's on my list of questions for next appt. I am thinking yearly.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    As long as the hemangiomas and your liver readings don't change, you're good.  My lesions on my liver looked like hemagiomas but they were breast cancer (you don't know until they are biopsied). The biopsy isn't done unless you see changes in the hemagiomas and/or liver readings.  So relax. Just monitor and relax.  Ain't no reason to get caught up on where the cancer could be.  Hemagiomas are very typical in all us older folks.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    You all remember when I flushed my new key down the toilet, during an episode of the big D? Today I drove 45 min. To get a new one made and programmed. only an hour to wait, LOL. But, the good news is it is now only 150$ instead of 300$, as the SAAB company is making the keys again. So at least I save some money. The bad part is only one part came in, the fob, so I don't have two working keys. They will mail me the other part when it comes in. In all this cost me over 500$, keys, fob, plumber, not counting an hour and s half drive time. And an hour wait. So, people DON'T FLUSH YOUR NEW ELECTRONIC KEY AND FOB DOWN THE TOILET, THAT IS ALL!@! LOL

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Lumpy - Looks like you will be about a week or so behind me in the rads department. 

    Radiation Report: I am going in this Friday for the next step of the simulation after the doctor has plotted the course of the radiation treatments based on the CT scan from this morning. My first treatment will be next Monday, August 6th ... 5 1/2 weeks ... 28 treatments. I already loved my Radiation Oncologist from our previous meetings. Today she did not disappoint :-) and everyone else there ... the nurses, radiation therapists, intern, etc. were wonderful. Each treatment should take 30 minutes of time from parking the car to leaving the parking garage except on Tuesdays when I will meet with the doctor following the treatment. 

    Aem - I'm supposed to go on Tamoxifen also after radiation. I've read the potential side-effects and read some of the threads on that. I decided at the time that I had my head full already while completing my chemotherapy. One of these days I'll look at it again before radiation is complete. I think you're right .. it could be a grand conspiracy ;-)

    dipad - Sorry about the achy stiffness you are having too; had lots of scans before chemotherapy following my mastectomy in January. I'm not having any now. Ended chemo on the 11th, had bloodwork on the 18th and will have bloodwork again on 8/8 and then I will see my oncologist when my radiation is complete and then every 3 months.

    Msbelle - I have a hemangioma also that showed up on my scans in January. 

    Moonflwr - Oh I do remember when you flushed your key down. Yikes that seems like a long time ago now, doesn't it? I'm glad the cost of key went down for you but so sorry again that you had all that extra expense during this time (or any time for that matter). Hate when life events suck the $$ out of us when we could be using that for something else! Feel a hug.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i have to believe the theory about the tamoxifen after all is done but my MO wants to put me on femera or whatever (sorry-too lazy to look it up) and i am not so sure that i want to go on that - drains calcium and i already have issue sthere due to gastric i have to look at some other stuff...

    i read all about RADS months ago but need to get my head wrapped abck around it now that the time has come so i understand....

    off to the grocery store! was given a wonderful lil kohlrabi this morning so now i need stuff to cook with it!!!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Took my puppy for her first walk today and she is going for a wash and cut tomorrow.

    Start rad on Thursday and worried about the rads near the bottom of my throat. My onco said she would me a liquid med for taking before food as It would be painfull.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I have to say I could get spoiled very easily. When I got my car back after they programed my key, they washed and vacumed it. Cool. Can you tell I rarely take a car in? Usually my husband works on them. LOL

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    It is so nice to know I am not the only one having stiffness and pain after getting up. I will definitely ask about it when I get my herceptin next week. msbelle - A YEAR!?! Do you know what causes it?

    moonflwr - I can't believe you had to wait this long for new keys. OUCH that is expensive. Surprised Glad they at least washed the car for you.

    lumpy & dltnhm - good luck with rads to both of you. dltnhm, sounds like things are starting out well.

    ali - I hope your throat will be okay. I bet puppy will look so cute after her wash and cut. Post a pic for us!

    Bought a few button down pajama sets at Walmart for after the UMX. Not sure if I'll need them but it sounds like I might. They are not my style AT ALL but they were relatively cheap at least. It was rather depressing. I don't like thinking much about surgery...I did grocery shopping over the weekend and to prepare, I bought enough food to last us for 6 months.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Let's see, do I have this right? Lumps and Ali, are starting RADS, Christina is having surgery? Are we missing anyone? You are all in my prayers.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    I am in limbo... waiting to find out if I have to start RADS.  MO says no, RO says maybe.. presenting it to the cancer board next week.  In the meantime, I am doing PT for cording :(

    Plus we do have a few who are doing chemo right now too.  But its way to early to remember even my name let alone the others hehe

    hugs to all!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    last nite i talked to my sis in law-haven't heard from her in about two weeks- thought maybe she finally retired from work! anyhow-brother in law was just dx with pancreatic cancer- stage IV-has spots on liver- he will start chemo tomorrow- she didn't know cocktail -he is taking non aggressive rte tho so he can try to maintain some "quality of life"...i just cannot believe this...please a prayer if you could!

    i'm very lucky not to have all of the achiness you're all talking about.

    am at work early to read about the pancreas and cancer- wow-

    looks like rain today- guess it's a good day to be stuck at work!i sit here everyday thinking about all tha i need to do at home and by the time i get home at nite i am just wiped out! WHEN does this improve????????

    tho i DO have to say things are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better at our new place! we are blessed!

    well- things to do so sending hugs!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    So sorry to hear about your BIL's pancreatic cancer, prayers at my end for sure.  Of course your're wiped out, starting a new full time job in the midst of chemo, surgury and moving??  I'm happy to hear that you are loving your new place though.


    Those pj sets will help alot in the first couple of weeks after surgery for sure.  Staying busy with cleaning and cooking and such will help with all of that nervous energy you're sure to be experiencing right now.  (((HUGS))).  Re stiffness and pain.  I was very sore for a month after completing chemo TX, the MO said it could last for up to 6 months but it didn't.  It did ease up and now I find I'm somewhat stiff in the morning but I really attribute that to not doing much walking because its been so hot and of course age.


    Yes please post a pic of your puppy with her new "do".  Gotta love pupplies!  I hope you find RADS an easier go of things.


    I was in the same boat re rads, RO was pro, MO was con.  The tumor board reveiwed my file and the decision was no to RADS.  We're pretty similar in our pathology I see.  Pesonally I was glad it was off the table for me.


    Now that is one expensive key!!!!  One of the ladies on the Canadian thread somehow flushed her bottom teeth!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    lumpy...positive thoughts for your BIL!!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpy: I'm so sorry about your brother in law.

    I just saw my oncologist yesterday. She's telling me I can be on chemo break until we see something change. I'm a bit nervous about leaving the little bit on the liver, but am damn grateful to be not going back into chemo.  Plus, she gave me the go ahead to start talking to surgeons. She is pushing me toward lumpectomy but I am determined to get a bmx.  Used to be when someone showed up stage IV, they figured you were not going to be around long so they just kept you comfortable.  Now people are living longer with the advances and I don't want these stupid old boobs to mess up any more chances I might have down the line.

    I'm leaning toward DIEP reconstruction but will talk to the plastic surgeon about recommendations. Want to stay away from implants due to the need for future surgery as well as any extra risk of infection.  I want to go in and have a one and done.  I'm pretty happy to be off the chemo conveyor belt for now.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumps, so sorry about your DBIL. Prayers for you and your family.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Grit, doing virtual cartwheels for you! (well you wouldn't want to see a real one, or, well, the closest approximation I can do) LOL. I am so happy for you. Enjoy the chemo break. I hope the spot is just a freckle and just stays there without doing anything but fading away. Much love.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Thanks, Moonflwr. I am just so relieved that I get to go about my business and live my life and I hope to extend that as loooooong as I can.

    I want to be here to annoy as many people as possible for as long as I can. :-)

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Gritgirl,  we are all in favor of that!  Very happy to hear that your MO is talking surgery!  Hope the liver spot stays small and stable--any chance they would look at ablating that spot?  

    Lumpy, I am so sorry to hear about your BIL.  sending warm vibes your way. Sometimes it feels like things just never end... 

    Moonflwr, I was thinking of getting one of those fobs for my husband for his birthday. Maybe I'll rethink that now...Money mouth

    So good luck to all of you guys heading into rads! I'm thinking of you, and if you want to pick my feeble brain, feel free. The treatment itself is a piece of cake, and I met some very nice women in the waiting room.  Is anybody a left side person, or getting to use a bolus? 

     Also: mygirls cream. I swear, I don't work for the company, but every medical person who looks at my skin raves about how good it looks. (for mole-infested 50 year old skin, that is.)  

    Ali, is the throat issue for radiation b/c you are having your supracavicular nodes radiated? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. At least your butt will look good in those magic jeans you have. I need me a pair of them. Also a magic stomach-flattening shirt... 

    I am another of the creaky stiff morning poeple. I feel like my mother as I get up and shuffle across the floor, but it does disappear relatively quickly.   

    So we are heading down to see my FIL this weekend/next week. He has entered hospice, and I think he's really just hanging on to see the kids, so we're pushing our vacation forward by about 3 weeks. His wife died a year ago in May, and he just deteriorated rapidly after that.  My poor husband has had the year from H-E-double.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hildy, get your DH a fob, I am pretty sure he won't have a bout of diarrhea, have a chemo brain incident forgetting that the key was in the pocket , and try to rinse his pants in the toilet! LOL give him a hug from me about his dad. That is rough.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Lumpy - Oh so sorry to hear about your bil -- prayers from me as well. Hang in there dear one.

    Moonflower - It's me waving my hand for the rads coming up on Monday. I have black sharpie marks covered with clear plastic stickers on my chest, sides, and below my chest right now ... they will use those on Friday to complete the simulation. If they last that long ... I am a sweating machine when I run ;-)

    Gritgirl - Susan ... I am dancing for you too !!! Yay !!!! Love your avatar pic :-) and your intention to annoy as many people as possible - lol.

    Hildy - thanks for the tip on the mygirls cream. Did you order that online? And did you have tatoos or just marker marks? I can have whatever I prefer. They will use marker marks in the beginning. Oh the smell of Sharpie marker as I headed into the CT machine. Stinky. I told my dh that this drawing on body parts was getting pretty commonplace ... my breast surgeon and plastic surgeon prior to the surgery and morning of the surgery back in January and now the radiation therapist and her intern. X marks the spots right now. 

    Sorry to hear about your fil. My Dad passed away almost 11 years ago now. It has been a year off the charts for your husband. So sorry. 

    Christina - I actually took a couple of my son's large soft t-shirts and slit them down the middle from top to bottom and used a couple binder clips to hold them together. It was extremely easy for me to open and shut them when I had to strip the drains and such and I didn't care if they got stained. Also have button up pajamas that were super soft and cotton. 

    Jen - The waiting to hear about what the board says about rads is a wait. Hope you are getting everything you need to get done right now for back-to-school. 

    Ali - My nurse said it was a possibility that I might have a slight sore throat from the rads as well. I guess it depends where they line up the 'beams' and what they are aiming at. I am praying that you do not have a terrible time with that. You have been through so much. 

    After my run today I was taking a walk and one of the gals from the mall where I walk in the mornings in the Winter and inclement weather (which we've not had) saw me and honked her horn and pulled over. She was so sweet. Said the whole gang (they are all seniors) were wondering where I was and were hoping that everything was all right with me. I told them about the breast cancer but I haven't been back to the mall to walk since the end of March. Bless their hearts. They are so sweet and caring. She said she was going to email all the ones that were asking and then she invited me to lunch - right there. My sweaty running self :-) and she picked up the tab. It was a wonderful respite today. 

    Hugs everyone!