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February 2012 Chemo



  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Thanks everyone it is good when us lot get a little bit of good news.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Great news Ali!!!!

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63

    ALi - great news! And have a fabulous time this weekend!

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    Wonderful Ali!!!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Ali68  Great news.  It made my day also.


  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    So happy to hear Ali!!!  My 2nd is tomorrow and you give us all the inspiration to know that this is worth it.  Chemo eats cancer!

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Great to hear Ali!  Good luck tomorrow faithhopenlove.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    BTW Ali, on the lymph node question - I had my surgery first.  The first thing they did when they put me under was do the sentinel node biopsy.  While the BS was performing the bilateral MX, they did the pathology on the nodes and found mets to one, so based on that, they took 11 ancillary nodes and found one with mets in that bunch.  I have had no problems with lymphadema so far. I did have pretty bad cording (i.e. clumping of the remaining nodes) afterward but I physical therapy took care of that - the PT actually physicaly broke up the cording by pressing into them (very painful) but once it was relieved I had my full range of motion back. 

     And, for those of you experiencing constipation, I highly recommend Smooth Move tea; its a senna tea that you drink at night and by morning, you're on your way to freedom!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Ymac16, thanks for that I did ask my surgeon about the lymph nodes. In England we do chemo then surgery so I said to her how do you know what to do. She said depending on how much the lymph nodes have shrunk we go in and have a look. If it looks bad then they stitch up then do rads then surgery again. Anyway I don't need to decide yet and you have to wait for path report after surgery.

    To be honest I find it hard to get my head around surgery.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Yes, it is hard to face surgery.  I can't imagine having to deal with it the way you have to - open you up, have a look and then possibly closing it back up and do more treatment?!?  That's tough.  Maybe we were overly aggressive, but like others have said, its a relief to know that they've probably gotten all the bad nodes out already and the chemo is working to get any stray cancer cells that may have move beyond the breasts!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ok. I'm gonna bitch. The decadron was so high, I now have horrible acne. I contact my doc and instead of being given a script for clindamycin lotion (a.standard for acne), the nurse practictioner tells me I need to see a dermatologist on 2/27). My face is covered with acne and 2/27 is a ways away. Wth? Plus, that's seeing another doctor and I'm tired of running around to see other doctors. This was a long, tiring day.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Glad for the good news, Ali68! :)

    Hair loss - I am getting my head shaved on day 13 by my normal hair gal, and I am going to have her check the wig and the hairpiece I ordered from TLC (I think the halo hairpiece is okay but the wig seems weird). I just don't think I can cope with watching my hair fall out.

    Got my neulesta (sp) shot today. They gave it to me in my stomach. So far no affects. They said if I feel achy take Tylenol or Motrin. I feel oddly emotionally today but that could be from anything. My little brother has a lump in his tongue and has to get a biopsy so I'm feeling freaked out by that. He's only 25, doesn't's got to be nothing, but it is still scary.

    My energy levels are pretty low too. It's hard to work until 4:30pm and I normally stay later than that. Also the taste in my mouth is annoying...I hate to complain though when so many have much worse side effects.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Ali !!! Wonderful news! So happy for you. That is exciting. Yay for the shrinkage! Celebrate the victory!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    What absolute BS (I would swear but don't want to offend anyone).  It could take forever to get a first appointment with a dermatologist.  Can you call your regular GP and ask them to phone in a prescription?  I know mine would. She did the same for me when I couldn't get ahold of my surgeon for a renewal.  Jeez, even the dermo would give me free samples.  If I had some handy I'd ship them down to you! 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Good idea, myleftboob. That's what I'll do. :-)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    No doubt your energy is down, likely coming down from the steroids.  Don't push yourself to hard, the mere fact your working regular hours is unbelievable to me regadless. Sorry that you're worried about your brother.  My youngest sister god bless her, is dealing with a possible heart issue. She now has to see a cardiolgist on a rush basis.  Heart issues on my Dad's side.  Poor kid, she's the one in the family that never smoked, hardley drinks, works out, never experimented with ANYTHING in her youth out of the six of us, practically a vegetarian. She's the youngest of 6 and the only one so far with any heart issues.  Meanwhile the rest of were kind of bad really.

    Re the hair piece  I've yet to find anything like that up here in Canada.  Where did you get them?  I think I would like one for casual outings.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    big hugs to both grit girl and christina

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    On a lighter note, I'm gonna order a t shirt that says fart loading to wear to chemo. Because right now, a fart is always loading.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    LOL, grit girl, at least things are moving in The right direction! On a fun note, I took myself out and had a steak and shrimp dinner, AND I got my umbrella for my chemo cocktail!

    Yay, now I m prepared for tomorrow. Wonder if I can sleep tonite. We shall see.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina and MLB, I will have your sibs in my prayers as well as all on this board. Much love. MLB, the halos are available at TLC, in the catalog. Or type in halo wigs in Google.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Christina, we must be kindred spirits!  I too have a hard time working until 430 too.  I used to go in at 730 and work til 5. now I try to get in by 9 and work til 430.  I am so very lucky and grateful my work is accomodating me on my odd schedule.  I used to live in MO too on the west side of STL :)

    I too went nuts with the odd taste in my mouth that I had and then after the first round when my taste was gone!  I still cant drink pop(soda, coke depending what part of the country you live in ;) ) it just tastes terrible now! I guess its better for me in the long run. certain other foods dont taste well to me either.. sweet stuff is gone.  I really do miss being able to have salads but I am just going to tell myself in my head that it tastes terrible too!  Do your taste buds ever come back the same?

    I pray everything goes well with your brother too!

    We all have our own issues and dont ever think yours are less.. for to you they are yours! and that alone makes them important :)

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993
    well all is a go for my first tx next thursday.  My port goes in friday, not sure I want the snlb done, seems to me it doesn't change the tx any so why risk the LD.  so do all the neulesta shots go in the gut? yuck.  I take my wig in tomorrow for a haircut, my halo should be here next week, I can trim it myself if it needs it.  My nerves are acting up, I always get uneasy beforea surgery, I hate being put underCry.  My DH has been great,made me dinner and dessert for VD, he will be going with me to chemo and taking the day off following, I am blessed
  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29


    I saw my MO this morning. He said that I definitely won't need radiation treatments, which is nice. But I will be getting chemo.

    My first infusion is booked for the 27th of February. I'll be getting doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide once every three weeks for three months, total of four doses. Then switching to Paclitaxel every week for three months.

    I will get a port installed as soon as there is a space in theatre. It may not be until after my first infusion.

    I'm glad to have the ball rolling, but apprehensive about what's coming up too!

    Great news about the tumour shrinkage. :D

    The time leading up to surgery was the hardest for me, psychologically. It was so hard to know in my heart that I was doing the right thing. I find things easier now that I have the post-surgery information.  I hope you find it the same.

    I'm so sorry about your acne! Sounds frustrating that you can't see someone sooner! I hope it's not painful.

    Like you, I intend to get my head shaved before my second infusion. I don't want to deal with the fall out either.

    I hope everything is okay with your brother.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jap62, just a note about SNB. They take the nodes your breasts drain to. If they are clear, they don't take more. If they don't do SNB, they still usually sample nodes, and may take more. My MO told me you don't get the chance to do SNB if they remove more nodes. I did not want to lose that chance as I was havng a BMX. You may want to ask if they will remove nodes anyway. The SNB is uncomfortable, but most can handle it. I am not trying to talk you into Anything but I want you to have all the info to make Your best choice for you. Much love

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    thanks moon, I just don't want lympadema,  I am right handed and it will be nodes on the right, I remember reading that her2 + can spread and not have been found in nodes, I have 1 day to decided, no pressure

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Talk to your MO and just make sure he is not planning on taking nodes anyway. If not, then no prob. (No pressure, riiiighttttt) LOL

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Welcome.  Well you're in the right place then.  You'll be right along with the rest here.  Great bunch.  I was just enquiring of one of the others about the halo.  Cannot find providers in Canada at all.  Will have to order from the US.  Hmm, I think I shall have to do something about this up here.  I know the market is alot bigger in the US but its more about need. Great idea too.

    I only get my first Neulasta shot this Saturday so I find out if I get it it the gut too, nothing's been mentioned so I have no idea. I had the port insertion done a couple of weeks ago without a hitch. You shouldn't have any issues except for a bit of tenderness for a few days afterwards. 

    Your DH sounds lovely.

    I'm a bag of nerves right now so and have been posting like crazy today.  Can't even imagine once I take the steroids tomorrow!  I apologize in advance everyone if I seem to be ranting.  Told DH to expect the same.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, I know the waiting is the hardest, I have been waiting since Jan. Hang in there, If I survive tomorrow, (and ,of course I plan on it) I will be thinking of you on Friday.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I'll be definately thinking about you too.  I'm sure you will do great.  I'll hang in there with  you.  It just might be of the living room curtains LOL!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, had a list of wig stores al over, including Canada. Don't know where you are in Canada, so couldn't look. I googled chemo halo wigs, Canada and it popped up.

    PS, you better bring your little umbrella too!