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February 2012 Chemo



  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    glad to hear so far has been good for everyone who had tx!  Mine seemed to go faster too and i have felt fine so far.. tons of nervous energy i think from the steriods but I start something and forget everything dang chemo brain!. picked up the kids, did some quick grocery shopping, made dinner now paying some bills.  I know day 3 ill be on my butt for a couple of days so better do it now while I can :)

      Met with my onc before and next week i have to go see a genetic counselor and test for BRCA1 and Braca2 mutations.. I think that scares me most as I just dont hear a lot about it so my comfort level on the % is still shakey.

    gritgirl, you are amazing, I dont think I could do it every week and still keep the spirit and support I see you giving others.  You can do this I have no doubt!

    ymac glad to hear your son is doing well :)

    HAve a great night everyone and good luck to everyone who has TX tomorrow.

    Hugs and sunbeams to all!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497's only natural that your son's illness hit you harder- you're his MOM!!!! glad that he is responding well!

    my #3 didn't seem like i was in the chair as long either-hmmm?

    feeling pretty good today but took my last steroid tonite so we shall see what the next few days do---did manage to take a nap this afternoon..............gosh it was gorgeous out-70* here in northern ohio in march!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Too behind to respond to other posts. :(

    Getting pink tender splotches between my fingers and the sides of my hands, in addition to the red/pink spots on my hands. If anyone knows of any information about this side effect please point me in the right's really not a big deal compared to my stomach issues, and compared to issues I could be having, but it is just freaking me out that I don't know what it's all about.

    Having intimacy issues can I put this delicately...I guess all the tender tissues I have are dry and not very touch-able right now. This is really upsetting me. My DH is very understanding and sweet but it is very upsetting that cancer is taking away our sexual intimacy too. Maybe over the weekend when I'm a little further out from treatment, things will be better.

  • Mom2JJ
    Mom2JJ Member Posts: 38

    All, I just finished treatment 3 (T/C) today. For the first time I did not suffer from severe nausea (tx 2) or severe nausea and vomiting (tx 1). The secret: 2 Lorazapam by mouth one hour before (also used in treatment 2), a anti-nausea drug combined with the steriod (not previously used with the steriod) then Emend, then an Ativan iv injection (which I received after I became nauseated at treatment 2), then taxotere and cytoxin. When I arrived home, I took one more Lorazapam. I am a bit tired (steroids still buzzing) but feel fantastic compared to the last two chemos, which knocked me out. I even walked a very leisurely 4.5 miles this afternoon. I am praying that fatigue and SEs will be similarly kind.

    I hope that the rest of yoy have such an easy time on your next treatment.

  • melly1462
    melly1462 Member Posts: 20

    @gritgirl:  I also follow your blog and wanted to send good, strong vibes your way today.  Hoping all is clear and you get your treatment. 

    To the group:  Wishing you minimal SE's and a great weekend.  I'm cooking the St. Pat's meal today in preparation for the crash and burn tomorrow.  

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    In reading other threads there organic coconut oil is highly recommended!!  Its solid at room temperature but during your bath/shower let the jar sit in your sink and it will melt enough to become liquid.  Use it everywhere in including the nether regions. Its very soothing and isn't greasy.  You may want to look into replens for more intimate areas.  Chemo dries everything out!!  Personally on the desire front I haven't felt up to much, DH has been great but I suppose we have to be at least a little attentive to there needs but only if you're up to it. 

    I can't remember the name of the thread but I will hunt it down now and post.  It's pretty candid if that's ok with you.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Found it.  Its in the Stage IV forum but its for everyone.  The thread is called "Yipee, the solution to painful intercourse".  There are alot of good tips on there as well as some really funny antecdotes.  There's another called "Side Effects your MO/RO doesn't tell  you about somewhere too.  Use the search engine.  You're not alone in this.

  • khintul
    khintul Member Posts: 8

    mthrdee, what a marvelous group of friends!! I'm in the March group, have only had one chemo session so far, but was reading through the Feb group to get more of a feel for how things go. I just had to comment on your post about your pink party; I teared up reading the post! You are truly blessed to have such great friends.


  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    I read that coconut water is really helpful to drink in the days after chemo as well.  I tried it the first time, but it was a little slimy for me and I seemed to do ok without, but for those that are struggling maybe it is worth a try.  I believe it helps the digestive tract heal quicker.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Christina,  On the hand thing, I have fingertip peeling plus some pink itchy bumps on the sides of my fingers. My chemo nurse sent me to Bath and Body Works for moisturizing gloves, which are these odd gloves that have a funny gell-like lining on the inside. I've been slathering my hands with moisturizer and wearing them all night. Seems to help, although  it does make it hard to turn the pages while reading in bed....
  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    That's a great idea with the coconut water!  I've been reading up on it and there are so many benefits that aid digestion, bad gut, electrolytes.  Mabey it could be incorporated into a smoothie or something it might aleviate the slimy thing. 

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Dear friends,

     I wish that this site was like facebook so that I could instantly 'like' or leave a comment on your posts.You would have dozens and dozens of instant messages and likes and comments.

    Been AWOL - not intending to be off so much - but life interrupted my computer plans. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers - but I know it's not the same as having daily or weekly interaction with you all.

    Just to catch you up a bit - my second chemo (AC) was a week ago Wednesday. I had told my nurse about the car sicky feeling going home and at home and just the one bad evening of feeling nauseous. She decided that I should take a Lorazepam about an hour before the end of my infusions because evidently it also helps with 'motion sickness'. The result was nothin', nada, zilch stomach feelings or queasiness. Not one lick of sick.(So that was the tweak to my routine of the Aloxi and Emend infusions that precede chemo and then the Compazine that I take on an as needed basis. I think I took a total of 5 of those in the initial days Wed, Th, & Fri. I kept to my resolve to not take the Claritin-D (because I thought it added to my nausea that first night) and I still have not had the bone pain that many of you experienced or are experiencing. It may have to do with my running and being so active. I was speed walking at the mall that Thursday and down at my bible study by 11:00 that morning.

    The bible study that I belong to and serve in is Community Bible Study which is national and international. Last weekend (Fri/Sat 24 hours) there was a regional national conference here in Illinois and I was blessed to attned that on a full scholarship. They even got me my own room at the hotel which was extra spoiling :-) Saturday evening I met up with 5 other gals that attended the same Christian liberal arts college that I did in Kentucky. I had not seen most of these gals in years and one not in 27 years. It was fantastic to be with them, reminisce, and love on each other. And one of the other girls was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 years ago. She had the same chemotherapy regimen that I am on now and she is doing fantastic! Had no idea that this had occurred prior to meeting up with her that Saturday. God works to bring people together in amazing ways! Sunday was worship and lunch with family and friends and a most blessed 5 mile run through our neighborhood. My legs are still kickin' it and it feels so good - physically, mentally, and emotionally to be able to continue to run through this. I know it is a gift and I cherish it.  

    Had a most sacred moment with my husband as we took my hair down to a buzz cut on Sunday evening. The ride home that evening I started to get anxious about being out and about with no hair and the way that I perceived I might be looked at or pitied, etc. But in our bedroom/ bathroom we were able to hold each other and pray. After that I loosened up considerably and first we cut it twice for 'witness protection' photos -- you know, change your identity and go incognito and all that? First a little boy cut and then something inbetween and then Ron used our clippers with a #1 which is really the lowest setting next to bald ;-) We took pictures along the way and had fun with it and it really was a blessed time with my knight in shining armor. 

    I've been going without anything a lot in the hair department - sometimes a baseball or baseball like hat but often - like yesterday - with no other head coverings but my little hairs that are still there. I am able to embrace this and enjoy it on a certain level - certainly my 'getting ready' routine has been drastically reduced from blowing it dry, straightening it, etc. or waiting for those curly locks to dry. Now it's wash and go :-) Quite liberating. There are many more gray hairs underneath it all then I realized and those are the ones that have decided to stick it out until the end - along with some very dark ones so the contrast is quite stark for me. I still sometimes walk into the bathroom or bedroom and catch sight of the stranger in the mirror and wonder who is in there with me. LOL

    Yesterday I had the privilege to return to my 2 & 3 year olds and teach them the Bible story. They are so darned precious and I have missed them so much - not teaching since I had my mastectomy in mid-January. The story was about Mary coming to the party where Jesus is the guest of honor and breaking open a precious jar of costly oil which she used to wash Jesus' feet with and then dry them with her hair. It is a story of lavishing love on the Lord and how we can lavish love on others and show them God's love. I have always loved that story. Teaching it without hair was interesting indeed and most of the little ones touched my head and felt the hairs that were left. Another sacred moment.

    Please know that I love you all and intend on getting back here somehow regularly. Our weather has been incredible - high 70's yesterday - breaking all the records around Illinois for this time of year! So I have been out and about walking and running and just going places and visiting with friends and such. As long as I have the energy I believe I need to use it and soak up the days that have been given to me. 

    I truly know that I am in a special place and am blessed to have so much energy and no side effects. I honestly am not sick - I just have breast cancer. For those of you suffering with different side effects, port problems, iv sticks, allergies, and the like - my heart goes out to you and I continue to pray for you that the docs and nurses can amend your treatment so that you can experience a level of comfort and peace through this.

    Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! 



  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Just to update, I am getting chemo. Had to come in for a last minute chest xray to check lungs. Very frustrating but I am thrilled to be back in the chair. Here's to no more colds and cancer kicking chemo.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Good news Gritgirl!  Hope you stay away from all those colds and germs!

     Diana- I agree! I read the boards often and wish I could just "like" a post because by the time I get down to respoding i forget who said what again!  I love your attitude keep it up!!

    I have never heard much about coconut oil until when my children were babies they had really bad eczema and dry skin. A friend of mine recommended the coconut and it worked well!  makes sense it would work well on adults too!

    Karon- join us any time! This is a great group and you will find many of us are in different stages of our chemo. some just starting and some going since the first of the month.  Its great to learn from others who are close to the same points you are.  We are free on our advice too lol

    The weathers nicer so I really need to push myself to get out and walk more. (I say as I eat my fish sandwich and fries from McDonalds)  But today I need to go back to the center for my shot and then I think a nap is in order.. im getting sleepy being first day after TCH #3(or maybe its because I am at work!).  hoping for energy tomorrow for my little girls bday party :)

    Have a great day all! hugs, prayers and sunbeams!


  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    galena dear ... I am on page 41 .. I have a lot of reading to do ..

     but you my dear are just radiant in that photo! I love it :-) 

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    christina that is a really funny story about the insurance salesmen. My husband actually dropped the life insurance policy on me some time this past Spring or Summer. Poor thing. I found out about it in the fall and I actually called him the night before I had my repeat mammogram and asked him if he thought he could reinstate it. I didn't even tell him I was going in for the repeat mammogram (He was on a business trip to Seattle at the time.) So we laugh about this from time to time that he would have had a little something from my passing eventually although he is adamant that he is going first. (We are quite macabre, I know :-)  )

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Ditnhm: love your post. Thanks for your encouragement! I also teach Sunday School but have not been back since my sx in Feb. I have k-2nd graders so a little afraid of getting around them since my counts are low. I have only had 2 rounds of chemo but got my first neulasta shot today. Hopefully this wil bring my counts up so I can get back. You have encouraged me to get my walk in today!!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    christina that is a really funny story about the insurance salesmen. My husband actually dropped the life insurance policy on me some time this past Spring or Summer. Poor thing. I found out about it in the fall and I actually called him the night before I had my repeat mammogram and asked him if he thought he could reinstate it. I didn't even tell him I was going in for the repeat mammogram (He was on a business trip to Seattle at the time.) So we laugh about this from time to time that he would have had a little something from my passing eventually although he is adamant that he is going first. (We are quite macabre, I know :-)  )

    fldreamer - love how you addressed all the different points in a couple posts. I have gone out bald the last couple of days. But can see where this might be a daunting task for some. I ran bald today (I say 'bald' but I have an extremely short buzz cut and with what's left of my thinning hair. At least it's evenly spaced around and across my head.) Love that you compare bald heads with the other men in the department too. Men are really really relaxed - well most men - about this. I've had a couple do the pouty face pity look at me and I just tell them there is no crying in hair loss! Not from them.

    Jag - omg .. that's all I can say ... that sounds like something that I would do and I'm not prone to espouse foul language on a regular basis ... but it is liberating too and definitely if something needs that word used - used in that context, it is cancer. I can only imagine the fitting ladies :-)

    Ali - my dear - if I could get to the other side of the pond I would go with you to your doc's office and give that one nurse a little dressing down. I don't care if she was having a bad day or what ... what she did was unprofessional both to you and to the doctor. I can't imagine the doc putting up with it - but you my sweet have NOTHING to apologize for. I'd run the other way if she came near me and ask/demand another nurse. But that's me. You hang in there. I haven't made it through all these pages to find out what happened portwise to you ... still catching up. Made it to page 43... You girls and Adrian have been busy  !!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    faithhopenluv - we seem to be weathering this well and I would take some of someone else's pain if it would mean that she could have a break too. I wish I were in some of your areas because if I was I would drive over, pick you up, and we'd have a girls' night out

     RE: SLEEP  - Someone posted that she cannot sleep and have tried different medications. One of the medications that I take with my depression is Trazodone. The psychiatrist prescribes it mainly for sleep and said that I could actually try something different downn the road when I start my 5 year plan.  In the mean time, I have found that Trazodone - of all my medications has been the most consistant and the least restrictive. It helps me sleep period. If you need to sleep ask your doctor about taking this medication. 

    lumpynme - I wish that I could gather you up and transport you here to sit on my back patio. Then I might actually use it. There HAS to be an appeal process. If ever a deferrment exception should be made, it should be made for you.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Another complete stranger told me that he likes my 'haircut' - that's 2x in less than a month.  And 2 more than I can remember getting on my own hair from complete strangers.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Well, hello to all today. I actually felt good enough to go for a bitty walk today. I walked around the corner to the other corner and tried out my cane. It helped. I feel good like

    I actually acomplished something! I know its not 4miles, but that was a LOT for me, so I feel good. No probs with tx 2 yet either, so maybe my detours are over. I would be thrilled. Dlthmn, glad you Aw back. If I didn't have this on my phone, I wouldn't be on as often..Gritgirl, glad you are back on the train too, waiting and delays suck, but you are. Back on track now too, no more side trips for you either! to all who had tx this week, much love and small SEs.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    mom2JJ - that's awesome that you found your magic recipe!!! getting through this is such a battle!!!

    myleftboob - thanks for the info, I will definitely check out that thread too. I do want to try to take care of DH's needs at least occasionally...

    hildy - thanks for the suggestion, I will check into that too.

    diana - glad you are feeling well. :)

    gritgirl - glad you are going again on the chemo. can't finish if you aren't doing it.

    moonflwr - glad you are feeling a bit better too.

    Hands burning/tingling this afternoon and the redness is spreading... oh well. If it's still there Monday when I go in for my weekly Herceptin I'll see what they have to say about it. Chemo is so weird.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Did the little walk again before dinner. Which now men I have maagedto walk around a block. A real accomplishment for me! So is not the real block with the horrid hll, but a flat one, but still I Did it l feel good.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    I'm so spitting mad I wish I'd have a heart attack and just go!  Please bear with me.  I really need to vent.  I had my 4th AC yesterday and have been doing remarkably well.  I think it's the steroids and know it won't last.  So, all day, I had plans for doing something tonight.  Not super important but my plans nonetheless.  Over an hour ago, younger daughter borrowed my car to run a quick errand....(hers is not dependable for the distance she needed to go).  So, here it is almost two hours later and she's still not back.  I am mad!  And it's too late to go where I wanted to go.

    In the meantime, no sooner had she left with my car and the oldest daughter called and said her boyfriend is abusing her and asked me once again if she can live in my backyard in her tent with her dog AND her five cats.  Until she finds out if she will get her soc sec disab after her April 2nd hearing.   I told her no, she cant live in my yard and she's mad at me.  I did tell her she could pitch her tent there and stay in it once in a while and that's not good enough.   I am so mad at her I could spit bullets.... (I'd like to  shoot bulltets at her boyfriend...not spit them).   

    Okay, I vented.  I feel better for saying it all.  I'll probably delete this at some point.   But if I didn't vent here, I'd probably make myself sick with anger and/or eventually get in the car and drive poorly cause I'm so upset.   Thanks for listening. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Fldrmer, that is frustrating. Is there a.friend you can stay with to get a breakq from this

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    (((( hugs)))) fldrmr

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    ALL:  I had an extremely angry post earlier regarding something going on with my two daughters.  I have decided to delete it.   

    Grifgirl:  No, there is no friend I could stay with.  But thanks for the suggestion.  If there were someone, that might have been a good idea. 

    Moonflwr:  Thanks for the ''hugs'.  Much appreciated. 

    On the chemo side of things, I had my 4th AC on Thursday.  And I got the Neulasta shot today. Actually, it must be the steroids cause I've been doing pretty good today.  I had a very good day until my two daughters had me upset over their usual problems.  I'm still very angry with each of them but going to try and let it go and get a good nights rest.

    I expect there will be SE's coming so I need to concentrate on me.   So very hard to do when someone tries to lay a guilt trip on you when you say no to something.   And I'm talking about grown daughters in their 40's!!!  (not children).  I hate mental illness!  And the system that doesn't provide enough assistance to take care of the mentally ill!  Enough said.

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    Day 20. Just a quick check-in. I hope everybody's doing okay.

    So my period started on Thursday night. Was kind of hoping to skip them for a few months, but I'm glad that at least the heaviest and most painful time will be over before my next infusion.

    Yesterday afternoon I started feeling like I was getting a cold - runny nose, scratchy throat. This morning it was clear, I do have a cold. I've had a sore throat, felt achy and fatigued, and had a bit of a cough this evening. :(

    I slept the afternoon away, and this evening took some pain killers, cough syrup and ventolin. I'll head back to bed soon. I've also been monitoring my temperature, and have had a mild fever, highest temp measured = 37.2'C / 98.96'F.

    Things seem to be under control now, but I'll keep monitoring myself overnight. Hopefully I will avoid a hospital stay. Fingers crossed.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Galena, my prayers are with you

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Moonflwr912: so proud of you. Each step counts no matter the speed or the distance. One of my favorite quotes : "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping whoever is on the couch"!

    Galena. Prayers that you feel better and that your temp stays down. Eat healthy hydrate hydrate hydrate. Move too to get your blood and lymph system moving that stuff out of you quickly. And REST!

    Fldreamer. So sorry you have to go through this dear one. Prayers for peace through this and that the Lord will muzzle those girls of yours for a while. Have no idea what went down, but can imagine since sometimes our family, who should be the most supportive and caring and attentive through this whole journey, actually behave rather badly and become self-absorbed. That was my brother that last day especially of his visit. Hugs sweet one!