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February 2012 Chemo



  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Wow. there are some young 'uns on here.

     there's a confrence they run for young suffers of breast cancer (below 40). it's coming up in february.

     Conference for Young Women Affected by Breast Cancer

     They also run a conference for those with metastic cancer in April in Philly. I plan on going to that. Want to meet more survivors like me.

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500


    Good morning, and happy Valentine's Day. I'm fairly new to this forum, and I finished my chemo last month, but I could completley relate to your 'feeling paranoid'. My treatment was far smoother than I expected but I almost lost my mind waiting for something bad to happen. I'd heard the horror stories, so I'd cleared my calender, stocked up on popsicles, and had all my friends and essential services on speed dial. I took my dog for short walks...and just waited..and waited. My treatment was FEC/Taxoter with shots of Neulasta following each treatment. My my most memorable side effects were light and noise sensitivity a few days after treatment, so I always had dark sunglasses and stayed out of crowded public places. I also went to yoga a few times a week, which kept me sane.

    I was very firghtened too, but it got easier with every hospital visit, and the monster I waited for never showed up. So, if possible, try to keep your mind occupied. And keep your cell phone charged. And don't be afriad to make plans (but don't worry if you need to cancel.) And drink lots and lots and lots and lots of water.

     By the way - I think that at the very least,  your DH deserves a free sandwich

  • BelaT
    BelaT Member Posts: 44

    Hello Christina and Lumnpnme,

    Good that u guys did well. God bless. Keep hydrating and rest weel.

    Also to


    How do you know you have micronets?



  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Confession: I colored my hair yesterday.

    Strange and perhaps stupid too, I know, but at the same time the right choice for me.

    Why? Well I was trying on running bras and a swimsuit and hats yesterday just after my mall walking and I looked dreadful. Well my hair did. Last time Maggie did my hair was the week before Thanksgiving. That is over 12 weeks. I was not about to spend the big bucks but thought I was well worth $8.00.

    How could I really find a wig to match my color if my 'color' didn't look like my color? If I were to send hair off for a halo I certainly didn't want a two-toned hair piece. When i do cut my hair short then the root/color two-tone hair that will remain might just be downright scary. And THE biggest reason: our 25th anniversary is in May. I believe that my dress may actually fit after all my hard work. I want to open the sealed box and try it on. But I want to have my hair and makeup on when I do it.

    Even if I put it on in May bald and eyelashless and eyebrowless I want to get a photo or two now.

    So I colored it myself. I think I did a pretty good job :-).

    I know that it might speed up the hair loss once I begin chemo on the 22nd but even then I think it is worth it :-)

    Come to think of it, I am not stupid after all.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Wow it's been active here since I last logged in!  I haven't been sleeping that great the last few weeks and I guess it's catching up.  I figure I will let myself sleep when I feel like it.  Got 8 hours last night, absolute heaven!


    Thanks for the encouraging words, exactly what I needed to hear.  Love the Pac Man visual.


    Don't be too hard on the DH, I have a feeling he was trying to re-assure you that it didn't look as bad as you would have thought.  Mine could use some sensitivity training but usually the stuff he says I know is an effort to keep it funny.  We're doing some work around the house and I need to strip some wallpaper and he jokingly said, chemo or no chemo, you'll need something to do when those steriods kick in! 

    Definately going to go to the Yoga classes offered by our local Wellspring, reocurring theme here on these boards.  I used to go regularly years ago and remember how much I loved it.  Why did I stop?  Too busy with work and stuff I guess.  Time to get back to me.


    Girl I first of all love your sense of humour and admire you for it.  Let that stuff kick the crap out of this!!


    I can honestly say that at 3% I would feel the same way about opting out of chemo.  How now will the microment be dealt with??

    Jan H13

    Welcome.  We have a similar DX too.  I see that your on a weekley regimen?


    Thanks for  your post, it is very encouraging.  Congratulations on being done as well. 


    I have to admit I am so tempted to colour my hair at this time.  The grey is showing big time.  Hmm, mabey a root touch up kit?  I know its seems pointless because it's all coming out anyway but it would be nice to have it look decent at least for the next couple of weeks.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Sorry hun.  I went back and see that I made a mistake.  You're every 3 weeks like myself.  I wanted to address everyone at the same time and confused you with someone else. 


    This stuff can be so overwhelming can't it.  I have yet to start the chemo portion of the program but have taken alot of comfort here particularly this thread.  I have piles of papers right next to my laptop which I pored over and over.  I haven't looked at anything at all in the last few days, was gettig a bit overwhelmed.  Been spending the last few days cooking and cleaning and prepping for my first TX on Friday.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    ymac 16, hi yes we are on the same glad i know someone now. I was told 3 or 4 of this then 3 or 4 of Taxotere.

    Kids!!! my 13yrs old is so moody and the 16yr is just the same but she is doing exams. I do talk to them but there hormones are all over the place and it's very hard.

    DH is very quiet and i wish he would jolly them up at times but it is always me.

    I feel i have to look after all of them and sometimes it would be nice for my family to look after me.

     I did get two large bunches of lovely flowers today so that was nice.

  • lmlola59
    lmlola59 Member Posts: 18

    Hi all,

    I have been off line for a while due to technical computer difficulties.Appears I missed a lot and just want to catch up a bit.

    But I want to say to Lumpyne and Christina that I am glad you are feeling well and your first experience went well.I can imagine how anxious you must have been as I am not due to start till 2/28 and I am already beggining to feel that way.Tell my hubby I am second thinking my decision though we both know I will make myself follow thru.

    Also want to welcome any new comers aboard this thread. What I have accomplished is spending a small fortune on possable side effects remidies and ordered a wig that I will go down tommorrow to check out.What shocked me about the wigs is how thick they all are and how much thinning will need to happen to look like my normal hair not on Chemo.Just have very fine hair.

    My hubby and I have the chemo school next week and assume this is when I will get my scripts fot steroids and anti nauseua meds,think I will also ask for something to sleep the night before and maybe  something for my nerves for the first TX.

    My children are a bit older than those with teenagers (19 and 23),but we all have to find the right way to discuss this issue with them.I also took a long time to bring it up as my daughter just had a friend who recently lost her grandmother to BC and a friend whos mother just went through it and is on the other end of treatment.I found that you have to make sure they understand that this is just a way to insure you will be around a long time to make them miserable later in life.I have an 85 yr old mother that makes us all crazy (in a very loving way of course) I just use that as an example. 

    Thanks to all for the great suggestions on what to pack in the bag and some questions i will need to ask before my first TX.

    Best to all 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    I like to pass info on when I get it. Next item.  Apparently an organization that works with cleaning services to clean house for breast cancer patients.

     Cleaning for a Reason

    They might have something in your area.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154
    christina0001 and anyone else who wants to listen :)  I came to the same conclusion about the SEs.  My first 2 days I was doing the salt/baking soda swish, the olive oil and had biotene on hand.  I hated it.  The olive oil was so rough, I decided if I do this everyday for 4 months I will never be able to go near it.  I didnt do anything but brush, gum and drink a ton of water after that and so far havent had any problems.  Same w the Claritin, I got it but my MO said she'd rather I not.  I didn't take it and didn't have any pain.  I am ready to take on anything that comes, but the worry and expense of what may never be an issue is just more than I want to deal with.  I know this approach may not be as comfortable for some, but it has helped me.  I got to the point where I didnt even know what to do next - does the swish come before or after the olive oil, and then if I brush my teeth did I undo everything? 
  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Hi girls.....still don't have a chemo date! I'm doing a clinical trial too, so they are retesting my tumor cells anxious to get going! What have your mo docs said about waiting until your healed from mastectomy?

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Thanks gritgirl for all of your helpful links. Going wig shopping today!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Dltnhm, good call on coloring your hair. Why the heck not

    Just got back from my port placement. Went very well, went in at 7for pre op, they put the iv in my foot this time. I was home by noon, that included stopping at a drive through for lunch. Sore, but ice and a hydrocodone takes care of that. Probably take one or two more later today and maybe tomorrow. One step closer to starting on Thursday, and thus, one step closer to finishing. Been a long wait.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I can't beleive how close the port placement procedure and your first TX is?  I had mine done 2 1/2 weeks ago!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    I had my hair dyed 2 days before the first treatment.  I didn't want to go around with gray roots, even if only for a few weeks.

     Just wanted to catch up - welcome to all the new people but sorry you have to be here.  My second treatment has been more challenging than the first.  I am on day 7 and I am not feeling great.  I have been able to work this week but wish I had the time so I could just stay home and rest.  My stomach is bothering me all the time.  I have this awful taste in my mouth.  My eyes are twitiching and I am getting ankle cramps when I sleep at night. It seems every day there is something else that is going on that is not normal.  The hair is practically all gone.  My scalp is sore and itchy all the time.  Anyone have a solution for that???

    For those whose insurance doesn't cover a wig there is an organization Crickett's Answer for Cancer.  They will purchase one wig for you that you pick out on up to $100.

    Here is the link: 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I thought it was close too, but I guess they figured with all the delays, faster is better. I know some others on the board were actually the day before chemo. I guess we do what we have too! LOL. My BS left the needle in, so I won't have to be even poked this first time. The onco nurse will then pull it out, and I will have a weeek to heal before the net access.

  • DonnaDS
    DonnaDS Member Posts: 23

    Okay ladies, it's official,  I can no longer blame the dog.  My hair has decided to go. Tomorrow my sister will buzz whatever is left. I thought I was ready but the reality has been a little tough today (its valentines day).  I made my last outing with my own hair to Walmart this morning and saw a woman with the worst wig I have ever seen, or maybe I just never noticed.  I then went to the American Cancer Society office here and they gave me a really nice wig, a sleep cap and a hat.  I have never worn hats so I'm not sure about that but we will see.  On a brighter note my WBC has returned to almost normal thanks to the 3 shots I had last week.  I will be having the Neulasta shot after my following 3 tx.  I am on day 15 after my first tx and I am feeling good.  Hope to enjoy this week getting things caught up in time for #2.

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    gritgirl:  That conference would be really interesting.  It could be nice to talk to other younger women who are dealing with breast cancer.  It's a bit far away for me to attend, unfortunately. :(

    I have linked in with a new local group supporting young breast cancer patients, called Shocking Pink. (

    I considered having my hair cut really short made a really bright colour for a week or so before I start chemo.  Thought it could be a bit of fun.  But then I decided against it, because I want my hair to look normal when I meet the wig people.
    I also don't have a lot of money for haircuts.  However I really don't want to deal with hair falling out everywhere, so I will visit my hairdresser after my first chemo dose to have it shaved off.

    (And I still find it weird that I'm thinking about these options at all.)


    I've checked out a few sites for hats, scarves and turbans, and I'm really pleased with what's available.  I'll put in an order in the next couple of days.  :)

    I will see my MO tomorrow and get the ball rolling.

    I have read a little in here about people getting ports.  My MO said they can install one, but they prefer to use arm veins if possible.  I am not afraid of needles, but I'm not a fan either.  I will need about 16 IV infusions, plus blood tests afterwards... so the port does sound appealing...

    Were you guys given options?  And how did you decide?

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63

    Hi Galena... I have good veins. I do not have a port, but I'm doing 4 TC infusions. My MO said they install ports for 6 or more infusions, unless there's a problem and then there would do one on me. I can't imagine 16 infusions without a port.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    galena -

    I was given a choice about a port and then an option to have the port in my arm or in my chest.

    Reality was that the 'choice' to not have one was really not an option. Having had lymph nodes removed from the left side leaves only my right arm the viable candidate for blood draws. And my once incredible, easy to access veins on that side decided that they did not want to play nice for just about everyone the last month or so. They went into hiding and the multiple sticks for IVs were killing me. Because I am pretty active (and perhaps clumsy) I opted for the chest port. I figured I wouldn't be constantly banging into everything with my chest the way I do with my arm

    I am also looking at a lot of infusions and additional scans and such. Because I have a Power Port ... all the blood draws and IV infusions for the scans can also be done through the chest port which leaves my right arm to heal from all the 'trauma' ;-) of the last month!

    Take your time and decide what is best for you.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Moonflwr - I was told some women have their port put in the morning they start chemo. I wanted to be able to run and have everything healed up before chemo began. That is why I opted to go sooner rather than later. Whatever works!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Wow the board is busy and I want to say something to each of you ... but ... I have to run. Hope to get to know everyone as the days pass. This particular community on the boards is my most active one and I feel really close to each of you I've gotten to know thus far and am looking forward to getting to know the rest of you.

    Thanks again gritgirl for getting the ball rolling on this thread back in January!

    Hugs to everyone this Valentine's Day!

    Love & Prayers!


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ok, time to quit typing and get another pain pill.  I am a bit sore.  oh well.

    Donna- poor dog, getting the blame!  LOL -   I guess I better look up the ACS and see where they are.  I ordered some caps , but I could use a sleep cap.

    Galena- my onc recommended a port as I need at least 18 weekly treatments and then herceptin for the rest of the year at 3 weeks apart.  Thats a lot of vein use.  So I wanted a port.  Even if I am sore from it now, it wont last that long.  You will do what works for you, no one says you can't get one later if needed.  

    Dltnhm- I know it is hard to address everyone on the board, and feel like you do, but all we can do is try, and I woun't hold you responsible if you forget me a day or two.  Of course more than that, and I'll get snotty!  LOL

    Everyone , Much Love!


  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Janet - thanks for the support and wisdom. And yes, DH deserves a free sandwich and a lot more. He has been a rock through this.  

    dltnhm and gayle - hey if you feel better coloring your hair, go for it! My hair is way overdue for a haircut but once I knew chemo was coming, I was too cheap to get it cut. lol

    faithhopenluv - my mom went through this and she never got any mouth sores. So, I have decided that I am not going to get any either. lol We'll see how that works out. But I'm not going to do any swishes until I have to.

    Donna - sorry about your hair. :( Not fun at all. Good luck trying the hats. I am not a hat person but I ordered two and I LOVE how they look with the wig and the hair halo I got. I did not expect that at all.

    moonflower - an iv in your foot! did it hurt? It sounds painful!

    Galena - my veins are small and while no one gave me the choice to not have a port, I knew I wanted one. Having said that, when my mom went through this, she elected to not get a port. However she only did 4 chemo treatments and a handful of injections. With chemo + neulesta + herceptin I am looking at getting poked at I think 32 times. No thanks, give me the port! But you have to do what feels right to you. I don't like my port, it's uncomfortable when anything touches it, but I couldn't have tolerated all those IVs. My aunt also skipped the port and her veins in one arm are completely ruined. But my mom was fine. Anyway I read that some people get their ports right before treatment starts, but my onc recommended several days if not a solid week, so I would have time to heal. I'm really glad we did it that way, I was pretty sore the first few days.

    Today I had a funny taste in my mouth all day. Ate a lot of hard candies to deal with it (easy to find candy on V Day!). No nausea after this morning, and what I had was pretty mild. Felt tired, but that might just be stress. Worked a full 8 hour day. Tomorrow is my neulesta shot and I am nervous about it, everyone here + my onc have made it sound like I'll be pretty achey from it. I hate to complain though because this is probably the easy part. Anxiously awaiting the results from my lymph node biopsy from Friday.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    christina-my neulasta was this morning-in my arm- a teeny owie but i'm ok -- i have a PICC line; she said it couldn't go in there so it went in my fleshy right upper arm.

    i did take a claritin yesterday and will continue for a few days just in case!

    this moring i did the swirl and swallow with the EVOO; ate some yogurt-activia oikos-i love oikos! -and tonite i noticed some white stuff on my tongue so i did a gargel swish of baking soda, salt and warm water...guess i'll repeat before bed.

    i feel ok -not bad-not good today--had a hot flash -well not a flash rather a furnace heating up!!! this evening that i thought was gonna spike a temp but took off the flannel nitie and drank more water..i think i'll be ok!

    i looked at the site for crickett- wow- 4 1/2 months-sad! anyhow the wigs that would look good on my round face-and i was not looking at fancy-are over $100 but i did print out the enrollment form.

    The ACS that is nearest to me is quite a drive....there used to be an office right here in my town-don't know when they regionalized or whatever!

    well- rambling now so i guess it's time to go..slept well last nite but thinking i may need to ativan tonite to counteract steroids!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993
    well I already have hot flashes or as I call them a solar flareTongue out  My insurance will reimburse me for up to 350 ya!! friday i get the port and snb next thurs my first chemo tx, so not looking forward to that, meet with the DO tomorrow, fun fun
  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Galena, I initially was to have 4 cycles of TC. I have good veins so I was told no port. However, I had to switch treatments to 6 cycles of FEC and now after one treatment I'm opting for a port. The nurse who did the infusion told me that the FEC cocktail is much harsher than the TC and because it's a longer treatment I should consider getting a port or PICC line. Like Dlthnm, I had nodes removed on one side so they can only do infusions, blood draws, etc on the "good side." Well, my arm is still hurting after the first tax 1 1/2 weeks ago - you can actually see the burned vein going up my arm (the nurse said the drug is burning my vein from the inside out). There is no way the vein is going to last for another 5 treatments! So, I'm going to get the port installed in my chest this Thursday and my next tx is next Thursday.

    Christina, good to hear that things seem to be going well so far. I had the bad taste in my mouth for a week; I found sucking on hard candy to be helpful too. As far as the nuelasta shot, I had no pain/achiness at all from it. I didn't take Claritan (my MO said not to like faithhopenlove's), just took some Tylenol PM the night of the shot but no problems. Hopefully you'll be OK too!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Good Evening my friends and Happy Valentine's day to all

    Went to chemo school today and it was quite interesting.  met another lady from my town that is also starting on thursday so at least I will have a face to say hello to when I get there.  

    Anyway got 2 interesting tips form my girlfriend who is 1 month ahead of me with her chemo.  She said the swishing of the EVOO made her gag, so she soaked a cottonball with the oil and just swabs her entire mouth and teeth twice a day and it seems to be working.  

    Also in addition to the claritan after the Nulesta shot her nurse recommended that she also take tylenol every 6 hours for the 3 days following the shot.  

    Can't imagine any of the above hurts, so I too will be cotton mouthed and full of Tylenol.  I think I will take a cleeping pill tonight, my nerves are on edge and seems like this may be the last night of good sleep I get for awhile.


  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    @ christina0001 I think I started to get the mouth sores this past weekend so that would be about 8-9 days after the TC.  BUT I am very prone to getting sores anyways due to stress.. sooooo I am going to be positive that once I get the stress in my life at least in a better controlled state that they wont be so bad. I will pretend I have control over it until it proves me wrong.. then Ill just come up with a better excuse. I dont like to let the "cancer" have any of the power.

    I am under 40 as well, just turned 38. and I have 2 kids, an amazing 9yr old gymnast daughter and a adorable trouble of a son who is 6 1/2.  Neither of the kids really understands other than mommy is sick and has to take strong medicine to get better and sometimes the strong medicine makes me feel not so good.  On those days.. go to daddy instead!  I know everyone has difference of opinions on how much to tell their kids.  But my kids only know cancer as death.  I am one of those probably over protective mothers so for now, we are ok and pretend all is normal other than when I get my medicine.(chemo) Selfish as it might be, its easier when I can focus on my emotional well being and not having to fret over my kids thinking i am dying.. Cause I am not and wont and thats that! Cool

    I also have a port in and I cant imagine not having one.  I hate hate hate needles plus i have beind rolling veins.  With a cream my doctor gave me, I put it on 30 mins before I go in and I never feel a pin prick when they go in through the port.  As much as I love having it come every Thursday, I also cant wait when this is all done and I get it out too!

    I am on day 10 post chemo and its been 5 days since my last Herceptin and I have to say I have 2 days where I have felt great.  except for the 2 annoying mouth sores I almost have my same energy level back which I lost in the beginning of chemo.  Here's hoping I can maintain it a bit more to get through this week at work!

    Have a good night all!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    jenH13--jmho--if you feel that what you are telling your kids is enough then you go girl! let me clarifythat ; my 14 y.o granddaughter knows that i have bc- she is a bit of a wreck about it-we are working on it--not so much that ppl with cancer die but she has had a lot of loss in her life and so that part is where she is at.... the younger grands just know that Nonnie has to go to the doctor's to get medicine cuz she is sick. nuff said there -they are 9,6,5 and 4.

    my other reason for agreeing with you is that i have been my (15 yr older than me)hubby's caregiver for more than 8 years--right now i feel like i am exhausting myself trying to keep him ok and -yesterday in infusion he looked sad..he looked in pain..i was fine....we just moved a month ago and he is having trouble navigating the city- part of what i see in his stress is that he has to keep saying the directions (right on X road left on X road) to make sure that he gets me wher e i need to go if i can't drive...this man has logged a million miles in many cities and countries and does not get lost! but he is scared.

    you do have enuff to do to take care of mommy....!!!! you go girl!!!!!!!!!

    i have to thank God that i didn't have this bc when i was still raising my kiddos-to all of you who have kids still at home- God bless you! it's hard enough having grown kids and grands and a hubby who rely on me in any way!!!!!!!

    i hope that i expressed my thoughts well- sometimes the typed word on a site like this doesn't always come out right!!!!!