Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.

Kiwi ladies who need encouragment, but all welcome.



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    yea i tried to type it out and i got a head ache as i was going to  type it on here as well, but could not c it enough any more. so gave up, if you can interpret it  Alyson, you are are very clever. thankyou.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    Hey Ladies who felt that one? at around 12.50pm (10 minutes ago) Gotta say geo net is amazing

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    Gosh na, i did not feel a thing, they had one  in Turangi early hours of  this morning, 5.3. but weak., it is getting more frequent now in NZ everywhere. sign of times are really showing themselves. yep sure are. i felt that other one other night though. biggest i have felt, but have felt littlelies. like 3.0 ones. man i am quite hot today. phew, and last night by gingo, i don't know whether it was hot flushes or it was just hot, i know tamox cause night sweats.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    musical, i will go into that site later and have a look.  going out soon and have lady coming to collect girl kitty, then we have to go and get two Alpaccas and take them to The farm, the owner going to shoot them as he says they are agressive, so i am not looking forward to loading them in trailer. Yakes. could be easy or hard work. they spit when they worked up and one keeps attacking him. so we will go and save their lives, but if they too agressive, well ????? who knows.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    Awww sorry to hear that Midnight about the alpaccies. Still, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Its hard though.

    Tamox will give you the flushes  for sure. Did to me. I got them on Arim too but I think theyve waned somewhat.

    I gotta go and sort out my bros computer shortly which is misbehaving. 

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    we got the alapaccas from feilding, they were agressive to the people, one  of the alpaccas keeps  trying it on the goats and the owner would have to pull it off the goat and the alpacca and the owner did not hit it off, the male alpacca tried to do the dominant male thing and saw his master as a threat.  when my hubby went out to him, he is  used to handling alpaccas, these people are not, so had  himunder control in no time, to even cuddling it, they were quite surprised at seeing that. hubby, said you just to hang in there and do not show fear because they sense it. they at BIL farm now and learning now he is not the king of the castle, has to take place in the que. they will settle down. I would not say they are my fav animal, but i guess i would get used to them, i had one about two years ago, Alfie, i loved him. he was so sweet natured. anyway must go and feed the four legged tribe,

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    Well girls, hope you are all well today and everybody keeping warm, and had a great weekend. looks like a lovely fine day here in the Manawatu. hope it is like that all week. have a few outside jobs to do seems its fine, though its nice outside its still on chilly side outside. i feel very tired today, can't seem to get out of my own way, so maybe  go in fresh air and wake up abit. have a good day girls.

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152

    Afternoon Girls

    My boss is sick to day so what I thought would be a long day at work has become a relatively short one. So I am going to enjoy the sun. Hope all the shaking has stopped for you all, when I had a look at Geonet there seems to have been a fair few shakes overh the past few weeks and quite a few on the North Island! Although the knowledgeable ones reckon that we should be concerned, which is a nice thought.

    Have a fabulous weekend, even went out to the Manukau Heads which is a long old drive from Auckland but the view were fab. As we travelled along the roads I thought of you Musical, there were lots of Kinfishers sat along the phone / electrical lines. Then again as I walked along Tamaki Drive there were Kinfishers sitting on the lava as the tide went out. So they seem to be out in force up here at the moment.

    Wow Midnight I cannot believe you have saved a couple of alpaccas, but by the sounds of it your DH has them under his thumb and command. It was lucky that you were able to give them a home, I bet they don't know how lucky they are!

    Will post a photo that I took on Saturday. Hope you all have a fantastic week and lets hope the sun keeps shining on all of us

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152
    View from Manukau Heads
  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    That is a lovely photo hills and very peaceful looking, the alpaccas are doing fine, seemed to settle their differences, ratbags. they have alot of male alpaccas out there and females and 4 crears, i thinks thats how you spell that, correct me if not.  the babies are quite cute, like lambs,  the Llamas i find big and intimidating. thoght the four boys we have are quite docile and quiet. have a lovely arvo .

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    Hi all,

    Hils thats a lovely photo! Sounds like you had a lovely time out. Did you upload that from your computer or is it linked to where you have already uploaded it, like flickr or photobucket?  Orrrrrr how nice to see all those Kingfishers! They just tickle my fancy. They are such a hard case shape, and I love it when the sun catches their green plumage when they fly.   Cool  ! Of course I'm fascinated by that beak of theirs. 

    No more wobbles thankfully. We can do without ones like the other night.

    Midnight its nice that your Hubby handles the Alpaccas well. Theyre an animal I havent had any experience with at all. I knew they could spit when they get jealous, aaawwwww just imagine copping that lot lol. Yell . I reckon if I had the space, for sure I'd love one as a pet. 

  • kt1966
    kt1966 Member Posts: 1,021

    Hi. We're back from Tarawera. It was lovely down there. Weird trip down though- it was foggy all the way, just popping out into the sun in Auckland, Matamata & finally Rotorua, quite ethereal. The trip back was totally different, cold & crisp sunshine all the way- we could actually see where we were!

    Its always nice to get away for a bit, then nice to get home to your own stuff. Hope you all had good weekends too.

    Just popping on here before I have to get out & do some work- pot hole filling & tree guard building with hubby.

    Midnight I hope your alpacas settle ok. It really depends on how they've been handled. Ours are nice & quiet. I love to feed them out of my hand & they come for food, so pretty easy to get in the pen etc. (its spelt cria, by the way & they are so gorgeous I agree)

    All this talk of kingfishers, I like them too- we get them up here as well as kookaburras! Noisy things they are...typical aussies (sorry, couldn't resist- any aussies who happen to read this).

    Nice photo Hils, looks like you had a nice day. (I hate the convoluted way you post pkotos here or I would post some too) 

    I'm glad things have settled down for you down there Musical- I haven't felt an earthquake for years. I remember being quite terrified by them as a kid. 

    Have a good day everyone Smile 

  • kt1966
    kt1966 Member Posts: 1,021
    Oh yeah, I went to the GP yesterday & totally forgot to ask about LE therapists. I was so focused on sorting out stuff for my next zoledronic acid infusion... and my arm has been fine lately, so it went completely out of my head. I will wear my compression top today for the work I'm about to do! Hooray I remembered for once.Wink
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    kt, I bet your trip to Tarawera was neat. I havent been up to Mount T but my mums shown me piks and what a fascinating place.

    Hey, isnt it just like that. Unless you make a list its hopeless sometimes. Ive just got back from GP. He's looking at changing me from Arimidex onto Femara but I have to wait til next week, as the necessary people are unavailable til then. Im also waiting on a bone scan but the hospital is balking at funding but GP reckons it should be since Im having probs on Arim and I shouldve had a baseline when I went from Tamox to Arim 6 months ago. Theyre also balking at funding VitD3 tests. Have any of you ladies had these done, and if so, what has your experience been with funding?

    Ha I actually remembered to ask for a printout of my path report, so Ive got it but havent had time yet to look.


    All this talk of kingfishers, I like them too- we get them up here as well as kookaburras! Noisy things they are...typical aussies (sorry, couldn't resist- any aussies who happen to read this). 


    Smile  .....

    and ....Ooo I love kookaburras too, but awwww Kingfishers .... cute as Cool . One day I saw one wrestle with a blackbird over a worm, and the BB was going NAH! you aint getting it! and put up a good fight, so the KF didnt get it in the end, but theyre fearless birds apparently but also quite wary to get up close to.  

    Have a great day Ladies

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    Kt, the Alpaccas are fine, he went out into  paddock and they come running up to them, not jumping on two legs like they were to the other people. DH has not seen a single bit of agression in them at all, even the one who is supposed to be the naughty one,  he can get up to and cuddle. so i think these people were just unable to handle them. I think he is full of hormones and the sheep get like that too, just stages, but they are fine. glad you enjoyed your trip away.

    musical. the  kingfishers used to go fishing in my mums fishpond up north and swipe the odd goldfish. she had to put a special net over and cover to stop them getting in lol, little brats, and the blue herron was the other fish stealer. funny things i reckon, but lovely to look at.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    Musical, sounds like the hospital is bulking at alot of things. i am thinking of going to a different dept and getting a few test done. and pay for them maybe, hospital too slow and you can't get hold of them to talk to.  i would do today, but have a headache, so i will leave it til i feel better. lets know you get on.

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152

    Evening all ( I am sure that was a line by a policeman in a TV series many years ago)

    Good to have you back on line Kt and great to hear that your trip to Mt T was superb. Funny you should mention the fog, it was a bit like that when we were down that way about a month ago and we dipped in and out of the fog into beautiful sunny days. Very bizzarre.

    Cannot believe you are struggling to get the tests you need Midnight Which DHB are you in? I also think it is mad that you are needing to pay for your own tests Musical! This is the reason that there should be be a standard protocol for us with BC so that where ever you are in NZ you can get the same tests etc.

    My crazy GP wanted to start me on VitD3 because she had reasd something about it and BC, but did not think that it would be sensible to do a VitD3 test first. So I screwed up the prescription.

    Kookaburras wow - have only seen those in OZ and boy they are noisy. Glad we do not have have of those!

    Hope Kt that you did not go too hard out in the yard and you protected your arm!  

    Have a great evening and catch up with you soon and stay away from the boss has it real bad at the moment and alot of our patients seem to have some horrible chest infections etc at the moment. Avoid the bugs Wink

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    OK guys heres a quick rundown on VitD3 for those who arent familiar and/or those who want to know. I've done quite a bit of looking in to D3, (cholercalciferol) but Im a bit rusty on some of it. I dont go for "snakeoil" alternatives, and I certainly dont include VitD3 in this category. There are 5 classes D1,2,3,4,5. Its the D3 thats the one thats important. We get this from the sun and our bodies will naturally take in 10,000 IUs a day. Once we've had our dose our bodies dont keep on getting more. We also can get this in tablets but in NZ the last time I looked it was horrendously expensive if you wanted to take them as supplements and the only tablets at the time were low dosage, like 1000IUs making them very expensive. All this may have changed from when I looked into it though. 

    The thing is they are telling us to keep out of the sun to a point where its been detrimental. The fact is tests have shown that most people in the world are Vitamen D3 deficient. What is also very interesting is that there is a definite link between breast Cancer and VitD3 deficiency. Now the trick is to get out in the sun but DONT burn. Your intake is typically governed by variables such as 1/your skin type 2/ your latitude. NZ is quite low latitude and the sun gives us a poor quota compared to others of higher latitudes especially in the winter.  I do have material on studies done in NZ as to what times to go out in the sun and for how long and at what time of the year. When I find it I'll post up the link.

    So, my GP was VERY good with me on this and he listened to me and got me 3 tests all up and according to "them" Im now at normal levels and so Im guessing they wont fund me to keep monitoring my levels. I asked my GP today how much the test actually costs and he hit a brick wall when he tried to find out but is going to get back to me on that. If any of you guys know I'd appreciate you chiming in. Midnight it would be interesting if your GP is able to get you a VitD3 test. If youre interested in this you have to make sure you state D3 because apparently the test is different to just VitD. Also most GPs are unaware of this and depending on who you go to you could get a GP thats "co-operative" but more likely it will be the classic fob off . It really is a roll of the dice and Hils, like you say, some sort of mandatory standard applied nationwide should be what we have.

    One good thing is in NZ we have a tablet 50,000 IUs D3 called CalDeForte but you have to get it on Script. Its a high dosage but not in the toxic range as Vit D3 has a high toxicity range, but you most certainly wouldnt want to take it daily.

    Now, I had a blood test reluctantly paid for by the PHS (PublicHealth System) which showed I was supposedly somewhat deficient, but according to the recognized minimum range from places like "The Vitamen D Council", I was seriously deficient. So with the  mainstream medical people in general and NZ in particular, the tendancy has been to underrate what our optimum levels should be, or the range in which we should be. It was and probably still is highly disputed as to what constitutes the right levels.

    I'll dive into my system and dig out the info on some optimum levels. IN the meantime I would encourage ladies to have this test and certainly a good start to getting wised up about it is The Vitamen D Council Website. (Do a google) 

    New Zealand / European measurements are in nmol/L (nanomoles per litre). US measurements are in ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter) Many websites with information about vitamin D use ng/ml.


  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152

    Good info Musical, I certainly can understand the reason for taking vit D3 and the key reason for my screwing up my prescription was because I felt that the prescription should not have been given with out doing a baseline test! I felt my GP was just doing something on the spur of the moment and she felt it was the only thing she could prescribe to help me with my breast cancer. Which in my eyes is not good enough! Sorry for my rant

    As for finding out the costs of tests you could probably go directly to one of the labs and find the costs (Diagnostic Medlabs) I know that I have paid for tests before directly with them. But you probably would need to have the test prescribed for you. See link below

    Brrrrrr it is a cold one, keep warm

  • kt1966
    kt1966 Member Posts: 1,021

    Interesting stuff about the D3, Musical & Hils. My onc has me taking 50,000IU monthly (cholecaliferol), but I have no idea what my levels are as it has never been tested. Yet another thing I could have asked my GP to do the other day- I just had to have a blood test to check calcium & renal function prior to the z.a. infusion in August...

    Mine is mainly for bone health, as I was osteopenic prior to starting zoladex & letrozole. I do wonder sometimes if all this is worth it- putting all these chemicals into my body on the off chance that the BC will come back! I just want to be back to normal, eating healthily & not putting 'unnatural' things in my body. I certainly feel older & creakier on these drugs.

    Our work outside went well yesterday and I don't have a sore arm! I guess the compression top did its job. I'm enjoying these crisp clear days, but its very hard to get out of bed in the morning...

    Have a nice day all :3 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    kt thats GREAT you taking that monthly. Us BC people are especially at risk and it is my view that this is one thing that is very beneficial. If it were me, I wouldnt panic at all but I would certainly be pushing to have that blood level checked. Doses of 1 month are deemed as a maintanence dose as far as I can remember. Of course it is every persons choice as to what they want to do, when others of us presents info. Each of us has to check out for ourself and weigh up the pro's and cons. I managed to get my great GP to allow me to have my 50,000IU tab every 2 weeks. Well at first it was to be only be over winter but that sorta extended to over summer as well. (lol guess who's not complaining Wink )  The other factor to take into account, as is the case with me with LE and all, that we need to watch it when we are out in the sun because of LE and some drugs cause photosensitivity and you are told to keep sunlight to a minimum.

    Hils, thankyou for the link. You had every right to screw it up (the script) . It doesnt mean though that you cant go back if you wanted to and start again, armed with what you have looked into. If it were me I would be looking at that baseline test to see how you are. Tamox et al has taken the corners off my memory and I have to constantly check notes and stuff or I just lose track of all the dramas and when they happened. I cant remember if I got checked prior or what. All I know was I wanted to get on it ASAP with the research Id done, and trust me, I'm very wary of  'snakeoil' offerings. 

    When Im done here I'll go and look in my notes and stuff and find out what NZ deemed as optimum levels as opposed to what other reputable places are saying. I know theres some NZ places saying "they" are considering that our optimum levels are too low and need revision.

    I have to say there is MUCH interesting and legit info that is exposing much that is wrong with things like our food supply.  It comes down to plain common sense in some cases. Another hot topic with me is soy. Better not get started on that .....well yet.... another one is plastics and the "environmental estrogens" they leach into our system. Theyre everywhere poisoning us, and again I say, trust me, I aint green. Neither do you have to be green to see the absolute insidious danger in GE stuff. Anyway, is it any wonder not only breast cancer but other cancers as well, are of epidemic proportions? ANyone see sometime last year they had in the news about KIDS in America very very young like 6 or something, hitting puberty. Little boys growing breasts.

    The article I was talking about as far as studies go regarding latitude and seasons is from  "Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association, 21-September-2007, Vol 120 No 1262  "

    It is called ....

    "Seasonal variation in vitamin D levels in the Canterbury, New Zealand population in relation to available UV radiation  "

    Heres an excerpt off some notes on my computer, and  those numbers and what they mean.... Oh and I might point out that Vit D is actually a hormone not a vitamin. It is better practice to name articles in which one quotes from, but these were excerpts I typically paste in from here and there. Still, if anyone wants the source they can just google a salient sentence. 

    Vitamin D
    A prohormone that behaves similar to a steroid in that it binds to a receptor and has a regulatory effect on gene expression. Vitamin D plays an important role in: the maintenance of several organ systems, bone formation and mineralization, and the control of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Vitamin D also performs immunosuppressive and anti-tumor functions and is vital for the maintenance of the blood/brain barrier. The term vitamin D also refers to vitamin D metabolites and synthetically-derived vitamin D analogues.
    Different forms of vitamin D:
    Vitamin D1: molecular compound of ergocalciferol and lumisterol (1:1 ratio).
    Vitamin D2: ergocalciferol or calciferol (made from ergosterol).
    Vitamin D3: cholecalciferol (made from 7-dehydrocholesterol). Vitamin D3 is real vitamin D. All other compounds are either metabolic products or chemical modifications.
    Vitamin D4: dihydrotachysterol 22,23-dihydroergocalciferol.
    Vitamin D5: sitocalciferol (made from 7-dehydrositosterol).


  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    I am in the one, something about coast health board, Manawatu, they are so slow at getting back, i donot know if i can actually ring oncology and make an appointment or not or i have to go thru GP to see anybody, i was told i would see somebody six monthly by the radiation onco, like a warrant of fittness thing, every six months, unless they consider the mamo as my six month check. but that is not seeing them and be able to discuss issues and ask questions etc. I would like them to explain report to me etc those things. but if i have to go to gp, well so be it. Abit  like the goverment, many promises made, but keeping them is another matter lol. this will happen, we willl do this, we will look after you, and you will have an automatic follow up every six months, yea right. oh well i guess, we do have free health care, so should not complain.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    Midnight....big hugs. Hang in there. Yeah 'the system' is full of red tape, and lol, I remember my sister saying not only about the health system but right across the board of officialdom, something like, "you cant get a straight answer from anyone, anywhere about anything at anytime." For sure theres a lot of chasing your tail, and I think where a lot of confusion happens is not only the lack of cohesion between the departments, but the dovetailing of the departments...... meaning, where one ends and another begins, is anybodys guess Undecided . As such, to try and pin down who is responsible for what is a logistical nightmare!!!!

    Hey Im sure you should be able to ring someone without having to go to your GP. What about having a look in your pamphlets and booklets to get in touch with the Cancer Support group/s. You could ring them and state what you are trying to find out/do, and they will probably tell you what to do or who to get a hold of. In some cases your GP might be better able to discuss certain things, but there are support groups out there. 

    As far as that report goes, Im sort of in the same boat, and my GP who is great, still cant show me what it all means. When I get time I will be digging and finding out.

    Big hugs again.


  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    yes, i think  so musical. am waiting for the sky guy to come, the new mysky machine is faulty, went to put it on yesterday and it would not  start. did all the things they told us to do, but only red light there and will not move or start or go on, he supposed to be here between one and 2, well it nearly two, they dont rush when they got do fix something, but when we are upgrading they are there on the spot, lol funny that.   i have locked the dogs in bathroom as they are pain when  tradesmen are here and they are getting pretty annoyed as i thought he would be here earlier. oh well.

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152

    Hope that things get sorted for you Midnight, great advice by Musical. Lets hope someone tells you what you want to know and that your MySky is now working and the dogs have been released from the bathroom Laughing

    Great to hear that your arm was OK after all the yard work kt, the weather is definately a bonus at the moment. Forgot to say I totally agree re uploading photos on here, it is very tricky, I tend to copy the photos from my facebook account and then paste them on here and it seems to work. Have tried other ways to do this and failed each time

    Great info re D3 Musical, I will definately go back to my GP at some stage and ask about my D3 levels and then make a decision. I agree it is definately worthwhile, it is just that my GP only gave me a script for 3 months and did not check my baseline before prescibing. So I was not sure it was a good option for me at this time. I totally agree there is no right or wrong decision and you have to weigh up all of your information.

    As for GE crops and all the drugs crop / meat producers are using such as hormones and antibiotics is very scary and you can really see how it is screwing up our health. Not good.

    Looks like the good weather is going to stay with us for the rest of the week. I now have Friday off work and cannot wait. Big hugs to you all and speak soon

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    I got a ring from Hospital about an appointment that i had in march to do with cervical end of things, when they did the smear, they noticed a red patch on cervix and it bled at touch of a gentle prod and she booked me into see a gyny and this morning i got a ring to say that they had a cancellation and i am in at 3. oh i hate these things. I am going to take my path form and see if he can give me an insight of what status i am, he is bound to have it in his notes though, i am scared. hubby will be with me, so i am now going to have a shower now and get going with things. talk to you soon.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    OH midnight I hope you will be alright! Please let us know how it goes. Im thinking of you. My mums in hospital and Im going over tonight but dont know what time.

    Big hugs


  • kt1966
    kt1966 Member Posts: 1,021

    Hi. Midnight I hope your appointment with the gyny went well. And Musical, hope your Mum is ok too. (thanks for the info re D3)

    Enjoy your day off tomorrow Hils, I hope we get some more sun before that rain is due.

    I've been outside catching up with jobs that need to be done in the dry. I wore my compression top but my arm is tingling now so I may have overdone it. I'll put my sleeve on in a minute & do some of those special exercises.

    Take care all Smile 

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    Thanks everything ok, i can breath again. the gyny was talking about the actual cervix and said, how they managed to get a smear of a cervix like that was astonishing. hubby did not think it was very professional, gyny was talking to the nurse, saying this DH  said, he could of said that out of ear shot of us and when i was having the BC treatment, they made alot of points of refering to me is having big boobs, yea they are not small, ther are not huge either, makes one a little self consious, you feel like abit of a freak really, i know they don't mean to be insulting and just saying what they see. so i am just abit peeved with them  there i guess at the Hospital.

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152

    Great to hear all is OK Midnight re the gyny appointment, that must be a big worry off your mind. That is so unprofessional by the nurse and the Gyny Doc, you feel like saying something about them like that Doc is ............... or that nurse is .................. But then on the other hand to wrongs don't make a right.

    Sorry to hear about your Mum Midnight hope she is doing well

    Kt your poor arm, you must try and not overdo it - although it is typical that you never know you have overdone it until it is too late. Bloody typical

    Hope everyone else is good and keeping out of mischief. Looking forward to my day off tomorrow and hopefully enjoying some sun if it can find its way throught the clouds. Take care