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February 2012 Chemo



  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Alicea...there are a lot of side effects listed on those anti nausea medications.  Most of those side effects never happen, and are reversable.  the nausea is a real problem.  The package inserts way overstate the side effects.  Let your heart be calm.  If you have nausea, treat it early.  In the unlikely event you have side effects from the medications, they can be dealt with more easily than the nausea. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Firstcall- good luck with this first treatment. I am just a handful of days ahead of you. I agree completely, I wish I did not have cancer but definitely people with cancer are some of the nicest people in the world. I have already met so many great people who have had such kind things to say to me, to reassure me that they got through it and I will too.

    FLDDREAMER - you go ahead and enjoy your pity party. I hate having them but I have one at least a few times a day. Totally not my personality, but this stinks, plain and simple.

    Jag - I've been popping Compezine fairly regularly and haven't had any loopy side effects like you described. I have something else for nausea too that lasts longer but I have found the Compezine more effective. Scary SE though.

    Thanks for all the responses about radiation. Sounds like I do have that to look forward to. Although I'm sure it'll be cake after this.

    Still feel like crap. I have felt like I had a hangover all weekend. My stomach hurts and cramps so bad in the mornings, has for several days. I plan on asking for something, anything for it tomorrow when I go in for herceptin dose #2. My head aches. Those are my two biggest side effects. I can deal with the fatigue and the body aches. I got a nose bleed this morning and that freaked me out, I'd never had one before, and the sight of blood makes me ill. I'm not sure why that happened or what to do about it. I've had a little bit of dried blood each morning this week when I blow my nose, but this was the first nosebleed.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm on  Zofran and the Prochlorperazine too.  I haven't taken the latter yet though.  Saving that in case I need it.


    I think I had issues with the dosage on decradon.  I was prescribed 4 per day and thankfully took the last of them last night.  I can honestly say I was so friggin irritable and picked a stupid fight with the DH over something really dumb.  I'm normally pretty easy going and cheerful. Know I know what "roid rage" is.  I think it was too much.  Will speak to the MO and nurse to see if this can be adjusted for the next TX.

    I asked him to be patient with me because I felt luck I could just punch something, even the cat was annoying me LOL!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jag- I have the same- I havent' been able to sleep much at all.  I tried the benedryl but not go.  Now that I am done with the steroids for this cycle- I'll see how it goes.But my blood sugars are back down to near normal, at least.   I had my first tx on Thursday. and I feel just tired, but I am so shaky!  I don't remember reading about that- I have like, tremors, almost.  yuck.  Also don't like to drink water, I will have to flavor it somehow. 

    Flddreamer- VENT all you need, cry all you need. This SUCKS! and sooner or later we will all be crying too.  (((HUGS))) I have til the next treatment til mine goes- I'll make an appt with you to cry on your shoulder then, OK?

    Sissyd- the first day is the longest- I arrived at the infusiun center at )()) and they didn't even start putting things in until almost noon.  I didn't get out til after 5:30.  I took my ereader, crochet, and snacks and things to drink.  

    Alicia- I had a long delay I was to start in Jan and ended up here in Feb. so just hang in there.  You might want to start or join a march board, because everyone will be going through it together, but you are wlecome here too.  I got my port in last Tuesday and it setted down in about 2 days. good luck.

    First Call- I am glad you mad it through the first one- on your way to being done!  Yay

    Gritgirl- thanks for the cool link. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Moonflower, I use crystal light to flavor my water. Works like a charm.

  • DonnaDS
    DonnaDS Member Posts: 23


    So sorry to hear that your second tx took the wind out of your sails.  I am facing my 2nd on Tues and have to confess to some dread.  But it is closer to the finish line.  I have lost most of my hair and had it buzzed last week.  I did try my wig and hated it but I have been wearing a buff type scarf.  I have noticed that I'm still invisible (a condition that started when I hit 50) and I like that, I don't want to be obvious at this stage.  You don't have to be brave and strong here, we all feel the same and are in this together.

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Christina - thanks for the info on the compazine, that drug really had me worried. I know the steroids will be bad since my Dad takes them and my Mom had lung cancer so I know a little about that. I had one of the nurses tell me to use Claritan for 2 days before and 2 days after the shot to help with bone pain, she said it worked like a charm.

    Thanks to everyone for your support, it helps alot to have someone to communicate with. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Does anyone have any studies on the Claritin? My nurse never heard of it. I was wondering if there was morethan anecdotal info on it. Thanks.

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265

    I wish I could "like" all of your posts, the way I can on Facebook!  Being here makes me feel not so alone.  :)

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    anyone else having problems with swelling in feet and hands.  I just had to buy new shoes because my feet were squished.  I hate the steroids.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    jag1110; i am on compazine also- the SE of the med scared the poo outta me so i have taken it sparingly but i DID take it if i felt that i needed it....i only had queasiness not full fledged nausea thank goodness- so far!

    i guess i figure that if we freak at all of the SE's of the meds we would just roll over and die-let the cancer kill us- sooooo--FIGHT GF!!!!!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    Go, Lumpynme, go!!!!!   Foot in mouth
  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ok-here's my daily whine-

    i don't feel BAD i just don't feel GOOD

    still have tastebuds, seems like i am a bottomless pit and cannot find what i really WANT to motivation...uncomfortable- went to bed at 8 pm then up off and on all nite-not good...

    bombed out of church today-didn't have energy to get dressed or fight off germs

    i HAVE to get cleaned up to go out tomorrow-PICC line flush at 8 am....

    if i could sing it might be"achey breaky" tho it's not my heart!!! and poor sweetie man..i have been so nasty that he has realized that he needs to just sit and try to be invisible.....

    oh-gritgirl...i think i have been in denial big time cuz i am finally ready to admit to all of the farting that i have been doing...sorry-TMI!!!!

    today i finally flavored my water bottle-it does go down better that way!

    other than all of that; i don't really feel too badly....

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I feel the same, not bad but not good.  Had to pass on my 9 year old neice's birthday today , didn't feel up to it and didn't want to be exposed to germs.  She even said herself she felt a sore throught coming on so not to feel bad.She's such a sweetie.

     I've been hungry but again the same trying to find something I WANT.  Went out to the store though and ended getting in some supplies, picked up a loaf of caraway rye and some honey ham.  I have to say I actually enjoyed it with a cup of tea.

    Also ended up going with DH to pick out a vanity for the downstairs bathroom too.  Then I sent him off to his buddy's house for some peace and quite. Hmm, mine or his LOL!  Everyone keeps asking me how I'm feeling, All I can tell them is BLAH! 


    I take a water pill for high blood pressure so I think its helping with holding water so I haven't felt the pinchy feet yet which even without the chemo is the first place I feel it if I forget to take it regardless.  Amazing considering the amount of fluids I've been taking in.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    MLB: my two granddaughters' combined birthday party was yesterday-did NOT even consider it-it was at Chuckie cheese and much as i'm craving pizza i could not subject self to the germs or the noise! they know nonnie loves 'em!!

    gosh- we have a house full of food-and i think that is the problem-none of it is what i want- caraway and ham sounds yummo-maybe some swiss to go with! hmmmm maybe tomorrow i'll have to shop!

    am thinking i'll make a big bowl of sugar free pudding and drown in it!!!!

    another thing bothering me is now knowing that most of what i love to eat is bad for my ER+/PR+...crud!!!!!

    however-since i don't really feel BAD i don't feel like i deserve to be whiny!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Yes I had swiss on it too AND mayo.  I swore that stuff off months ago!  I am craving carbs and sweets big time.  While I'm going to TRY to watch the bad foods for the ER+, I'm not going to obsess about it until after chemo.  We have to eat and I figure as long as it stays down at this point that's most important.  I'm also paranoid right now about eating raw fruit and salad too.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i'm a real beef lover and my kids cooked steaks wrapped in bacon today on their new grill-so lucky for me that i wasn't there! poo

    i agree that we do need to eat and i am not sooooo worried right now while in tx but-someday i'll have to take ownership for better eating-and am i doing more damage now?not going to obsess about it...too much else to worry about!

    like...i need to learn to tie scarves!!!!!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    oh! last nite- i suddenly realized that i was having a major major esophageal spasm-thought my heart was trying to escape! felt like it coulda been the big one!!!!! managed it with two Gaviscon...but i DID get a bit more upset than i normally would i going to now be paranoid about every ache and pain?????

    ok kids...repeat after me...cancer sucks,however, i am a survivor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I never had a spasm like that, must have scared the crap out of you!!  I agree with the tying of the scarves thing.  Been doing that myself.  My friend left for Mexico yesterday,  I asked her to keep an eye out for nice straw cowboy hat! 

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Are you guys gaining weight or getting puffy from the steroids? My doc said I would'nt but I don't know if I believe everything she says. I've seen what steroids can do

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I do feel a bit puffy I have to say but I don't know if its my imagination or all of the carbs I've been eating.  I've only taken them last Thursday through yesterday.  I'll think I'll be able to compare with the next TX.  Absolutly hate them though!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    hello all, just checking in,,,,,,,Not that this is a suprise but I HATE CANCER AND i HATE CHEMO!!!!  I can't really complain as i am not in horrible pain but my life is not the same.  I'm so tired, everything aches, the back of my toungue is bothering me, i feel like i have a sore throat and my back and shoulders just hurt.  I am not a complainer by nature but this just plain old sucks!!! I want to be able to clean my house and do laundry and all i can do is think about how everything aches.  Screw the house and the laundry ---- I am too damn tired.  I was hoping to go to work tomorrow for a few hours and yet I can't imagine even getting in the car and starting the drive.  I feel like a huge baby for complaining as some people have it so much harder.  I think last night was the worst....I couldn't find a food I could enjoy and even my water tasted crappy.  Tried flavoring it and that didn't make me happy.  I look at all these pills I take and I just want to scream.  

    I guess if I just knew that it would improve before the next treatment I could settle down, but right now I am frightened that this is going to be how i feel for the next 3 months and I dont know how i will do it.   

    Sorry for whining, I'm just feeling a little lost and want to feel better, even just a tiny bit would be a help.

    ((((Hugs)))) to all 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Mthrdee, (((hugs))) sorry you are not doing to good. I got just a little bloody nose today, had to dig out the humidifier. Hope it will help. My knees are killing me, my feet to, not to mention my legs and back. I am ok today, hit, I still have not slept well, tonite its tylenol and benedryl. Hope to sleep some. My water tastes like Crap, I tried crystal lite, (thanks gritgirl)but not that great. Oh well, It could be worse, but I don't have to LIKE it! Sorry bout the rant.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Joan quilts. I so agree. I find myself looking for the 'like' button daily. LOL. I am a creature of habit. And this is an awesome community.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Mthrdee. Whine or rant or whatever you need to do! This is about being real and authentic. I think it's a great safe place to be. And we're all in this together. Cancer does suck. There is so much about it that stinks. Some days different things are going to hit each of us differently and just like the precancerous days there are going to hard days to contend with that have nothing to do with cancer so I think that will probably push us to the edge some times.

    I have huge faith that is not of me. I'd never have it without asking and relying but I believe in my LORD who expects me to be real and authentic with Him too. So I don't pretend when I have doubts or fears or questions or I'm sad or angry or confused. I know He not only invites me to bring my joy and praise but He welcomes all the other stuff too. I rest in that. Interesting, today one of the teachers mentioned that Psalm 88 is one that has no resolution, no happy ending, not even a bit of resolute joy or dependence. It is just the person being raw and open before God. I wouldn't recommend it for encouragement to everyone but I think it's an example that sometimes we just have to get the crap out. And who better to receive it? And I mean that here too. Who better to receive it than all of us.

    I know I still have the whole chemo walk to go because besides my port, I am still on the other side of being there with all of you. Come Wednesday the reality will be more than apparent. In the mean time there are days that I think I should keep silent because I don't really know about all of what most of you have started already. I know only in my head and my heart goes out to each of you. But I don't really know yet Nd won't until I sit in that chair and have it coursing through my veins and then deal with what the days that follow have in store for me.

    Gee I am so glad that there is this community in my life for such a time as this. I wouldn't wish this on any of you. Yet since there are all of you going through this, I am thankful to be in your presence journeying together with each of you

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Mthrdee, rant away--that is what we are here for--we are all going to be venting our spleen at some point here. If this whole experience isn't rant-worthy, I don't know what is!

    My personal experience is that Day 4 after an infusion is the day I feel most tired, have heartburn, etc., bc it is when all the IV steroids plus the Decadron is gone. By day 6, things feel relatively normal and then you get the week off in between. So fingers crossed you are heading into feel-better time. I can't remember--apologies--did you have the Neulasta shot? If so, Claritin seems to have strong anecdotal support in the chemi nurse community as being able to help the aching.

    It's very imtersting looking at the different routines and regimens we get to control SEs. I don't have any anti-nausea meds other than the three days of Decadron post-infusion, as well as Ativan. I found the Ativan very helpful for sleeping on those first nights. Think I'm going to ask for something for the occasional heartburn episode too. I've been wondering if it's bc they put more in the IV. I get Emend and Aloxi and perhaps one more I can't remember. FWIW, I go to Dana Farber--brand spanking new facility, hence the heated massage chairs. Thank you, Jimmy fund! I may even get some Sox tickets out of this.....

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    Hi Everyone!

     I haven't posted lately.  I felt pretty good last week and was busy doing a lot of errands.  I get my second round of chemo tomorrow so I'll see how that goes.  My hair is shedding a lot...I still have hair on my head but it is very thin.  I wore my wig on Sat. and my 2 neices who haven't seen by short haircut did not realize I was wearing a wig.  I guess that's something positive.  I wore it out to dinner, but I took it off as soon as I got home because it felt weird.  I guess I'll have to get used to it.

    dipad, I'm in Massapequa and I got my wig at Catherine Roberts wig salon on Broadway in Massap.  She was very nice and matched my haircolor almost perfect.

    Taking the steroids again, so I'll be roaming the house tonight.

    Hugs to all!

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Dltnhm - I start chemo the same day as you do. I am on three drugs TAC, 6 rounds for 3 hours each, followed by 6 weeks radiation. Do you know what your treatment is yet? I see you are in Illinois, I'm near the Quad Cities.  

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    Alicia, I had my port put in friday too,  Sometimes when I bend over it hurts near my throat, I guess at top of the rib cage, sometimes in the chest itself, pretty scary, my shoulder hurts as well, I hope to get to see the dr on friday, I also had a SNB on left side and it still hurts and my boob is hard, very weird.  MO wanted to measure my tumor on thursday before my first TX but not sure she will be able too now that it's this way

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jap, the port should start feeling better today, really.