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Does Breast Cancer Hurt - honest truth from bc patients



  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2015

    Have read many posts. What is always clear in my own experience and from others - if the medical professionals we turn to will not listen then keep moving until we have our answer and the best help we can gain.

    Does it hurt? Nearly four years out n after a head on collision that delayed me from my Faslodex injection by 6 weeks, after the injection I had bee sting pains in right breast, armpits and side. Off and on for two days. Then stopped. My oncologist said when the cancer cells die off that can certainly hurt too. In this case, I was relieved to feel the pain. Felt same as when cancer was quite active but undetected.

  • mzkae
    mzkae Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2015

    So I've been having shooting pains left breast behind the nipple as well as a burning feeling and pulling. My breast has also sagged down. I mad a appt for a mammogram this Monday. I'm only 27 and very scared. When I called the doc for a appt and I explain

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,801
    edited March 2015

    Hi mzkae, Let us know how things go after your mammogram, and hoping all is completely fine!

  • mtks
    mtks Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2015

    It was the stabbing pain that led me to the disease(ILC) and my inner spirit that kept me strong and wanting it to be RULED OUT with lumpectomy!!!! The general surgeon wanted to aspirate but I insisted for a lumpectomy.. It wasnt the lump that was bc it was the tisuue that came out with the lump!! The doctor told me if he would of aspirated he wouldnt of found it. Stay strong to yourself!!!!!!!

  • cmoore54
    cmoore54 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2015

    Thank you so much for your post about pain in breast cancer. I have been going through quite a journey with my breasts. My next appt is June 12, 2015 where the will do an ultrasound on a mass they are "watching".

    I have pain in both breasts, both breasts have "cycsts" or so they say. I had a 2 biopsies on the left breast, and they mass they are "watching" is at one of the biopsy sites. What really hit me was when you said the pain would come on during an emotional time, stress, etc. I work for a CPA firm and I had pain in everyplace that I have the "cycts", but especially at the "mass" site. I can't lay on my stomach cause it hurts and is uncomfortable on both breasts.

    Thank you for opening my eyes, because that's all I ever heard too was that pain is not associated with breast cancer.....

    Hope to hear from you...


  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2015

    Cheryl - I never had any pain or any sensation in my tumor, but there are many that do experience pain or bee stinging sensations.  Physicians always say, if it hurts it isn't cancer, but that is not always the case.

    I hope that the cause of your pain will in fact, be nothing at all to worry about!  :)

  • cmoore54
    cmoore54 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2015

    Thank very much, I hope for the same also................

  • Donotfear
    Donotfear Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2015

    I am new to this site/ forum. I am a 10 year survivor of IDC. My concern now is I had my annual mammogram 2 1/2 weeks ago. Got a call the morning after that something was of concern and the radiologist wanted more views and possible ultrasound. She scheduled me first thing the next morning. In the middle of the 2nd ultrasound it was very painful on top of my breast.(right one ) . This is the same breast that had the cancer 10 years prior. That technician said I was definitely going for ultrasound before she was even done with views. The ultrasound also hurt in the same spot. They found calcifications in a spot unrelated to the first cancer. These were concerning so within 15 mins of me leaving hospital they called with an appointment for a stereotactic biopsy. This was on a Friday, so first thing Monday morning they took 12 samples.,did another mammogram and away I went. Got benign results. Saw BS Tuesday. I was still concerned..He said I was fine. Later that night that same breast area that hurt felt itchy/tingly, so I reached to scratch and felt a lump. Hubby feels it too. It stings like splinters or shards of glass when I pushed lightly.Skin is sensitive too. The BS blew me off.Could mammogram s have caused an infection. Could all these tests missed something? Going to see my Oncologist N.P. later. I'm not playing games this time. They were worried about calcifications, and now I have a lump that BS said couldn't be because he didn't feel it the day before. Any thoughts? As I typed this my Oncologist office called with a cancelation. So I go at 1:00. I will be sure to post again with update.

  • MIGGY07
    MIGGY07 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2015

    hello everyone. I have posted before but I just stumbled across the thread.

    I have been experiencing breast pain (very painful) for about two weeks. Last weeks my period arrived and the pain reduced but it is still there.

    Less than a year ago I was given an ultrasound which came bk with a BIRAID 4. I got a biopsy done which came back as fibrocystic changes.

    Now i have this pain near the excision site. I went back to my surgeon and he felt a lump where I have the pain. He thinks they are cysts since they are moveable...

    I have an ultrasound tomorrow..

    After reading all these stories... My thoughts are going wild... Did they not remove the right lump the first time? Did ultrasound not pick up on cancer?? Can cancer grow so fast -- less than one year...

    Hopefully I reacted fast enough!!! I'm scared!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2015

    Of course you are scared. For me it didn't hurt but that doesn't mean because it does or doesn't that its BC. Everyone is different. I have heard that if it is moveable and not stationary then it's probably not cancer. Dont know if this is a hard and fast rule or not. Obviously only one way to know for sure.

    Good luck and keep us posted.


  • MeganBol
    MeganBol Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2015

    Hello! I am a 51 yr old with a history of breast cancer (maternal grandmother). Over a year ago I noticed a dip in my left breast and no lump.. Back in 2006 I had a begnin lumpectomy close to where the dip was showing itself so I chalked it up to that. For the past 5 months I have been experiencing an achiness and heaviness along with random episodes of pain and a sense of pulling in my breast and under my arm. I called the dr who sent me in for a diagnostic mamo and ultrasound, both were clear but radiologist recommended an MRI. Insurance declined to cover and appeals were denied. Here I am after 4 months, a visit to my obgyn and then surgeon MRI was approved. The day after I had the MRI they called to say the radiologist saw an area of concern and ordered a targeted stereotactic Ultrasound which is scheduled for this Thursday. I am trying not to project and fear the worst but I am scared. Drs and everyone always says "cancer doesn't hurt" but obviously, reading here and knowing someone whose cancer hurt, there are exceptions.

    So thankful for this site.

    Thank you.

  • LizzyBoo65
    LizzyBoo65 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2015

    When I had my follow up ultra sound the other day and told the technician that the area hurt a little she said that's good because it probably isn't cancer. I don't see why a cyst would hurt and a tumor wouldn't. It doesn't make sense.

  • Deannie58
    Deannie58 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2015

    Hey ladies. Just wanted respond to this post because I have had breast pain in my left breast for awhile now along unbearable at times shoulder pain. Went and had a mammagrame done got a call back today that they want to do two more test saw something on my mammagrame that concerned him. I never thought to mention the shoulder pain and the fatigue that I have had for awhile now. Thank you so much for this post I have learned a lot here. Bc does run in my family my mother lost breast to it and my aunt also has had it too. Deannie

  • linda15
    linda15 Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2015

    I'm new to this site...32 yrs old visited my Gyn in Aug with complaining R breast&nipple pain w/ discharge:/ She ordered diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound however, somewhere between referrals and Ins authorization I finally got scheduled Oct 13😖 My energy has significantly decreased ove the past 4-5 months (a couple months) prior to pain/discharge (Clear but brown/red tinged when dry on tissue) Has also been Grey/green. My pain now radiates to my back between my shoulder blades and nothing alleviates it:( I'm so nervous since I don't see much info on Breast Pain and discharge! I have two dd (19m apart) whom I breast fed and the changes in my breast I thought were from nursing! No lump that I can feel...also new is swelling R collar bone, I feel a MESS and so Extremely Tired. FYI back pain keeps me up at night😟

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,801
    edited September 2015

    Dear linda15,

    We are so sorry that you are having breast changes and pain. We are glad that you reached out. As many here will tell you, waiting for answers is very stressful. We are wondering if you have been in contact with your doctor's office to see if someone can advocate for a more timely date for your screening exams. Keep us posted. We are hoping for a benign result and some answers for you as to what is causing your discomfort. The Mods

  • linda15
    linda15 Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2015

    I didn't think to contact my Dr office! I will do just that Monday morning: ) Thank you

  • linda15
    linda15 Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2015

    My Dr. office got my mammogram date switched to this Friday at 1:40pm! Thanks so much for the suggestion:) I was so hesitant about getting signing in to this site because I truly don't have an answer nor diagnosis but I'm so glad I did because I'm learning to be assertive about my medical needs regarding my Health!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2015


    Sorry you have this super challenge. When I was in my 30's I too had a nipple discharge, surgeon removed a milk duct. It was benign. But as I remember, I was pretty scared by it all, since my mother had had BC a few years prior. When I was diagnosed with BC, it was found on a mammogram, neither the PC nor surgeon we able to feel it. I had a partial mastectomy in 2011. Breathe deep, keep us posted on what you find out. The gals here are GREAT SUPPORT, been there and done that so know how the waiting can play horrible games on our brains. Chin up..


  • linda15
    linda15 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2015

    Thanks Vicks1960! I hope for it to be something hormonal/benign but I can hardly stand my nerves and the pain. I will certainly update after my appointment this Friday:)

  • linda15
    linda15 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2015

    Hi ladies,

    I just had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound of Rt breast. No abnormalities! I want to scream and shout with excitement, only now I don't know what to make of pain & discharge??? Well, I'll follow up with my Dr. and hear what she has to say. Any suggestions?

  • vikilsa
    vikilsa Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2015

    I have had a shooting pain in my left breast for months, about 18 months. I am breast feeding and put it down to that, but when it got worse I googled and read on the nhs, that breast cancer does not cause pain. I am bits tonight and cannot stop cryng as its got so much worse and I googled and come across ths page that clearly shows pain is linked to bc. Monday for the docs seems so long away x

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,801
    edited October 2015


    We're sorry for the worry that you're experiencing, we know how stressful and scary it can be! The important thing is to try and remain calm and not jump to conclusions; while the members in this particular forum experienced pain related to their cancer, you'll find many, many more who didn't. No two cases are the same, so try not to base your fears on anyone else's experiences. We wish you luck at your appointment on Monday, try to keep your mind occupied this weekend and not focus on the pain. Hopefully you'll get some answers on Monday!

    The Mods

  • vikilsa
    vikilsa Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2015

    Thank you and yes that makes total sense x

  • Brookbaylor
    Brookbaylor Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2015

    I'm new here and was looking for some answers. I'm 49 yrs old, have had a complete hysterectomy and am not on any HRT. A couple weeks ago I started having pain in my left breast along with a small lump. My one main symptom that I'm having that is not normal is let down reflexes. I'm having them all the time. Because I have dense breast 's what is the best test to have done? I put off this year my mammogram due to my mom was diagnose with stage four ovarian cancer. I, myself had stage one. We are also carriers of both Brca genes. I am feeling a little scared, just due to the fact I have no moral support to help me get through this if something is wrong. I'm in the Tampa bay area, If anyone knows of good breast Dr. 's here.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited October 2015

    Brook: I sent your post to a woman on here who lives in the Tampa area and she knows more about BC than most doctors I have met. Maybe she can give you a referral.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited October 2015

    brookbaylor - are you looking for a breast surgeon or a primary care doc?

  • linda15
    linda15 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2015

    Hi ladies,

    I was so bummed to see bloody discharge today:( since having the mammogram&us with no abnormalities! I still had shooting like pain in my breast&nipple but no engorged like feeling and hadn't noticed any discharge on my bra (clear/stains like milk)...until today so I checked for changes and lumps (nothing) expressed the nipple, discharge but this time bright red blood...I also still have a subvascular lump that is due to a benign appearing lymph node (Soft tissue Neck CT scan) geez louis...😒😳😥

  • linda15
    linda15 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2015

    Feeling like my brain is all over the place! I saw my new pc dr today & he felt a lump on my Rt breast noted all my pain/discharge symptoms so I'm scheduled to see a breast surgeon on the 28th of this month (it was the earliest) He was also very concerned with the subvascular lump! This has been the best Dr appt Ever...he asked me about my concerns & he quickly then explained a plan of action which included a referral with on the spot approval & appt! I felt like my concerns were validated and I didn't feel like an idiot asking questions! I have good numbers on all the basic labs except turns out I'm Vitamin D deficient. He's also ordered more labs!

    Those waiting for answers and those who've been dx...what were your labs like?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2015

    Many here have donated . Thank you !........Wandering around and cheerleading again :)

    Donate today, make a difference directly in all our lives. By supporting BCO, we support each other. Thanks and Hugs :)


    Link to the mainboard donation page

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,418
    edited October 2015

    Does it hurt before dx? Well, there’s no definitive answer--it’s extremely individual and depends on one’s pain perception, size & location of tumor, and even type of BC. I can tell you that my own BC was a total shock--no pain whatsoever, nothing palpable, just an anomaly on an annual screening mammo. Only pain I had prior to dx was from the core needle biopsy, and even that was just from the momentary sting of the local anesthetic injection. But many women have pain prior to a BC dx, and others have pain from benign lesions (espec. fibroadenomas & fibrocysts). Never was a “lump-former,” so the only breast pain I ever had was when my baby latched on to my nipples like Jaws when I first started breastfeeding......and that was 31 yrs. ago.

    Does it hurt after dx and surgery? After surgery, sure. Extent & duration again depends on pain tolerance and type & extent of surgery. I’ve had more pain from the SNB incision & seroma (which ruptured last week--a very, very rare freak occurrence--& had to be sutured) than from the LMP incision itself (and the only pains I’m having there are very fleeting, from nerve endings waking back up)! Will find out in a week or two how I’ll react to radiation. (In my case, partial rather than whole-breast). And many women experience some muscle & joint pain from going on AIs (and to a lesser extent, tamoxifen), but for most, it’s minor and often indistinguishable from the normal aches & pains of aging. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so those with horror stories post in far greater numbers than the much larger group of women with minor and manageable (or no) side effects. Can’t speak about chemo as I won’t be needing it.

    As they say in the car commercials, your mileage may vary. And you won’t know till you hit the road. Don’t get ahead of yourself--live in the moment and let the chips fall where they may (insert additional cliche of choice here).