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Itchy left nipple

wilson33 Member Posts: 50
edited February 2018 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Hi, well after 2 months of continuos tooing and frowing to the doctor with an itchy nipple and given thrush cream, didn't work, antibiotic cream, didn't work, stronger antibiotic cream still didn't work I still have the problem of an itchy nipple sometimes round my breast.  the pain increases after sex and the itching is to the point where I want to get the cheese grater for a bit of relief! I am told by my gp that it is snothing to worry about.  I have no disscharge and no pain under my armpit but chronic back ache between my shoulder blades and that started the same time a my itchy nipple.  I am now  in a place where I really wish it is thrush but nothing is working am I right to be getting a bit uptight? I am going on ym third month with this and it doesn't get any easier in fact I really want to buy some sandpaper :/  I do get some shooting pains across the top of my breast from outside in. Can anyone advise or help my mind from thinking the worst? Thank you



  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2012

    Sometimes you need switch doctors. Have you contacted your primary care doctor? Maybe s/he had some ideas. This might not be a gyno related issue.

    I once had terrible acid reflux. The doctor put me on Prilosuc (prilosec) but it didn't work. He sent me to a gastroeninologist. Was put on protonics, did not work. was told to take more, didn't work. Was told to take it at night, didn't work. After about 3 months (lost my voice it was so bad) I called my original doctor back. He set me up with the head  of gastroentinolgy. This doctor gave me a different med. In 3 days I was better.

  • Banba
    Banba Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2012

    Calandula cream? Jojoba oil? Emu Oil? Don't kow your histrory or why you get the itch but these may give a bit a relief.

  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012
    Thank you for replying - so this could all be down to acid reflux? I sure as hell hope so, will take the meds doc has given me before for acid Cool
  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012
    Thank you for those ideas, I have bought almost everything over the counter and used coconut oil too to no avail, will try the ant acids meds doc gave me and see if it goes Laughing
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2012

    Have you gotten a mammogram?  Itching was one of my signs (although Drs say no).  Good luck.  I think Lago was just comparing her situation with reflux to yours with itching.  In that you may need a second, or third opinion.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2012

    Yes Adey is correct. I doubt this is acid reflux. My point is sometime doctors only look at one thing or have one solution. If that's not the problem you have or the solution doesn't work for you then it's time to move on if they have no other ideas.

  • CoolBreeze
    CoolBreeze Member Posts: 250
    edited February 2012

    You could be sensitive to detergents used in washing clothes or bras.  Maybe one of your bras has something that is irritating you in it.  It doesn't sound like it has anything to do with cancer but I'm not a doctor.

    I can relate though because after my mastectomy, I got phantom pain, which manifests itself as itching.  My right "breast" itches ALL the time, and I mean always.  But, i can't even scratch it because the skin is numb, and there is nothing in there to scratch but an implant!  

    I hope you get some relief soon. 

  • gramamuses
    gramamuses Member Posts: 440
    edited February 2012

    Wilson33, the itching sounds really miserable.  I would advise being procactve in getting some treatment that helps, and diagnostic tests to find out what it is or isn't, if only for peace of mind, along with relief of the itching--something is going on that needs to be addressed.  Good luck to you and I hope you get some answers soon.

  • Stormynyte
    Stormynyte Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2012

    The first thing I noticed change in my breast was my nipple got itchy and dry, to the point I was peeling dead skin off the whole nipple area. There is somehting going on there and if I were you I would keep bugging the doctors til they figure it out.

  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012
    Thank you all for your support I have been to see the doctor today and will wait now until next week when my GP is off for a second opinion. I just don't know how or what to feel I suppose I feel nothing. The strong anti biotic cream has given me an upset stomach and I am still itching. I will keep you posted and thank you for your support Cry x
  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012

    Coolbreeze, I have treid all of these before going to the doctor even had new bras, now I feel more comfortable without, my kids aren't too happy with the no bra situation, tried detergants and every cream possible I feel like a walking cream machine lol :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2012

    Wilson your GP might send you to a dermatologist. Don't give up. They will get to the bottom of this.

  • tyme
    tyme Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2012

    I had an itchy nipple prior to my DCIS diagnosis.  Get it checked out just in case.

  • angelsister
    angelsister Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2012

    Coolbreeze, there is a theory that scratching a prosthetic limb while looking in a mirror makes your brain think that the itch is being scratched, i wonder if it would work on your breast? The other thing to try is deep pressure and vibration or firm brushing across the area(even if it as at the edge of where you lost sensation) as these types of stimulation should 'short circuit' the itch type signals x

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    I had an itchy nipple off and on several years went away....then this last year I was dx with bc in that same breast at the 3 o'clock position behind the nipple...hummm.  I would ask for a diagnostic mammogram, or if you have it in your area, thermography which will show up red if small blood vessels are growing to feed a cancer.  It has no radiation attached to it so is perfectly safe.

  • flash
    flash Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2012

    Are you going to a gp, a gyn or a dermatologist?  who you go to makes a lot of difference.  Because of the REMOTE possibility of pagets disease of the mammary gland, you should often go to a dermatologist first, then after going through their entire bag of tricks, go to a breast surgeon specialist.  Why do I say specialists only?  Pagets is very unusual but also very successfully  treatable if found early.  It is more commonly found by dermatologists then gyn or gp's.  If you ever have a biopsy of the area done (and you only want to do it after you've exhaused every other possibilty) you want to ensure that it will be read by more than one doc.  Again, it's rare enough that often docs are not familiar with it.

    either way, don't give up.  Having gone through what you've dealt with, I can reallly relate to the itchy and the shooting pains.  Get it solved

    good luck 

  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012
    I am going through my GP as I tried at home all the usual things first before paranoingly going to the GP, thrush as you can buy stuff over the counter, washing powder the usual kind of things. So now I am going through her bag of tricks before going anywhere else.  I just want something done as the itching and now pain is driving me bonkers and I just want some relief but having to go with the flow and the time it takes to try creams on creams on creams but trying a different doctor next week to get a second opinion.  Thank you all for all your support I can't talk about this at home my hubby had it at 18 he is now 49 and his sister is having chemo and radiation so it is a sore subject and he also has a hernia that needs operating on so focus is on him and you guys are here for me -- thank you Cry x
  • Cjn5274
    Cjn5274 Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2012

    I had itching and shooting "twinges" for years in what turned out to be my cancer breast. As usual, docs said it was nothing. I would definitely have it checked out thoroughly. In my case, I believe my body was trying to tell me something.

  • mcm24
    mcm24 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2012

    We all need to be aware of these signs and symptoms. I also had itching and twinges in my chest and underarms for a few months. My GP felt my lymph nodes and did not notice any swelling. I was due for my yearly pap smear and mammo. My gyny couldn't feel a lump, but a mammo and ultrasound did. It turned out to be cancer. I think these twinges are what saved my life because even though I didn't want to run to the doctor with every little twinge, continued twinges meant something and finally got me to a doctor!  We women know our bodies better than our doctors and we need to be persistent if we feel that something just isn't right.

  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012
    OK guys maybe it might not be as serious as I thought as I need to take evening primrose oil and maybe amatriptyline.  This should help with the pain but because there is no lump they are happy with it not being serious.  So why the hell am I scared stupid? Who do I go to for a second opinion and if I do that  am I underminding my GP?  I don't know what to do I am beyond caring now I just want the itching and the shooting pains to stop now, so why is nothing working? Cry
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2012

    Dermatologist. As your GP if you can have a referral because you've had this discomfort for months and it isn't going away.

  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012

    Lago, my doctor is convinced nothing serious is going on and I think my friendship between the doctor is going and I am loosing faith in her. I will try these things and give it a month, but what scares me is if I leave things too long and it turns out it is, can it progress too quickly? I will give it 3 weeks tops and a menstrual cycle. The hormones seem to kick it off more and my migraines are killing me :(  7 days before hand then when I have my cycle :(  I am speaking to her later with regards to my daughter so will ask her for one then if no luck will swap doctors -- thank you for your ongoing support :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2012

    I would push your GP. Tell her that it's been going on for so long and  very painful.  You'd like to rule everything out.

    And I agree that if she won't do it then you should get a 2nd opinion. It 's not like she told you what she thinks it is. It is serious if it's causing you such discomfort. Maybe you can ask your gyno if s/he would refer you to a dermatologist.

  • mspradley
    mspradley Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2012

    I do not want to scare you, but please get a mammogram if you have not had one lately. I am sorry that I don't have time to read the thread all of the way through to see if this has been covered. My Paget's disease did not show up on the mammogram, it was found in the pathology following my initial mastectomy. However, my surgeon said that Paget's breasts almost always have either DCIS or IDC as well. Before you go nuts, remember that Paget's is extremely rare and for what it's worth, mine never itched at all. I would have your GYN check this.

  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012

    Ok I need to be more assertive, I about broke down in the doctors saying enough is enough, so thursday I shall seek another opinion.  3 more weeks of itcching and pain and disscomfort I think I will loose my mind, thank you all

  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012

    I am sorry I can't be more assertive - I got told off, told it was nothing serious and now my armpit on the left side is itchy and feel like when my arms are down I have small golf balls in the way under my arms.  My left breast has started to burn and it hurts but it is not constant pain.  Could this be just an infection I am so worried :( I don't want to naff my doctor off or undermine her by having a second opinion I am a wimp :( 3rd night of oil of primrose supposed to wait another 3 weeks and 4 days before going back to the doctors I am crying I don't know what to do

  • mizmarie
    mizmarie Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2012

    I had an itchy nipple with flaky skin that came and went - I assumed it was just skin irritation, and never thought to have it checked.  A few months later, I discovered the lump, which imaging showed to extend underneath the nipple.  I hope you can get to the bottom of this soon!

  • wilson33
    wilson33 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2012

    Is the burning constant or does it come and go I really am going to have to get this sorted but don't like upsetting people :( especially my doctor

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2012

    Don't worry upsetting your doctor. If s/he isn't getting to the bottom of this then you have every right to be upset, not him/her

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited February 2012

    Wilson..I just read through this thread and bless your heart.  It is so frustrating when you feel like something might be wrong and the docs dismiss you.  May I ask how old you are?  Have you had a mammogram?