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February 2012 Chemo



  • nofear2012
    nofear2012 Member Posts: 4

    I am hoping you ladies can help me understand if I am expecting too much to soon on my recovery. I had my last chemo treatment July 18th so it has been 18 days & I feel more like crap now then I did during treatments. No energy, emotional highs/lows, I am not feeling better as I thought I would. I know everyone is different & chemo was very hard on me, any advice would be helpful. How long did it take be4 u started feeling somewhat better.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    firstcall- sorry to hear about you needing teh sleeve...i won't throw in my mother's two cents about you getting help-you've heard all teh rest!

    nofear- i wish i could say give it one more week or something profound..i felt pretty good during my chemos but i am really really tired now - i had a total of 8 weeks first round and 12 weeks second round- and i am now 2 weeks pfc (post final {or whatever f word you wish!} chemo) - every person's body reacts so differently--just be good to yourself- keep yourself hydrated and keep eating well and sleeping whenever you need to/can...

    so-it's sunday and i am finally sitting at my own comp at home! a big feat folks! i have a jewelry party to go to this afternoon - my daughter is hostess and it's at her dad and step mom's- i should go but i just really really do NOT feel like showering and getting dressed and going and being polite to others!  i have a few hours to get over this --she will be very disappointed if i don't show up.

    we are finally getting some rain and it just isn't enough!my eldset son broughtteh lawn ower over yesterday to cut the weeds that have overgrown the lawn so it DOES look better!

    i truly wish that i had some energy cuz i really want to unpack and hang pictures and etc etc...i just cannot get myself to do it and i so much feel like i am wasting so much time! i went to walmart the other nite after work- and was there almost 90 minutes buying not a whole lot- it just took me so long--this is so not like me--

    tomorrow i meet with my primary doc and then tuesday with the rads onc..i need to get pprs fille dout for that and i just have no drive....kick me folks!

    hugs to all;gonna see if i can find some energy somewhere!

  • nofear2012
    nofear2012 Member Posts: 4

    Thx lumpynme I appreciate the info. I wish I weathered the se better. My stomch is the worst for me all thru my treatment & now. Have no appetite & stomch hurts on/off. Hoping for better days to come.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906
    lumpy....OK you asked for it!!!   KICK KICK....seriously, don't expect so much from yourself. I understand exactly what you want to get done will get itself sorted eventually. You went thru so much to get there, relax and enjoy it. Have fun at the party! Now YOU wanna KICK ME?? Yell  OUCH!
  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    nofear....I am 6 months PFC but it took a few weeks to get back to normal! Are you starting rads soon? I no sooner got back to "normal" than I began rads and other than fatigue, was not a big deal for me. Others have not been so lucky. I am grateful.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    It's been one a half months since my last chemo and I'm still getting my strength back. It just takes time and each person is different. For me it's been baby steps.

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177
    Nofear2012 - give it some time, I also felt worse after finishing...muscle aches, tired, etc.  I found that amino acids and beefing up on the B vitamins really helped speed up the process of feeling normal again.  By the time radiation rolled around, I was feeling much better, but I had started with the B's and amino acids around week 2-3 pfc. 
  • nofear2012
    nofear2012 Member Posts: 4

    Thx so much ladies. I will be starting rads on Aug 20th, I gave myself an extra week to recoup be4 I started. I am hoping rads is not a big deal for me too.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    oh poo.....after i posted i did a lil online then shut down my comp- and it crashed before i could reboot yesterday i am back to using the work comp and cannot be punched in to do that- so--happy monday!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Haven't been on since last week. I hope everyone is doing okay. I went to my sister's place for a long weekend. She is 14 weeks pregant. I helped her get the nursery set up. It was nice to not think too much about cancer for the weekend. Back to reality now. I was in a good mood but out of the blue DH is bringing up adoption (adopting a child) stuff. This was something we had been taking about in the not so long ago past but man, now is not the time. Now I just feel frustrated and depressed again. My UMX is Friday, I guess I have to have rads in the near future, don't know when the hormone therapy will start, and I am barely keeping my head above water with work and school. He's very excited about a potential adoption opportunity that was presented to him over the weekend through a friend, but honestly I cannot handle it right now. Possibly a perfect opportunity, at the very worst time. Very depressing.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, first ((((hugs)))) . That is a lot to be thrown at you right now. But, let me just say this, there is no perfect time for a baby. In fact, they seem to come whenever they mess things up the most. So, make your decision, just realize that there are no perfect anythings. You will, of course, make the right decision for you. Just wanted you to take a deep breath and think. Much love. Ps, remember what they say about advice, its worth what you pay for it, and, of course I charged you nothing! ((((Hugs)))))

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. there will be more opportunities. be gentle with yourself. this is a lot get through. school, work, cancer. it's a lot

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    christina-i agree with both of the gals above posts- you need to TELL him how you feel....and if you pray ; that wouldn't hurt to pray about it. parenthood-expected or unplanned is a huge undertaking and you really have options!

    the pcp i see is a great guy but i am not so totally sure he is for me...i have to do some thinking about this- anyhow- he gave me a clean bill of health so to speak and fought me for awhile about seeing an allergist but i won out! so taht will be scheduled....when i got to the point of i can't even eat healthy foods like an apple without a major flare up he finally caved!

    this morning is my RO consult....i am armed with pprs fille dout and questions and etc!and still some trepidation....or well- wussiness!

    my left (surgical)arm feels swollen today-not swollen taht you can see but like from the inside out-just up by the pit...i'm thinking maybe cuz pcp did a "check" for swollen nodes yesterday?? gosh i hope he didn't jinx me/start something!

    MLB--any news on the jobfront?

    eyebrows are coming in - not on the brow line but where i normally would pluck!upper lip will be next i'm sure!Frown

    hugs to you all!i need to get to work so i can leave for my appt!i'll check in later or tomorrow

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    That is alot to take on right now but at the same time like Moonflwer said, there's never a good time to have a baby.  Sounds like you're not up for it though, trust your gut.


    No news on the job front!!  I sent out thank you emails to both propective employers but I did get one response back apologizing for not getting back to me.  He said he had been in a pretty bad car accident just that day and was quite shaken up and he promised to call me the next day.  Well no call.  I just sent a follow up asking if he was alright and to call me at his earliest convenience. Fingers crossed!

    Had a great time with the girls on Sunday canning tomato sauce.  We worked from 1pm until 8pm, had a nice pasta dinner with some lovely home made wine.  Well worth the effort.  Off with a friend to see Majic Mike tonight.  Should be a hoot!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, I bet your DH is thinking it's good time because it will take your mind of the "cancer" that's the sort of thing my DH would do. I know it takes a while to get things going so maybe he thinks get the ball rolling.

    Today I had to take youngest to coach stop as she going to Christian camp (went last year loved it) all was going well and I missed my turning of the motorway and was five mins late. It was ok but another woman was 30 mins late she wasn't in a good state.

    Saw my friend there and hadn't seen her for a few months she said i looked amazing as I had hair and eyebrows again. She looked terrible so thin I wish she would eat a burger.

    Day 15 on Tamoxifen and things have settled down and I feel very normal. I get a few hot flushes but so much better and my moods are ok too. DH and I are getting on great and things are back to normal ( you know what I mean- no dryness) so it weeks 13 after chemo and I'm starting to feel well again and feel more in control.

    I met a woman at cancer centre on Monday she had been on Tamoxifen for three and half years. Had very bad mood swings, dripping in sweat, couldn't sleep. She starts to take Citroplam and bang everything goes.

    Hope everyone is well and little SE, on the way to day 4 of rads.

    Omg forgot to tell you, there are some really hot guys who do the zapping ( well worth it I think) My middle daughter ( prom girl) comes with me now how kind your thinking, no it's the hot guys.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Those of you who were starting chemo yesterday, let us know how it went. I am on my way to my cardioligist for my pacemaker check. Had to get my MUGA sent as he is in a different office. To all, much love.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, I'm so glad you're feeling better.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i really liked the RO guy! and his office staff- i go back next weds for my "simulation".

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    OK....the room did get painted, but not by me.  I decided that with the arm swelling, I just needed to let someone else finish this project.  Its not easy to let someone else do that, but my arm just isnt ready for it yet.  I've always liked to do my own finish work.  After all, I worked my way through college painting nice houses, and I'm a little particular.  But I just have to let it go.  

    The was a big day, I started to carry a comb with me.  Havent carried one in months, but I can actually start to work on parting it now.  Its a much finer hair than I had before....more like baby hair.  

    We have the wedding reception on Friday.   I think I'll be glad to have it over with.  

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Its alot to take on hosting a wedding in your home.  I'm sure the paint job looks fine too.  Great news on the comb front!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lumpy - I had no idea your allergies were so bad. I hope the allergist can help. How did the RO consult go? I too am getting lots of eyebrow hairs, everwhere but where I need them it seems. I finally shaved my underarms last night - the hair was about an inch long! But a part of me hated to shave it! lol

    MLB - did you enjoy Magic Mike? I saw it with a couple of girlfriends a couple weeks back. What eye candy! Mmm, homemade wine...what a fun night!

    Ali - glad to hear you are feeling a bit better! :)

    firstcall - how exciting to use a comb!!! Seriously! lol I feel terrible that you did not get to finish painting. I'll tell you what, I am such a nice person, as soon as you feel better you can come to Missouri and paint a couple of rooms for me. Wink

    Thanks for all the kind words of support. I know I need to talk to DH more about this, but I am still sulking. Which is a terrible way to spend the last days I will have with my two natural breasts. This week stinks. Boy I am in a foul mood, I hope I am not bringing anyone down. Today I spend 90% of the day at work with my office door shut and didn't answer my phone, completely unlike me. (Did get a lot done though!)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hey Christina, so you are wallowing, so? Every now and then, we all do that, and the week before surgery like yours would qualify. Hang in there. Much love.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    christina...this is a very personal part of your life and you need to spend it how it helps you- if wallowing and alone time help you so be it! i cannot speak to what you are going thru as i only had lumpy good to you.know that we are here as well...for what that is worth!

    i know this group has been a lifesaver/sanity saver for me!

    firstcall- you will be ok! it IS hard to allow someone else to do what you are so accustomed to doing--i know what i endured during our recent move. enjoy the wedding festivities!! and the comb! awesome!!!!!!

    my own hair is growing! but it is also so fine! i believe that the biotin helps as well as finally being PFC.

    the allergist appt is this friday but i have to rearrange it- dunno when to-dang it!

    RAD consult went well- i really like the doc and staff! i felt comfortable there- go back next weds afternoon for my simulation...not thrilled about having it done but very much understand teh logic and the odds that accompany it. i'll have IMRT to lessen potential heart damage etc...

    bought a bottle of wine last nite- i love the spiced wines and they are hard to find- the last few years i got comfy with a specific "brand" and realized yesterday that i live in a diff area so it's not available ( i like to buy locals!) anyhow- was very enjoyable last nite- i felt like i was pampering self!

    ok- work day! not as tired ; that's a good thing!

    hugs to all!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Not as tired!? You should start feeling less and less so as you detox.  I'm taking the biotin too, seems to be helping.  Mmmm on the wine!


    Hugs hun.  I think it has to be harder being treated in the order you are with the MX last.  Too much time to think about it. 

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Has anyone started the Tamoxifen yet? I started today since I had to hold off until my exhange surgery. I am interested in anyone's advice on this- I had a hysterectomy two months prior to my bc diagnosis. I did not have my ovaries removed. If only I had that mammo beforehand. Anyway, I am thinking about having the ovaries removed. Fear of ovarian cancer, slightly higher for bc patient's but not much, but also when in full menapause you can take a different drug instead of Tamoxifen that is more effective. Has anyone heard about this? I saw the gyn/onc yesterday and she was on the fence, really didnt want to tell me what to do, other than wait and give my body time to heal, and start the Tamoxifen. I'm 52 and was not anywhere near menapause when I had the hysterectomy, but I'm sure chemo put me into it. I have hot flashes a few times a week. The risks of ovary removal is a higher chance of early heart disease. Geez there is so much research to do that it drives me crazy! 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i have not yet started tamoxifen- my MO actually wants to put me on the femara when it is time- (i had hysterectomy in '99) however i am concerned about teh fact taht femara can help cause osteoporosis--i already have to watch my bones and calcium due to my gastric bypass ...i'm going to have to research some more as well before i go back to him in october....

    so don't rush into any of this! weigh all of your options....

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I started Tamoxifen May 11.  I was they said still peri menopausal although I hadn't had a period in over a year.  I still have all of my parts mind you so I will be keeping a close eye on all things uterine. My MO said I would take it for 2 years and then switch me to either Armidex or Femera.  One way I'm happy to still have the ovaries but I really don't know what estrogen they might be putting out.  I worry too about osteoporosis because my Mom has it.  Mind you she is very small boned and I'm not.  Her wrists and ankles are half the size of mine, always have been.  I have more my fathers body type.

    So far my only complaint with Tamoxifen is warm flashes, that's about it.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    I'm trying to remember what has been posted before about hair dye. I am not liking my gray. I know I should be thankful for hair period!! What kind should we use? I've heard vegetable dye ( where do you get it?) or henna dye. Can we use semi perm dye with no ammonia?

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Arrgh. Long post got eaten. Makes foul mood worse. I am down at the beach with my family and FIL, locked in my bedroom like Christina at her office. ;)
    I already went off on my family once, I'm so damn irritable. I really think that some of it is mood swings from going into menopause, so I'm going to fill that script for Effexor.   Some of it, however, is b/c I'm sick of still having to keep a house whilst on vacation. Not the maid here, people! 
    I'm also sick of dealing with aftermath of treatment--cant go in the sun too much b/c of rads, have to figure out the whole hair thing when I go swimming, so on and so forth. Just tired of it.
    First call, I'm sorry to hear you are back in compression garments. I'm still trying to figure out hand swelling, it's another PITA.  I hope the reception is lovely, its sure to be joyous, even if the trim work isn't as nice as you would have made it. ;)
    I was supposed to go on Tamoxifen Aug. 1st but have held off until I get home--didn't want to start messing with new meds whilst away from home. I'll be doing the same thing as MLB, a couple years Tamox followed by a couple years of an aromatase inhibitor.
    Christina, thinking of you--the surgery itself wasn't that bad for me, I hope you go sailing right through!   
    Oh, and hair--I think henna was the one that Ali used. I'm going in to the wig people next week to find out if my hair is long enough for extensions. I dont want long JLo hair, just enough longer hair up top that can be cut into a pixie style that looks like an actual hair style, if that makes any sense.  
  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hildy910- I can so relate to the aftermath. Went to a pool party the other day. I cant go in the pool for 4 weeks since exchange, so I just dabbled up to my waist, and thought even if I could go in what would I do? Swim under water searching for my wig? So the pool cant cool me down while I'm sitting in 90 degree heat, untop of that I'm wearing a damn corset and the sweat is dripping down my breast!!

    Msbelle- think it was Henna. If there is a whole foods near you they also sell all natural hair dye. I havent tried it though.

    I went grey early in life. I think only permanent dye would cover it. Could it really be a huge issue with the chemicals?