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February 2012 Chemo



  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Bubble baths: the older I grow the more I appreciate a long soak in a warm tub with dimmed lights and candles. The funny thing I have noticed the last couple of soaks is that when I am done, the bottom of the bath is covered in what looks like dirt but is actually hair stubble. I just have to laugh at it. Crazy this human body of ours.

    Smooth skin and jumping the gun on my Brazillian: my skin is so smooth. I love how my legs feel. This not shaving and having every pore soaking up the moisturizer including the spaces from the hair follicles is wonderful! Had lost quite a bit of my 'exploding bunny' region, so I'd trimmed the rest down and would gently pull at it each day to remove more. Decided it was pretty good to go so I shaved some of the area. I never do that or use wax or Nair type removals because I am prone to ingrown hairs and break out. Well I jumped the gun in a couple sensitive areas. Note to self. Patience. I might get a couple ingrown stubbles before they die and fall out. LOL

    Cording (axillary web syndrome) and physical therapy: my PT for this is really going well I love my therapist. She is the lymphedema specialist so I am in great hands there. She is funny too and really a smart gal, we have tremendous conversations throughout. The cording in my left arm is getting better although we haven't had any 'snap' like bubble wrap which I was looking forward to hearing. She also told me all about massaging the Vitamin E gel from a capsule into all the different areas of my scars from the breast and DIEP reconstruction so I am going to get those to concentrate on that too,

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Good Morning everyone.  Diane - glad to see you posting again, and that you seem to be doing ok.  I know there are a lot of challenges going on in our group.  This week, one of my young adult daughters was in a car accident.  She wasnt hurt, but it made a difficult week for her.  She has been living out of state, was on her way to a job fair.  So she missed the job fair whcih she had driven 500 miles to attend.  The good part of all of this is that she got discouraged enough that when I said, 'why dont you just move back home for a few months and work for me and get ahead a little on things', she said yes. 

    I'm one week out from my second T/C treatment.  I feel pretty good. It was rough for a few days, but now the only thing bothering me is my mouth and tongue.  It burns abit.  If there had been any hair on my tongue, I'm sure it would have fallen out.

    I read a quote I need to share, cant remember who said it...

    'Everything will work out in the end....

    And if things havent worked out, its not the end'

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    First Call - So sorry to hear about your daughter, sometimes though, I think God does things a certain way to help you find your this case, moving home maybe what she needs and I love the quote!!!!!  Hope you don't mind if I use it in my profile.

    I too am a little over a week out from my 2nd TX and finally I am feeling like myself again.  So here are some tips I got for this nasty disgusting feeling in  my mouth and tongue.  Lemon candy drops, lemonade and lemon italian ices (see a pattern here LOL) and biggest suprise of all.....Sour patch kids.  Now I will admit they are wicked when you pop them in, but because of the bitterness they seem to cut thru all the nasty tongue taste and it helps.  I know that sugar is really the last thing I should be recommending but I swear I lsot my taste so fast this TX and then to have the sores and the yucky mouth was just unbearable.  I tried the above ( not all at once or I would have been in a sugar coma) and they helped so if a little sugar helps to alleviate the misery I'm doing it and cancer be damned!!!

    I am adjusting to the shaved head and while I am still not a huge fan of the wig it is getting bearable.  However I love the scarves and chemo wraps.  Funny thing though.....I still have hair on my head ( though it is shedding daily) and haven't really lost it anywhere else.  However for those of you with you remember when your little one was a newborn and they would lose their hair in those funny little designs where they had rubbed it on the crib sheets or the bumpers, well that is what my shedding is looking like.  I have like two patches where my head hits the pillow at night and those are the two spots that are almost completely bald.  Looks quite funny, however no one seems to want to kiss my face and say how cute I am LOL.  

    Oh well - got to find the humor in everything or life gets too sad.  Well I am off to clean the house and then some laundry.  Its been so long, that it is starting to climb back upstairs form the laundry room.  When is all done I am going to relax with my corn beef dinner and then relax in my tub filled with my nice soothing bath soap.  I love that Johnson and Johnson stuff - it is the best.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day to all  (((HUGS))) and wishing itty bitty SEs to all today. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone

    While I won't be out celebrating I did pick up a corned beef so I'll be cooking a traditional meal regardless with cabbage and potatoes!


    I hope you're feeling OK after your last TX and that those meds are doing there job! 


    Sending you cyber hugs and pray you keep that fever at bay!


    You can't pick your family, but wouldn't it be nice if they gave you a break particularly now?  Vent away here though.


    Welcome and yes this is a great place for tips and what the experience is like, it sure helps alot.  I too have lurked on a November 2011 board and it's really helpful to see the other side of treatment as well.


    You are always so upbeat and I love reading your posts.  Really liked the one about your 3 year old bible students rubbing your head.  That has to be the cutest age in children.  I too love the hairless experience on the body.  So far the eyebrowns and eyelashes are hanging in there so hoping at least the eyebrows do!


    Good on your getting out there!  Seems like you are back on track TX wise, great news!


    Glad to hear your daughter wasn't hurt although I'm sure she had quite a scare.  She must be thrilled to come home and work for Dad.  Funny I had the burned tongue sensation too.  Thought I actually burned it as I'm a bit of a freak about food being hot to the table. Mabey not.  I've been a little lax rinsing with Soda Water this time around so I better pick some up today,

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Mom2JJ and Lumynme

    Whoo Hoo on being 3 down!!  Nearing the bell!!!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    FLDREAMER-sorry for the owies with daughters..i didn't see your post before you pulled it-just as well i'm sure.

    firstcall; wow- so sad that your daughter had to miss the job fair but i agree with the idea of coming home and working for dad! always good on a resume not to mention parent time! and i love that quote!

    so- is the site having probs or is it my computer cuz last nite and today i cannot get pages to load- last nite i gave up-today i got lucky for a minute- either waaay too much traffic on teh site or my computer really is gonna die!

    today i feel like absolute crap- the wall jumped out and hit me and it is making me shakey--so i have taken a compazine finally and am getting ready to do an ativan and try to sleep- my son texted that he made  a casserole and is coming over but i don't know when - and i don't wanna miss that but i really hate this shakey feeling--could be worse i know- i have been so lucky with such minimal SE's....shouldn't complain....

    it is gorgeous outside-it took just about everything i had to bundle up to take the dog out-i say bundle cuz i am living in jammies and a tank top--dunno why i worry about what these neighbors think but i do-

    have been doing some serious reflecting today and there are going to have to be more life changes when my tx is thru--will elaborate someday but not today--today i am wondering if it's just teh chemo meds or if i really want to do what i am proposing to self! (ok-hint-it includes a jet plane and a big island!)

    baby steps today...hugs to all....bought the corned beef but no energy to cook it!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    moonflwr...the fact that you feel well enuff to get out there and walk is positive! baby steps gf!! you're doing it!!!!!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    mthrdee- feel free to use the quote.  I thought it a good quote too. 

    mlb- yes the tongue feeling most reminds me of drinking something too hot,which I seldom do.  Im pretty careful about that. 

    I'm very glad that my daughter wasnt hurt in the accident.  She's at that young adult age where she has been trying to be very independent, pulling away etc.  But when she had her accident she wanted to come home, and did for a couple of days.  I helped her with her car, and put new tires on it, and filled it with food.  When she told me how much difficulty she was having finding a job, I told her that she has the option to come home for awhile and work for me and save her pennies and get ahead.  I was suprised that she took me up on it, and very happy.  I think she's at a point where we can have some good talks.  So she's going to wrap up her affairs, and come back home for awhile. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Number four out of the way only two to go. Was at the hospital twelve hours what a Long day. The port worked well but got bad reaction so got lots of meds pumped into me, just as well I had the port. At one point I was so I'll I was going to pull of the cold cap but DH said keep it on. The doc wanted to keep me in but I told her I was ok to go home. She kept saying tell me the truth are you ok. Poor doc she was so nice she kept saying you could have a heart attack I want to be sure. In the end I fell asleep and woke up as if nothing had happened. So taxotere was not nice

  • khintul
    khintul Member Posts: 8

    Well, I finally made it through all 47 pages of this thread, and my admiration for all who post here just grows and grows.

    I'm in the March group, today is day 12 of the first cycle of AC for me. SEs have really not been an issue, a few times I thought I was starting to feel queasy, so immediately popped a Compazine and that took care of it. 

    Docusate Sodium (aka Colace, or Dulcolax) is my best friend - and here's a public service announcement - I got a bottle of 400 caplets at Sam's for $5 + some change. Keeping constipation at bay has been challenging, but so far I'm staying up with it. I also added probiotics to my daily regimen and while I just took the first one yesterday, I will say that the results so far have been very good. 

    I've been on "house arrest" since last Tuesday when I got my blood work done and the MO's office called and told me my neutraphil levels were way, way low and gave me all the list of things to do and not do - wow, what a list! When I said to the nurse, "it sounds like I just need to be on house arrest", her reply was, "yes, if you can do that, it would be best". So here I am. Sounded like I might not survive a paper cut. :) House arrest for me is not a bad thing, as I'm an introvert and really would rather just stay home than be around people. I do have to say though, that by now I'd really kinda like to get out and about. I feel fine, but I'm hanging here cause I don't want to show up for treatment #2 and have it postponed because my counts are still too low. 

    I have an appointment with my hair dresser for next Wednesday to get my hair buzzed, and I'm ready to do that. I have always worn short hair, but not that short! The wig's ready and waiting.

    Good weekend to all, and very minimal to no SEs!!


  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Karon, Nothing makes you wish you could go out more than being on house arrest.  Hopefully those neutrophils will be back up soon. 

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    Day 21. Today was an absolute stunner. Blue skies, 27'C / 80.6'F. I love Sundays like that.

    My temperature was back to normal today, and my cold symptoms have really backed off. My neutrophils were a little low last week, so I hope my bloods are fine for tx #2 tomorrow morning.

    I'm feeling nervous about tomorrow now.  I hope there are no earthquakes (we had more again last night / today).  I hope the port can be used this time.  I hope I don't have bad reactions.  I hope my SE's aren't bad.

    Hair has been an issue for a few days. About a third of my pubic hair has gone, leaving random bald areas. My head hair is starting to go now too. It comes out in the shower, and I find it on the pillow. I wonder how long before the head scarves go from being a fashion choice to a necessity?

    Gritgirl, dltnhm, myleftboob- Thanks for your thoughts. I'm pretty sure they helped. :)

    firstcall- I am glad to hear your daughter is okay. Car accidents are so scary. She's lucky to have a nice dad who can help her get back on her feet.

    lumpynme- Can't wait to hear the life plans. :D

    ali68- Wow, that was a really long and stressful day. I hope you're doing okay now.

    Sorry to everyone I haven't replied to. I hope your SE's are small and your smiles are big.

    Kia kaha (be strong).

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Galena, hope it goes your way tomorrow.  I shaved my head completely when i kept finding it on my spoon!  LOl  Firstcall- glad your daughter is all right, and glad she will be with you, you can both use support right now.  Ali, hope you are doing better. Everyone else, Much love and small SEs

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    sorry all - I am terrible with keeping track of everyone and then responding to each.  To tell the truth I'm not sure if this has been asked and answered and I am too tired to reread all the here is the question.

    Yesterday, I noticed some a tiny bit of red acne type rash on one of my cheeks.  This morning I woke up and both cheeks are covered and now it is feeling itchy.  It also feels as if my cheeks are a little oily.  The naseau that had pretty much passed is back a little bit, not really sickly, just a little off in the tummy if that makes sense.  

    So has anyone had this???  Should I call my MO???   I'm a little bit worried because I was going to go back to work tomorrow and I work at an international airport...germ central.  Since I had that reaction during last TX and tomorrow is day 11 I am wondering if it is a sign of the low WBC or is it a steroid reaction??  Sorry, maybe it is nothing and I am just a little wiggy but thought I would ask and see if anyone else has had it.


  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    I know Gritgirl had some type of acne type reaction to treatment. I thought it was treatment #1. She'll fill you in when she sees that. I'll try to find those posts around the beginning of February. Sorry you are experiencing this. Hugs!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Okay. I found it around Feb 13th and on the 15th Susan talks about clindamycin. Myleftboob talked about her dermatologist prescribing this for other non-cancer breakouts. Hope ths helps!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Okay. I found it around Feb 13th and on the 15th Susan talks about clindamycin. Myleftboob talked about her dermatologist prescribing this for other non-cancer breakouts. Hope ths helps!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68


    thanks xoxo

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    mtherdee and dltnhm

    I think gritgirl and I were actualy talking acne vs a rash though.  I think it was the steroids personally, broke out a little bit but nothing like the 1st TX.  I have cystic acne that flares under stress.  I don't know if the clyndamycin would work for that.  Still sounds like a steroid thing though.  Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Hey Everybody,
    Hope the weekend was more positive than side effect for all!  
    Firstcall,  I'm sorry your daughter had a car accident, but it sounds as though being home will be good for everybody involved....I was one of those kids who returned home several times before I finally got independent enough to move out for good...I'm still happy I did that, as it really made me appreciate my parents, and who they are.  
    I'm having finger and fingernail problems and haven't even started the Taxol, which makes me quite nervous. The gloves at night are helping with the skin stuff, but my nails feel bruised underneath, if that makes sense. I'm worried about them lifting from the nail bed.  
    From reading the Taxol thread, I'm apparently supposed to look into l-glutamine and vitamin B and somethingn else, but I'm not sure about dosage and such like.  I'm going to try the cold gloves, too.  For some reason, I'm already worrying about the Taxol, and I don't even go in for another week.  I thought I'd be re-energized by being halfway done, but instead I'm just feeling tired and blah and sick of this.  I wanted to get so much stuff done this weekend and barely made a scratch in the list. Fortunately, it's a beautiful day and I have a cat purring away in my lap. That's always a plus.  
    Ali,  I didn't realize you have only 2 to go!  That's awesome.... 
  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Hildy: I'm still putting vit E on my nails 1-2 times a day. No problems yet. Got it at Walmart in nail section. Was told I could also use olive oil. I also moisturize hands and feet several times a day. It's almost a full time job doing things to prevent all these SE.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    dltnhm - that's funny, hairs in the bathtub... glad we can find humor in it. I also love how my legs feel!

    firstcall - I really like that quote! I hope you are not getting mouth sores?

    mthrdee - you enjoy your lemon :)

    lumpynme - :( I hope you are feeling better

    Karon - take it easy, and good luck Wednesday. Getting my head shaved wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I hate it, but I'd take the hair loss over the fatigue and stomach problems any day.

    Galena - good luck with your treatment tomorrow! And yeah the patchy hair is weird! I really wish mine would just finish falling out and be done with it.

    mthrdee - I have had lots of skin issues, and I had peeling skin and acne all over my face the second week after my first treatment. It went away after 5-7 days I think. Can't tell you what caused it. Looked hideous. All I could do was switch to a more mild facial cleanser and wear cover-up on my face.

    The red painful areas on my hands faded over the weekend. Still sensitive to hot water but at least they are going away. I officially weigh 3 more lbs than when I started all this...totally unfair, how does a person GAIN weight on chemo? I hate the taste in my mouth and sometimes I eat just to make it go away. I met with the P.A. today when I got my herceptin. She said the taste thing is a cumulative side effect and it's probably not going to get better, it's probably going to get worse. She also gently cautioned me that the next treatment may affect my nails. I really like her, she talks to me a lot about side effects. She told me to take generic Zyrtec for my seasonal allergies and it might help me with the skin issues, so I picked up a bottle today. Hair - probably 75% gone on my head. Haven't had to tweeze my eyebrows in ages, but I'm really hoping they and the lashes hang in there. Next Monday is TCH #3, dreading it but wanting to get it done at the same time, so at least I can say I'm halfway through.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Glad to hear your hands got better!

    My dr told me too that between 3rd and 4th treatment is when it could begin to affect my hands and fingers. He said I might start feeling some tingling or slight loss of sensation but it shouldnt be all the time.  Some people say if you put bags of frozen peas on your fingers during treatment it helps.  I havent done that yet as I am always cold during treatment anyways!

    Today was day 4 from tx #3 and I was in bed or on the couch all day.. i did motivate myself to go out to get the kids from the bus stop and the fresh air did me good.  Hopefully thats the start of my upswing for the next couple of weeks.

    I agree! with everything how can we have to gain weight! Although my infusion nurses say they want you to at least maintain.. phoey! I should have one positive out of this :)

    Have a great night all! sweet dreams!

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Hi all - I did hear from my wig lady that brows and lashes are usually the last to go and first to come back so I hope that's true. I also read in my bc pamphlets that patients tend to gain weight, which I think totally sucks. Why do you need cold pack for tingling fingers, what does that do.?

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    the hair thing......

    so today I had a patient in who had chemo 2-3 years ago (not for BC).  I noticed something different on him.....His hair is curly on the left side and straight on the right side.  I asked him about it, and sure enough, after chemo his hair grew in like that.   Actually it looked fine, even unique.  I don't know how common that is, but apparently it can happen. 

  • khintul
    khintul Member Posts: 8

    Today is chemo #2 day for me - hope WBC has come back enough to let it happen. I was wishing there were something like the tests diabetics can do at home to check to see whether the WBC was up enough to go ahead! Guess I'll find out soon enough.The iPad is charging so it can be ready if all is go. 

    Today is day 15 and just as advertised, my hair is starting to leave. When I run my hands through it, I come away with lots more hair than usual. I have really thick hair, so there's still plenty there, but the appointment for the buzz is tomorrow, so that will work out just about right. 

    firstcall, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate all you've added to the discussions here - we all know men can get this too, but getting your input is a great help.

    And to all the posters, I appreciate all your inputs so much, and have so much admiration for everyone going down this path.  We can do this!


  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Good luck today Karon!

    Jag- sorry i was confusing . The cold pack is for the nail beds not the tingling I guess.  Supposedly it helps with the nails but I havent tried it yet so not sure.

    Question- I was dx with cancer on my right side, no nodes positive, nothing showed up on my left side.  Today I am still feeling the effects from my Thurs chemo and one of my odd se is small pain in my left underarm.. lymph nodes?.  Is this something to be concerned about?

    Thanks all!

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Did you have any lymph nodes removed? If so it could be lymphatic fluid build up. A little massage in the area can help break it up. My bmx was in January and still have that problem occasionally.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Tonight the buzzer is coming out!!! Hair is everywhere. I had to go to a wake these past two days and there really must have been over 500 people there. I was so nervous about catching a cold after hugging and kissing and shaking hands for two days. What do you do in this situation? I know life should go on as normal as possible but we do need to be extra careful. I spray my office everyday with lysol and use hand sanitzer. I tell my patients if they are sick to reschedule with me. But you cant really reschedule funerals, weddings and holidays. Glad to hear everyone is doing pretty well this week.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    None removed yet, I have my surgery in June after the chemo.  I had a biopsy on one on the right side back in Jan but nothing on the left yet.  My daughter was sick all weekend so I wonder if maybe I am trying to fight off her germs?

    I am sorry to hear about the funerals... being in crowded situations is rough.  I usually only shake hands if I can and sanatize discreetly as soon as I can. It's so hard to live normally at times and be cautious.  It sounds like you are doing the right things with what you can :)

    I was terrified of shaving my head but it actually was a relief after having handfuls of hair come out all the time.  I hope its easy for you and that you find peace with it afterwards.

    hoping everyone is having beautiful weather like we are here in IN!