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February 2012 Chemo



  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523

    Hi boys and girls.

    Had my #2 chemo yesterday. Today is a great day for me. I have a cleaning frenzy (must be the steriods!!) House has been a disgrace these last couple of weeks, when I was fatigued and just had no motivation. I've also jsut had the nuelasta shot given to me by my dear SIL, who was shaking like a leaf as she's never done it before. Well me either! we made such a silly pair, but it was totally painless and we sure had a massive laugh afterwards.

    Now just waiting (as we all tend to do) to watch for any SE's. Last cycle days 3-6 were pretty much write-offs and then off and on fatigue, but no sickness at all. I am counting my blessings that it really was doable, with just a few low moments thrown in for good measure.

    Good luck to everyone else having their treatment.

    Cheers, Kate

  • Mom2JJ
    Mom2JJ Member Posts: 38

    jap62 and gritgirl, we should definitely get together. I work in D.C. near 16th and L Street. I visit Arlington for bloodwork and chemo (sigh) and usually am in Leesburg sometime over the weekend to check on our new house. Some time and place should work. My next chemo is on Thursday, so my best days are between now and then. The Friday should be ok as well (here's hoping). Perhaps we should PM to arrange a meeting?

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    mon2jj I too have chemo on thursday, my first one so I have no idea how I will be doing

  • ladyfighter
    ladyfighter Member Posts: 57

    Hi feb 2012 chemo beautiful ladies! I'm pretty much new here. I am deaf. I should start chemo sometime this month hopefully!!!!! I'm still very new about all chemos, treatments, etc. Im pretty much clueless. you can read my story in "long wait" in her2+ thread.

    I'm waiting for my new oncologist to get back to me with result of oncotype for a week and half so far. I'm concerned for the long wait since my lumpectomy And lymph nodes last jan 3. Had anyone waited long for chemo Treatments after surgery ?

    Is anyone worried about getting sick such as colds, flu, etc during the treatment? Wearing mask to cover nose and mouth when in big public such as mall, etc? That the immune system is low? How about eating sushi , etc? Or I'm just crazy?

    I'm really scared for treatments. The lumpectomy and lymph nodes surgery was a breeze but the new journey for treatments is different story because of all the side effects I'm reading from everyone in here.

    I just wanted to get it started already so I should feel better to be in that journey right???

    Thanks for reading!! You all are awesome, I can feel you gals! Hugs to all xoxoxo

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lady fighter, waiting is the hardest! My chemo was postponed for a month because I needed more surgery an got an infection. Not as long as you had to wait, but I too, wanted to get started, to finish soonerRemember, that all the SEs we talk about, not everyone gets it all. Everyone is different. See what actually you have to deal with and don't make yourself crazy. We all get crazy at times, we all cry sometimes, that's when we all get help here, with other, worried, crazy, crying people.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I just started chemo today and I had my MX December 14.  The holidays pushed things out a bit.  I had my path results December 31 but the surgeon didn't call me until about January 4 and at that point he set my appointment for I beleive January 18 with my MO.  Next steps were the blood work, port placement, bone scan, heart scan.  My last meeting with he MO was only Feb 6 and today was D Day. It  was a relief to have the first chemo under my belt though,  took alot of the fear out of it since I now know what to expect. Understand how you feel in that regard.

    Yes the posters here are the best ever.  What a wealth of care and understanding, laughs and tears!  Hugs back atcha!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    I wasn't able to do the oncotype, I was told its not for her2 + people.  I too was nervous, but after the fog lifts, and you let the news settle in, get your treatment plan, not as scary.  I had my first procedure done today, port put in and snb, first chemo tx is thurs, not nervous yet, but that will most likely change as the day approaches, more to do with the unknown than anything else,

    just know we are here to listen,encourage and support 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    My side effects have been not that bad. Mostly I have to dial back how much I do and take it much, much easier.  I'm dealing with indigestion (tums fixes that), some nauseau (ginger and compazine there), constipation (god bless colace), some muscle spasms (yoga and accupuncture), and mostly tiredness (sleep and rest).  My bigger challenges are with the steroid. It ups my blood sugar and keeps me awake so that I have to take a lorazepam and 50 mg of benadryl to sleep on days I take the decadron. And because I was taking too much, it gave me a horrible case of acne (duac is fixing that).  But the side effects mean the chemo is working and that my cancer is dying, which it appears to be doing.

    Today they had trouble with my port. Couldn't get the blood to draw. They finally used a drug to clear it out et voila.  But they had to restick me several times.  I am very needle phobic so the port was supposed to be a one and done for me.  At one point I started crying because it freaked me. The nurse wasn't sure what to do with that (she was one of those tough as nails gals).  I considered worrying about her and then thought screw it.  I can cry. I need to cry.  I'm big into letting myself cry nowadays. I'm big into being nice to myself in lots of wayadyfights now.

    Ladyfighter, glad you found us. This group of gals and a guy are rock on and help.  I'm very grateful for all of you.


    Oh, and btw.  I just made myself a couple of t-shirt.  One says "Uppity cancer patient" and the other one says "Don't mess with me, I have cancer."  I've had to fight so hard I figured, these were my badge.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jap62, its not that onco type is not for her2s, but that the her2 trumps everything else. So no use trying to find out if chemo could help, they KNOW that it helps with her2!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Gritgirl, sort you had to deal with a bad port today, Yuck. crying is your right. And I love the T shirt. What do you do for your blood sugars, mine jacks up too, I was up to 389 t chemo yesterday. But it droppd down to 260 by night (I drank some vinegar too whn I got home, and watched ny carve when I ate that nite.). It mid have been he IV steroids that did it there. My primary doctor upped my morning meds for the steroids days. I don't really want to take insulin, but well, we shall see how this goes. Why is nothing easy on this journey.

  • ladyfighter
    ladyfighter Member Posts: 57

    Thanks!!! Now I don't feel alone! Sometimes some people such as my husband, grown sons, mom, you name it doesn't seem to understand what Im feeling! They all say I look good and I will get through this and Im strong! Ugh?? I know they mean well and they all love me! But sometimes whatever I'm telling what I'm feeling, they brush me saying all will be okay! No it is not okay! It is scary!! But I have been feeling positive and did well with lumpectomy which I was surprised because I have never been in hospital except having two babies, or go under the knife and put to sleep never! I guess you all understand what I'm saying?

    Other problem I have is insurance! I canceled 3 months before I was diagnosed lovely! But fortunately I was able to have 8 tests and lumpectomy surgery for 9600 peso ($2,200 more or less) in Argentina with my husband's family. I would have stayed there for treatments but my life and family is here so I came back now I'm starting to wonder??? I'm puzzled about oncotype too because of my her2+ but MO said it helps him to pinpoint which treatments will be best for me (???????) or maybe because i don't have insurance ??? Yes I have tried Medicaid, pink tie friends and what nots but seems like I have too much money even though I don't have enough to pay for pricey treatments, meds, etc ??

    I think I rambled too much??

    Wish you all have a sweet dreams tonight we lived today :), tomorrow will be new one ! Xoxoxox

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    moonflower, cancer is not easy.  my  blood sugar was only 126 so it's just waiting for it to drop after stop steroids. it's the steroids doing that. but type ii diabetes runs in my family, so i'm  a bit worried. i'm so sorry about your mom and sisters.  btw, i am from wisconsin originally.  i lived in milwaukee for years and my nephew lives in germantown, wi.  the nephew who is here with me now is from minneapolis.  i miss my peeps but i also have good peeps here.

    jap62, i'm also  her2+.because it grows so fast, chemo works great on her2+. and the herceptin stops it from growing. good for you on the port. you'll be fine on thursday. we'll be here with you.


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    ladyfighter, where do you live? there are public programs for breast cancer sufferers. contact the american cancer society (call them) and ask.  or also try Y-ME breast cancer support. there are tons of resources out there. a woman here in dc hooked into a program for uninsured. and another woman i talked to in california did the same thing.  fight for yourself. :-)


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Btw, we need a fight cheer.  Something that says we refuse to quit.  I've been singing the Destiny's Child song.

    I'm a survivor

    I'm not going to give up

    I'm not going to stop

    I'm going to work harder


    I'm a survivor

    I'm going to make it

    I will survive

    Keep on surviving

     Thank you Destiny's Child.


  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    What a day....I even had a miracle today. 

    Scheduled to have my port put in at 10 am, and then chemo to follow.  I went in, got settled, went tosurgery, and then woke up in the recovery room. 
    After awhile of recovery, my surgeon came in and told me that the x ray
    showed that my port catheter was in the wrong place.  It appeared that it had met some resistance,and then doubled back on itself and tracked down a different vein.  Now what?!? 
    Well he decided to send me to the interventional radiologist to see if they could reposition it.  So, I waited for 3-4 hours in the recovery room, waiting for radiology to have time and space for me.  Then I was wheeled down to the radiology suite.  There it was explained to me that they were going to use fluoroscopy to use direct visualization, and enter a large vein in my neck, and see if they could move the catheter to the right place.  If that didn't work, then they would likely have to remove it altogether, and place another, which they would do with fluoroscopic direct visualization.  You can imagine how excited this was to hear.  But I remained calm, and waited
    for them to proceed.   So I took my position on the new table, and the radiologist said that before he medicated me he was going to take one more picture to map their strategy.  I had two
    interventional radiologists and a surgeon by now.  They turned on the fluro, and !!!  my cather was now in the right place.  Somehow it had repositioned during those few hours of waiting, and we canceled the second procedure.   You know, this was yet one more instance in my life, where I felt the Lords protective guiding hand.  Then it was back to day surgery, and my MO came over and visited with me there.  By this time it was too late in the day to do my chemo, so it will be
    tomorrow.  One more day of waiting.....and I think I'll sleep on my big soft chair in front of a warm fire tonight.  Seems to be the best position for my sore port site....I'm usually a side sleeper, and my right side is healing from my lymph node surgery, and my left side from my port placement. 


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Calling all DC/MD/Northern VA area folks. We're exchanging emails to possibly physically meet.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    What an incredible story!  It can't be all that normal to  have the cathetor in the wrong place and then to have it reposition itelf?!  Wow is all I can say!  Sleep well and good luck tomorrow.  My first experience wasn't nearly as horrible as I though although I'm glad it's done.  1 down 3 to go, closer to the finish line.

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63

    Firstcall- you must be exhausted! Geesh! I'm glad it straightened itself out. Better luck tomorrow :-)

    Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Firstcall, you deserve time by the fire place. What a day

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Just found a great site with tons of info.

    Doctor videos with lots of answers

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Firstcall, you surely had a miricle! So glad it found the right placeway for you after all. But sorry you had to go thru that. They always do the port insertion with fluoroscopy here, then they don't need an xray later. Good luck tommorrow, and get some sleep, I slept in my recliner because I am a side sleeper too, and with all the surgry and stuff, it is best. Take care and much love, sir.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Gritgirl, I used to live in Hampton, Va. Life is strange. LOL, love your fight song! Yeah, I am a type 2 and was pretty much under control before the Da*n steroids. This just messed me up. I watch carbs, and still. Oh well just figure it out as we go along. BTW, steroids 2,benedryl 0! Gonna have to go with sleepies next time. Sigh

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    firstcall, seems the Lord was looking out 4 both of us!  I too had my port put in yesterday and I am a stomach sleeper and had no problem sleeping that way.  I also had a SNB but only 1 was removed, this was my answer to prayer, that is what is sore this am, sitting here with ice on it, got me up a 5, need a nap already

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Glad your doing well. always like to hear positive stories.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Thanks for the Benadyl tip.  I actually had 5 solid hours of blissful slumber.  Only really woke up because DH did.  He was so knackered after coming on midnights he hit the hay at 7 pm last night. Feel good, no nausea yet or anything.  Getting my Neulasta shot today as well. 

    Question for anyone who can answer regarding the removal of the sentinal node.  I had 4 auxillary nodes removed only during the MX.  What's the advantage??

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    less chance of lymphoma is what I was told had it done yesterday

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    The minute nauseau arrives, hit it with the anti nauseau drugs. Also ginger helps too. I buy candies and.carry it in my bag. Found this out the hard way.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    The pharmacist wrote me out a schedule and as soon as I eat a little breakfast I'm to take a Zofran and 2 steroids.  She recommended not waiting for the nausea.  Then I also have in my arsenal some Stemetil as a back up.  Although I bought some fresh ginger so I may try some ginger tea as well.  The candies are a good idea though.

    Supposed to to the optomitrist today but may cancel.  We actually got 6 or so cm's of snow and while its not a huge amount we haven't had much this winter and people tend to forget how to drive in it.  DH is out shovelling now and it looks like freezing rain is falling now. 

    Interesting jap62 about the SNL, I must ask the MO if he knows why my surgeon wouldn't have gone that route with me.  Not sure if its standard protocol up here in the Great (Sometimes) White North. So you mean actual lymphoma or lymphdemia??  If its the latter then I guess there's really no going back for me.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Wow firstcall, that's incredible! So glad it worked out. I had my port placement on Thursday, ended up being more painful than I expected so stayed home from work yesterday and took stronger pain meds. I'm feeling OK today so hopefully you'll be feeling better soon too.

    Gritgirl, Jap62, mom2jj, I'm here in DC too and would love to meet you all. I have to admit that I don't get into VA much so don't know it well (though I've lived here for 17 years!), but I'm willing to meet wherever is convenient for all. I too have my next tx this coming Thursday so next weekend won't be the best for me.

    And gritgirl, so happy to hear about your liver numbers - hooray!!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    FirstCall - Thinking of you today - I know you had your miracle yesterday with the port adjusting itself and I am hoping that today you have another peaceful day where your TX is a smooth trip.  

    MLB and Moonflower - ok so far it seems we are hanging in there, let's hope it remains this way...maybe it is all those drink umbrellas keeping the bad stuff away LOL.

    To all my other sounds like we all got thru the week reliatively well so keeping my fingers crossed that it will continue this way.  

    It is just beautiful here in NY today.  I think I am going to get myself together, have a little breakfast and then go for a walk.  Not sure how far I'll go but it will be nice to get out of the house for a reason other then a Drs appt.  

    Enjoy the day my friends - I'll be by to visit later.
