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February 2012 Chemo



  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    I am so hot! My wig hats scarves make me hotter. I don't want to walk around bald. Anyone found anything cool and light weight to wear? This must be chemopause!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    I too find all those things hot, I do go bald at home, even outside.  I take what ever I have on off as soon as I get in the car.  I have decided to do my best an d embrace my new reality, it is what it is and bald is my reality.  Would love to hear if there is something that keeps the head cool, especially now the warm temps are here

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, I have been so bad with Taxotere at one point I prayed for the pain to stop. The painkillers didn't work and I was told i could get morphine as this chemo has very bad side effects. So since Sunday I was in real pain, couldn't sleep or eat or drink. I have never been this ill every part of me is hurting so bad I'm shaking. My stomach and back feels like I have been kicked and if I stand up I fall down. So today I went to A&E I couldn't stand the pain anymore, they wanted to keep me in as my bloods are bad but they would be I've just had chemo. They couldn't give me anything stronger I would have to get that from the Cancer hospital I go to. Back home now and I hope the pain gives way so I can sleep.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Oh Ali I am so sorry for the pain and terrible SE you are having.  I hope you get some comfort soon!

    Big hugs from across the seas!

  • gigborn
    gigborn Member Posts: 11

    #3 tomorrow.  Hope it goes well.

     jap62  -  Loved the post.   I thought I was the only one pulling off the wig the minute I get in the car.   I actually pulled it off meeting with a client the other day.  It was so hot and the water was starting to run down my face.    I am definitely embracing the bald head look.    Noone really seems to notice anymore.   Go for it!

    To everyone else who posts:   I learn so much every day from each of you.  Thank you all, it is amazing to have others who know exactly what I am feeling.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Jap and gig I thought about you on the way home today.. the wig was so hot.. I reached up and pulled it off.. Then got very self conscience so tried to put it on while driving with the sunroof open.  That scared me too.... wig flying out!?  Got it on, not the best but it was on.. then it was hot! so i just tilted it a little to get some air going.  wind and what not had the wig half way to the side by the time I got home lol  I dont know which would have gotten me more looks, my half patched looks like a cat fight bald head or a poorly placed, half tilted wig. hehe gives some funny visuals though!

    Good luck tomorrow Gig! I hope it goes well for you!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi Everyone

    Went to the Look Good Feel Better program tonight.  Lots of cool freebies but no wigs though.  One of the ladies though my wig was my own hair!!  It was warm here today as well and I had the wig on for 9 hours, that's a record but the second I was in the house off it came.  Ahhh. 


    Is it bone pain your having?  Are you able to get 24 Hour Clairiton .  It may not help this time but you should try it for the next TX.  I can't beleive the difference this time around.  I was popping percocet like crazy and it only gave me minimal releif.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I thought I was doing pretty well after tx # 2, but today I just couldnt get out of my chair.  I had more diarrhea, and upset tummy.  I keep taking the compazine so I can drink water, I DON"T want to get dehydrated again.  I took the antidiarrhea pills today and they helped some, but just slowed it down.  so don't feel like eating or drinking.  yck.  Hope everyone else is still doing good.

  • khintul
    khintul Member Posts: 8

    I went for A/C tx #2 yesterday, after spending a week in exile due to "extremely low" neutraphil count - it was up enough to go ahead yesterday. When I asked if they could tell me what the "extremely low" number was, it was ZERO! Well now, I'd say that qualifies as extremely low. Yesterday it was 6.9, which was respectable. Simply amazing how our bodies work with this stuff.

    Today I go this morning for the Neulasta (Claritin already started) and this afternoon I see my hairdresser to take charge of the inevitable. 

    Second session went well, I feel fine except for being tired. Took a Compazine when I got home yesterday just as a preventative, and so far so good. 

    Thanks again to all who share so freely, it really helps.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi Karon

    That is low, holy cow.  Stay well and I hope you find releif with the Clariton, I know I did in comparison to TX!


    I now what you mean.  I'm finding that around day 5-6 even though I'm taking seccocot and stool softeners that the constipation swings the other way for a couple of days than seems to settle.  I then take nothing and things start to return to normal.    Yeah the last thing you need is dehydration.  You do sound like your doing better this time around though.

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    This is how I feel on the bad days....chemo slug! 

    Today is my birthday, 55!  DH asked if I wanted to go out to dinner.  I said I would if he wanted to (it's his birthday too) but that it would be a waste for me as everthing tastes bad to me.  We decided on take-out.  I like my birthday, but this year I could do a skippie!

    Feeling better today.  The week after tx3 my SE's were worse than the first 2.  My onc said that that is to be expected, oh well.  I really try not to complain as my SE's are nothing compared to what alot of you are going through!  I think of you every day.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Happy Birthday Judy!!  Wow, you and your DH on the same day!!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Happy Birthday Judy   My SE's on #3 were worse also.

    Finished #4 yesterday  Woo Hoo!!!  Tired and a bit queasy, took a pill.  I took today off and will see how I feel tomorrow.  For number 3 I had to take off 3 days went in one and then had to take off 2 more for stomach issues.  WBC was normal so I got away with no Neulasta for all 4 treatments for which I am grateful.  So it looks like I will have a break for 3 or 4 weeks and then on to 5 weeks of Rads.

    I haven't worn my wig at all.  I just do my scarves.  I am all into comfort.  Not looking foward to the warmer weather though, even the cotton scarves will probably be warm.  Hair grow back quickly!!!

    Hope everyone has a good day with minimal SE's


  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    Judy-happy birthday!!!!!! you can always do dinner later-at another time, i mean!

    i didn' t even turn the computer on yesterday- went to meditation and did some shopping but felt absolutely whipped when i got home- i think the heat! who in the world would expect 76* in ohio in march! i had a "taste" for something specific for supper-bought all it needed and was too pooped to cook it!

    i'm feeling pretty ok but am concerned now about wardrobe- with my PICC line wrapped the way it is i have a huge bandage look on my arm and short sleeves don't cover it-long sleeves are too warm! i guess if i get the job i could layer til after my surgery- sorry- probly worried about nothing!

    i am still using my wig when i go out-need to try the halo i guess- am just not finding the scarf look to be good on me! what am i doing wrong? while i do the bald/natural thing here in the house i can't seem to do it in public yet- i went into target looking for some sandals or flipflops-dang! couldn't find anything i like enough to spend money on!

    i, too, appreciate everyone's input, comments and honesty! and i am in amazement how much we all notice now that we are going thru this- example- adrian's comments about his chemo patient's hair! pre-bc, he (adrian)may not have ever thought about it!

    mlb-glad you enjoyed your look good feel better-i was disappointed in mine.

    tho i am feeling ok i have no desire to do anything..... was a major accomplishment to write a few checks and pay some bills the other day! then i missed themail and it's not safe to leave things overnite in our curbside mailbox.....

    well- it's wednesday- on monday next week i have my last AC tx!!!! 

    hoping for a good day for everyone-ali i am so sorry that you are suffering so much!

    here's a hug!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali: I am so, so sorry you are having such a hard time.  My prayers are with you.

    Judy, happy birthday.  I can't taste things either.

    I have been exhausted. Yesterday I did a combo of working from home and sleeping. It was mostly sleeping. After the last time where they almost cancelled my chemo, I am not taking chances. I am getting lots of rest.

    Friday will be chemo number 8 which means I will be 2/3 done. I am taking it one day at a time, one chemo at a time. I can't wait for this to be over. I hope to never do chemo again (you never know with me).

    I seem to be the only one who wanted to lose my hair, and unfortunately, it's not all gone.  Firstcall, part curly, part straight hair would not be a good look on me. Sigh.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Oh dear Ali - I am so sorry that you are suffering so much. You have been put through the wringer and keep getting hit. Please know that I do not say this lightly that I have been and am praying for you and for your doctors and nurses that they would figure out how to best get you through this without it making you so sick and in so much pain. I am pulling for you from across the pond dear one. It is easy to pray for you because Ali was my girl name with each of my pregnancies ... but I ended up with Andres, Aaron, and Ryan :-)  Hugs sweet one.

    Happy Birthday Judy! Hope you are able to celebrate som. You are here on this planet today! And there is a reason for that :-) May this next year be full of unexpected blessings and possibilities that you recognize and realize.

    Hot Heads --- Sorry, just couldn't resist giving the group a new name ;-) Hope you gals can find some relief from the heat. Maybe you could put one of those cold packs somewhere under the wig. (Nah, that wouldn't work -- you'd be lumpy and bumpy, but cool.) 

    I have a wig - but haven't worn it anywhere either. Had my husband pick it up on Friday on his way home from work because I couldn't get over there on Thursday. (The location is minutes from the campus.) I love the look and it is really cute on .. but it's still not quite me ... even though it looks like me. LOL. I have so embraced the buzzed, nearly bald look that now I think caps and wigs look strange - too much hair. 

    Look Good, Feel Better - I went to this yesterday morning and had a ball! Most of the women there were seniors, but everyone was nice, and had them laughing at one point. The gal was giving that standard makeup talk about always cleansing your face before bedtime and never going to bed with your makeup on and I said "unless you are going to bed with 'that' guy" with a twinkle in my eye ... :-) (Honestly - I am terrible about nightly cleansing and removing mascara - but have been better the last few months.)  Wow - we received a bag full of makeup too -- some products from Mary Kay, Estee Lauder, Lancome, etc. It was a bountiful gift. And my lipstick was called Mishchievous (Everyone did not receive the same color or even the same brand.) So I know that was not merely random that I ended up with it ;-) If you have not signed up for this class - look it up online and call or email or whatever you have to do to register. It's a nice little outing and fun with the girls. 

    I also met a dear sweet gal who had a double mastectomy a month ago and is getting a port next week and starting chemo on the same day. She was extremely anxious about everything. Since I had my camera with me, I had all the pictures of the entire crew across at the hospital who were involved in placing my port, so I 'introduced' her to them and showed her how wonderful they all are. I also had a pic of the port before it was put in so she could see that and then my port was visible yesterday with my Spring top, so she could envision what it would be like (We are about the same build). I just know the Lord placed us next to each other. (We even have the same reconstruction surgeon and oncology group.) Oh just to make certain she gets extra special care, I went over there and met with my port nurse and gave her a head's up about this sweet one! Next week I'm bringing treats and such for a "Best Port was Placed" Party with this crew. I am so thankful for all of them, their gentle care, laughter and enthusiasm, and just great attitudes down there! 

    Ran my 5 miles this morning ... and am drinking lots of water in preparation for my 3rd Chemo this afternoon. I always drink tons in the morning and then 32 ounces on the drive down. Then I suck it down during chemo too. I could float away I drink so much but know that it makes everything move through so much faster. 

    Nails My nails were/are really fragile with this chemo. I bought some nail strengthener and good polish to try to keep them stronger .. but I've been neglecting using it (so busy I forget about it) Normally I have such strong nails from all the milk I drink and other healthy foods. Thought about doing Jello shots (just kidding) gelating capsules to give them a little boost, but I think I might try putting them on ice today to see if that will make any difference. If I'm already having trouble with the AC affecting them, I can only imagine what the T will do once that begins in late April. Ah well ... bring on the SE that mean those drugs are kickin' those bad cells' butts!

    Hugs to everyone and have a super day! 



  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    m sorry to hear you were disappointed in the FGLB program. I wasn't expecting the amount of goodies I got.  I would guestimate about $200.  My DH's in  Newfoundland got a free wig on top of everything else so I was hopefull but no.  I guess it is based on the fundraising efforts of a local area.  The population is smaller there too.  Even though it's one of the poorest provinces, on a per capita basis Newfies are are always ranked #1 in donations to everything wihich I find so interesting.  The colour pallette of the make up was based on your colouring so that was cool.  One lady there was Muslim and had a beautiful scarf tied in the traditional Hijab fashion and I complimented her on that.  They hide there hair anyway which she said is a great comfort right now because her look is the same.  There was also a lady just starting out with being recently diagnosed with uterine Cancer.  I was talking to her after class and she said she came in so down and depressed and felt so much better afterwards talking to us all at different stages of treatment and different cancer DX's because she realized that we can behave fairly normally and joke and laugh and no-one looked as aweful as she would have thought.  It gave her alot of comfort.

    My nails have never been my strong suit so I just clipped them very short.  I've been icing during TX and no real issues.

    I walked 2K today!!!  Glad I went early, very warm today here in Toronto.

  • khintul
    khintul Member Posts: 8

    lumpynme - I share your disappointment with the LGFB session - I know others have had such great feelings about it, but honestly, for me the one I went to was just kind of a downer. We all got the bag full of goodies, no scarves or wigs. There were two ladies giving the program, the first was all about wigs and scarves, and she did give some good tips on tying scarves and caring for wigs, and that was good. The other was all about makeup techniques, shading to emphasize certain features, etc., all of which I already knew, just don't take the time to do.

    Also, about the halo - I bought one of these, as well as a wig, and today I went to my hairdresser and we just did the hair removal thing. She took it down in stages, so we could see what I would like as it comes back in. We first did a spike (I liked that), then she took it down to a Jamie Lee Curtis (looks great on her with her skinny face, but my face is not skinny so not so hot on me) - then down to the Susan Powter flat top (not for me either), and then we just went GI Jane. I didn't intend to completely shave it now, but the way it's been coming out just since it started yesterday, we figured it would just be a matter of days until it was all gone and much easier to leave it in the beauty shop than clean it up here. So now I'm completely bald. I was surprised to see that my head actually has a nice shape; I didn't think it would have. Not nice enough for me to want to keep the look, however! 

    So after the hair was all gone, I put on the halo and had her trim it up for me - the bangs were way too long, and the back was too long as well. I really didn't think I'd ever be using it, but she trimmed it up and by golly, now I do think it may get some use.

    She then put my wig on, and it didn't need any trimming at all, and the consensus was that it really looks great, and I don't think anyone was just humoring me. Without hair underneath it, it's actually very comfortable, and I like it a lot! I'm totally OK with my look now. 

    My doc has me taking steroids (Decadron 4mg) twice a day for 3 days after chemo, and the steroid high has kicked in and I feel great. Not tired at all now. It's easier this time cause I can kind of gauge better how I'm going to feel. Just have to remember not to get too carried away.

    Wishing all of you minimal SEs, and hang on to your great attitudes!!


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Happy Birthday Judy, and to your DH as well.  You will get to enjoy it sometime soon.  I got some good makeup in my LGFB, always nice to have fresh makeup- especially with the low blood counts.  I also got two nice scarfs- one an apple green cherry print- just cute as can be.  I go around the house without anything if I am not cold, but outside I NEED to cover.  You guys ever see that MR FUZZY game with the iron filings?  I could be the picture on that thing, or if you never saw that- how about the OPERATION game guy?  I'm his lost twin!  LOL- NOT a good look for me.!  LOL.  When I went and got my hair buzzed and wig fitted, they sold me some glue to help hold it down (I seem to be missing a bone to help hold it in place LOL) I use that to help keep the scarf down on the side of my head if I want a bow by the ear- it doesnt drag the whole scarf down then.  It washes off with water.  Maybe that would help someone else. 

    I am still battling diarrhea this time, on the 5-6 th day after treatments. I just calld the onc office to let them know.  I go in for a Herceptin tomorrow and they will do more blood tests- I hope I am not dehydrated again - don't want to go to the hosp again.  so I will keep sipping water and hope.  To all, much love and small SEs

  • diamond7
    diamond7 Member Posts: 2

    Hello, new to here, Had a lumpectomy with aux. nodes 10 removed one positive for cancer. Found another tumour had a mastectomy one month later, now facing chemo treatments.. FEC-D..not looking forward to this, a little scared but know it has to be done. Had stomach x-ray, bone scan, liver/kidney scans as well, is this common before treatments does anyone know?... Any advice or info from someone doing this same treatment would be greatly appreciate..Tha nks so much.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Diamond, my tx is different, but the bone scans and all the other stuff is kind of standard- they want to know wehre you are right now, so they can monitor and make sure they find issues before they get to be bad.  Waiting is the hardest, so hang in there. Ask questions, someone will usually have an answer for you.  Much love and samll SEs

  • diamond7
    diamond7 Member Posts: 2

    Hi just wanting to know if the chemo cap is working for you...and how do you find doing that..would really like to know ..Thanks so much,


    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Just a quick post for now.  I'll try to get back on later.

    WIGS/HATS/HAIR:  I'm very bald!  Cried at first and now past it.  I just went back to work two weeks ago and started out alternating between my three different wigs (all of which look nice).  However, they all were uncomfortable and they are hot.

    So, I started staying bald at work and just wearing colorful, cute baseball caps (I work inside a manufacturing outside the office).  Now, today I found it too hot even in my somewhat air cond office to wear the baseball caps even.  So, now I am just going bald.  Walked to the front offices, to the break room, out to the car, wherever.   I still hate looking in the mirror.  I still hate this part of it all.  But, I'm going to be comfortable.  I suspect it won't be long till I go into the grocery store, Target, etc. bald.  Even the baseball caps are too hot!  

    The only place I can't visualize going bald is to church.  For now, that will either be a cap or the wig. least till services are over with.

    I also found scarves, etc too hot.   Sigh.    

  • miniwheat
    miniwheat Member Posts: 8

    Hi all, I have been, I think following the wrong thread for me.  My first Chemo treatment (5fu) was on Jan 30th.  I've been following the Jan thread which has been very informative and the ladies in there are fantastic.  I just think that the timing of this thread is more suited me.

    had my last round of 5FU on Monday, side effects have been severe for the first 2 with major nausea and fatigue.  Liver enzymes were elevated so my last treatment was delayed for a week then 3 Taxotere treatments with 5 weeks of radiation to follow had left breast removed in Dec with 4cm tumor with lymph node involvements with lymphatic invasion present.

    I'm an East Coast canadian 38 year old married, mother to my 5 year old boy.  Hope you don't mind me barging in so late.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hey miniwheat

    Glad you found us.  I started chemo in February but I'm also on the March thread too.  Fellow Canadian here!!  Spent some time in Newfoundland a good few years ago.  Still need to get out that way again.  There's a Canadian thread to which is good as well.  Coast to coast. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    firstcall - interesting about the half straight/half curly hair thing. Although I hope that doesn't happen to me, I have a hard enough time handling my hair. Or I did anyway when I had some! :)

    dipad - I think hand hygiene should be effective as long as no one is coughing or sneezing on you. Avoid those people! But it makes me nervous too to be in a big crowd. I try to remember to not touch my face... How did you handle the great buzz?

    msbelle - omg they are hot!!! The scarves are not too bad but the wigs are awful and the hats are better but still warm. I am getting hot flashes but only in the middle of the night, they wake me up once or twice every night.

    ali - :*( That's awful. Is there nothing more they can order for you? You should not have to suffer that way!

    JenH13 - lol at the thought of the wig going out the sunroof!!!

    Karon - hope you are feeling better. Glad things went well at the hairdresser and that you are feeling well.

    Judy - love the chemo slug. Happy birthday!

    lumpynme - that's awful, to shop and not find anything! :)

    gritgirl - 2/3 done, that is AWESOME!!!

    Diane - lol @ hotheads...very appropriate. You are an inspiration, running like that! I need to get off my butt.

    myleftboob - and you walked 2K! Oh I need to get up and MOVE!

    moonflwr  you have way exceed your share of SE...I hope things get easier for you.

    diamond7 - welcome! omg scans seem common to me. I think I had every scan known to man before I started treatment.

    flddreamer - good for you for being so comfortable wearing just a hat. I forced myself to go shopping and out to dinner this weekend with just a scarf and I felt so low. But I really didn't feel like people were looking at me or anything. I am hoping I get used to it because I need a break from the hats and the doll hair (that's what it feels like to me) that I wear to work all week.

  • miniwheat
    miniwheat Member Posts: 8

    Thanks myleftboob,

    NewFoundland is beautiful country and I have several Newfie friends, love the culture.  I'm from New Brunswick.  Thanks for the warm welcome!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Karon, Lumpynme, etc. I am surprised about the expectation for a wig at the LGFG class. I know different areas may do the program differently, but from everything that I read in brochures and online the WIG program is a separate program from the LGFG program. Both are American Cancer Society programs, but I had to make an individual appointment at one of the ACS offices to get fitted and choose a FREE wig. The gal took a nice bit of time with me and since there wasn't anything on hand that I could walk out with (which is par for the course), she filled out the order form and we made certain the color was what looked best. They also had bins and bins of knit hats and I was invited to take as many as I'd like and there was also a scarf that she sent home with me. The orders for the wigs are always done on Mondays so I had to wait for that time to pass for them to Ryder it and then it arrived last Wednesday. I would just say go online, check the websites, and call regarding the wigs.

    The makeup for LGFB came in a red zippered bag and there really was a lot inside :-)

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Miniwheat, the more the merrier. Some gals started in Jan or were supposed to. Some gals and gent had chemo delays or late starts etc. there are some of the group who are on the same treatment and very close if not exact on dates and changes of treatment part way through. I am like that with Jap I believe. But for the most part there are overlaps, different cocktails, different order of lumpectomies r mastectomies before/after chemo and radiation, different combinations of drugs, etc.

    Pull up a chair, sit a spell, a d enjoy our pea picking' community! Never a dull moment

    Oh my I am eating soup and just sent my soup flying like a teeter totter. Needless to say my tank top is covered in chicken broth, as is part of the couch, I am such a slob. Just glad dh a d son ral to Wendy's tonight

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993
    ac # 3 today, amazing how I felt so great and after tx within the hour tired.  I felt like my oldself after#2tx, after the initial 2 days of fatigue. I sure hope I feel this way again after this tx, 1 more ac to go, then my next 4 rounds of whatever and herception, which is what I am dreading the most.  I am getting more bald time in, I am embracing it slowly, it is just to friggin hot tio have anything on my head, and with hot flashes, forget about it!!  I am now getting the ramped up power surges thanks to my steriod friends, funny now my bald head sweats.  Well I guess I should try to get some sleep, oh when I had bone pain 8 days after neulesta I took a clariton and it went away, I will not stop taking it till I have no more shots to get.