Bone Mets Thread



  • GG27
    GG27 Posts: 1,308
    edited January 2016

    KCM! So good to see you & your kittens!! ;-) Love all three but the bottom one is adorable, I just want to scritch that tummy.

    Cristina, fingers crossed for good results for your MRI. I don't have mine booked yet, so I'll need to hear all about yours to let me know how it goes.

    Had my infusion today, don't feel great. Came home to a power outage with nothing ready for dinner because DH was taking me out. The restaurant was so overbooked because of the power outage & the other one closed because their generator conked out..... so frustrating after we hadn't had anything to eat since a light breakfast at 7am. So we came home & ate soup out of the freezer. Not what we felt like, but that's life in the country I guess.

    Appt to talk to my PCP about the issues with my MO, hopefully he has some ideas, I'm frustrated with her.

    Have a painfree weekend everyone! Love you all! Cheers, Dee

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited January 2016


    Hope you fell better today


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Posts: 8,950
    edited January 2016

    dee. Hope you didn't have to eat your soup cold. Hope you are feeling better today

    Terre - luv those kittens. So adorable. I agree the last one needs s tummy rub

    Christina. Good luck on your MRI. Hoping just headache. Dang cancer ma.kes every little hurt scary. Huh?

    Bsbs. Great news ,! Good dh !

    I am doing OK. Had mo appt yesterday but had to see nurse practitioner. Mo's newborn is at children's hospital for rsv. Scary for him. Anyway nurse practitioner put mo on phone and we 3 discussed radiation. I really really don't want to do it since my last pet at end of Dec showed huge decrease in cancer. Said tx working. Only spot not decreased as s matter of fact has progressed was right hip where I have no pain. Mo and orthopedic surgeon said to prevent a break radiation is necessary. They said if the hip breaks its a major surgery and major recovery time .. So I let them make me anappt for next Thur with rad Dr. I just don't have the energy to go everyday . boo. My first radiation was a breeze. It was just the breast area. No problem other than some burnt skin. The 2nd time they did 3 spots in my back. Which the radiation hit mytummy and throat. Was 3 full weeks of vomiting then sore throat. Couldn't eat. Throat closed and had to put a tube in and in the hospital for almost s week. So a little scared. Will see what rad Dr says about if radiation to hip will hit tummy or colon? Hope not ?? I personally just wanna wait and see if tx fixes it. Had my Falsodex and exgeva shots yesterday. Woke up in the afternoon with sore throat and ear. Have had the sore throat and ear ache the last 3-4 times after shots. Dr said hadn't heard of that as a side effect. Well of course if its weird, its me. Oh well. Could be much worse so thinking positive and counting my blessings.

    Hugs to all

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited January 2016


    Thanks and I hope the radiologist says the rads won't hit tummy or colon or that you should wait on rads. I personally found radiation harder than my chemo. Also ask, if you need to do rads, what you could do to help alleviate SE s. Maybe consult a gastro dr about something preventative.

    My rads caused esophagus issues so my gastro dr gave me something to take to stop and to prevent the problem

    Keep us posted!


  • annieoakley
    annieoakley Posts: 653
    edited January 2016

    Good morning to all,

    Babs, I'm ecstatic about your good news, it makes me feel so good! 

    Cristina, sending positive thoughts for your MRI and prayers that it's nothing at all.

    Terre, loving the cat pictures. I want to reach in and grab the one in the bottom picture but they are all so cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Dee, I hate power outages, I get really edgy. I hope you're feeling better today!

    Patty, hope you feel better soon. I would definitely talk to the radiation doctor and see what he has to say. Hopefully it's just a few treatments. I know sometimes they do just one, that was the original plan for my humerus which was also at risk for fracture. After reviewing things my rad onc decided on the Stereotactic and Cyberknife to try and kill the mets, which involved going everyday for 2 weeks. Let us know how you make out.

    Hugs to all, Annie

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited January 2016

    Thanks Annie

    I have a question for everyone.

    What do you know about chemo sensitivity testing? My BS recommended I see an MO for a second opinion. He's a big advocate of this testing and my regular MO is an advocate of genome testing.

    Would like your input.



  • Wendy3
    Wendy3 Posts: 872
    edited January 2016

    Babs that's great news makes me very happy thank you.

    Christina scans suck but when we get good results from them there is almost nothing better. I think it's good to know what's going on inside and then it can be dealt with. Good luck I'm thinking of you.

    Patty I haven't had rads yet and am not looking forward to it at all. I think with the advise you'll get here and from your doctors you will make the right choices. We gotta do what we gotta do right? You are so strong you can do anything😄

    Terre I will take two, these little guys are so pretty. They will find forever homes hopefully very fast. Baby critters nothing better.... How are your chickens doing?

    Dee yes was pretty windy in Vancouver today to, power didn't go out thank goodness though. I hope yours is back on now. I hope your feeling better this morning. Take care

    I wish you all a glorious day 

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited January 2016

    Thanks Wendy!


  • cjanet
    cjanet Posts: 288
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies,

    It's my birthday and I've received lots of well wishes but all I want is for my kids to give me peace and quiet but they don't seem to be able to do it. I have a massive headache ugh.

    Dee may I ask what the issues are w your oncologist? Just curious as I'm going for a second opinion Monday

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Posts: 8,950
    edited January 2016

    christina. - happy birthday !! Hope you feel better soon. No way to spend your bday.

  • Bosco19
    Bosco19 Posts: 177
    edited January 2016

    sorry to put some bad news into the thread. MRI yesterday because despite radiation hip still hurting and walking getting painful. Saw Onc this morning. Hip progression despite radiation. Worse still, although brain still clear, cancer has shown up in the lining to the brain. Feeling shocked. PET scan next week and then new treatment plan.

  • GG27
    GG27 Posts: 1,308
    edited January 2016

    Morning All!

    Bosco, So sorry to hear of your progression. I didn't know you could get progression in the lining of your brain. I'm hoping that the scan next week gives the Dr's some insight into a new plan. ((hugs from across the pond))

    Cristina, Happy Birthday!! A bit of peace & quiet doesn't seem like much to ask for.... dark room, snuggled in blanket with pain meds, hopefully your headache won't last long. My MO is very short & to the point. I never get to ask any questions, she's in & out, speaking at me the entire 5 minute appt. I travel 6+ hours to get there & then get 5 minutes with no answers. I'm very frustrated. I called her ass't on Tuesday to ask her to put a question in front of her. I still haven't had a call back despite having my cell phone with me at all times. I have an appt with my PCP on Monday, I'm going to ask his opinion on the situation.

    We are fine during power outages, we live on a small remote island so we are quite self sufficient, I was just frustrated as it was a beautiful sunny day, shouldn't have had an outage, I didn't have anything out for dinner because we were going out & we were both starving. People at the restaurant were rudely cutting in line, 3 x we told people we were at the head of the line & they were rude, so we finally left. It was just frustrating.

    And I forgot to pick up my anastrozole from the hospital yesterday, so we have to make another trip over next week as I will run out on Monday. I'm just so annoyed with myself!

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm going to try to get rid of these achy bones with some garden cleanup!

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Posts: 2,071
    edited January 2016

    Bosch, There is no need to apologize. Unfortunately, bad news is part of mbc, and this thread is here so we can post all news, good and bad. I am sorry that you have progression In your hip and cancer in the lining of your brain. I can imagine how much of a shock it was to you. I hope you will have a new treatment plan in place soon and that it helps relieve your pain and knocks out those cancer cells. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Cristina, Happy birthday. I hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy your birthday. Headaches are no fun.

    Dee,did you get your power back? I had visions of you sitting in the dark eating frozen soup. Of course I laughed at that thought, so I really do hope you were able to heat it up!

    Terre, I always enjoy seeing your pictures of cats and kittens. I have no idea where you get all your energy. You are such a busy person. You put me to shame.

    Patty, I hope you feel better and that the effects of rads are not too harsh. You have had a very difficult time. Mbc really sucks.

    Annie, it is always good to hear from you.

    One of my sons is coming today with our dil, grandson, and granddaughter. They are bringing all the food, so this is easy for me. We will be celebrating Christmas as well as my dh's, son's, and granddaughter's birthdays. The birthdays were on Jan 23, Dec 27, and Jan 21. Eventually we will be caught up with everyone on the holidays. I have the table all set with my Christmas china. Although we no longer have a Christmas tree, most of our other decorations are still displayed including the nativity set that Is dear to my heart.I am very excited.

    DH has come a long way in the past week. He is regaining strength and beginning to get his appetite back.

    Hugs to everyone. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.


  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Posts: 2,071
    edited January 2016

    Dee, I don't understand why someone would choose to be an MO if he or she was not willing to give their time to their patients. I am lucky since my BS and MO do not make me feel rushed, take time to explain everything to me, and encourage me to ask questions. The appointments are for us, not for our doctors. We are fighting for our lives, our futures. The dr's are there to help us, guide us, and listen to us. That cannot be done in 5 minutes. We deserve much more respect, compassion, and attention. I am sure that being an oncologist can be difficult, but being a patient is sure no picnic!

    I know that doesn't help you or anyone else, but I had to say it.


  • sqrlady
    sqrlady Posts: 9
    edited January 2016

    Sorry I have not learned everyone's names yet. There are sure a lot of people active in here. Happy Birthday Christina. The antibiotic they put me on yesterday already seems to be helping my breathing and coughing. Still no results on the scan and of course it is the weekend now so I suppose I will not hear anything until Monday. My Ca27-29 is not up a lot so I am hoping that it is either the treatment with xgeva or I understand that sometimes respiratory infections can result in higher numbers. Other than the coughing and breathing though I feel good so hoping I am worrying for nothing. I can't find any information on if xgeva can cause a rise in numbers though. All the other blood work looked good except for my alkaline phosphatase which has remained high all along. I am trying to learn how to read all the numbers but this is a lot of information to learn in not that long a time. Good luck to everyone. I am sorry to hear of progression of disease any time but know that is part of this whole process. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • GG27
    GG27 Posts: 1,308
    edited January 2016

    Lynne, So happy to hear that your DH is doing well & able to enjoy Christmas & family birthdays, sounds like it will be a fun time for all! Our power came back fairly quickly, we have a propane stove & fireplace along with a generator so we're fine in an outage. I too don't understand my MO, I've had her for 6 years now & she's seems to be getting worse. Whether her patient load is getting to her or what, I don't know? But now that I'm metastatic, I feel like I need my questions answered instead to just being told what is going to take place. My PCP is great & I'll get his take on it on Monday & I have a telehealth appt on the 5th with my RO & I'm going to ask her opinion as well.

    Sqrlady, Glad that your breathing & coughing is a bit better. That always scares the he!! out of me when I can't catch my breathe. Waiting for test results is the worst, you can't relax. I hope they call you first thing Monday morning with good news.

    Off to rake! Cheers, Dee

  • mimipickle
    mimipickle Posts: 160
    edited January 2016

    Bosco-Sorry to hear of your progression. I'm hoping the PET gives you better results. Hang in there!

  • sqrlady
    sqrlady Posts: 9
    edited January 2016

    I have had asthma since I was a child so breathing issues are not that scary for me anymore but I have to take my inhaler more lately and that is never a good idea. I hate waiting. They did the scan stat so I don't see why they did that if they were not going to read it and give me the results. My husband is friends with a doctor and he said not to worry about it just yet. That if I have an inflammation or infection it could skew the numbers. Obviously since just one dose of antibiotics has helped I have to assume I have an infection. Keeping my fingers crossed and if they don't call I will believe me. My poor husband is very anxious about it and he can't sleep when there is something like this.

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited January 2016

    Boso sorry to hear if your progression. We've all been there and are there for you. Hopefully your next treatment plan will be your success

    Happy Birthday Christina!

    Lynn it sound like you're going to have a great weekend with your family. Such times are so very precious! FYI my sons birthday is also 1/23

    Sqrlady waiting for scans rots. But since you're responding to the antibiotics don't let your mind go to any unnecessary dark place

    Wishing everyone a good weekend


  • annieoakley
    annieoakley Posts: 653
    edited January 2016

    Bosco, so sorry to hear of your progression, I get so angry with this disease. I'm praying the next treatment plan is successful in getting things under control. Sending you big hugs. 

    Cristina, Happy Birthday to you! 🎂🎈. Hoping you get the peace and quiet you're looking for and that your headache disappears quickly.

    Lynne, I'm so happy to hear dh's improving. Enjoy all the celebrations, you both deserve it!

    Dee, my first MO was like that, drove me insane. That along with some errors he made I dropped him like a hot potato. Love my new onc, and she's extra compassionate and empathetic because she's had breast cancer. Good luck in sorting things out.

    Sqrlady, praying it was just an infection. Certainly sounds like it since you've improved with the antibiotic. Sending healing thoughts your way.

    My CT scan is on Monday, I'm feeling very anxious this weekend. My youngest dd is leaving for the Cayman Islands in the morning and traveling alone, adding to my stress. I think I need a drink.

    Hugs to all, Annie

  • junieb
    junieb Posts: 945
    edited January 2016

    image alt="">


  • junieb
    junieb Posts: 945
    edited January 2016

    image alt=""> Christina !!!!

  • Lindalou
    Lindalou Posts: 598
    edited January 2016

    Christina, Happy Birthday. Hope you ended up having a good day.

    Lynne, How is the family celebration going? So happy for you that you can enjoy the time with everyone today.

    Patty, You have been through enough. Perhaps rads will help alleviate your pain with no bad SE's.

    Bosco, Sorry about your progression.

    Annie, We sure all understand your anxiety. I vote for you traveling with your daughter.

    Sqrlady, Every time I see your name I smile. We used to have an albino squirrel in the neighborhood that we all adopted and kept it alive for a few years. It had one ear, 3 legs and pink eyes. Survivor squirrel!

    Best to all.....

  • LovesMaltese
    LovesMaltese Posts: 551
    edited January 2016

    Happy Birthday Christine

    Lynne- Glad hubby is doing better and enjoy your family- :)

    To everyone: you're all in my special prayers.. hope the weekend is great for everyone.


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Posts: 8,950
    edited January 2016

    bosco. Sorry tohearvte bad news. I hadn't heard of cancer in the brain lining. ? What's the difference ? Hopefully mo will have some answers and a new tx plan big hugs

    Dee. - grr you need a new mo. Totally unacceptable behavior from any dr esp something this important. I had a neurologist like that. Stood at door and already had a rx written out before every meeting me. Dropped him like a hot potato.

    Lynne. Glad your dh is doing good enough to celebrate. Hope you enjoyed the company and great they brought foods. So much easier. How old are your grandchildren ?

    Hugs to all

  • sqrlady
    sqrlady Posts: 9
    edited January 2016

    Lindalou that is so cool about the albino squirrel. In the nearly 19 years that I have raised and released squirrels I have never gotten in an albino squirrel. They rarely survive in the wild for any length of time. Definitely sounds like the one you and your neighbors cared for was a survivor. I can tell you I have learned a lot about life from all of them. I have seen squirrels that should have died go on to live happy lives for many years because of good care. I am hoping for the same for all of us with this horrible disease.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Posts: 784
    edited January 2016

    Patty, I know going through rads is no piece of cake but trust me neither is a fractured or worse hip. In 2013 my femur broke due to mbc even though I had no pain, at that time they put a rod to strenghten my femur. I had rads to that femur with no apparent se's. Two years later my hip bone which was connected to the rod, dissolved thanks to mbc, and it hurt as h&ll. So I had a complete hip/femur replacement. I would much rather have rads than surgery but it's up to you.


  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Posts: 532
    edited January 2016

    Ask and it is given. Sorry I have been AWAY. RADIATION IS DONE!! I promise to keep up better with these boards they move as fast as water. Please know I will make it every effort to keep up. Just know u r in my thought always. Myra.

  • annieoakley
    annieoakley Posts: 653
    edited January 2016

    Myra, so happy to hear from you. Yay to radiation being done! We missed you and thought of you often. Glad you're back and don't worry about trying to keep up, just jump in whenever you can. (((Hugs)))

  • LindaE54
    LindaE54 Posts: 1,379
    edited January 2016

    Hi all,

    Bosco, I'm just so sorry to hear of your progression. Wishing the very best with your next tx and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))

    Myra - So happy to hear from you!

    Cristina - Happy Birthday!

    Patty - can't comment on rads to hips but have had rads to pelvis a few times with no problems or SEs. Wishing you the same should you go for it.

    Dee - Bugger that you're not getting a response, that's unfair and insensitive especially that she's been following you for years. Hoping you get answers from your PCP.

    Lynn - a lot of celebration to catch up on! Enjoy and happy to hear DH is getting better.

    Annie - Good luck on Monday and hoping you get excellent results!

    Terre - as always, your pics put a smile on my face.

    Aurora - so nice to hear you recovered so well from your surgery.

    Can't remember who was asking about TMs and Xgeva, sorry and I can't flip back. Never heard of Xgeva affecting TMs but an infection can. All my TMs went up temporarily when I had a UTI.