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February 2012 Chemo



  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    So happy for you faith!!

    I am doing well. This morning I was a mess but once they put me to sleep it went well. Took out 2 nodes and both clean!!! Very relieved then the bmx and recovery. Good pain meds as the only thing I feel is a numb butt from laying here so long. Only 2 drains instead of 4 which is good news.

    Hope everyone is well thank you for the good thoughts and prayers


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jen, glad about the nodes, and only two drains. Now just get better. Also take the pain meds and stay ahead of it, it helps. Much luv.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I just had my first pt chemo rehab style. I walked a lot. Did a sitting kind of like an eliptical thingee. Now to see if I can walk tomorrow. Also had to take lomotil again today, still not clear from the D train . Gee, come on, day 12 after tx. Enough is enough.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Yay for clean pathology!!  Who cares about the other stuff as long as you feel fine!


    Happy to hear about no nodes.  Moonflwer is right, now is the time for healing and yes stay ahead of the pain, don't try to be a hero.  Two drains?  Impressive.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Jen - so glad to hear about the nodes :) such a relief. Glad you are doing well and healing

    Yes moonflower you have had enough. It's so crazy that you have that extreme - mine was always the opposite.

    I was able to shower, that felt great. Actualy supposed to shower 3-4 days to stimulate the fat grafting to take. If my timeline holds, ill be done w reconstruction in oct - 11 months after dx.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Faithhopenluv - so happy the pathology came back clean! That is wonderful news! OMG to pass out and pee...well that makes a good story to tell. You are supposed to shower 3-4 times a day!?! You are going to turn into a raisin! :)

    Jen - So glad your surgery went well, and lymph nodes came out good. I hope you are comfortable. :)

    Moonflower - can't believe you are still riding the D train. That is so frustrating. I hope you are staying hydrated.

    Feet still swollen. DH mad at me for not calling onc and reporting it. I didn't call because I don't want to take a pill. The nurses I work with suggested I try compression socks but they are $40/pair at Walgreens and I am too cheap. One of my nails is officially lifting; I can see way underneath it. Totally gross. Jen is right, it is so unfair how much this affects our appearance. I'm surprised there isn't a cancer treatment that causes pointy ears, and browning of teeth.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Now you did it Christine, I can feel my ears getting Sharper as I am sitting here...... LOL

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    definitely wonderful on the clean pathology reports.

    i had my scans yesterday. won't know the results for several days.

     my fingernails are a mess too. hate it. neuropathy and infected,lifting nails. great.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    ((((Gritgirl)))) nails and nueropathy, Like bc isn't enough to worry about. Yuck. If it were possible, I'd take ONE of your lifted infected nails on me. (Hey, I'm empathetic, not stupid!) LOL. All I can really do is keep praying and sending healing energy your way. Much love.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Gritgirl ugh.. Keeping you in my thoughts!

    Well I still feel mostly ok. Finally got the catheter out this am. Was rough getting up for the first time to walk to the bathroom. Wow those arms are sore if I use them, thank goodness for pain meds! My hemoglobin dropped a lot last night so the dr ordered a transfusion of a couple of bags, plus I have to stay another night in the hospital. Here's hoping the new blood really helps me!

    Hope everyone is doing well! Thinking about you all!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    Aw Jen that is discouraging for you. Am sure the transfusions will do the trick. You got a heck of a whammy....don't despair...wishing you a fast recovery!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hang in there Jen, and yes, it does hurt, but it gets better.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Whoa, lots has happened in here! I went away with the fam for a long weekend, and am still trying to catch up with stuff, both work and at home.  Major snaps for all the clean pathology reports, and I hope you recently post surgical ladies are doing well. Don't do heavy lifting! I think that overusing my arm too early post surgery helped cause my cording, which is a pain in the butt and has flared up again during rads. 
    Dipad, hope you are recovering okay as well--that sucks about your TE.  Have you found another RO yet? I should clarify my profile diagnosis--I actually had two tumors, separated by about an inch of regular tissue. One was 1.4 cm and the other turned out to be 2.1 cm. That .1, along with the one positive node, is what pushed me to IIB.  
    Gritgirl, fingers and toes crossed for you. I had fingernail issues, too; very tedious to deal with. it's thankfully nearly gone.
    And my hair is coming back! I'm at the strange peach fuzz stage, and the eyebrows and lashes are pouring in, too. Yay!  
  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Jen, I hope you're ok.

    Hildy, how long did it take for hair to start growing back. I want my hair back now.

    I've decided no matter what the scan shows, I'm taking a break from chemo.  My hope and dream is for a clean scan. But if there's still something left in there, I need a break from this constant chemo.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Lot has been happening with everyone. I rockin' & rollin' #9 of 12 weekly Taxols right this minute. On my iPhone so I can't write a great deal and have it be discernible by all of you. LOL. So thankful for those of you who have taken next steps - surgery, etc. feel a big hug. Sorry for those suffering with SE and reactions. Praying for smoother days for you all and clear and reduced scans.

    This has been a good week for me overall despite that big toenail finally conf off. I have had no pain or infection or anything and it's all dry so I am hopeful that it will eventually grow back and be somewhat normal. From last TH to this morning I ran 34.96 miles with Sunday off. I also ran a personal best this am averaging 9'40 on a 5.13 run. So yahoo!

    I am bloated and feel swollen and know it has to be the Taxol, steroid, chemo pause combination because I should be dropping something right now not feeling and looking all pufferfishy. Oh well, this too shall pass. It better.

    Hugs to everyone!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Dltnhm, glad you got a good run in. Grit, I can understand why you need a break. Hang in there. Hildy, my hair is starting to grow back. I ran a washcloth through it and it laid down flat. There was enough fuzz to see. My eyebrows are start coming back too. But its weird, the ate coming in in patches, not like filling in. Ow well. Maybe I can do an eyebrow comb over! LOL! And, good news, I think I have finally turned the corner and just jumped off the D train! Finally! 13 days post tx! I don't recommend that ride to anyone. Much love to all

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022


     i'm gonna say it's the steroids doing the bloat. i'm so grateful to be done with taxol. it did it's job but it also gave me neuropathy, is making my nails fall off, and knocked me down flat.

     btw, what was the diep reconstruction like? that's what i'm considering.

     moonflwr, glad to hear you are finally getting regular again. that's just a pain in the butt, literally. i have a very embarrassing story of that kind of thing from when i had my ct scan with contrast on monday. let's just say barium does not sit well with me and walking from a subway station to home after getting a mighty dose of that is not a great idea. next time i'm taking a cab. it was groooossssss.

    i feel like i've become an 80 year old man waiting to fart, belch, poop and pee my pants.  one thing is for sure, i do not ever want to be in diapers. ever.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Got to hospital at 7.30am, wire put in at 9am and boy did that hurt. 2pm they tried to find a vein and 30 mins later after me screaming in pain I was knocked out. Surgery took 5 hours and I woke to not knowing where I was. Then the pain came i was screaming so I had morphine, oxygen and drip till 5am this morning. I came home at 1pm today with one drain and codeine.

    They took out all the lymph nodes so was cut from back to front under arm. Also cut around the nipple, had 8 doctors doing the surgery and I was told this morning they were very pleased with how it went.

    OMG I hope this is the only surgery I have to have, I can't take anymore bloody pain.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Geez, Ali. You really have been put through it. Thank God for the pain killers.  Let's all hope it's uphill for you from now on, on to brighter days.

    This truly sucks.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, Ali. (((Hugs))) may you start soonest on the road to recovery. And take your pain pill to stay ahead of the pain. Don't try to tough it out. Gritgirl, I am 80 years old along with you! OMG, that is an awful feeling to not have control, and, I DO wear diapers. LOL. I hope now that the d train seems to have stopped at day 13 post tx, to be able to stop wearing them! I'm a big girl now! LOL. Still have to wear the pee pads yet, absolutely NO control on that end yet. Maybe the physical therapy will help. I'd hate to think all that pain and effort wouldn't pay off. Much love.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    gritgirl...  I am sorry but I am laffin so hard my DH asked me what was so funny. Your description of your subway experience was hilarious. Isn't it always  better  to laugh rather than cry?

    Taxol gave me neuropathy in my toes but it's not a big deal...the toenails are still hanging on for dear life.

    I hope all the SEs soon disappear for you and you can become an 80 year old WOMAN that farts and belches! :D

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906 glad the worst is over and recovery can begin.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Hi All,

    I am finally home!  So good to be in my own home but nervous too not having the nurses around just in case.  After the transfusion my blood counts got up enough my BS was ok with me leaving.  I have 2 drains and a nice pump of pain meds around my neck.  I am worried how I will feel once the pump is empty. So far the pain hasnt been bad.  It's been hard for the kids as they want to run and hug me and dont really understand why you have to be very gentle with mommy right now.

    Ali, you poor thing you have been through the worse of it all!  I hope you feel better really soon.

    Keeping it short as its still hard to keep my arms up and type. Hugs to all!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Geez you would think they would have given you something more potent that codine??? All that stuff does is constipate you!  Here's hoping it works regardless and that the worst is over for you.


    God love ya.  You've been through so much with so much chemo.  I used to brag to people that couldn't hold their pee that I was like a camel.  Since chemo if I have to go I have to go, no more even trying to hold it. 


    Happy to hear your home and with some decent pain meds.  If you're still in pain once the pump is done, call your surgeon and ask for Tramadol.  Its non narcotic and it's what I took for about 2 weeks post surgery.  Worked like a charm.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    sending love and gentle hugs to all of you!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Omg I was standing up and I felt very wet in my pants- I had wet myself WTF. Please tell me this will go away I can't tell DH or anyone but you guys.

    Woke this morning in bad pain so took the tablets at 5am instead of 7am. Have been doing my arm movements so far so good, I am getting feeling back in my under arm thank goodness. The pain in my back has gone so it's just under my arm where it kills.

    Jen- hope your doing good you have had worse than me, your very brave girl.

    Gritgirl- I'm with you on peeing hehe

    Love to everyone

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Jen and Ali  -  my positive thoughts going to you for a quick recovery and

    Gritgirl for good scans.


  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    Jen...glad you are home and now you can just relax a little and rest.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jen and Ali, now it just takes time. Give yourselves the time you need. It will get better, but you have about a week of Yuck to get through. Hang in there. Much love.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Ali and Jenn --- prayers for you both that your recoveries will go smoothly. I set up my base camp in the family room - recliner with a lamp table on one side and another table on the other side. I even had a chair there at night to hold my husband's laptop. All my meds were in reach and I kept a written record of when I took what and when the next med was due. STAY AHEAD OF THE PAIN! Believe it or not, for me, over 5 months later, I don't have this haunting memory of the pain - but I was determined to listen to my docs and nurses and stay ahead of it. If that meant setting an alarm so that I'd wake up and take the meds when I was supposed to, then I did that. My husband, bless his heart, also set alarms and checked on me a lot.I was also in the hospital from Tuesday to Sunday which seems a little longer than either of you - but with a mastectomy and diep reconstruction, that's probably why. And my surgery preceded chemotherapy.

    Prop the axillary node excision arm up and elevate it whenever you are sitting down.

    I had some button up pajama tops but decided to go with taking big cotton t-shirts, cutting them down the middle, and using binder clips to keep them closed. It was easy to access my drains (had 4 of them - due to unl mastectomy and diep) and easy to change if I sweated through them.  I'd looked into all kinds of belts and such but really pinning the drains to my top or to a lanyard around my neck was easier. And the lower ones from my diep either to my top or to my yoga pants. 

    Different pain meds are going to constipate you do having something to combat that with will keep you ahead of the game or help you catch up if you are already experiencing it. And DRINK .. DRINK .. DRINK lots of water.

    I know you both have different scenarios than I did - because my oldest boys were in college and my youngest was a senior in high school. The oldest two were back at college shortly after I was released from the hospital. 

    Take all the help that is offered (in the way of meals, exp.) and for me ... LIMIT visitors coming into your home, unless you really thrive on that. If friends can help by taking your children on outings and such that would probably be the best for you so that you can rest.

    And though you might not feel like it ... you do need to walk. Not marathons or anything ... but you need to get the blood pumping all over your body and use your muscles and walking will help you do that. Walk to the bathroom and then maybe around the inside of the house. Walk up the stairs and down. Again ... this doesn't come on the first day ... but you'll be surprised what you can do. Just don't overdo it :-)

    Hugs to you both ....