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The Hermit Club



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh whaeva good for u--It's so much fun to look forward to being with ur family--and u've got u'r sister for 3 weeks too. Wonderful.

    What a phone call that must have been for u--ugh

    Happy vacation/family time.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Whhatevah- hope you had fun shopping! Talking about cancer with kids is so hard. Especially if they are tweens or older and have seen things on TV. My kids were mostly worried about my hair loss and with my last surgery if I would have drains. "Those tubes are so gross".

    I'm feeling a little better. I think my body needs 10hrs of sleep. Who has the time to sleep 10 hrs, lol. Besides teenagers.

    Hope everyone is feeling good!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Markat I totally agree with u teens have to be much harder to tell and how they deal with it. After all by now they have heard bunches and who knows what really stuck in their heads and now their own Mom.  When they are younger they're sharp but it could be explain on a different level and not be so scary to them no matter whst they heard u can explain around it.

    And right the tubes are horrible to see, my own dtrs (in their 40's) were "grossed out" LOL   good thing I had my grandson--at that young age it's exciting--well I made it fun for him to help me. He didn't see anything!!!!!

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I spent most of last week in hibernation - or at least that's how it felt.  I didn't want to do anything so I just lay around barely drinking water and not really eating much of anything.  Not good for me but it was like I just didn't care and didn't want to do anything.  Actually, I know there was stuff I kept telling myself I should do and that I want to do, but I just couldn't make myself do it.  I'm starting to come out of it now with some pushing from my boyfriend to eat.  The portable air conditioner he bought me has helped a lot too.

    My head is still a bit fuzzy feeling and I can't be up doing stuff for long at a time but at least now I can sit at my computer and read stuff unlike last week.

    I felt like I got hit with an apathy truck - and hard. ugh

    Anyways - good to be back here reading stuff again.   I swear I still don't want to go through with this but everyone tells me that I can do it so we'll see.  

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Jinkala so sorry about those SEs :(

    Rest as much as you can and try to drink water. (((Hugs)))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    OK Jinkala--we've been nice enough  DRINK PLENTY OF WATER---OK that as tough as I get.  Don't feel guilty about doing nothing whatever is going on u'r body needs rest right now. Try to et the water with electrolytes in them and DRINK--so many of those type of waters now and u'r body can use them-no sugar too. And just take u'r tie. SE can be not so nice.
  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    All of the hermits are being so quiet!

    I have just been taking care of my girls and trying to beat fatigue. I've been quite uncomfortable since my exchange. Mostly on the sides of my implants and under. I guess it could be lymphedema. Is it bad that I don't want to spend the money on PT? Might look up some videos on YouTube for stretches.

    Hope everyone is doing great! I'm leaving for the soccer fields soon.

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349

    Hey hermits! THis seems like the place for me, I'm an introvert and live alone, so I'm truly almost a hermit. 

    Hey markat, if you have lymphedema, best suggestion is to get into treatment right away. My symptoms are out of control and it takes a lot of trial and error to get it calmed down. 

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Hey ladies - how is everyone?

    markat - sure hope it isn't lymphedema - I have some pain that I attribute more to nerve pain from my SNB (months ago) since I am not noticing any swelling.  Maybe yours just is post surgical swelling?  When do you see your PS again?

    Oh and markat - speaking of implants - did you have TE's implanted at the same time of your BMX?  Did you have rads?  I can't remember your backstory. 

    nibbana - welcome!

    camillegal - hope you are doing ok :)

    Jinkala - you need to just concentrate on getting better.  Drink!  When I was feeling so bad I hated to even drink but it really does help.  My mom would come into my room and monitor my water. :)

    whaevah - hope you had a great time with your nephew!  And hope you are having a great time with your sis.

    CSMommy - you out there?  How about you Sissy?

    I'll try to post more - I only post here and on the March chemo board. I get overwhelmed trying to post too many places.  I'm also on FB but I only post about cancer in a private group, not public wall. 

    I have been crazy busy this week.  School started Monday - 7th grade for my oldest, 4th for my youngest.  My 4th isn't crazy about one of her teachers and from what I hear from my niece who has the same teacher, she is kind of a be-yotch.  Now bear in mind, I am/well was, a teacher so I know it can be frustrating.  But you don't yell and scream on the first day.  Anyway, it is just frustrating that she isn't having the best school experience so far this year.

    She (Abby- youngest) is also having some heel/foot problems - finally took her to the dr and it is "sever's disease" - a growth/inflammation issue that will eventually resolve but doesn't have any real solutions right now.  Add in the sibling fighting between the two of them, the tiredness from going back  to school, bedtime issues, and it has been a rough week.

    On a positive note, I haven't been feeling too many residual SE from last chemo - I am nearly 2 weeks PFC and the only issue I have is some fatigue and trips on the "D" train.  I have made several trips to the grocery store, trying to do a little couponing, and cooking some new recipes.  I really, really need to start walking on my treadmill to take advantage of this last few weeks before surgery.  And cleaning, ugh, I need to clean my house.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Hi nibbana- I think we were on the May MX thread.

    Kt- I can relate with the kid stuff, fighting, bedtime drama etc. I had neoadjuvant chemo. Positive lymph nodes detected thru scans and 1 palpable behind arm. I never had a SNB because it wouldn't change my tx. I had TEs placed during mastectomy. My report after surgery said that my cancer was all gone from breast and nodes. They took 2 sentinel and 2 axillary. Because the chemo worked on the nodes, I didn't have to have rads.

    I haven't noticed any swelling. I have very flabby arms though. They keep waving hi 5 min after I've stopped;) The only thing helping ease the skin sensitivity and pain is Norco. I hate having to take pain pills regularly. I don't want to get sent to a pain clinic.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    markat check this out with u'r Dr. please

    and Kl u remember evones's name---I figure it's quiet here cuz so many of u have kids and it's such a busy time.  I live with my dgtr and my grandson has all these things to do and I did help him make a list of ??? I honestly don't have a clue how u guys with kids do this it's exhausting just seeing what my dgtr has to do with one kid (8) I could never do any of these things. I go on FB too but never talk about my cancer it's only here that I rant and rave and complain--u all get the worst of me.

    And ribana this is the place to come--it's fine with me being alone in my room--but I do have to go some places--the last 2 weeks it's been Drs. so I don't count that on a social level, but I do go to some lunches ore parties if I' up for it. But no one counts on me and I do like that part. LOL

    I'm all done with everything but unfortunately I've got loads of SE that have landed me in the hospital--well it's a change of scenery anyway.And today is one of those really bad days. That's why I'm a hermit LOL 

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Aw camillegal - sorry you are having a bad day :( (((HUGS)))

    markat - that is the plan with me too - BMX with TE at the same time - I don't know why they did the SNB - like you said, my BS said it wouldn't change the tx??  But anyway, they did!  I had one postive node and BS/MO have said "oh you probably won't need radiation" then I read about the "gray areas" of radiation with 1-3 nodes even after BMX.  I have a consult on the 6th with an RO, and hopefully I won't have to have them.  I know they can't know for sure until after the actual surgery path report though.

    So I got up, cooked breakfast (pancakes, bacon, eggs), ate, cleaned up the kitchen, played Super Mario with the kids and now I am back in bed to read a book.  Mabye I will make a list of the cleaning I need to do, lol!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    kltb---go ahead make that list--thst'' keep u busy enough. LOL

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    Hey ladies!

    kltb04 Loving my time with sis and nephew. Last night I had a little cuddle time with him while watching a movie. He had his arm around me and kept patting my head and my arm, like I was the kid.  LOL....too sweet. This morning we got up early and went for a long walk and really had a good talk. that boy! I am doing rads as choice really.

    nibbana welcome to the cave :)

    markat hope is is not lymphedema, take care

    Jinkala hope you are feeling better and well hydrated...I was quite sick one day, went shopping without water...won't do that again, have water will travel

    camillegal {{{{HUGS}}}}} SE's are the shite of cancer Yell

    Have a good weekend everyone! 

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camillegal, I hope you feel better today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I'm sorry I don't mean to complain so much--I'm just tired of Drs. giving me more meds and I still feel crappy---I take ?? over 20 pills a day and they keep on adding on--I don't even know what I take anymore and once in a while I feel like sad while I'm feeling sick too. But I'll feel better tomorrow so it's fine--I think seeing a cardiologist the other day bothered me alot-Now he's givin me meds?  And he looked like Doogie Housers young brother. Geeze I wondered how long ago he had puberty--Of course I asked too. I should just stay home--I told u so. LOL

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camillegal vent all you want! We're here to listen.

    Apparently, after my port surgery I called the resident Doogie Houser, lol. And asked him where he went to school.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh thst's so cute LOL markat, but unfortunately I say these things wide awake--Like one time I told my Surgeon if I was 25 yrs younger and looked ike I did then, he'd leave his wife in a minute.. I don't know why these stupid things come out of my mouth but so so so many do. and it's getting worse. LOL

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Bahahaha camillegal - that's funny!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Lol Camillegal!!!

    Well I left the cave last night! Husband surprised me with last minute concert tickets and babysitter. I didn't really have a chance to weasel out of it. It was fun! I did veto going out after, and we just got takeout. Baby steps!

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I've been doing pretty well these past few days.  I went out to my sister's house on Sunday so it was nice visiting with family for a bit.  I had missed them.

    I have a few more days until I have to go back for my second chemo on Friday.   Hopefully the new med added to the mix will make things go smoother. :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jinkala I hope it's better for u this time around

    I've been out last week--that's it and I don't care--I'm fine. Besides I can't go to far from the bathroom LOL

    Oh I do have Sat. nights pretty much booked up in sept., 15th, 22nd, and 29th--Wow am I a swinger in Sept. Please don't try to keep up with this whirlwind life I lead. It's not easy being me.


  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    markat - wahoo for leaving the cave - hope it was a great time!

    jinkala - glad you got out - hopefully this next round won't be so rough.

    camillegal - wow, you are just a regular social butterfly in Sept - lol.

    I have five weeks left til surgery and I am trying to start the big cleaning - I did make that list and have little jobs on it for everyday...maybe that will make it more manageable.  I also have been doing more grocery shopping and cooking since the kids are back in school.  Two weeks PFC and dare I say, I feel pretty "normal" (knock wood).  Still get tired easily and feel a bit sore and tired and creaky all over...

  • CSMommy
    CSMommy Member Posts: 58

    Hi ladies - sorry I've been MIA. Last week I went camping with my family - completely unplugged from the world - if that's not hermitude, I don't know what is! Then on to Taxol #8 last Thursday. These weekly Taxols just seem to get harder and harder to recover from - did anyone else on Taxol experience that?

    School started for us this week. Yesterday I celebrated the beginning of school with a nice, long nap during the day. Today I ran a bunch of errands and wore myself out. Thanking the teacher for no homework this week - for both my sake and the kiddo's. I got a chance to talk to his teacher - who, if first impressions mean anything, I am very excited and thankful for - as she has promised she'll keep any eye on my son and appreciates an open line of communication with the parents. All I ask of her is to let me know if she sees any issues or problems that she lets us know ASAP.

    Kltb04 - I apologize if you've already said, but what kind of surgery will you be having? I'll be right behind you, I believe. I have an appt Oct 8 with my breast surgeon to schedule what I am assuming is a BMX. I've learned, however, not to assume anything because things always seem to change from week to week. Good luck on cleaning. I keep telling myself I need to do that....sigh...I still haven't started.

    Holy Moly, camillegal - you're one busy lady! Hope you have fun on all your outings!

    Thinking of you, Jinkala, and hoping this next round is better for you.

    Oh, markat, I haven't been to a concert in what seems like forever. It sounds like fun! Especially the part about the babysitter!

    It sounds like you have an awesome relationship with your nephew, whaevah. You're one lucky aunt. :)

    And finally, nibanna, welcome. Hope you like it here and it feels like "home". It does for me. :)

    Hope I haven't forgot anyone!!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Klt- I had 6 weeks between chemo and surgery. The 3 weeks before surgery were my best weeks. Cooking, cleaning and getting ready.

    Camillegal- hope you are feeling good. You have a lot going on in September!

    CS- yay for camping! I wanted to go this summer but it was just too hot for me :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh camping--wow I could not be without electricity--TV-COMP. anymore--I go crazy when we hace a storm that threatens my indulgences. BTW CS all my chemo was weekly for a long time and it was not pleasant That one day u ight feel better, it's usually the day u hae another treatment--it sucked LOL

    It's like everybody is waiting for surgery now--ooohh I;m sorry.

    I go for more tests next week and the following week--and my biggest test is learning how to get to the places I need to be in this HUGE new hospital that's what takes so long LOL

    This new month is seriously interferring with my alone time. This is my usual feeling--not with anyone on the boards or family or friends.

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    LOL camillegal! We need that on a t-shirt

    markat and CSMommy... aww..great excursions out of the cave!

    klbt04, I did the batch cooking/freezing prior to surgery as well. Really helped

    To all, I am grounded in the cave, good place to be. Chemo delayed due to low WBC count but whaevah, I need the rest as I hit a wall. Nephew has left and is totally equipped for back to school . It was fun !

    Wig shopping later in the week, never planned to wear one but have a wedding in October . That's it and have a great week ladies Smile

  • CSMommy
    CSMommy Member Posts: 58

    We go mountain camping. I am a desert rat, so when I woke up the last morning there to 55 degrees I was ready to go home. Perhaps if we were in something more than a tent I would have been ok. My husband, who is the biggest hermit I have ever known, keeps threatening to give up all civilization and get a cabin in the woods. I told him I'd be right there beside him as long as I had wifi. Oh, the horror to live without wifi!

    Wifi and close driving distance to my cancer place. Not too much to ask. :)

    Good luck with all your tests in the next few weeks, camillegal. You know I'll be thinking of you. Keep us updated.

    Sorry to hear about your chemo delay, whaevah. Hopefully your break will get you up and ready for the next one.

    You inspired me to start cleaning out my closet today, kltb04!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camillegal that is hilarious!

    Sending you good tests and directions vibes!

    Whatevah, sorry about the chemo seclusion. Somehow I managed to keep good numbers through it and during winter with my kids. The neulasta probably helped and my hermitude ;)

    CS, I would love to live in a cozy beach cottage...without hurricanes of course! Congratulations on your closet cleaning!

    I'm still pretty sleepy but an insomniac at night. I think I hate Tamoxifen, lol.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    CS I would live in a cabin inna minute but with TV and computer   oh and of course Drs. and a pharmacy close by--Kind of defeats the purpose I guess.

    Marat--I sleep like sh*t and tired all day--this is sucky---Oh my newest med started today---it says confusion , dizziness---hahahahaha who would notice ????