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February 2012 Chemo



  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hildy910- I can so relate to the aftermath. Went to a pool party the other day. I cant go in the pool for 4 weeks since exchange, so I just dabbled up to my waist, and thought even if I could go in what would I do? Swim under water searching for my wig? So the pool cant cool me down while I'm sitting in 90 degree heat, untop of that I'm wearing a damn corset and the sweat is dripping down my breast!!

    Msbelle- think it was Henna. If there is a whole foods near you they also sell all natural hair dye. I havent tried it though.

    I went grey early in life. I think only permanent dye would cover it. Could it really be a huge issue with the chemicals?  

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Msbelle - temporary hair dyes have no harsh chemicals in them.  They simply deposit pigment onto the hair..that's why they are temp.  My hairdresser says you can throw a temp color in 7 days a week if you wanted to...the are very safe.  Permenant color strips your natural color and then deposits pigment.  They are very harsh and tough on the hair.  They will also fade more in the sun.  The 1st one I used I had to leave on for double the time to make sure it took on the greys...I also used a small brush to apply it around the hairline area. I pretty much matched my color coming in, but the temp color gives some reddish highlites when I'm in the sun...I think it made people think I did this hair thing on purpose.  I would say mine starts fading arouday 14 so I never really make it to the 28 shampoo mark.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i am ok with the grey -have worked hard to keep my hair au naturalle for the past few years--i just am surprised at how much MORE grey is there than when it fell out!

    ok- gotta share! i love my job! however, today i would have loved to have stayed in particular reason ...just... SO! they are running a wonderful perk all summer- each week on thursdays they choose two names to have "Free Friday" meaning  that two ppl get to have the day off with full pay!!! and --i WON for tomorrow!!!!!!!! whooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooo

    tomorrow nite i am getting a washer/dryer set (older but works and price is right!)

    so i probly won't be back til monday unless i can get my home comp working again...

    weekend hugs to all!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    lumpy, you deserve that day off. tomorrow afternoon i go in for my herceptin and i'm actually looking forward to it because that means i take the afternoon off (appointment is at 1:30).

    i've been using semi permanent dye for years and i love the stuff. my hair that is coming back is much darker and has a heck of a lot more grey in it.  going to see how it looks as it grows out and decide then what to do.  either way, i'll do something funky.  i used to dye my hair red and then put a big blonde streak through it.  i might grown this all out and then create a big grey streak up front.  just like to have something spicing up my hair.

    i am very grateful that i am off chemo for a while so i can get my hair back.  i missed having hair.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi, yes I use Henna but you have to leave it on just over 30 mins. Also I have done it three times as the gray shows very soon. Can't Wait to get it done at hairdressers ( November) also you know I had cold cap and I went very thin all over. My new hair is growing well and all bald patches covered but new hair is growing straight up. So I have sticky up bits with straight hair looks funny at times.

    Tamoxifen is going well but I have put on 3lb this week but I have pigged out. Going to stop pigging out and see if I still put weight on. If this drug makes me gain weight I'm coming off it.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    dipad - lol @ the image of you swimming in a pool looking for your wig!

    lumpynme - enjoy your day off!

    Picked up my first bottle of tamoxifen today. Ali it had better NOT make us gain weight! The insurance company denied the other medication my onc wanted me to take but he wasn't worried about it. He said to not start taking it until 4-5 days after surgery. Met with the rad onc too today, he visited with me while I was getting my herceptin.

    UMX is tomorrow. Moody as heck! My mom is flying out. Her first flight arrived a little late to Dallas and then she got a little lost, so she missed the next flight that would bring her here. So now she is on stand-by. Fortunately there are two more flights headed out this way tonight so hopefully the odds are good that she'll make it here.

    I don't think I could go through with this if my DH were not so supportive. It seems terrible to be a wife with one boob.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, will be praying for you tomorrow. I got my prescription for Arimidex today so I can start after my operation, probably a week after. I won't be seeing my MO for three weeks do he wanted me to have it. Just wanted, we are all making progress, sometimes slow,.sometimes on the scenic route, but getting there. I guess we needed a reminder that you just need to keep moving. Besides moving targets are harder to hit...... LOL

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina . my thoughts and prayers are with you tomorrow

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    Christina...wish you well for tomorrow

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Christina. Praying for you dear one. Praying for your loved ones and all those involved with your surgical care. {{hugs}}

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and will say a prayer that surgury goes well and that you're back home as soon as possible. Take it nice and easy and let us know how your getting on when you're up to it. (((HUGS))

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644


    Thinking of you, I hope you are pain free and get lots of prezzies from the family. I know this will be the hardest thing you will ever go through but you can do it.

    DH will love you and want you just the same and it won't be for long.

    Your such a strong lady even if you think your not!


  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Christina - prayers your way today.


  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Christina- wishing you well with surgery. Don't beat yourself up! Your still the same wonderful person you were with one boob. Took me awhile to realize that my looks dont define who I am. 

    Started Tamoxifen 3 days ago. I'm sure its too early to have side effects,but last night I was so restless and hot in the face. It took hours to fall asleep. Not sure if its the hormones or a bad day at work.  

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Dipad, the first two weeks I had very bad hot flushes, couldn't sleep, mood swing but much better now.

    Had physio today and the woman pushed my arm flat on the floor and it bloody hurt. My hand is swollen and arm is painful, really not happy with this woman.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina. Thinking of you, let us know how you are doing when you can. Much love.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Thinking of you, Christina...

    Ali, if your hand is swollen, breathe down their necks about lymphedema treatment, especially during rads.

    My PT doesn't hurt like you describe, that's for sure.... 

  • Merrinell
    Merrinell Member Posts: 22

    Haven't posted in a while.  Finished my CMF chemo four weeks ago and headed to the mountains July 30th.  Am doing well, have regained my appetite.  I've lost 30 pounds this past year, but I could afford it!  Now that I'm eating again, I have a feeling I will gain some back if I don't watch it.  I begin RADS Sept. 13th for 5-1/2 weeks.  I'm not doing any reconstruction, and my very worst problem I'm having is the continuous aching where my muscles were cut when the surgeon removed the lymph nodes.  She put me on Lyrica a couple of weeks ago, but it made me so loopy, I couldn't function.  No way I can take that stuff!  I just always feel like I have this very, very tight bra on.  I do my exercises, because the Radiologist tells me I've got to get that left arm where I can hold it over my head for long periods of time.  It hurts me so bad I can hardly stand it.

    At least the nausea is finally gone.  No diarrhea but the constipation is still with me.  If I take fiber, it goes the other Rectal surgery in '07 left me with an incompetent sphincter, so I really have to be careful. 

    All in all, the seven months have gone better than I could have hoped for (after the first bad infusion which nearly killed me (Taxitere & Neulasta).  Once we changed over to the CMF, it went better.    MRI and Mammogram in June were good, but after talking with so many BC survivors, I suppose you always have that dread of a recurrence.  But I've learned you can't dwell on it, because you can't change it.  I know I'm blessed.  I have been surrounded with so many wonderful loving friends and family during this journey.  My hair is coming back and I haven't worn a wig or scarf in about six weeks.  I will never wear my hair long again.  This "wash and go" is great!  No more weekly hair appointments for me. 

    I have learned so much from this site.  Thank you for your encouragement.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Hi all

    Just popping in to say hi to everyone.  Christine I will be thinking of you all day - hope all went well.

    So all of my active treatments are over.  I go for my first mammo since DX this coming Tuesday and truthfully I am a nervous wreck.  Then after this hurdle is passed it is on to the Tamoxifen.  I am going to think positive and hope for little to no SEs.

    Hope everyone is doing well.  Its amazing, back in the beginning of February we were all strangers, scared to death and now I feel we are all the dearest of friends.  We have been so lucky to have each other to get thru this with.  


  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali - ow! Tell her to BE NICE!!!

    Merinell - so glad that the Lyrica is helping and it sounds like you are slowly but surely recovering well. It's been a long road but you have come so far and I bet the worst is behind you. I'll be starting radiation therapy around the same time you are I think.

    mthrdee - Hugs right back to you! I'll be starting tamoxifen next week too. I hope you will post about how it goes for you. My mom warning me she gained 30 lbs on tamoxifen - oh I hope that does not happen to me! I need to start exercising.

    My simple UMX went very well yesterday. My pain is really minimal; I asked to switch from morphine to tylenol last night and the tylenol has been very effective. The drain does gross me out a bit but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I did not plan on looking at my surgery for a long time but they showed me where the drain is in my bandage, and the bandage is not nearly as large as I thought it would be and it does not leave much to the imagination. But it was not really upsetting to me like I thought it would be, at least not at this point. Now I am waiting to be seen by the occupational therapist, and I should be going home at some point today. The hospital staff have been great, the room is very nice and I could not have asked for a better stay. Thanks for all the kind words of support!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Christina glad to hear you are doing well all things considered.  I will keep those positive vibes coming your way.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Thanks for updating us.  Glad to hear surgery went well and your in minimal discomfort.  The drains are kind of yucky but necessary.  When they come out you'll feel like a new woman and have alot more freedom of movement.   I know when I peeked at my dressing for the first time while in the hospital I was surprised too at the size or lack thereof of the site.  I didn't look while the nurse changed the dressing mind you.  It was only when the home nurse came 2 days later to change it that I did and I was amazed at how it looked which was way less grotesque than I ever imagined.  I'm not sure what I was expecting but it was neatly done.   I even showed a friend that had a LX and a former nurse and she was pleasantly surprised by how it looked. With her LX she never received any drains and her bruising was so bad it looked like she have been beaten up.


    Yay on being finished chemo TX!  Ahh the mountains, I love the mountains.  Has the doctor recommended physical therapy to help with your range of motion? If not, bring it up because you're going to need to be able to hold your arm out of the way for RADS.  Let us now how you get on.


    I know we all live with the dread of a reoccurance but we musn't let those thoughts take over.  I started Tamoxifen about 3 months ago and honestly the only SE thus far is some warm flashes.  In reading alot about SE's from T here, I decided that I would deal with any SE's if and when they arose and so far so good.  Ali, I know you're were concerned about weight gain on this stuff but I haven't had any, have lost about 5 pounds.  I'm not a skinny gal and never have been, prone to weight gain really.  But since the steroids have worn off and I've dropped the carbo loading I was doing during TX I'm down about 15 pounds in total.  Would love to lose another 15 mind you.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, really glad your ok and the drains are a pain but they do a job.

    I have had a down day and not sure why! I keep thinking have I made the right choice with my Lumpectomy.

    DH took me out for tea and we talked about it and as he says I can always change my mind. I don't know why I feel like this maybe because I'm near the finish line and feel a little frightened.

    Wouldn't it be great if we all knew it was never coming back and don't have to worry.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Wouldn't it be great if we all knew it was never coming back and don't have to worry. You bet it would be great, Ali. I went with the UMX because I was terrified it would come back if I had a lx. However, my mother had an lx after her breast cancer and she has been NED for about 12 years now. In the end, you have to do what feels right to you. These are terrible decisions to have to make.

    I don't want to jinx myself but I am doing awesome after my UMX. I am just taking occasional tylenol. I did take the dilaudid last night, because I was worried about waking up with pain, but the dilaudid made me nauseaous. So I won't be taking that again! Trying to stretch my arm regularly as I have felt a little stiffness. I just can't believe that I am not having more pain. The most annoying thing is they forgot to order me my camisole at the hospital so I have to get it next week instead, so I am pinning my drain to my shirt or sticking it in my sweatshorts pocket. Very annoying. I wanted the camisole ASAP so I didn't have to look so lopsided, and so I would have a nice pocket to put my drain in. But if that is my biggest problem, I figure I am doing pretty good!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, too bad about the camisol, but like you said, if that's all you have to worry about! LOL. Keep healing.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Christina....glad the surgery went well....The drain is temporary, and helps you heal.  

    We had our wedding Friday.  My son and new DIL are now on their honeymoon.  It went well....only one catastrophe....the photographer was doing a group picture, and was standing on a folding chair, and it folded on her.  She went down and her leg was very stuck in the chair.  So I ran up and managed to get her leg freed from the chair, (which wasnt easy) and she was ok.  This was not the first time I helped her out of a tight spot.....I delivered her 20 + years ago.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    First call, I bet that added some excitement! LOL. I am glad it went well. Hope you didn't overdo it. It must be nice to see what became of those you delivered. Much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Good one firstcall. Glad to hear the wedding went well!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Firstcall, what a great story, it made me smile. Smile

    Got my camisole today to hold my drain and give me a normal shape, so I'm a happy girl. I cried while the nice lady was fitting me. Just overwhelmed I guess. I scheduled my DIEP consult - the PS's first available appointment is November 26th. I'll be done with rads by then I suppose.

    I hope everyone is feeling okay.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, I.lived in my camisole for 9 months. Well, lived in one.of the two alternately, so, yes they did get washed! LOL. Heal well.