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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    feeling good this morning-had to take an ativan at 2 AM to get to sleep tho! forgot about the steroids in the tx! will go get my Neulasta soon-YES! i took my clariton last nite and will continue this week!

    this morning some errands while i am out and will drive by a house for rent that i have found- cannot get inside to see it til end of week or next weekend but it sounds cute-landlord sounds great--no garage  or basement  so no storage but completely fenced back yard for my doggie and all appliances including washer/dryer included ! and rent not high ; his tenant to move out 6/15 so we can move 6/30 in my plan if we like the house and he likes us!i sold off or gave away all of my appliances before we moved here so as not to pay to move or store them so that would be great! this guy even supplies a lawn mower! so i can get some exercise!!!

    ok-rambling here!

    i DO have a headache this morning so i am going to try tylenol--hoping i don't need any decongestant!

    praying for a good weekend for all of you my february family! do you know how special you all are to me?!!!!! btw i love snail mail if anyone would like to pm card possibilities or whatever?

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Faith, sending you many sunbeams, hugs and prayers this weekend!

    Lumpy, I am glad you were able to get to the WHY on everything. There is just so much going on its hard to get it all down especially when they dont tell us!  You can do this and now that you have more of a comfort level I think you will do better!

    Well I survived the night with my BIL and nephew.  They got here late, which of course means I couldnt get the kids to bed til late and I was ready to go to bed.  I was feeling pretty good so mom didnt need to spend the night.  They were up and gone before I even got up so even easier :)  Got up at 7 and got my son to his soccer game at 830. He had a great game for less sleep than usual.  Now an hour to rest and off to do more running.  Daughter has her awards banquet tonight for gymnastics and I am one of the co-chairs on planning it all and the other has a soccer tournament and wont be there until an hour late. Sooo guess who gets to decorate and set up?  I asked for some help from other parents though too.  Once I get through tonight I get all day tomorrow to do nothing and get through this last round of chemo SE!

    Hope everyone else is doing well and prayers and sunbeams to you all!


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Jen, make sure you rest and don't over do it.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm so sorry you're feeling so down and I hope you're able to keep your visit with you Dad.  Sounds like you need it for sure ((((HUGS)))).


    How are you feeling today?

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Thanks everyone, I just gave myself the shot. If someone told me 6 months ago I would have 3 surgeries, countless blood draws and injections, 8 rounds of chemo, lose my hair and eyelashes and give myself shots I would have told them they are certifiably insane. Everyone tells us we are brave, but with our head down we plow through. We make the unimaginable our reality.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906's all worth it in the end but I sure understand what you are saying!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    MLB; i ended up sleeping in the reclinning chair last nite and at 2 AM took an ativan to counteract the steroids; couldn't GET to sleep til then -after the pill got 5 hours--today my cheeks and nose are really flushed- MO says steroids and that it'll go away-also i have a headache but tylenol is doing it and he also says it's steroids..i am only getting those in my drip-not taking add'l-thank God!

    i took another ativan at noon to try to nap and so now i'm a bit groggy but i feel really good.....

    brought home some boxes from the store so i may start packing unnecessaries. drove by a house today- small but cute-no garage or basement-has a wonderful fully fenced backyard which would mean my dog could run instead of being on a chain or walked! we can't get in to see the house til later in teh week as there is a tenant-he is moving out by 15th  so my plan of moving june 30th is in line...IF the landlord likes us. also drove by another -$25 more per month- nicer house and garage and basement ;they are hgaving open house tomorrow  and i do not know their pet policy so it may be out of the running .

    i want to get passed this moving thing-find a place to be comfy and go fwd! get a grill, cookout, sit on the deck!

    anyhow i feel good-thx for asking!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497 are so right-we plow thru and just make it happen!

    hugs to you today!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I guess I didn't read back far enough.  Sorry for making you repeat yourself.  The first house you talked about sounds really cute.  When you say the other is having an open house, an open house for a rental??  Wow.   It's going to make the world of difference once you move.


    Holy cow lady you have alot going on.  Happy to hear your BIL wasn't a pain n the butt!!


    I hear you!!  The only surgery I ever had in my life was the extraction of all 4 of my wisdom teeth back in the 80's!!  Never had much more than a bottle of Advil in the house.  Its all so surreal and made more so when I look in the mirror at my fuzzy head.

    Its a stunner of a day here, at least 80F.  Got the outside of the windows cleaned.  At least it was nice being outside but very warm.  I'll save the insides for a less nice day.  Of to a neighbor's place for a BBQ and a nice cold beer a bit later after the sun goes down a bit.  Not interested in sitting in the sun in a hot wig but not ready to go out without it.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Looks like everyone is busy this weekend and not too many SEs good to hear. Lumps, you will get the house you need.MLB, enjoy the beer. Faith, none of us ever expected any of this and just making it through one day at a time is all we can do. Jen, take it easy. To all, much love.

  • CynthiainChicago
    CynthiainChicago Member Posts: 7

    I have a noticable concave scar on my chest from where my port was removed and I am really proud of it.  I think of it like a war medal pinned to my chest. It is also cool as kind of a secret symbol to others who will see it and understnad.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    DH and I went to Jamie Oliver's restaurant in Manchester last night. It's in a old bank so it was fab only down side we had to wait for a table one and a half hrs. We had a bottle of wine and nibbles while we waited but we were starving. Also they put us on the top floor and the ladies toilets were two flights down. Went to the loo twice and had to stop twice on way up as I couldn't make it. This was really embarrassing and people gave me the side way head smile.

    Anyway i did get dressed up in my little black dress and heels and it was good to get out and see people.

    Woke up at 3am with terrible pain in my chemo arm and a vein was sticking out and very red. Took some pain killers and got back to sleep but it's so weird having things crop up again.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Does anyone know when you have Lumpectomy do they use the port or your arm?

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906 you mean for the chemo IV? I had a lumpectomy and no port (all 15 IV's were in my arm) but many of the other patients had ports and they used them for the chemo.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ali what exactly are you asking?

    i had my lumpectomy and so now my chemo etc all has to go in other arm--my AC was thru PICC line ( i chose no port-too invasive for me) and this round of TC is going directly thru a vein in my right hand....

    or are you talking about the actual lumpectomy prcoedure????

    sorry i'm just confused!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    MLB; as to the open house- yea- weird , eh? i guess it's easier to schedule an "open house" so ppl come to you to see the house vs scheduling multiple trips to show it....personally; i prefer the individual visits..i went thru a "group" viewing a few weeks ago-made it creepy-didn't feel like i could talk freely with landlady or my sweetie....

    i'll go today tho cuz i need to know pet policy-IF they accept pets and will wait (maybe i give deposit) for us to move in end of june (not now) then it would be wonderful--very close to work, drs , highway access etc... the other house that i found WILL accept pets and WILL wait but it's a teensy small (tho it has a fully fenced back yard...) 

    this morning just really felt like a day when i needed my own yard or porch or deck to sit on -coffee, paper, get the drift!

    truly i want to get moved to get on with a different part of life!!!!!!and, remember, i am the least patient person in the world!!!!!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Sorry, when you have the lumpectomy they give you drugs to knock you out and other things. I know they use the back of your hand for this but could they use the port. My arm is so bad I would like them to use my port.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    ah I get it! I am not sure...had no port or PICC...all went thru veins in my hand for surgery...veins in my wrist for chemo! Hope this helps. You will get to meet your anethesiologist before your surgery...that is the time to ask your questions.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm sure they can use your port for surgery.  They'll likely have a chemo nurse put the picc line in and then they can administer the drugs. Make sure everyone involved is aware of the port.  Your arm can't take it for sure.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I know I'm a bit worried as I have this vein which is getting worse. Also on the top of my arm I have a vein which has indented and looks horrible. I'm so worried about my scan I keep thinking they are going to say the cancer has got worse. Trying to keep busy but I'm pooing my pants thinking about it. I know I'm being silly but until they say I'm doing ok I'm worried.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ali--i really don't know about the port- as the others said-be sure to talk to everyone about your IV's went in thru my hand but my PICC line had been taken out a few weeks prior to surgery

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I'm very sad, a young couple from where I am she has died from breast cancer after two years. She was one month from getting married and was only 28 years old.

    This cancer really sucks

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ali; i'm sorry to hear this.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    very surprised today to have mucho bone pain. so far 2 tylenol are taking care of it-thank goodness! with my 1st A/C Neulasta, even vicodin wouldn't do it! this is weird since i am def taking the claritin...oh well...manageable is livable i guess- just really surprised it is happening...

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I had lots of Bone pain, take pain killers and wine hehe.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Sad to hear about that young girl.  I just heard of another 30 something recently DX from a neighbor. 


    The bone pain is so weird but mabey it would be worse withought the Clariton? 

    Boy its a hot one here today.  No outdoor work for me today.  Should really have been putting down mulch but I don't feel like it!  So there LOL!!  I'll get at it tomorrow, just relaxing today.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    ali sorry to hear about the young girl...that is indeed sad. She may not have caught it early enough. 

     MLB...same the mulch in the wheelbarrow and decided it was too hot...went to Longos instead and bought a bunch of annuals but again tooooo hot to plant. Prolly gonna be just as hot tomorrow. Where are the garden gremlins when you need them?

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    faithhopenluv - I hope you are feeling better today. Were you still able to go on your trip? I like how you said we are "plowing through" ... that is exactly what it feels like.

    lumpynme - sounds like you are in good spirits despite the headache! Or maybe you are just energetic-sounding from the steroids! I hope this rental property works out for you.

    Jen - glad things went well with your BIL and nephew's visit. I hope those other parents come through with helping out with setting up. Team effort right? Hopefully? :)

    MLB - no clue how you are going outside with a wig on. I'm doing scarves, much more cool and comfortable. You are tougher than I am! I hope you are enjoying your day of relaxation.

    Cynthia - I kind of hope I don't end up with much of a scar from my port after it is removed. But I know what you mean, I was at a meeting a month or so ago and got a glimpse of a scar a woman had in that general area under her shirt...I immediately felt a kinship to her, assuming it was from a port, from having to take chemo.

    Ali - what a setup at that restaurant! Why is your vein red like that, did I miss something? I had my lumpectomy before my port so they used my arm. But my understanding is that they should be able to use your port or your arm, whichever you prefer. I had my port in two days before my lymph node biopsy, and they were going to use it, but it was so sore, so I asked them to use my arm, and they were fine with that.

    *covering my ears* I don't like to hear about people who die from cancer...

    I don't regret shaving my head but I wonder if it was really necessary. I have a lot of stubble on the back of my head, and a fair amount on top. I wonder if I could have gotten away with keeping my hair and just wearing a hat with it. No regrets, just wondering.

    My legs have a lot of red spots and this a chemo side effect? Or maybe from the heat?

    Having a great weekend...saw Avengers Friday night, went to a graduation party yesterday...had to work today but even that went well. So excited to only have one more chemo left... Laughing

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I wondered about if I didn't shave my head now much hair might have hung it there because quite a bit of stubble stayed. Not much we can do about it now though right? 4 weeks PFC now and I have about 3/4 of an inch of most white fuzz and some dark in a few spots.  I must look at it 10 times a day LOL!!  Like I'm going to see it grow in front of my eyes or something.  And you know what, I'm down a solid 5 pounds!!!  I'm wearing pants right now that were a little too tight last summer.  I guess from stress I lost 5 before I started chemo and now another 5!!  I think the steroids must be out of my system.

    I went to my neighbors place last night, had a great time.  There was this guy there that I'm not fussed on but I feel a little sorry for.  You can tell he's had a hard life but he's always half in the bag so and he tends to get on peoples nerves.  Anyhow, he says to me "you've done something different to your hair, looks awesome"  I just said a wholehearted "Thanks Gerry!".   all of the people I was sitting with know my situation. We all just knowingly smiled.  BTW Christine, we didn't go down the neighbors until like 8 oclock because it was cooler for me with the wig on.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    okay now i am pissed---

    sorry -hope that doesn't offend anyone--

    this morning, the hanging plant that my granddaughter gave me for Mother's Day is missing from outside our slider..coincidence that our "friend" was visiting last nite upstairs? the guy who has the dog that caused the uproar a while back and who we suspect of deflating our tires..... the plant was a simple impatients-nothing fancy or really expensive-it's the principle here...AND it's the first live plant she ever gave me....

    besides that- i am able to go almost 4 hours at a time with pain meds the bone pain is still manageable and, yes, i wonder how much worse it would be if i didn't take the claritin!

    off to work-love that!!-hope everyone has a great day--some of you are too quiet--what's up???????