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February 2012 Chemo



  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    firstcall, I honestly cannot imagine how physically uncomfortable it must be for a man to get a mammogram. Not sure how you'd even do it. I hope it wasn't too bad for you.

    fielddreamer - wow, to be your age, working AND dealing with do you do it!?! That's awful that the lady is rude to you when you make a payment. At least you are paying what you can. What else can you do?

    gritgirl - crossing my fingers for you, that your scan comes out good...

    moonflwr - OMG that SUCKS about your keys!!! and $300!!! I hate how expensive keys are these days, it's ridiculous!

    Ali you have fun in your Jimmy! Sounds cool with the monster tires, what a cool momma you are! And that is GREAT about your hair coming in so fast! I hope I am so lucky. I can't believe you have an early stage cataract. That is crazy at your age. I had no idea all this could cause such a thing.

    melly - those are reasonable concerns about having your ovaries removed. I would ask those questions to your doctor. Being "womanly" is important! Certainly not worth dying over but something to take into consideration when deciding what to do.

    lumpy - have fun moving this weekend!

    Have not checked in all week. Summer semester started and my summer class is going to be a real bear. It's a good class, but too much info compressed into a short period of time. I think all my chemo symptoms are gone at this point except for my fingernails. My right hand looks like I smashed my fingertips in a car door, the nails are a mix of normal, red, purple, brown, black and white, and the nails are so sore. I'm really worried I might lose a nail or two. Hang in there, fingernails! I have my second opinion appointment with the surgeon Friday the 22nd and I am very anxious to go and hear what the surgeon recommends, and why. But I did a lot of research on mastectomies last weekend, and I am much more open to the idea now. I was very fearful previously about the lumpectomy - what if it was filled with cancer? A mastectomy sounds much safer. I haven't 100% decided yet but that is what I am leaning towards now.

    I hope everyone is well...

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Also, can you believe this is the first week I have ever dreamed about this cancer stuff? At least I do not recall dreaming about it before. Two nights ago I had a nightmare about my surgeon, and going for my second opinion. It was a bad dream; I felt lonely and scared. Last night I dreamed that all of a sudden I had hair down to my chin. I was so happy to have it, and I immediately went to the bathroom to shampoo it. lol

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Christina- lol the things we dream about.. shampooing hair like its never happened before!

    Lumpy- So so so happy for you!!  Enjoy every sunbeam and bird chirp you hear sitting on your porch!

    Ali- you poor thing!! I hope it gets better for you real soon.

    Extra prayers for FaithHopeNLove as I believe she had surgery today or yesterday. (chemo brain forgets!)  I have my BMX on Monday and super super nervous.  Keeps feeling a bit surreal but Monday will be here soon enough. keep your fingers crossed please.

    I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and Happy Fathers Day Firstcall and all the dads!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, glad you are coming to terms with your decision. Your dreams are normal, we all have weird ones. And the hair one seems obvious! LOL Jen, try to enjoy the weekend, Monday will be here fast enough. One thing, pleaded take your meds, don't try to tough it out. You will heal faster with pain control. Also it seems two weeks is the point at which you will actually start to feel better. At least that is what most of the BMX here seemed to say. Have a good weekend.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Thanks Jen - I'm doing well. Surgery was Thursday - I went in at 8:20, was out of surgery at 3 and discharged at 5. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm glad I didn't have to stay over night. I'm not having too much pain at all. My legs are the most sore because that's where they take the fat for the grafting. Drains aren't fun of course, but they are really light. Hopefully that means they'll come out quickly.

    Hope everyone is doing well. This is the only time I'm happy that I don't have hair since I won't be cleared for a shower until Wednesday.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Faithhopenluv - glad to hear you are recovering as well as you are. Ugh, isn't not being able to shower the worst?

    Jen - good luck to you on Monday. Please keep us posted on your recovery.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hi everyone,

    Well I've been in the hopsital since Tuesday. Monday night left TE hurting all night. Woke up with redness, really sore and fever almost 103. Boy this came on fast. Went to the hospital and was told I had cellulitis in left TE. Apparently this came about either during surgery or my body just rejecting the TE. That seems odd since I had my bmx and recon Jan 3rd. Anyway I'm still here on I.V. antibiotics and am going stir crazy. I'm glad I can go home tommorrow. Thanks everyone for your info on RADS. 

    Hildy- my dx is similar to yours. 1.6 cm. 1 node out of 14. Her2- er+. The RO called my hubby while ive been in the hospital and said she presented it to the board and they all confer not to do RADS. It could be because I have a history of irregular heart beats, which also increased during chemo. My plan is to get a new cardiologist and go for a 2nd opinion to a new RO. My treatment is at Sloan and I know they are good but it never entered my mind that I wasnt doing RADS. Anyone know of good RO in NY?

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    dipad - hope you are feeling better today. That is scary.

    Friday night I noticed my feet and ankles were a little swollen, and by last night they were a lot swollen, and sore. Still pretty swollen this morning. I'm almost 3 weeks out from my last chemo. Why is this happening now? Is there anything I should do?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, sorry you have this have you tried ice and putting your feet higher ?

    Getting the jitters about tuesday, how long is the drain in?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Is Tuesday when you get your path report results?


    That's just aweful with your TE infection


    Been thinking about you, good luck tomorrow


    I  had the same issue with really swollen feet about 3-4 weeks PFC.  It lasted for a couple of days.  I do take a hydo pill (water pill) daily for high blood pressure so it really surprised me.  I was more worried about my EF because of Herceptin but it resolved itself on its own.  I have my SIMA (MUGA) test July 3 so I'll find out a couple of days after that if there has been a reduction.

    Sorry to hear about the nails


    Thinking about you for a non eventful surgery


    Hope you're recovery is going well.  You'll feel so much better when you are able to jump in the shower.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Good luck to Jen for surgery. Grit, thinking about you. Dipad, I had a TE infection and removal and that sucks. It really does come on fast, I had a fever and redness one day and was in surgery the next day. Take all your antibiotics, you will be fine, lopsided, but fine! Chiristina, I had swelling over two weeks from my tx too, it went away, I kept my feet up more. Ali, you will be ok, the wait is the hardest. The drains can come out as early as one week or up to four weeks. Usually around two. Don't rush them, if they come out to early, its not good for you. You will make it through, the drains were my worst yucky fear. I am still on the D train, day 10 after my last TCH. *sigh* much love to all.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Jeez the D train still!!  You would think things would have "firmed" up by now.  Hopefully that issue goes away soon for you.  You must be losing weight no?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    A bit of weight loss, but as soon as this stops and my appetite returns, um, probably not, LOL! I have been very careful the last two days especially, so hoping this calms down today. I am taking lomotil, but ran out yesterday, and had to call for another script because I thought I would have had enough to see me through the last tx, but of course not, LOL. So maybe with the full dose today I will be better. If not I can call tomorrow. In the meantime, .I am trying to drink enough.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Tuesday is Lumpectomy day and I fear the drain and the scars.

    Going for second per- op apt tomorrow as first one was halted by the nurse.

    Collecting my car tomorrow packing my smalls for stay in hospital on Tuesday.

    Watching a film later and I think a very small glass of cold dry white wine.

    Love to everyone who is going through the pain of BC

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Dipad- I hope you are feeling better!

    Christina- I had a lot of swelling in my legs, ankles and hands.  I have read its sometimes common.  Just make sure its not painful, hot, or you have a fever. I keep my legs elevated as I can and it seems to have gone down over the last week.

    Thank you for the good thoughts :)  I have to admit, I am terrified right now.  Everyone says the anticipation is worse than the surgery, I hope so!  I pray for clean nodes most of all.

    Happy Father's day and Sunday to everyone.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jen and Ali, take a deep breath, and vow to put off worry til later today, and go and enjoy the rest of today. Give yourelf permission to worry later. That worked for me. Try it! LOL

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    dipad, i'm glad you're ok.

    for swelling, i'd say call the doctor.

    i learned my lesson. my nails started to show issues and i should have called the doctor. turned out i had an infection. oh, well. lesson learned.

    last taxol was friday thank god. now i get a two week break and have scans tomorrow.  everybody pray with me.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    gritgirl...we all pray for the best outcome for you.

    Ali...I had a lumpectomy and no drains and a very small scar....maybe 3" long. It all depends on what they find and where. Did the surgeon tell you that there would be drains? Mine didn't tell me anything other than I was a good candidate for breast preserving surgery. At that time I didn't realize it is also called a partial mastectomy. When I saw the paperwork after surgery, I was afraid to look. Later I remember calling to my DH who was in the backyard..."HEY GUESS WHAT? I STILL HAVE A NIPPLE"  Am sure the whole neighbourhood heard me.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    You're in my many, many prayers!!


    You crack  me up!  I can't wait to meet you in person at the Ontario get together.

    Jen and Ali

    The anticipation is horrible.    Prayers for both of you too!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Gritgirl, I hope and pray for good results for you.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali - I also did not have a drain from my lumpectomy. But my mom had one after hers, I think for about a week. I have no idea why some people have them and others do not. My scar is not bad at all, 2" - 3" and you cannot see it unless I raise my arm up. I've been putting thick moisturizer on it daily and it is fading.

    Jen - keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that your MX goes well tomorrow. Please post when you feel up to it, so we know you are okay.

    gritgirl - I am so happy for you that you get a two week break!!! Hoping and praying that your scans come out clear. How fast will get you get the results?

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Gritgirl - hoping for clean scans. You deserve a break.

    Jen and Ali - good luck tomorrow. I am doing better each day, and even the first day wasn't that bad. You will be so relieved when it's done

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Thank you all!

    I am terrified I wont lie.  I will be so glad when its all over because between now and then Im a wreck!  I took a long hot shower tonight and tried to imagine what I would looke like with a flat chest ( I am a D cup now)  Then I continued to wash and ran my heads along my head with no hair.  Then I got seriously angry.  I think it was the first time in all this that I was really pissed off at it. It took my hair,it took my energy, it is taking my breasts and it is denying me even one day with my kids.  I hate this disease.  and I hope when I go in tomorrow and they chop it all off that in the end I will be able to say HA! I got you in the end! Good riddance and never come back!

    But for now.. I am still scared.  Going to finish packing and kiss my kids goodnight again.  I will talk to you all on the flip side!

    /hugs and sunbeams for all!

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177
    JenH13 - I wish I could think of something else to say, but... you've got some spunk Laughing You will be okay Smile
  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    You have every right to be pissed off!  I know I am sometimes. 

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201 are so right!   I pray that you may be comforted at this difficult time....

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    (((Jen))) and (((Ali))) hugs for tomorrow, you will feel better once its behind you, the wait is just so hard. Much love.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    sending hugs and prayers to all going thru "stuff" right now.....

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Yes - thinking of Jen, Ali and Gritgirl in particular today. Christina, I hope your swelling is going down.

    I got my bandages removed this am. I wasn't too horrified, they fat graft the top first so I have like muscular man boobs. But something - the idea of her removing the staples, her messing w the drain, or whatever made me pass out and in the process literally pee myself. I felt it coming on but couldnt stop it. Felt completely fine once I woke up. But the absolute best news is all the pathology came back clean. Im so happy. I know it's still a long process ahead but today I am happy and healing

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Yay, happy for clean scans, labs, Faith! And sorry for the experience, nothing like waking u after one of those, whoopie! So embarrassing! LOL. Grit, thing about you today, hope its good news.