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February 2012 Chemo



  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    ymac, i'd rather go to sibley as well, but dr. teal came highly, highly recommended. oh, well.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Gritgirl, I love your mug shots. Looking good. Ymac,I considered diep for about two minutes. There was no way I could do a 14 hour surgery. Too old, too fat, too diabetic! LOL so implants it is. Had to see my ps today.for a bit of an emergency with my stupid drain. Somehow, the gauze covering it fell off and I could feel fluid around it, so threw gauze on it last nite, and called ps this morning. He's not usually in on Wed, but was doing an operation so he could see me before. he cleaned it, put on new gauze and took off the binder he had on. What a relief, it made me so red and itchy, and feels so much better. He did leave in the drain as yesterday it put out 100 cc. Not quite ready LOL. I am finally getting my eyebrows back, and a few eyelashes. But, very strange, not much nether hair, and not even one hair in my pits. that, I don't mind. LOL

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lmao Susan I love the mug shots! I am a sucker for red hair, I LOVE red hair, go red if you like it!!!

    ymac - hello and glad to "see" you! Thanks for sharing about the tamoxifen and the DIEP, I am getting read to start tamoxifen and hope to have a DIEP next year. It's so helpful to read other people's experiences.

    dipad - I've done yoga a couple of times before (pre-cancer life) and really enjoyed it. I would recommend it to anyone. I found it very relaxing.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    grit-i am always appalled at what we have to do in re getting onto tables etc...yesterday i went for my simulation and it was a true experience due to my boob falling over and making a "fold"--so they had to put a breast board (incline) on the table and then had to readjust a whole lotta others tuff- i had to keep getting off and on etc--but i'm ok! minor compared to what you had to do!

    also grit--i was so grossed out looking at info re port placement that i did the PICC line...

    anyhow- i'm back at work so i can't look at your new pictures-

    simulation went well i guess other than the table biz..i just want it over with..

    hugs to all....

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I am on morphine and pain killers because the rads have burnt my neck, mouth and throat. Drinking water is hard so eating is so painfull, I have 4 more to go.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali:  I hope they go by quickly for you.  Just focus on the fact that the radiation will decrease the odds of the cancer coming back. And we need all the odds we can get. :-)



  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    (((ali))) These treatments just fight you every step of the way, don't they. You are so close to the end...I would take those last 4 for you if I could.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali, you my prayers. Counting down with you, only.four more, you can do it. You can do it. You've got this! You will do it. Much love

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Hang in there, you're almost done!  At least your doctor had the good sense to give you something for the pain this time!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Thanks everyone, I am so tired and in pain but I can do this.

    It's like putting your hand in the oven knowing your going to get burnt but you can't do shit about it.

    Love to you all

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    grit--i'm finally hooked up at home again and able to view your mug shots--love 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have such scarce hair right now- i decided today taht i'll be wearing this wig til Christmas..which ticks me off! i looked at a photo of sweetie and me taken in feb 2011 and it will take me 3-4 years to grow my hair back like that at this rate/dang it all....

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Got my drain taken out yesterday (hooray!) but was super sore afterwards. Feeling better today. DH and I brought mom to the airport to go home this morning. I think overall it was a very good visit. She and I don't see eye to eye all the time but we got along well. Dreading Monday, having to go back to work and start the fall semester. But I know it'll probably boost my spirits too. I knew logically the UMX would effect me emotionally but it's harder than I expected.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Yep. But its done and you are healing. So mourn and go on LIVING ! much love.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    happy sunday!

    got to see my new granddog yesterday-gosh she is precious! a 3 month old shepherd mix (with goodness knows what!) all legs!!! she'll grow up to be a horse i fear!

    today i have lots of stuff at home to catch up on - and am trying to plan out a trip to wisc so we can visit BIL -did i tell you they have discontinued his chemo totally- they decide teh chemo was trying to kill him faster than the i am thinking over labor day if i can get an extra day off work-the driving takes  a day each way so taht would allow us sun/mon to visit-and if we leave early enough on tues i should be able to egt home for rads!

    anyhow- sunday hugs to all!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lumpy - the grandpuppy sounds cute - post a photo if you are able. So sorry to hear about your BIL. That must be so hard to deal with.

    We are a quiet group this weekend. Going to see MIL today. Monday is my first day at work without wearing a wig or hairpiece. Nervous about how that will go. My hair is now "long" enough (it's so short it seems silly to say long) that I can see where I am going to have cowlicks. It's not smooth and even anymore, there are little spots where the hair is pointing in a weird direction. But bring it on! Crazy hair is better than no hair at all. My nails are still working on growing out and I think in another month they will be "normal" again. DH has been very sweet and extra loving to me this weekend which is good because I sure need it right now!

    Oh and I preordered the new Breast Reconstruction book coming out in November. I was going to buy the current edition but someone in the Recon forum told me there is a new edition coming out. Since I'm waiting until next year anyway, I'd rather wait and get the most up to date information. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone else is still exploring recon options.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497
     hope this works! the girldog in the background is Whiskey-she's about 9 and is my younger son's...the babygirl in the foreground is 3 month old eldest son has a husky mix with gorgeous blue pics tho
  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i can't wait til my hair is "long enough" to go topless! christina; you go girl!!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, you go girl! My hair is pretty short and looks funky, like its trying to curl, but it is there and it is not gray. Enjoy the freedom!

    Lumpy, sorry about your BIL. WI are you heading? I live just north of Milwaukee.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

       Ran my first half marathon since Chemo Yesterday.  It felt good.  I knew I wouldnt be fast, but I was happy with my time.  I finished it in 2 hours and 21 minutes.  It was on a paved trail along the Sammamish River, north of Seattle.  Hopefully I can work my way back to doing the full marathon.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    First call, THAT IS AMAZING! I am so happy you can do that. I love happy news, and that qualifies! So cool! Congrats

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    I have hair too!! I'm just not brave enough to go topless yet. Way to go Christina!!I Mine has a lot of gray. I am jealous of your no gray Moonflwr. Great job Firstcall!! I have signed up for my first 5k in October. Not planning on running but fast walking. Very excited. All money raised will go for mamograms for those without insurance. I pray we all continue to beat this and move on with our lives. This was just a little detour!!!

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69

    I had lumectomy with positive lymph node removal (one positive-2-5 unknown) Aug 8. 

    Tube out Aug 13 (didn't feel removal).  See doctor for lab report and, I suppose being turned over to oncologist on Aug 23.

    Have taught myself to sleep with arm raised over my head.  Now, no pain at raising arm, but minor twinge when I lower it.

    Didn't take high powered pain med because drugist, former student told husband big risk of falls.  Upon advise of visiting home nurse, took about 4 total of codine and tylanol in day one and two after return home.  This left from perscription after biopsy.

    Got into and out of tub by  myself tonight, with some weight on affected arm.  By the way, surgery around the nipple and barely noticable with bra on.  She removed one inch in diameter cancer and extra margins,  left breast a little smaller now. Am pretty much back to my old self. 

     I play audible books to my earphones when going to sleep and through the night.  Best book--1000 years of laughter.  We should be in synch for whatever comes.  Cheers and hugs.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    moonflwr- BIL lives in Black Creek..north of Appleton....up around Green Bay..

    not sure when we're going...michael doesn't want to spend money on motel--i don't want to impose the two of us on them ..too much work-also i like having the freedom to sleep when we want (he has sleep issues that could keep a household up) and we have to take our dog who is not welcome at their house(that doesn't sound right-not meant to be mean!)..i don't want them worried about "entertaining " us or feeding etc...

    i can't push him- this is his choice we will see....

    firstcall...darn lil red X=can't see your excited to see that you are still running!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    If you are heading up to green bay, you probably will be taking I 43. I live near there, so if you have any extra time. Lunch or breakfast would be fun. But I know when traveling you just want to get there. So if thats not possible, maybe next time.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    right now we are arguing about it so i dunno--frankly i wouldn't care if he'd go alone but he won't....i think we go 43 til we go toward fond du lac and then north on 41...

    anyhow- tonite i have no clue!i'm on my second glass of wine and i don't care!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    LOL, Margo! Enjoy the wine.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi Everyone

    This and another thread I check in on regularly was dropped from my fav's!


    Good on you re the 1/2 marathon.  My neighbor has signed me up for a  program for the 2 of us where you walk for 5 minutes then run for 2 with the goal being able to go 5K in October.  I can just hear "Run Forest Run" LOL!  We're also going to do Yoga once a week.  Good neighbor.


    Sorry to hear about BIL.  While I understand DH is trying to be frugal, he needs to understand the reasons behind you wanting a hotel, which are all very valid IMHO.

    The dogs are so cute but you're right about that puppy.  It's got colt legs LOL!


    Welcome.  You sound like you're doing well after surgery.  Are you having chemo?


    Your almost done!!!!


    Back to work already?!  Good to hear you had a nice visit with your Mom.


    I plan on mostly walking too! LOL!

    Re the whole hair thing.  I'm topless all the time now with friends and family.  The only time I find myself putting the wig on is for meeting with clients or out shopping.  Its pretty gray too.  I did a semi permanent colour a while back and its time to do it again.  I think though I'll enslist the help of a friend to make sure I get the back well.

    Edited to add:  I have my 6 months check up on Friday.  Its hard to believe 6 months have passed already since TX started! 

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    AAARGH.  I had a big long post that got eaten! 

    Been out of touch--first the visit to my FIL, which was necessary and good, but nonetheless quite draining, and then came back to two massive work deadlines, followed closely by back to school stuff. Plus we are sneaking up to our family cabin in NH for a bit, for which I say Thank Goodness!

    Christina, congrats on the drain coming out! Hope your range of motion is coming back and you don't have too much soreness. I am also still exploring recon, b/c I can't even think about doing anything until six months after rads.

    Grit--love the pics, and have hair envy! I got some, but not nearly that much!  Still need to go to the wig folks to talk extensions. it would be so nice to not have to have the fur piece on my head all the time. It was quite an adventure figuring it out for body surfing and paddleboarding.

    Cindi, good luck and I hope you have good news on the rest of your lymph nodes!

    I am back to running, but not a half marathon like first call! man! MSBelle, I have signed up to do a 5K in October, too! My brothers are running with me, although one is doing the associated half marathon. I plan to do one of those this Spring if I can...

    Lumpy and Moon, is the part of WI you are discussing near Door County by any chance? I read a romance novel a long time ago that was set in The Door, and it made me want to visit. Sounded so lovely....

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hildy-door county is NE of where my BIL is a beautiful area tho i have never actually been on the peninsula... shops and etc....

    last nite one of the things that i mentioned to sweetie re the hotel/motel situation is the fact that at home i LIVE in my pj's or nite gown and WITHOUT my wig! i would NOT -repeat NOT feel comfortable around his brother and sis in law to do so--even tho i have known them for as long as i have known him....i asked him to consider my comfort in of the gals at work wants the tues after labor day off so i said no prob and IF we go it will be sept 14th he worries if david will last that long....i give up!

    rainy dreary here today - would love to just go back to bed!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, last rads tomorrow then I'm done with **** cancer treatment. 9 months of pure hell and I'm so happy to be finished.

    Still got very sore throat and now got sore feet( wtf) but I made it to the finish line.

    I have been hill walking at night for one hour and DH sometimes comes with me.

    No drinking - being so good

    Eating ice cream for my throat hehe