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February 2012 Chemo



  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Melissa - I completely agree. The full staff at my mo's office is amazing. They are kind, compassionate and efficient. They are upbeat and smiling all the time. I've told my mo how wonderful the staff is and she always seems genuinely interested to hear the feedback. So sorry you've had such mean people - but YAY to the end of chemo

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, getting a puppy tomorrow ( Lhasa Apso ) never had a dog before only my cat.

    Any tips on potty training and will my posh cat leave home.

    Having drain out tomorrow and boy does it still hurt.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    I just need to vent. It has been my choice to not wear a wig, a scarf, or hats. I wore a ball cap to run in sometimes and a couple of times when I was on drafty places. That's me. But in so doing I wasn't trying to make a statement or wear my lack of hair as some kind of badge of courage.

    I'm just tired of those who feel like they have to make comments about my head, my hair, etc. It's not strangers - it's acquaintances, sometimes friends, and family.

    Today I am in MI visiting my niece's new baby and family, nephew and his family, brother-in-law, etc. We went out with a large group and the other grandma/great grandma gestures to my niece's husband (who is wearing his hair buzzed short) and says "You two are a matched set" and I told her "I don't find comments like that funny." and she says "you two are wearing your hair the same - a set " and I say again " I don't find comments like that funny" And she replies "I'm not trying to be funny ...." and I stop listening, set my giftbag on a bench and beat a hasty retreat to the bathroom with tears starting to spill."
    Argh. I'm really not super sensitive to everything, but enough already. Don't touch my head/hair uninvited. Don't tell me how much easier it must be to get ready or how much cooler it is. Don't say "the lengths some people will go to - to have a hairstyle like mine" (from different men who are either balding or have shaved their heads".
    I'm okay with me - most of the time. I'm just really, really tired of stuff like this. I don't want to rifle off a witty comment or comeback. I feel like i have an arsenal at the ready if that's what I wanted to do. I just want it to stop.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    dlt...I can't understand why some people feel compelled to comment on hairdos or lack of them. I wonder if they feel the need to say something because for some odd reason, they are embarrassed or think they are expected to make a comment or give their opinion. I must admit when I wore scarves or hat ( I seldom wore my wig) no one made any comments or even seemed to notice. I was forever looking for strange looks but never saw any. The only time anyone said anything was my RO and he said it looked chic. I just laughed cause I am soooooooo not chic!

    For sure it helps to develop thick skin as far as our appearance is concerned. Some woman are just more sensitive than others I for me I don't give a hoot. I am doing what I have  to do to stay healthy!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hun, people don't understand what it is like and they think comments like that are ok. I would be the same and this has happened to me. DH's dad said his other son has been through what your going through with your hair. He went bald when he was young and his fell out in clumps. At the time I was using the machine to save my hair and it didn't work at all. I lost 60% of my hair and it fell out in clumps and I was pissed because it was so painfull to go through.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited November 2023

    Ali, congrats on the new puppy. God knows my dogs have been getting me through this.  There's lots of good advice out there on housebreaking. The key is consistency and patience. What I've been told is that a puppy can hold it for 1 hour for every month they are. So an 8 week old dog can hold it for 2 hours. Herel's a link to advice from the Humane Society on housebreaking.

    dlthm: people just don't know what to say. they mean well, but they just want to say something. it's silly, but they don't know better and they don't mean harm.  my least favorite thing is when people feel compelled to tell me about all the people they know who have died of cancer.  i just want to say, "thanks. that helps so much to know how horrible my death could be."  that's when i think, what the hell are they thinking saying that?

    tomorrow i see my oncologist for the results of the ct and bone scan from last week.  i am terrified. everyone if you could pray for me, i'd be grateful.


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Thinking your have good results Gritgirl and I'm sending you happy thoughts.

    Can you have a little tipple to calm the nerves tonight. I go for my results a week tomorrow.

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Gritgirl - Prayers coming your way from the Bronx !!!!


  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Praying for you Susan.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Grit, prayers, prayers, prayers! Not to mention fingers crossed! Ali, hoping your news will be good too. Dltnhm, isn't it weird how we can hold it together through all kind of sh*t and then lose it so quickly? I get so used to going around the house with a naked head, my DH asked me today, um, don't you want a scarf on? On our way to the grocery store. I did, I just forgot to put one on. Guess I will have to get a bit braver about it. My hair is growing back a bit, and so are my eyebrows. Not my lashes though. And nothing in the nether regions or pits yet. Much love and hope most are enjoying the weekend.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Big time prayers for you Susan.  Crossing everything crossable too! 


    Aww, a cute little puppy. Pee pads weren't out when I had a new pup many years ago. What worked for me was letting her pee on newspaper then each fresh one I would put down I would move it closer to the door.  Each time she did it on the paper I would lavish praise and a little treat. Eventually she got the idea she was supposed to go out to do her business.  I think within 6 weeks or so she was fully housebroken but there will be accidents, can't be helped.


    You would think the first time you said you didn't find comments like that funny that it would have been the end of it.  Some people are missing the sensetivity gene and always will be.

    My hair is slowly, very slowly growing.  I do wear the wig when I'm out and its so hot.  The minute I get home its off and stays off.  I know there are alot way ahead of me but the Herceptin seems to be slowing things down.  I have a SIMA test this week. My last EF reading was 56 so it will be interesting to see how it reads this time.  Under 50 and I'm off Herceptin.  I feel fine though, no swelling, no fatigue, no palpatations. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Stressed out today. I don't know why it took this long for me to process what the docs have been telling me. Onc keeps telling me to set up my RO consultation. When I saw the surgeon Friday, and discussed mastectomy, I said, "I guess I won't need to set up that RO consult if I'm getting a mastectomy. Onc keeps telling me to set it up." So surgeon looked through my chart again and said no, I may need rads, the tumor was near the chest wall. ?!? Even then this flew right over my head until today. DH says onc and previous surgeon both told us this; apparently my brain fell asleep at those times. So now I am upset. I thought mastectomy meant that I got to skip rads. Also it sounds like rads can make reconstruction more challenging. I am so stressed out over this and I am going to call tomorrow morning and get my RO consult set up ASAP.

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    I get so pissed when I read these stupid comments that people make about hair !!! I've been lucky so far..but I am prepared for the stupidness.  I did have some poor SOB ask me what possessed me to do that to my hair and I let him know that 4 rounds of chemo possessed me.....and I did not say it nicely.  He was very apologetic, but I wasn't in a forgiving I told him maybe next time he would apply a brain cell prior to his stupid question.  One woman in a store actually just stood and stared at me...I've never been quiet and loudly said to her "what the Fu*** are you looking at?"  she of course apologized, but kept looking...I can't post what came out of my mouth next. 

    dltnhm It is what it is...we are growing hair back - don't let these comments upset you - fire something back !!!  We are compassionate because we know better ... the average person is oblivious to what we have been thru or what is going on.  I make it a point to be prepared and embarrass people so they think about how stupid they are!! think of it as doing a favor to the ignorant..we are educating the poor bastards!!

    Good god, I need an ativan now...maybe 2.

    Ali - I have raised/shown/trained  german shepherds for over 20 years..along with a few other breeds - if you want and you have any questions along the way - email me and I will try to help.

  • DonnaDS
    DonnaDS Member Posts: 23

    Susan   Prayers from Wyoming.  We will all be with you tomorrow.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Will be thinking of u tomorrow Susan. We are all with you!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Lots of prayers coming your way Susan!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Susan - I will pray for you....

    Christina - It is appropriate for you to meet with a RO, to help with the decision of whether or not to do radiation.  I met with mine twice, and finally came down with a decision not to have radiation.  But it was a difficult decision, and I did appreciate thoughtful consideration and input.  

    It is amazing, the comments we get,isnt it. I have a little hair growing in, its pretty short, kind of like a tight military cut.  

    So a couple of friends said they would call me the general, with my military cut.  I counted my wounds and told them that should be a five scar general.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I don't rember if we talked about the bath poof as foob for swiming, but if we did there is an active thread with pics now. Just FYI

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Praying for you Gritgirl!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Firstcall, I love that, five scar general.....

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    susan...prayers and a hug!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    posting this seperately so it doesn't detract from my thoughts for susan!

    we are moved!!!!! and i absolutely love the new place!! unpacked about 30 boxes yesterday-no clue how many are left! i am sore and exhausted and at work early all week -working from 6 am to 5 pm mon tues weds and 6 am - 1pm on thursday- off friday--working thru lunches to get my 40....have to take sweetie to a new ortho surgeon on thurs to discuss his failed hip replacement and the other hip that needs done- he can hardly walk at all and the vicodin is killing his liver! then friday i have tx #3....

    sunday morning coffee in my back porch room...ahhhhh was wonderful!!!!!

    not sure when i'll hook up home computer --

    trying to keep up with all of the posts and sending hugs and special thoughts to all of you!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    susan...hoping today's results are the BEST!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I like firstcall had 3 meetings with the RO before it was decided no rads by the tumor board.  She what they have to say.  I know it isn't pleasant the thought having yet another TX but hear them out.


    Great comeback!


    So happy to hear you have finally moved!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Susan, thinking of you and praying for good results.

    Lumps, glad you enjoy the new place.

    Lacy, happy you are home safe and had fun.

    Ali, hope your results are good too.

    Much love to all.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Back from my oncologist appointment. I call this visit progress not perfection. The cancer is not gone but smaller. And my doctor is cool about me taking a 2 month break from chemo. Thank God.

    Apparently she was very concerned that the tumors might have actually grown (she's seen patients like me where this has happened) so she was very pleased that things had decreased, although they hadn't decreased as much as they had at first.

    Btw, attended a talk on metastatic breast cancer given by my oncologist today. She was talking about the affect aspirin has had in cutting recurrence in cancer.  So I've added the low-dose aspirin to my daily regimen.  I hadn't really thought of this until today's talk.  Worth a thought.

    I really appreciate everyone's prayers.  I feel much better now just to have a break.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Well at least its something and not progression.  I'm so glad you get a break though, you need it big time.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Grit, while we were all hoping for it to be gone, progress is good. So is a break from chemo for you. Here's hoping you heal during the break and can start strong again later. .

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Grit - smaller is positive.  I am sure the chemo break will give you a chance to recoup a bit.

    Will keep prayers going your way.


  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Susan, thinking of you tonight and continuing to pray. A decrease in size is definitely progress! And you do so need a break. Your oncologist is really listening to you and I know how important that is and what a difference it makes to have good lines of communication with our medical team members. Thanks for sharing about the aspirin also.

    Firstcall, you are a clever man.

    Everyone thanks for your support. I just really needed to vent yesterday. I'd explain and write more right now but I only have my phone (which is wonderful really- but I am SLOW writing long posts.)

    Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I am thankful for this little getaway to visit with family. Got to cuddle and snuggle my niece's baby - just shy of 6 weeks - and also soothed him and got him to sleep twice today for her. Also just adore my nephew's little guy that just turned five. Reminds me of my boys when they were his age too. Just all around good time with the whole family here! (and even got in a run today - over 6 miles! Feel more myself when I can get out and expend some energy and get those endorphins to kick in!

    Wednesday is #10 of 12 of my Taxol so I am entering the home stretch. Now if I could only talk my nurse into letting me stop the steroids all together ;-)

    Hugs to all! Praying for continued recovery from surgeries, good meetings with doctors and surgeons, and clarity in decision making - rads, surgeries, etc.