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February 2012 Chemo



  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Lumpy - not that's just plain mean.  I have such little tolerance for mean people.  If anyone watches How I Met Your Mother, I have a little Lily in me.  I have been known to take advantage giving back when I see someone being mean or selfish to others.  Once a guy at work had a can of parm cheese in the fridge.  The company provided his full team a pizza lunch.  He kept coming back into the kitchen to put cheese on his pizza because he didnt want to share.  So....I hid his cheese in the back of the other fridge.

    Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts, my counts are back to normal.  It actually feels great to be out of pjs :)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Glad to hear your feeling better and out of your pj's.  The story about your co-worker reminded me of a story where I worked in the 80's.  There was a co-worker that worked this job full time and also had a part time job, he was a young dad and brought his lunch everyday to save money.  For some reason, the sandwich portion of his lunch would go missing out of the fridge on more than one occassion and he was getting more than a little annoyed.  Sooo, one day me made a sandwich out of his baby's poop.  The culprit must have though they were getting a Nutella sandwich that day and his lunch never went missing again.  When he told me that day I thought I would pee myself.


    That neighbor is a whack job and I can't wait for you to tell us that you have moved out of that place.  Pretty bad when you can't even keep a plant outside. 

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Lumpy,  that stinks about your plant--a gift, too!  I look forward to reading your first, "I'm sitting on the front porch drinking coffee" post from a new place.  Regarding the bone pain--probably from the Taxotere as well as Neulasta.  I had nothing when I did A/C, but significant bone pain with Taxol, and it was worse in the weeks I had to have Neulasta. How are the SEs doing otherwise? Any neuropathy? 

    Faithhopenluv, Happy to hear that your counts are back to normal! How are you feeling otherwise?

    Ali, loved reading that you got all swanked out for a nice dinner out. How was the food? I have one of his cookbooks and it has some good stuff in it.

    MLB, the co-worker story cracked me up. I would have done the same thing. It's a can of cheese, for goodness sakes!

    So my daughter did the Relay for Life this weekend as part of a team from her karate dojo. She didn't spend the night, thank goodness, but did walk a ton. It was a very positive experience for her, but I have to say, I found some of the registration information rather intrusive. I registered as a chaperone, and the form asked if I was a survivor--it's none of their business!  And her registration form wanted a ton of information abot her experience with cancer and care giving and so on. Again, none of their business. That's just me, though--I'm kind of prickly about this.  I just wanted to be a mom helping a team, so I avoided all the survivor activities and so on.  

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    We have sunshine yes yes yes,DH passed his exam and we are in the garden having gin and tonics. Seen two friends today and thinking I'm going to be ok for wednesday or maybe it's the gin talking hehe

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Yum to G & T!  You sound good I have to say! In for a water break.  Been shoveling wheelbarrows full of mulch for about an hour now.  Great excercise but its hot out.  That and a nosey neighbor that likes to stand on his porch across the street watching my every move.  If I acknowledge him then he'll be over yacking my ear off giving me gardening tips meanwhile his yard looks like crap LOL!  What he's really hoping for is a beer but then he doesn't know when to leave.  This is one guy I won't miss when we move.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    So has he got the hots for you ?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    He has the hots for anyone believe me. He's about 67, long grey beard, huge beer belly that he never keeps covered and wears black socks with sandals!!  He used to hang out alot next door to me before they moved away.  They were only in their early 30's and there he'd be while they had company over for a pool party. I used to hear him make disgusting comments about the girls in their bathing suits.   Yuck!  He and his wife tried to glom on to us when we first moved here but I hate that action.  Its nice to be cordial with the neighbors but don't want them living with me.  The neighbors place I was at Saturday night were friends before I moved here so that's different.  He's a pain in the ass.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    It sounds like you are living next door to a member of ZZTop,  MLB!  I'd run, too....

    P.S. Now I want a Hendrick's gimlet.....

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Except he's not that cool LOL!  I've finished my yard work for today, jumped in the shower and pulled a bottle of Chardonnay out of the freezer.  Poppled a few ice cubes in a glass and poured my self one.  So cold and lovely!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ok- i get in the car after work and it says it's 105* that's farenheit! once i opened the windows and started driving it went down to 85*--holy cripes! wish my a/c worked and i'm talking air conditioning!then sweetie tells me his a/c is broken--my response was that i cannot fix another thing today and i don't care! so then he starts about "well, we can't move til we get the cars fixed(money blah blah)"--i just put my hand up to stop him! NOT listening! see my hands over my ears????!!!!!

    hildy: i never thought about the bone pain being from the taxotere-great! other than that i am not having SE's --i had red flushed cheeks for two days but that's gone- nothing else so far to speak of-thank goodness! but remember my first tx was just friday!

    i do have to say that it was really hard getting thru the whole day today at work; found my brain wandering!chemo fog? and my eyes are getting worse- i have mac degeneration starting and cataracts ..oh heck...i'm getting old!!!!!

    missing plant update: when i drove around front to the street (we park in the back of the apt bldg and our slider is at the back) there was my plant-lying there on the grass all broken and sad! Crymy sweetie brought it home and watered it- dunno if it will survive...i just am so bummed...

    i hurt...gosh i feel like i have no right to whine and bitch right now but i hurt.....since i'm home i'm going to take a percocet and get in my chair.....

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    You absolutely have a right to whine and bitch!  That is what we are here for.  And I am sad about your plant, I hope it pulls through. Who does something like that? 
  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumps, vent, b*TCH, moan. (Wow, that sounded almost pornographic! LOL) but somedays you need to, so we are here to listen. (Hugs)

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lumpy - omg what sort of person would steal a PLANT!?!?! That is just sad... Glad your pain is improving. :) But that sucks about the a/c. With these hot flashes I know I am using my car a/c more than normal.

    Faith - glad you are feeling better! And I like How I Met Your Mother too, watching it right now. Lily is TOO nice! :)

    MLF - literally LOL'ed at your story about the sandwich!!! OMG too funny!!! And I am picturing your big belly bearded sandal-wearing neighbor lol He sounds like a real catch! Chardonney sounds pretty good, haven't had a drink since new years.

    Hildy - if I were you I would feel the same way about those questions. Way too personal.

    Ali - you enjoy that gin girl. Tongue out 

    Lumpectomy consult scheduled for June 6th. I know I keep saying it but it feels so good to be so close to being done with chemo!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497 DOES feel good when you can say that!!! even tho i really did not want to go thru this new round it doesn't feel so bad when i say that i am down 1 and 3 to go!

    we are awesome folks!!!!!! we have been thru Hell and we are coming back!!!

    **i would feel better saying that if susan gritgirl would check in......her silence has me worried!

    nite all!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumps, I was just wondering the amen. gritgirl, you gotta check in please. Thx.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Go for scan tomorrow can you all keep your fingers crossed for me.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    ali...we will be thinking about you....

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Fingers, toes, prayers whatever it takes.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Definetly got them crossed for you. Deep breathes, hang in there. Much love.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Good luck tomorrow Ali.

    ditto re: gritgirl, hoping she checks in soon.

    Had a hard time finding my cording today after therapy. The therapist is doing a great job. I told him Thursday would be my last day. I just hate missing so much work, and I'm sure the rest will just go away on its own.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Ali- you will have all toes, fingers and eyes crossed for you!

    Lumpy- how horrible about your plant. I wish you were near as my mom can take anything and bring it back to life.. believe me I test it often.  I hope you are able to move soon.  The peace of mind and less stress is worth it for the money. You will find a way to make it work and its soooo worth it.

    Gritgirl and Firstcall- time to report in please.

    Well, I survived the weekend.  Sat was horribly busy and trying to set up for my daughters award banquet and then end up serving drinks was tiring. I had great help from friends(other parents) but I admit I did over do it. I was so hot and had the wig on.. couldnt wait to get that thing off!  Sunday I ended up laying on the couch all day watching Food Network. Much needed rest.  Still wiped out but recovering.

    A friend of mine from college sent me an email today. I havent seen her since College but she found out about my situation.  She said she is very passionate about BS and hosts an annual luncheon to raise money for the cause.  She asked me if I felt up to it, if I would be the guest of honor this August at the luncheon.  I feel too young to be a guest of honor lol

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night ( I hope I have one without hot flashes!)

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ali..remember to breathe! you are in my prayers!

    today was a better day pain wise but the eye troubles seem worse-and i am just so tired! i love the job and am so glad that it's sitting down!!! i really work with a great group of people...that helps! great that you were able to do the banquet for your daughter- i feel for ya with the wig!!!do you wear a cap under yours? i found that it seems to help me- it's made of cotton so it "wicks" but we shall see when it gets even hotter this weekend....

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177
    Lumpy - take care of the eyes NOW.  I'm 4+ weeks and the eye problems are just getting bareable.  Taxotere can cause problems with the cornea and cause excessive tearing because the eye is actually dry.  Get the ointment eye drops for night time and put it in generously.  Also get the eyedrops with no preservatives and keep that stuff in your eyes all day.  By my 2nd treatment I needed to flush the eyes probably every hour.  I went 2 xs to the opthamologist and eventually at the end of treatment needed to go on steroid eyedrops to lesson the pain, swelling and tearing.  Before initially knowing what was going on, I took antihistamines, etc. to try to stop the tearing...probably did more harm.  I have just gone 2 days with just regular drops - no steroids...I am keeping my fingers crossed that they may be healing.  I hope you don't come close to how bad my eyes got hit.  The eye doc told me what was going on and that it was common with Taxotere ..funny my MO gave me the "deer in the headlite look"
  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Hope everyone is doing well. I'm feeling better than I have in awhile, have a lot more energy. I'd normally be just about back to normal on day 12, but this time it won't get squashed with another treatment.

    Christina, that's great to hear about the cording. I have an apt with another LE specialist on thurs (I just didn't trust the first). Ive been making a point to stretch several times everyday and I can barely see the cord anymore.

    Jen, I hope we both have one wout the hot flashes!

    Ali - good luck! I'm having a PET scan tomorrow too. Will be thinking of you.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Faith and Ali, good luck tomorrow. I am feeling pretty good, but 5 days out from tx 5/6 back on the D train, as usual. Tomorrow should be better! Much love.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Checking in....I'm doing better and better, and very grateful for that.  Last Saturday I had a big day.  I hosted a marathon.  Its a small event, we had 85 runners, some ran a half marathon, some a full marathon and some an ultramarathon.  I didnt run, but I was the director.  It was busy, and a lot of fun.  I can finally have some fun again.  I set up the course, made sure everyone was ok, and coordinated the food, and timing.  The weather was great, and I had a lot of my running friends show up.  And today I had a new patient.  He is the appointment secretary for my surgeon.  He came in for a medical visit, and I told him that I needed to come back to their office and get my port out.  So he put me down for Friday afternoon.  I guess its not a big deal, but it seems like a big deal.  Goodbye port......thank you for saving my veins....

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    AEM47; - no--that is not what i am having trouble with but that's scary!  my eyesite seems to be getting wors-probly the cataracts....

    firstcall-so cool!!! the event sounds great and you shone!!!!! i'm hoping to get back to living soon! we each need to take our baby steps....

    ok folks;i'm sure you are tired of my rental woe any of you know how many scams there are out there? people advertise a house for rent and when you respond you get an email back saying that they are in Africa on a mission..c'mon...i believe in good work but there have been three diff rentals that have come up this way--so--maybe i'm in the wrong business! i should take pics of nice houses and say that they are mine and get your banking and personal info!!!! naaaaahhhh i'm too freakin honest!

    i really need to find an honest landlord and get moved so that I can move on with living!!!!!

    very damp today and i can feel it in my bone pain!

    hugs to all and special prayers for ali!!!!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Ali and Faith, good luck today! I'm crossing everything crossable for you both. 

    Firstcall, isn't it nice to feel like having fun again? And port removal is a big deal--milestone, baby! 

    Lumpy, have you looked on Craigslist?  I don't even know where to go for rentals anymore, assuming the papers are no longer the source they used to be... 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Good to hear from you and that you're doing so well.  Ah, getting the port out.  I was just chatting with a lady on the March thread that is having a terrible time with her arm where she was scheduled for 6 TX, doctor didn't beleive in giving her a port, ended up in hospital and her arm is a disaster. She still has 3 to go and we're all trying to encourage her demand a port for the rest of her TX.  Feel so bad for her.


    Its amazing the number of scammers out there.  It happens on the job front too especially on Craigslist.  You send your resume and they email you back that you're the perfect candidate, however they're away so if you can sendt all of this personal information so they can narrow down the field yadda, yadda, yadda.  I had it happen to me once.  To be honest the 2 jobs that were real that I got off of CL in the last few years ended up being kind of flakey too.  Best to stick to the sites that they actually have to pay to post.  Now with rentals its a bit different.  Sometimes the person renting gets scammed too. A friend of mine owned a property near a university so he advertised on the schools website.  He gets an email from a supposed foreign students parent, the parent sends a money order for the deposit, he goes to cash it and its counterfit.  He then gets an email from the parent saying he made the countercheck out for the wrong amount so if my guy can send a money order back from his account he will replace it.  Yeah OK. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Had US ad I've been told I have a " Complete Response" so we are all happy.