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The Hermit Club



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Well I had taxol first for 4 months weekly--and worked but I had it on my day off Monday--felt great tues and Wed. by Thursday I would use my sick days felt awful, sometimes by Sat (we only worked 1.2 day) I scrape myself in and lay on my desk and keep the door closed and was home by noon and felt rotren til late Sunday--then went Mond and started all over again. LOL

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    That is my course next, starting on Aug. 28. Was hoping for a few better days but let's see. You worked through it? My hero Cool

    I have had about 20 good days since the end of March woo hoo  , well...slight underestimate but not by much. LOL Thanks camillegal! cam illegal LOL or camille galTongue out

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Another smart a$$ LOL---camille and gal is part of my last name--not original---don't think I'm such a hero--after my surgery I ot chemo for 2 yrs and never worked again I couldn't do it anymore so I ave up and went on disability--I started with a roar and still barely movin hahaha

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    awww, and here I am whining about 7 months of chemo :(

    well, you have a great attitude and a good sense of humour, my kinda gal Kiss

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Saw my onc today and she started talking about the new drug that is like Herceptin or given with Herceptin? Per-something (of course I can't remember) but it sounds really great! I'm not a candidate for it but she was telling me about it.

    Tomorrow the kids go back to school! And I'm up way too late, lol.

    Whatevah sorry to hear that your SEs are bad. Some people seem to breeze through Taxol after AC and some don't. I had Taxotere, which is supposed to be very similar and I didn't really care for it ;-) Days 3-5 were my worst, but I was on a 3 week cycle so that helped.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Marat I love it--we go to the dr. and they tell us some gib breakthru and we come here and say but I don't remember.  LOL Most of us do that all the time wow can we keep secrets

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Seriously Camillegal! And I was just bragging about my chemobrain being better, figures!

    Jinkala thinking about you and wondering how you are feeling.

    Kltb hope your vacation was fabulous! I'm secretly very jealous ;)

    Sissydi hope you're doing good!

    Cs, how are you feeling today?

    Whatevah, hope you have a great day! My poor garden looks like an overgrown jungle. I had my BMX in May, so I wasn't able to do much this year. I wonder if I put a putting green next to it, maybe my husband would take some interest in it?

    Off to take the girls to school, get my herceptin, and get my check up from the PS. I wish I had some extra money for a chemical peel or something. My skin looks horrible.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Hi gals - I am back - I tried to check the thread on my phone but it was hard to keep up and post - and now that I am back, I just started a whole "reply to everyone individually" post and LOST it.  So I give up!  Suffice it to say, hope everyone is doing well and welcome to whaevah.

    We ended up going to St. Louis - we did the Zoo, Grant's Farm, and a lot of clothes shopping.  Of course, they didn't try anything on, so I have some returning to do.  We went to the Arch (again) but didn't go up in it (again) - we are a bunch of chickens.

    Last chemo was yesterday.  There was no fanfare like I read that some people have at their centers.  I will of course, have to go back for Herceptin every 3 weeks so it isn't like I've seen the last of the place.  Got a referral to an RO for Sept. 6th so I can talk to him about my iffy rads situation.

    Busy here for a change.  After my post chemo nap (I have to sleep off the benadryl at home - communal chemo room) I had orientation for my oldest at middle school.  I didn't talk to many people and no one said anything - was just wearing one of my hats, no wig or scarf.  Today, I have to go back for Nuelasta and I am taking the youngest to do some of that clothes exchanging.  Then orientation at the elementary school tonight. 

    Tomorrow I hope to rest.

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Hang tough kt! I didn't ring any bells either....kind of anti climactic as I'm still getting Herceptin.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh when I finished my chemo everyone was clapping and I got a twinkie and huged me good-bye--then when I said Oh I'll be back next week for 6 mos. on herceptin they all were say and ewe thought we finally got rid of u. So I think it wasn't a happy time for them, but I returned. LOL

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    markat LOL the putting green, still LOL

    I had surgery in April, couldn't do much this year. I decided to hire a gardener, a treat to myself, figured it all works out with the money I save from my wine hiatus ;)

    Anyways, she kept putting me off, I guess too busy or whaevah... finally she made contact last week, said she thought she might have missed me ?!

    Long story short, I typed a 4 sentence email, polite but chemo/cancer/beotch style (did not play the cancer card)and she responded by offering to come and tidy my garden. Free.

    She really is a lovely woman, and I really am a beotch right now, so while I was at chemo, she came and did a beautiful job. She told me that  my email was "pissy" , we both laughed, and hugged and talked about f'en cancer and the friends we have that are struggling. 

    All this bell ringing talk and now that stupid song  is stuck in my head; Anita Ward

    You can ring my bell, ring my bell

    (ring my bell, ding-dong-ding, a-ling) Tongue out

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    whaevah - lol, now that song is stuck in MY head.  Thanks.  :)  Glad your gardening situation worked out.

    Glad to be back home - the orientation for my youngest didn't go as smoothly, lol.  Now, everyone that I would care to know actually knows about my cancer - teachers, counselor, administration, secretaries, parents of friends and just classmates of the kids.  It's a relatively small community.   So I talked to some people, updated the counselor that I was having surgery soon, etc...

    When we were leaving the classroom, this child asks me "did you get your hair cut or something" (I was wearing a hat, no scarf) - ok, that's fine, kids will be kids.  But I just smiled and said "well, its complicated."  Then she kept ON - now this is a 9 year old child, not a 5 year old.  Old enough to know a little better.  I just kept smiling and some man who was with her, I am guessing a grandfather says very loudly "she probably had some cancer or chemo"  Instead of just shushing the child or telling her it was none of her business.  Ugh.  Now this girl has been in her class before so I know she has no "home training" so to speak and I guess I see where she gets it.

    I also had a twinge of irriation when a friend said something about being exhausted from work all day and I was like "well, me too, I had chemo yesterday and a horrid shot that will cause bone pain for days today."  Of course, I didn't say that.

    Glad to be back in hermit land for a few days. My mom will probably come over tomorrow if I am having a bad day from the Nuelasta today - I just wish she wouldn't insist on cleaning up the house and doing laundry - I can do all that on my own, it just takes a little longer.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Kt, glad you had a nice trip. Yay for being done with chemo! Sorry we cross posted. Edited to add: So sorry that happened! Ugh! Hope the neulasta doesn't kick your butt.

    Whatevah, that stinks that it took her so long to come, but glad it worked out!

    I never had any bell ringing either, but I too was back for herceptin.

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282


    well the kid may not know better but pops surely did ... what a dufusSealed

    I get the bugging comments as well. My inside voice is rather hostile, but the outside voice is quiet as well. For now.

    Nice to 'meet' you! 

  • CSMommy
    CSMommy Member Posts: 58

    Kltb04 - welcome back from vacation, and woohoo on final chemo!!

    I read with interest your experience at your kid's orientation. My son's open house is next week, and I'm kind of scared to go. I feel like I should talk to his teacher about my cancer so she can watch my son for any potential problems, but in the same regards I don't want her to think I'm trying to make her feel sorry for me or him. I'm scared for comments that may be made to my son about his mom looking funny.

    Whaevah - I truly laughed out loud at your wine hiatus comment!

    So...tomorrow I shall become a true hermit, as it's my last day at work. If not permanently, at least for a very long time. It feels really weird - I've had this job for 9 years, I like it, I'm good at it, but I just can't do it anymore. I need to spend some time on myself and my health, and spend some very important time with my family. I'm getting a bit irritated with husband, who, while incredibly supportive of it, keeps reminding me "just don't get lazy". Grrrrr. Dude....totally playing the cancer card here...give me a %^#&$ break!!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Last year I told both girls' teachers about my cancer and treatments. I wanted them to let me know if they started showing any signs of anxiety or behavioral problems. We would email back and forth- both girls did fine. I also wanted them to know why I wasn't volunteering as much.

    I didn't wear anything on my head to the open house. My hair is at that weird stage that probably makes people wonder if I have this hairdo on purpose. I wore earrings and tried to do my makeup. A few teachers gave me hugs and asked how I was doing. I don't mind it from them- teachers and nurses get a pass from me.

    CS congrats on taking off! I can relate with what your dh said. Mine can have a tough love approach. He thinks my hermitude keeps me from doing certain things. I disagree :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    That's what I mean, how much more difficult it is for younger women who have younger kids.  The whole family is so affected and u have to worry more---Where as I  really have no responsibilities. So It's much easier on me all the way around. And now ith school starting and new people in u'r life I wish u all the best.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    CSMommy - I would definitely say something but do it differently than I did, lol.  I thought I would go ahead and "Get it out of the way" and tell the teacher since she was new but it was a crowded/rushed situation, other parents waiting to talk to her, so I think in retrospect, I would have just emailed her later to "talk" to her about it.

    markat - I feel the same way about volunteering.  I was grade rep for PTO, up there making copies all the time when the kids were younger.  I haven't volunteered as much the last year or two because I was working a little more and our elementary PTO got very cliquey but I still tried to do some things and I know with surgery coming up I will be out of commission for the entire first semester as far as helping out.  With my older DD in middle school, there aren't as many volunteering opportunities anyway but I still like to help by sending food for teacher luncheons, etc...

    In retrospect, I kind of wish I would have just worn the damn wig last night.  I was thinking about me, how I didn't care if people knew/saw, my comfort level, when I think I should have been thinking more about Abby and now how kids might start asking her questions, etc... ugh...I am just going to have to keep the lines of communication open with her.  She tends to dwell on things and hold them in and if someone says something to her about me, I want her to be able to tell me.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Kt, I have an Abby too :)

    I wore my scarves to the school a couple of times (my Abby has a tendency to forget things, like library books and her lunch bag in the car). One of the little boys told her that his mom wears a scarf like that before she gets her new hair, lol. They bonded over their moms wearing wigs...for different reasons probably, but still :)

  • CSMommy
    CSMommy Member Posts: 58

    Well, I am officially "retired"! My hubby & son even went out and got me a Happy Retirement cake. :) I'm in quite a state of just seems so very anti-climactic. I've been in my job for so long, and suddenly, one day, I'm not. Just like that.

    Tomorrow's chemo day, so i don't think I'll be feeling the "what do I do now" for a couple more days.

    I like your idea of emailing the teacher, kltb04. That's what I did with his teacher last year (I found out a couple of months before the end of his school year). I asked my son if he wanted me to wear my wig to meet his new teacher, and he said he'd prefer it if I wore a scarf. So a scarf it is!

    That's very cute about Abby's friend, markat. :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    CSMOMY AND MARKAT that is so cute that u both have girls namesd Abby.

    I'm from a different generation so I think differently-certainly it doesn't mean I'm right. Just different.---I have a grandson who's now 8 and this for me started a few yrs ago and at first y dgtr said not to tell him anything. And I said well he's going to notice change and kids are so smart why not. So she said OK I'm very close to him, now we're all living together but he's like my son and calls me mamma-for grandma and momy as he says--so we talk about everything--so when it was tie for grandma day at school I said I would'nt go, (cuz I thought maybe it would be embarrassing for him (the first time) and he got so upset with me and said How could I think like that. And from then on he's known alot and treats me with such kindness and love and helps me whenever I need it.He even brings me my coffee and banana in the morning to start my day. I know he's not my child, but He lived alone with me for almost the 1st year of his life, my dtr was in a hospital, she was extremely sick so we bonded then (I think) I never talked scary just practical and he talks now like he's a Dr. he know more than me cuz he uses the computer and he like the results he finds???  So as I said I think differently but now he feels he's a part of my healing and having good days and when I have bad days he underdtands more. I know no one will agree it seems like too much for a child to handle, but it amazes me how kids are resillant (sp) and he has a normal school and friend life and has fun in life 

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    camillegal - your grandson sounds awesome and it is great that you have such a bond with him.  I think you are right - we need to be as open as possible with them.  They will give out vibes so we know how much they can handle. 

    CSMommy - hope you adjust to your sudden "retirement" - my mom had a similar situation.  She had to take several leaves with her autoimmune disorder (Sjogrens) and then it turned out she just couldn't go back (teaching) so she never really had any closure when she left. 

    markat - that's sweet about your Abby's friend.

    I forgot to take all the school supplies when we went to orientation the other night so I will need to walk my Abby in on Monday.  I think I will stick to the hat but wear a scarf under to make it less obvious.  And lol on forgetting things - if I had a dollar for every time I had to bring a library book to the school I would be rich!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Klt---LOL forgot??? now u have to go back Monday.

    I don't know how u guys do it with kids---the amount of supplies are like whole stores. My dgtr (the one I live with) went today and spent &80.00 and couldn't find everything in 3 stores. She's got to go back and that wasn't clothes just school things and they bring it all to school and leave everythin there all together so u get anyones stuff when u using it. And they need 2 pairs of gym shoes and my grandson has huge feet (like me) so of course they/'re more expensive--he's only in 3rd grad. My other dgtr went yesterday and spent a bunch--These kids have to start working--Geeze And the patience all of u have to do this amazes me and of course the energy. U ladies are all wonderfully good mommys.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    That is crazy on the supplies camille - at least our stuff, you get what you buy!  I thought I was doing ok when I spent $50 per kids on supplies.  Then my oldest - Sarah - starts wanting all this stuff to decorate her locker.  $60!!! before we got done.  Crazy.  But I bought it because I want her to have what everyone else has at this age.  But I tell her all the time, there is only going to be so long we can "keep up with the Joneses" - right now it is Aeropostle tee shirts and locker day it will be cars and prom dresses. 

    So I am making her work for it - every time the dishwasher has needed unloaded lately, guess who has to do it?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    kl hahahahahaha that's the spirit. Well t least she uses what u bought Oh and there is a couple of things on the list that is listed as teachers supplies--certain pens, red pencils and a few more. I said when I went to school The teachers (nuns) need a red pen, chalk and a ruler, that was their weapon of choice. At least we didn't have to buy it.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    LOL LOL - my DH went to Catholic school and he still breaks into a sweat at the sight of a nun!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    KL hahahahaha I know how he feels. I never felt like that about the priests but I wouldn't want to meet a nun in an alley.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camillegal- your grandson is awesome!

    I got off cheap with about $100 for both girls on just supplies. My 2nd grader has the shared supplies but 3rd grader can keep her own.

    My hermitude has been bad this week. I just don't feel good! I'm thinking it might be the anesthesia from the exchange or maybe my herceptin this week. I don't know but I feel zapped. I probably need to eat more protein and hydrate better.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh markat u'r not feeling well and u still went shopping---I just got a shooting pain in my left eye that makes me feel bad. Cuz when I don't feel well there's no way I can do anything. U did make a point about being hydrated, try the waters that have some vitamins in them too. U have to drink lots of water all the time. But it could be a combination of what u'r going thru too. That's why I said I don't know how u ladies do this with kids at least when I have bad days I can just stay in my room and cuddle with my cat, if SHE wants to. But u always have to be busy Bless u'r hearts I am so sorry u have this horrid crappy disease.

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    Hi everyone!

    I am heading out of the cave for some back to school/birthday shopping for my 14yr old nephew! It is our biannual spree/vacation and I am really looking forward to it. His mother did not tell him about my cancer, nor did stepdad even though I asked them to.  Dang... so yesterday I had to explain it over the phone. Geez...

    It is complicated.

    My sister arrives on Monday for 3 weeks yippee! So all in all I am looking forward to hanging out with my family:)

    camillegal and markat, hope you are feeling better soon!

    CSMommy enjoy your retirement, sometimes we just need to take care of ourselves~ HUGS TO YOU~

    have a great weekend everyoneSmile