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Weekly Taxol group



  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    whoops, cut and pasted from another thread and then forgot to finish my thoughts. It is an absolutley gorgeous day here and i made myself go for a walk.  Glad I did.  It might be my imagination but the tingling in my feet seems a little better after some exercise.  

    I wish everyone a low side effects day! 

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    Jpmomof3, I totally get this......I also get dark and moody days 3and4; I'm just so darned glad to not be doing A/C. I keep waiting for the neuropathy to hit....glad you mentioned it hit a little after tx10, as I will still stay diligent. Taxol # 5 for me Monday!

  • ladyfighter
    ladyfighter Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2012

    (i copied and paste from other thread thought it was this one! My mistake! )

    last thurs taxol/herceptin #4 ok so far, little achy to this day.

    However, last week it felt as if i had vertigo. when i start to wake up, i turn my head to left on my pillow i had a room spinning dizzy! but when i turn back to right it stopped.. scary!!! but when i am standing, it was ok, just dull dizzy. and it was more on last tuesday & wed. so on thursday saw oncologist for blood work on WBC before infusion. I told him. he said it is either vertigo (by nature) or nerve (by chemo SE). He checked my ears, no infections in sight. So he precribed me something for vertigo, i havent picked it up yet. This morning, i turn on my pillow to left to see if vertigo still there, it was fine for like 10 minutes then it came back. Other than this, I feel fine. no pains, little achy, no numbs/tingling on feet/hands (whew!, so far)..Soooo who knows!!! 

    FYI, I had vertigo like 10 years ago for one day. 

    I hope everyone is having good and none SE!

    One question. When I had lumpectomy in Jan, I was NED with all the tests mri, scan, bone scan, etc (in Argentina). So I am wondering do I need to do radiation?? I thought radiation is to kill the remaining cancer? no? I was gonna ask my MO last Thurs, but forgot, so will see him again in 3 weeks and will ask him that. What do you think? My BS/PS (same dr) in argentina removed tumor and surrounding I had clear margin, and no nodes. I think I wanted to get out of doing radiation! but do you think it is wise to do radiation?? I have HER2+

    Thanks xoxox

  • ladyfighter
    ladyfighter Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2012

    Oh and, during A/C I had to take neupogen everyday 7 days in a row every after A/C But with taxol/herceptin, my MO said no neupogen! I was like eeek! scared but so far first 4 of 12 treatments of taxol/herceptin (without neupogen) my WPB is fine! whew! but sure glad to get out of doing neupogen because i had to drive to hosptial everyday 7 days in row to get injection that! what a PAIN! and again, neupogen didnt give me any pains at all even without clartins

    Speaking of clartins, I took clartins-D on the morning of treatment on taxol instead of benadryl two times in a row with no problems, no reactions. I am so happy because i dont like benadryl at all.

    Hugs to you all

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Ladyfighter, that is almost certain just plain old vertigo since it is triggered so clearly with head movements.  that will likely go away on its own soon!  Glad that your white counts are holding steady on the herceptin/taxol, keep it up! While oncologist knows you best, the radiation kills any small cells of cancer that may have escaped detection just like the chemo.  Your doctors should be able to give you statistics based on your type of BC to tell you what the benefit is to your recurrence and survival rates.  You are in good shape based on your info there but they are likely recommending it for good reason. but It is always a good idea to ask them directly though, they can reassure you that you are making the right decision.  ask ask ask!  there is never too much information...

    Sissydi, yeah, i have to count myself lucky that i have had no neuropathy symptoms at all before the 10th  dose and that they are mild.  There are many who have more trouble.  I will get through it as will you all!

  • hopeful123
    hopeful123 Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2012

    I know how you feel jpmomof3. This is time for you to take care of yourself. You are nearly there, just two more weeks.

    I feel bad about not being able to spend time with the kids too. What's frustrating for me is that I have Tx through summer. My last taxol will be in first week of Sept. so can't do much with the kids. But I keep telling myself this will be done and I hope to be back to being myself soon.

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Well I am happy to report that most of my tingling has gone in my feet. There is just the mild feeling that my sensation is not quite normal. Maybe the beer and pizza helped. My energy levels improve as I get further from my last treatment. I have a feeling I am going to feel really great a few weeks after the last taxol is done. I don't relly remember what normal feels like, but I will bet it feels great. I am 8 days from taking my last dose.

    Hopreful, it is temporary. I wear out sooner than I like but I had a good day with the kids today. There will be plenty of good days this summer even on taxol.

  • HoustonChemo
    HoustonChemo Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2012

    Starting Taxol with Herceptin on Monday.  Will be weekly for 12 weeks and then 12 weeks (4 infusions, three weeks apart) of FEC with continued weekly herceptin.  Anyone else on this schedule?? 

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2012

    Hi Everyone:   Thought i'd give you an idea of my experience with Taxol.  I just finished weekly dose # 11 (out of 12) on Thursday. Although easier than A/C, I developed SE's after dose # 6 that have continued to this day:  overwhelming exhaustion and weakness, bad taste in mouth,  nothing tastes good, and mild neuropathy in hands and feet.  These SE's have not lessened any at all but I expect they wlll after I am finished totally.   So, if you do have problems, know that you are not alone.   Also, although I had a LMX, i will have radiation due to lymph node involvement.  My understanding from my surgeon was if you have a choice and choose lumpectomy, you ALWAYS have to have radiation.  That was from my MO.  Others might be different.  Best wishes to you all.  (I thought I'd never make it thru these 12 weeks but the end is in sight!  yay!)

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    That's encouraging Dreamer! I go for #5 tomorrow, and it feels like its never going to end. I've definitely noticed more fatigue than last treatment......I should be feeling pretty good today, but feel like I could go back to bed.

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    Welcome Houstonchemo!

  • hopeful123
    hopeful123 Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2012

    Houstonchemo- I start weekly taxol for 12 weeks with herceptin on Tuesday. So will be right behind you. I did 4xAC before this.

  • hopeful123
    hopeful123 Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2012

    Jpmom- thanks. I hope so too. I just have to figure out the pattern if any for the Taxol.

    Good luck with your treatments tomorrow Sissydi, jpmom and housronchemo.

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    Thanks hopeful! Let us know how you do on Tuesday; I'll be thinking about you :)

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    I am in the BGC for my 11th of 12. Sounds like Borg name if anyone is geeky enough to know what a Borg is. Getting the Benadryl fog brain now. My feet aren't tingling at all today. I know it will come back worse this time but since I am this far along I am hopeful that the neuropath will disappear quickly. I was almost glad to come up here. I work in a clinic down stairs from where I get chemo so it is very convenient. I worked up until my chemo appointment. We were so busy today that I was happy to escape. It is peaceful up here. The weird thing is I may actually miss this two hours of peace and quiet in a way. I get to play my words with friends and scrambles. If anyone is geeky enough to play those games and wants to join me for a game lemme know and I will give you my game name!

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    I'll do words with friends with ya! Message me your user name, and I'll find ya!

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    Just finished my 5th tx today! Still in Benadryl fog! Lol! Even with that, no sleep for me tonight......Decadron rush too. Weird combo of feelings.......halfway through next week!

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    If anybody else would like to play Words with Friends with me, my user name is sissydi4!

  • hopeful123
    hopeful123 Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2012

    You guys have too much fun. I just end up watching TV or talking to my DH. Tomorrow is a very long day. Blood work and echo in the morning and infusion late afternoon, they usually make me wait for a few hours for port access and a few more hours for infusion. They are very slow in getting started. So will probably be done around 7.00 :(

    Will post on Wed to let every know how it went.

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    Thinking of you hopeful!

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Tired but got the decadron energy, time for ambien. Hopefully will get 5 or 6 hours of sleep to get me through work tomorrow. That's a long day Hopeful, will think of you too. GoodNight ladies!

  • lollypop59
    lollypop59 Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2012

    hi ladies,

            i am on my 17th week of taxol, plus i recieve herceptin every three weeks, i am doing real great no side affects so far hoping it stays this way because i am stage iv.

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Hi lollypop

    Wow 17 weeks of taxol. Thats a marathon. Glad you are doing so well with it. Glad to see that your are ER and HER 2 positive too especially being stage four. Chemo is a bitch but thank goodness it works especially well on those receptor positive types.

    The ambien got me 7 hours of sleep, yay! With that and the decadron I am feeling pretty good today.

    Got a bunch of stuff today to help with hair health. Wo knows if it works but now that I am getting some back I really want it back. I am sick of looking like a cancer patient.

    6 days until my last taxol treatment yippee!

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2012

    Momof3, what hair products did you get? I've been using Nioxin on my new fuzz, the shampoo , conditioner and scalp treatment. I really want to baby it!

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    I just bought some Nioxin too, hope it works!  I have used my husbands REvita, but not for very long yet.  I was looking at the Nioxin supplements but they are way too expensive, like 180$ for 90 of them.  Instead Got some hair and nail health vitamins ordered from costco for $17 for 250 of them.  much better.  I saw some other stuff that said that it would prevent hair loss on chemo and it ONLY cost about $400 for 200 mls.  Too late for me, and i am very skeptical.  Some of these companies are really taking advantage of desperate people.

  • hopeful123
    hopeful123 Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2012

    Thigs went ok yesterday. Since it was my first Tx they went slowly. They gave me decadron along with herceptin followed by Taxol. When they started Taxol the nurse was with me pretty much the whole time. Benadryl was hanging ready to go but he didn't give it. He said if I had warm feeling, uneasiness in stomach or Chest to let him know right away and he would give me the benedrayl. Didn't feel much of these so didn't have it.

    Decadron woke me up at 2.00 but otherwise doing ok

    The biggest issue I had was nausea and vomiting before infusion. When the started the port the smell of alcohol swabs, and the taste of saline that they use to check the port made go crazy and I vomited several times. They gave me zofran to get it under control. Next time I plan on taking zofran ahead of time.

    Hope the rest of the week is easy.

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Hey Hopeful, glad your first infusion is done.  Hopefully that nausea wont be such a problem for you next round.  I know what you mean about that smell, and taste.  I dont understand why that saline smells so bad.  Must be something they put in there to preserve and sterilize it.

     4 days until my 12th of 12.  can't freaking wait.  counting it down.  I am at work now.  this is my worst day but actually hasnt been bad so far.  I am having very slight tingling in the feet again.  I had some last week too but it went away until today.  I am expecting some aches later but tylenol has been controlling them just fine.   My fingernails are growing again and my hair is slowly growing. 

  • ladyfighter
    ladyfighter Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2012

    Hi! I'm at infusion room getting #5 taxol/herceptin right now, typing this on my iPad.

    Jpmom! Wow almost done for you!! :) !

    Tingling hands and feet comes and goes for me too not too bad. Mo said if bad for 3 days I to call him. So far no prob

    Hopeful, how u feeling now? No nausea for me in this taxol/herceptin thank God because AC chemo was the worse!!!!

    Lollipop, are u going for radiation after this chemo? Wow 17 weeks! Hugs!

    Fldreamer, love to hear people like you, gives hopes because sometimes journey is stretching out too long!!! I have to remind myself one day at a time :)

    Sissydi we both are almost same schedule :)

    Houstonchemo, how are you doing so far ?

    My dizzy comes and goes everyday, haven't taken pill that mo prescribe last week but seriously thinking of taking tonight. Not much bothersome it is like Im used to it now ugh. Only flu-like ache day after of infusion or two but that all no bones or muscle pains.

    My brows and eyelashes went bye bye few days ago!!! Aaaaah I am big eye makeup myself and without lashes I look weird!!! I'm gonna practice fake lashes tonight. Bleh! Oh someone told me about eyebrows I just looked at them this morning they look cool! Link is what you think? My head seems to be growing???? But losing brows and lash at same time head is growing??? Odd??? Any tips for head? Nixon? I have to look ay store.

    I have been out and about, stores, restaurants, etc. I have been careful not putting my hands on my face unless it's washed. So far been good since march when I first started with AC chemo.:) and sleeping never a problem for me lol.

    Still sitting in big girl chair, just wanted to finish up and get home!

    You all have a great day! Hugs xoxox

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Ladyfighter, hope this round goes well for you.  counting them down one by one. 

    My lashes fell out suddenly a few days ago too.  my head hair is growing slowly.  I lost about 50 percent of my lashes during AC treatments and then it stablized until the other day. i kept getting lashes in my eyes and so i decided to give them a gentle tug to get the loose ones out and they basically all came out.  i have some almost invisible fine short lashes if i look carefully.  I am just hoping that i have new lashes growing deep down that pushed the old stuff out suddenly.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

     I ordered some Nioxin shampoos and some costco hair and nails vitamins. havent gotten here yet.  I started using my husbands revita shampoo/conditioner.  it does seem to soften the fuzz i have.  though it is soft already.  but this stuff at least doesnt seem to dry it out as much as pantene.

  • ladyfighter
    ladyfighter Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2012

    That is true, I got one lash on right and 3 left on left lol looks silly maybe I just pull them out?? Lol