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Does Breast Cancer Hurt - honest truth from bc patients



  • katmandu1964
    katmandu1964 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2016

    Thank you so much for the response. I will. Thank you!

  • ag2010
    ag2010 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2016

    Hello all,

    I'm new here, but am hoping to get a little advice. A little backstory - I am not diagnosed; however for about 3-4 months I have been having this dull pain in my left breast that does not change with my cycle and has slowly spread to my shoulder and shoulder blade. The pain has intensified and hurts continuously now, instead of being a nagging sensation. Initially, I did not feel a lump but I scheduled an appointment with the specialist anyways. During the month wait for that appointment, I noticed a pea-sized lump that is most prominent when I'm sitting or standing. I hadn't noticed it prior to this because I had been doing my self checks while lying down. The specialist felt it as well and scheduled a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, and after waiting for a week I just finished that appointment and I'm furious. The radiologist said "we just don't see much there" and said that my breasts are very hard to scan because they are so dense. She blew off all of my concerns and symptoms and gave me the speech about cutting back on caffeine. When I mentioned that I only drink a cup of coffee a day, she continued to blow off my concerns saying that is a lot of caffeine and attributed my pain to that. I'm not entirely sure what my next move should be. I called my OB voicing my concerns and am waiting for a call back, although I'm not sure where that will get me because the nurse is the one to call back. I have a few other symptoms that are worrisome to me, especially when I look at the "big picture". Along with the pain, I have a crazy amount a fatigue (as in can't keep my eyes open past 7pm and feeling like I didn't sleep at all when my alarm goes off), body aches that do not get better with ibuprofen, a foggy head where I can't seem to concentrate well, a strange shaky nauseous feeling all the time, and I've recently been losing more hair than normal. While I was waiting for the appointment with the specialist I had labs drawn and my CBC and thyroid were all normal. I have not had my hormones or vitamin D checked. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

  • mustlovepoodles
    mustlovepoodles Member Posts: 1,248
    edited February 2016

    Mine did not , not did my sister's.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited February 2016

    Ag: I don't want to scare you but go to another facility and get a second opinion. To make a long story short, I went to Facility A. They gave me an diagnostic mammogram and u/s and found nothing. (I had pain in my breast). The pain got worse. I went to my OB 9 months later as the pain grew worse. He gave me another order and I went to the same place. They said let's biopsy it just to be safe. They diagnosed it this time and I went to another place to get a second opinion. They did MORE imaging….and mammogram and u/s and they did a much more thorough job and found more areas of cancer in the same breast. I wasn't sure why they were doing more imaging. The BS told me it was because their philosophy was one and done with regard to surgery. The first guy wanted to do a lx and rads. He would have either A) had to go back in or B) missed my other cancer areas completely. It does matter where you go.

  • JuniperCat
    JuniperCat Member Posts: 392
    edited March 2016

    AG2010: can you request an ultrasound? If they balk at that then you should certainly seek out another option

  • ag2010
    ag2010 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2016

    Juniper Cat - They did an ultrasound as well and gave me the same song and dance saying it's dense young tissue. I was able to get my OB to order more labs, including a screen for rheumatoid arthritis because my mom has it and it started with her when she was around my age. Everything came back normal, with BUN/creatinine slightly elevated. I made an apt with internal med to try to take a step in at least one direction, but they don't have an opening until the end of April. I'm annoyed and dejected.

  • trulyblessed2
    trulyblessed2 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2016

    Had two episodes of stinging, burning pain in my right breast at nine o'clock. The episodes were two weeks apart. I have fibro cystic breast disease so I dismissed the first time it happened. After the second I called a new GYN because my previous doctor had retired. After telling the md what I had experienced she told me, well you don't have cancer because it does not present it self that way. She examined me and found nothing suspicious. I told her this was abnormal and I was concerned so, she ordered an ultrasound of my right breast. Four days later I had the ultrasound done. The tech told me the Dr was in the middle of a procedure and was going to show her the results. The next thing I knew the doctor came through the door wanting to know what was going on. I explained while she was wanding my breast, then she looks at me and says that she saw shadowing, lots of shadowing and I would need a biopsy. She also ordered a mammogram that same day. It correlated with the ultrasound showing an area with ill defined borders and suspicious for malignancy, Birades 4a. Biopsy was scheduled for the next week. My husband took me for the procedure, the doctor did an ultrasound of the breast and said it was still there and decided it was fatty tissue. No biopsy. What in the world!

    Still in pain and suffering from mental anguish. Found another md who sent me to a breast surgeon. Biopsy today. Will let you know the result.

  • momcat1962
    momcat1962 Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2016


    Well, I will just

    I have a diagnostic mammo and possible U/S this week. I have had many years of "stuff" going on: lumps, benign lump removed in '98, blood in discharge twice, MRIs, ADH removed ( 6cm X 5 cm area) summer of 2013 on the L side. Now pain just below nipple on the R side that sometimes "zaps" to my tissue close to my underarm. Both Ns itch and R is extremely sensitive. Also, have some dull stabbing like pain that made me wonder if it was a heart issue at first but it's the L breast. That may be just ductal ecstasia stuff. This is an interesting thread. When I mentioned pain my BS scheduled a mammo and U/S. She is pretty thorough and doesn't like to mess around. I will update after mammo and U/S.

    Not to sound weird but my R nipple gets an area that draws together, thickens. It didn't do that before a few weeks ago Anyone ever notice something like that?

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited April 2016

    Trulyblessed: Since you haven't posted I am hoping all was well. But that's exactly what my doctor said to me "It doesn't present like cancer" And well, you can see the rest below. It makes me livid that doctors says pain isn't cancer. My own MO said it to me. Ugh. Please let us know how it came out.

  • Purrygirl
    Purrygirl Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2016

    I have had left breast pain for about 4 months now. Of course, it's worse before my period but that doesn't bother me. What does is the searing, burning pain that feels very sharp in my breast and goes to the nipple. Some days it seems like it's continuous and then days I don't have it that often. There is a cyst in the same area as the pain and a small one almost under my armpit. I have had cyst drained in the past (but not for years) and wander if it's just that. I do have an appt this Thurs with a new GYN Dr and wanted to ask for suggestions if she just says it's a cyst and I'm fine. What tests do I requests? I've also been told I have dense breast and know that my last mammogram was 2D not 3D because insurance wouldn't pay for it. Everything I've read, until this, was that if it's painful, it's OK. Now I'm beginning to wander. I'm just not so sure how to pursue this if they blow me off. I don't want to seem as though I'm freaking out but I am very concerned. Any suggestions would be great!

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited April 2016

    Make your OB order a diagnostic mammogram and U/S. See if you can get them to do a biopsy to put your mind at ease. You might hear over and over from the medical professionals that pain isn't cancer. DO NOT BELIEVE THAT. Sorry. Don't mean to scare you.

  • sandylo
    sandylo Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2016

    i had nothing at all before mine was picked up on my three yearly mamagram no lump nothing such a shock I have been discharged last month from the hospital but left in agony with all the tablets I've been on the first was arimidex never known such pain stuck it for eighteen months then they put me on exemerstane which wasn't much better for the last three years I've been on letrozole which is much better but got trigger finger with it however I'm not going to have it treated as it doesn't bother me just occassionally it pops up for around four to five mins quite funny my grandsons find it very amusing I have been told I just take tablets for another five years its the new norm now i was hoping to be tablet free and hopefully pain free

  • Overcomer1
    Overcomer1 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2016

    So.. That is what I am waiting through! I am small, with small breasts, and a few years ago developed a large, hard area on my upper chest.. Below the clavicle, inner chest way above an extra bone! No one seemed concerned.. All they did was an x Ray. Now, so many symptoms as listed here, I won't go on, but the main pain and issues are in my arm pit! And groin, neck, and chin. And now, 10 weeks later, migrating to right side as well. Everyone keeps thinking its a virus, but my breasts have small lu,ps, maybe glands, that hurt too..but I get shooting pains in my arm pit, and get woken up at night with my chest and back hurting. Seriously? I'm so irritated and fed up.. If this ends up being cancer, as I suspect, I will be a bit upset at these doctors!!

    Thank you for the advice and info, everyone!!

  • msdizzydolores
    msdizzydolores Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2016


    I've read this thread REPEATEDLY over the past few years, and I am reading it again because I feel something is WRONG.

    I s/e A LOT because it's a neurotic habit after finding a lump last year. And just last week I noticed a really small (and I mean SMALL) dimple on my left breast. Looks like someone took a knife and etched some skin off me.

    I examined some more, and then I noticed more dimpling at the bottom of my left breast...more like a weird crease on the left of the areola that extends the length of the areola...and then there is another dimple on the right underside of the same breast.

    I checked the right breast a well. There is dimpling there as well near the nipple where I have excruciating pain. Never noticed the dimpling EVER, until now. Pushed into one area of the dimpling and the skin never bounced back. WTH does that mean?

    You ladies are doing such a service for women who need comfort and encouragement whether they are searching for answers or need advice and words of wisdom.

    I don't know if this is my first post or not, but I have a lot of the SAME pain and symptoms in this thread, and my appointment with my PCP is tomorrow. I have dense breast and nothing shows on my mammos each year. I've been getting screenings since I was 35 since my maternal grandmother had bc and cancer is rampant in my maternal family.

    Last year I had a scare after showering when I discovered a lump while putting lotion on my breast. It turned out to be a complex cyst - THANK GOD. But the shooting pains, stabbing pains, shooting and lightening strike pains and throbbing are getting worse in both breast - especially the left.

    Now, a tiny lump that is so tender to the touch is showing up and hard to locate at about the I guess 12 o'clock area? (Is there a chart of where the most common breast cancers occur? I would love to see this..)

    My PCP ordered a screening test this year and not a diagnostic and u/s as she should, and she will hear about it tomorrow, knowing the history in my family and the problems I've had last year and with the pains I've brought to her prior.

    I'm even to the point I might just call the B/S who removed my cyst to make an appt. with her. Thank God for this forum and for all of you who care to take the time to listen to us diagnosed or not.

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2016

    Dolores, hello and welcome.

    Based on your family history, the density of your breasts etc, I would discuss with your PCP an MRI. They do better with dense tissue. Or perhaps asking your PCP for a referral to a breast surgeon, esp since you are in pain.

  • msdizzydolores
    msdizzydolores Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2016

    Hi Marie,

    I just left my PCP. She gave that old line, "Breast Cancer doesn't hurt so it's probably menstrual related."

    I had her exam both breast, told her about the pain I experience all month and it is NOT related to mid cycle or right around my period.

    I showed her the exact location where the small lump I can feel deep within my chest wall is and how tender it is and she told me to take some Naproxen and if the pain doesn't go away to come back, and she doesn't think it's anything serious. When she pressed on the spot I almost yelped because of how tender and hard she was pushing on it. I also told her about the dimpling, etc etc. Nothing rang a bell to her *giving her the side eye all the way from home*

    And then says, she doesn't need to do any additional screening because I have dense breast, screening mammos would catch anything and all of my mammos over th years have been normal or benign except for the cyst last year.

    I'm like, but that is NOT what the radiologist report from last year says and what the recommendations call for, ESPECIALLY after my cyst last year. They all for diagnostic and CAD. That is what my medical record says and the report. WTH doesn't she see that I do???


    Hmpfh, I did that and got blown off. I was going to look for a new PCP anyway...but this has prompted me to do so.

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2016

    Dolores, I think you are doing a good thing, getting a new PCP or at least a second opinion, I know I would if I were not satisfied. Keep being you own best advocate.

    Of course the "breast cancer is not painful" is a myth. It usually isn't, BUT enough women had pain with it that that myth should be killed off.

  • CrawfordsMommy
    CrawfordsMommy Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2016

    BC can hurt. Mine hurt. I had little bee-sting pains to start and it grew to an overall ache in the affected breast. I'm sure that not all BCs hurt but in my case, pain was one of the reasons I started to get worried and went to the doctor.

    A co-worker of mine was also diagnosed years ago and she also had pain in the affected area. (She went through treatment and is fine now)

    The lump may not be tender by itself but in my case, there was just some pain in and around it which was not affected by touching/squeezing the area.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited May 2016

    Well, as I have said, even mine own MO told me breast cancer doesn't hurt. I was sitting there like WTF? Do you SEE me sitting here?

  • 2911Mays
    2911Mays Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2016

    I'm so thankful for this thread and the honesty. Praying I'm one of those annoying worriers.


    April 2009- Diagnosed with stage IBI squamous cell cervical cancer, 4 months after giving birth and 2 months after a clear Pap, at age 27 (same age as my mom when she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, also 4 months after giving birth). Had radical hysterectomy with bilateral oopherectomy (removed everything including top of vagina). 28 external radiation treatments. Have had clear Paps and scans.

    December 2009- Doctor recommended "baseline" mammo. 5-mm nodule was found in left breast. I had a chat with God and told him that I was instating a one cancer per year quota so He would have to wait until April :) Ultrasound found "Scattered fibrolinear densities are seen throughout the breast. Several slightly prominent ducts in this area." Biopsy pathology: "Benign breast tissue showing cystic changes, duct ectasia and thermal artifacts with benign lymph node." (had to go back and look at electronic record because I gladly blocked this from my brain LOL) Had 2 clear mammos after, doctor said no need to repeat until I am 40.

    January 2015- Standard bloodwork to develop "baseline" showed that TSH was basically non-existent. Thyroid ultrasound due to my history and my mom's history. All clear. Added endocrinologist to my list and was diagnosed with Graves Disease and Thyroid Eye Disease. Keeping under control with Selenium.

    About a month ago, I developed what my husband and I jokingly called my 3rd nipple directly above my cleavage. Mosquitoes LOVE me so I figured it was just a bug bite. But it didn't act like a bug bite and has still not cleared up. Around the same time my nipples became very itchy leading me to lather them up with lotion a few times a day. Again, ignored because none of these things were red flags to me at the time. Also around the same time my daughter made the comment that one of my breasts was falling out of my bra (an already huge sports bra that does an awesome job of keeping the girls contained). I chalked it up to a bit of weight gain. About 2-3 weeks ago my right breast became very sensitive and tender. The pain would alternate between bee sting on the nipple to overall ache and heaviness like it was screaming for me to breastfeed a baby (obviously not the case). The pain is now to the point of requiring a heating pad and meds. I have scheduled an appt with my gyn because I am due for a refill on PremPro and that was my way of justifying seeing a doctor for stupid boobs. I'm trying not to be paranoid but also remain vigilant and educated. Appt is Wednesday and I'm trying really hard to ignore the pain and not worry but hugs have become torture.

  • moondust
    moondust Member Posts: 207
    edited May 2016

    My breast did not hurt. I just felt a thickened area. IDC 1.4 cm I don't feel pain as much as some. I just had an apicoectomy (tooth surgery) two days ago. Surgeon said pain would be about a 4 out of 10 and sent me home with Tylenol 3 and motrin. But pain is a zero, just a little swelling, so I haven't taken anything.

  • msdizzydolores
    msdizzydolores Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2016

    Hi Marie,

    I have an appt. with the new PCP Thursday, just in time to get a referral so I can see the new B/S Friday.

    I saw Monday afternoon. She asked me not to tell her ANYTHING. She wanted to examine me and see for herself what she could see. She saw one breast was smaller (the right), one nipple was lower than the other (the right) and she found the lump in the same location I found (the left), but was concerned and wouldn't stop feeling it compared to the other side of my chest. She thinks it's really deep in the chest wall but said she definitely felt it and wondered if it was just the wall, but wanted to be proactive because of my family history, but she stated she definitely felt something hard and round as well.

    She wasn't concerned with the "craters/dimples" or whatever you want to call them in my right breast. She thinks it could be anything like breast mass/tissue/elasticity loss, but was sending me for a diagnostic mammo and U/S with my family's extensive BC, gynecological cancers. I explained to her, I am very observant and I've had saggy breast since my gastri bypass, and I've NEVER had these "craters/dimples" before - they appeared in the past month or more.

    She couldn't be 100% sure about anything so she wanted me to see a BS as well. I have an appt with him Friday, and I couldn't get into get testing before Jun 6th for the diagnostic U/S and Mammo.

    I might try and schedule the same test at the hospital I normally get my mammos done at, but I am not a fan of the radiologist (both of them who are arrogant pricks who are dismissive. One I HATE WITH THE UTMOST PASSION. He threw a towel on my breast after examining me and walked out last year when he found a cyst when I was crying thinking I might have cancer).

    So maybe it's a good thing I got in to see the B/S this Friday and if he sees a problem and is concerned, he can get the testing moved up.

    The pain is getting worse, and the nipple is now retracting inward towards my sternum when I lift my arms. Something new everyday.

  • buttaflydiva
    buttaflydiva Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2016

    my breast cancer hurt as well. I went in for my yearly pap and told my dr and nurse about the pain, both said bc doesn't hurt, they could not feel any lumps but it was time for my yearly mammogram so I was sent on in for that. I got the call a few days later that I needed to come back for further test and ultrasound. When I went to do the ultrasound, I knew exactly where they would place the wand because I knew where I had been feeling pain. But still so many people kept saying bc doesn't hurt, you don't have anything to worry about, so i really thought it was not going to be cancer. The pain started just a couple months prior to my mammogram, it was just an off and on dull ache. but i am thankful that it was caught early on

  • CrawfordsMommy
    CrawfordsMommy Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2016

    My understanding is that the lump itself is not usually painful, but it can block other structures, impede vascularity, or press against nerves, and that's what causes pain sometimes.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2016

    Very interesting read here. I also had a sharp sudden pain that was so intense I immediately started to feel around my breasts and bingo after a good enough and hard enough prod about, I found a small lump. I took myself to docs that week and was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. I am not so sure if I would have gone looking had it not been for that one sharp flash of pain. I believe it was my grandfather looking down on me and guiding me to that tumour...

  • Katie1234
    Katie1234 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2016


  • Katie1234
    Katie1234 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2016

    Wow! The common thread in most of the posts I read on this site is that many breast cancer patients had to fight for their own diagnosis! Sigh. I have thickening, pain and itching. One screening mammogram and one diagnostic mammogram and 1 ultrasound all came back clean. Today I went for a thermogram (paid for by me, out of pocket because insurance does not cover thermo) and finally got a little bit of reassurance that I am not crazy! Two of the places where I feel deep lumps and one other place where I have a lot of itching in one breast showed up as "hot spots"on my thermogram. I realize this is not a diagnosis but I almost cried because I was so glad to see it on paper, so that somebody else could see it too! I've been brushed off by three doctors now and I'm so pissed off I could scream!

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2016

    Katie: Good for you for advocating for yourself. I hope it turns out to be nothing.

  • Katie1234
    Katie1234 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2016

    Okay. I'm going to do it tomorrow. I'm going to ask the doctor to look at my thermogram and Im going to request a biopsy. I have a number of worries about doing this. What if she can't feel my lumps like the US tech couldn't? What if she doesn't place any value on thermography, and just wants to US (again) and finds nothing? Or says it's just a cyst or something? How pushy can I be? Will she get irritated with me for being a hypochondriac, forcing me to back down? Ugh. I hate that I have lost faith in the medical profession. Remember when you were little and you knew that if you went to the doctor, whatever it was, HE knew what it was and he would make it all better? No problem! You just knew everything was going to be fine. Well I don't have that anymore and it sucks. Wish me luck tomorrow.

  • Ricktron3000
    Ricktron3000 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2016

    Hello everyone,

    My wife has a rather irritated looking pimple on her chest, I mentioned it to her when I saw it. I looked a little closer and felt the area around it, it's definitely hard and raised. It's alarming because it's rather large too, at least an inch to an inch and a half across. The mass is to the left of her sternum and seems to be on a rib bone or joint between the rib/sternum. It's above her breasts below her collar bone. She's also experiencing pain in her neck and armpit, needless to say we're alarmed.

    I don't know if the pimple is related to the mass of if it's just a coincidence. Not sure if it's a large cyst, abscess, tumor or what. We're going to set an appointment ASAP, but I wanted to ask if anyone here has seen a mass where I described it? She's prone to cysts and abscesses, it's just this is much larger than most and seems to have sprouted up within the last week or two. We're not sure, she said she hasn't noticed it before. I'm quite panicked but trying to hide my fear and be as reassuring as possible. Any info/personal experience is appreciated, thanks!