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The Hermit Club



  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    A cabin in the woods sounds heavenly! And yes, wifi would be a requirement! So is cooler weather! This heat here in Florida is killing me....and contributing to my hermitude!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sissy the weather here too, I might have at least have gone for a walk, but the heat has been horrendous--today it's cool and raining cool is in the 70's now.

    But I may go out tomorrow to a bbq I'll see how I feel and see what the westher is like too. I make plans, but that doesn't mean I keep them, everyone knows that now so I wait til the day comes and see how I feel.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Sissydi I think the heat played a major role in my hermitness this summer.

    Camillegal, I'm bad about canceling. I'm supposed to go to a party tonight and I'm dreading it! I have bloodwork Tues morning so I don't want to throw it off by having a beer. So another drunk party where poor markat sits and stares at everyone :(

    Anyway, I took the girls book shopping yesterday and grocery shopping! It was fun! I love bookstores. If I had a ton of money to lose I would open one.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Markat sometimes u have a better time when u don't feel like going so maybe it'll be all riht. But I know what u mean.

    I was home alone last nite and I was fine with that and today I was supposed to o to a BBQ but everyone is tired--they went out  LOL and I'm still fine with that. Cuz it's at my other dgtr house and they all partied last nite so everyone will be laying around so I might as well lay around in my own ISLAND that I've created in my room. 

    I think I have blood tests too this week and next week---I write things down but forget where I write it. ooooo

    Well I keep on forgetting this is a holiday weekend --my grandson is spending it at my other dgtrs house so he's having a ball (he said) so I'm glad he's having fun.

    I hope everyone is feeling well to enjoy the weekend.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    I canceled :( Just couldn't do it. Maybe with a couple glasses of wine I could have.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Marat it's OK--U'r still recooping from a whole lot of stuff. U know just cuz things are over, doesn't mean they ARE overI'm not trying to bring u down really---butthese surgeriers and all the stuff that goes with it stays around a long time (to me) It's hard to understand unless u've been there and all of us have LOL unfortunately---but at least we have this place to come to without any judgement--cuz we all know we all have different reactions and different ways that everything was handled. So just relax and do something u feel like doing. Or do nothing hahaha

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Ha! I love it!

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,431

    I rented my house and live in a cabin now that my daughter is older and has her own apt.  Let those nuts pay the mortgage! Haha!  She still stays over a few times a week and that is nice. Fri and Sat I was so glad to be alone without hearing voices, especially office voices, saying things like "going forward" and "Refocusing on our goal"  that I spent until this am alone and read 4 books, drank ginger ale, ( my two addictions) hung out with the cats. and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Today I saw a friend and did a lot of fun things. and tomorrow I will too, but I love being by myself a lot.  I wonder sometimes why I feel mildly ashamed of that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Hi bedo!

    Ha Camillegal that is so me on Monday mornings lol! Love it!

    I keep getting confused about what day it is. I went to a mandatory family function and enjoyed myself! My sister in laws are great and really supportive. No one said a word about my implants- thank goodness! My friend said I should ask my MO about the possibility of me having fibromyalgia. I have cervical stenosis that was found during a cancer scan and it kind of fits with chronic fatigue and pain. Ugh! I honestly don't know a thing about it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Markat I'm glad u went sometimes u have to-'It's funny I was talking to my sister tonite (2 hrs) we live 15 min. from each other---anyway we were saying all the things they found when we had scans over the last few years--we had no idea and nothing bothered us--now we have all this pain and aches all over our body and we don't want to know about all the things we have so u'r not alone--no wonder why we just want to be alone So mich of the time we never feel like we used to and u don't feel well with this other stuff I'm sorry.  This whole thing just sucks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Bedouin, I feel that way sometimes too, but I'm just a introvert at heart, and I'm not going to apologize for my, hermitude! Don't get me wrong, I love having friends, but I love my alone time too.

    Markat, I have fibromyalgia.....ask me anything you want!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sissydi---did u have fibro, before u got cancer---so many of the ladies have this--I never heard of it so much--I know what it is, but no one I know has it--I just wonder. Thanks

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Hey is everyone?

    camillegal - lol loving the pics!  I only do mornings ALONE - if I am by myself, I'm ok - I hate the school morning trying to get the kids up and going and out the door!  Good thoughts for your upcoming tests.

    markat - glad you had a good time at your family SIL is persuing the thought that she may have fibromyalgia as well...she is a couple years younger than me (37) but has been having a lot of issues.  I hear ya on the party - although I was REALLY bad last night - we went to bro/SIL for Labor Day and the one drink I was going to have turned into several - I have Herceptin tomorrow and my regular bloodwork beforehand - ack - gonna drink lots of water today!!

    bedo - books and cats - sounds like a great time to me!  I wish my cats would snuggle with me but they just aren't that kind of cats.

    CSMommy - glad you got your son back to school and you get a good feeling from his teacher.  Yes, I am having a BMX with TE on Oct 1st.  I have an RO consult this week and have fingers crossed for no rads.

    Sissy - the heat is just awful isn't??  We are back into the high 90s/low 100s with awful humidity this week.  Will be so glad to see cooler temps.

    whaevah - sorry about the chemo delay - when is the next one?

    My kids have already had a sick day (last week) from school - they both got awful colds and now DH has it - knock wood, I never got it - maybe my last Nuelasta is still working from PFC 3 weeks ago.  Tomorrow is MO appt and Herceptin only.  Have a concern that I posted about on a couple other boards - I have a knot/lump about an inch above where my port is.  Don't know if it something with the tubing?  Or something in it??  Praying it isn't a node - it is UNDER the clavicle - so it wouldn't be a superclavicular node.  Trying not to obsess too much over it.

    Did the grocery store/Target this morning - since I have had a lot of time on my hands, I have been cutting coupons and trying to get some deals - I think it's fun :) esp when you get free or really cheap stuff! I have about an hour and a half to sit here and then I am going to make myself walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes...then it'll be time to do the whole school pick up routine. 

    Hope you all have a good week. 

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    I've had fibro for 21 took years to's much better now than it initially was. Prevention is the key.....low stress, plenty of sleep, and exercise. It all started with a bad case of mono.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Sissydi I brought it up to my oncologist today and she's not really sure what's going on with me. She is treating my pain and fatigue as a side effect from the tamoxifen, surgeries and chemo right now. After I finish herceptin I can see if the SEs are still there. I have to take tamoxifen because I'm premenapausal. I just feel like sleeping all the time except at night. I hurt all over. It's been really bad since my BMX.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    KLT---I'm laughing about u'r blood tests, how much did u drink-?  hahaha

    Sissydi--that's a long time to have fibro--after mono? Didn;t  it get worse with all the stuff u've been thru.

    Markat with all u've been getting and going thru lots of aches and pains sometimes go with it, unfortunately but of course check with u'r Dr.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    camille - let's just say too much, lol!  We were just sitting and talking wihle the kids played and I just kept topping mine off (jack and coke) - DH was driving, so I was off the hook!  It's just my regular old, CBC and whatever else they do on infusion day.

      I guess if they call me about my liver results being wonky, I can confess.  Can't say anything to MO tomorrow because my mom will be with me - my parents are teetotalers and would not approve, lol!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Klt-my liver count was up once right after vacation and I was so angry that I couldn't blame it on alcohol. I was still going through chemo and alcohol tasted like crap. All my nurses just figured I drank. Nope! They did go back down.

    They are checking my thyroid and increased my antidepressant. Hopefully it works. She's keeping me on a advil, norco regimen. If the fatigue increases I'm supposed to ask for a stimulant. Ummm, the most medicine I ever took before cancer was advil and low dose antidepressant. Wah!

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I'm still around - I had my 2nd chemo on Friday and I've been having the usual nausea issues - plus the added taste bud issues that I didn't have much of the first go around.  It's really hard to find things that taste edible these days. 

    Just sleeping, watching the kitten play, playing computer games, talking with the boyfriend and not doing much else.  Just trying to hold on (and not go into non-eating hibernation again) until I feel somewhat normal again.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    KLB hahaha---I don't think that test shows alcohol, but I am LOLing cuz u'r Mom will be there to know--I could picture y Mom saying something to me too. hahaha

    Markat u're getting the full makeover--when I start all this stuff my liver was fine---when I had my tests toward the end my Dr. said I had a liver like an alcoholic-LOL I don;t drink at all hahaha--so I told her that's the chemical alcohol not the good stuff. LOL

    Jinkala--as it goes on sometimes the taste is worse--try to use plastic utensils for some reason it might help. And rest whenever u can, u'r body will need it.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Klt- let us know how your port is. I've been feeling around at mine and don't really feel anything. Have you lost any weight? I've seen some pictures of women with ports and some seem to show the tubing more.

    Jinkala do you like mashed potatoes? That's about all I ate all day on my bad days- from a plastic spoon. Wishing you well!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I just felt my port and I feel a round disc and a little thing on top straight--that's it.

    Markat is right theres like one thing u seem to pick that u like and thst's about it for the day, then u get sick of it and go to another--it's a never ending roller coaster. LOL

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Jinkala I just remembered and saw that you are type 2 diabetic. The mashed potatoes are probably out then? Sorry I don't know a lot about diabetes and the diet you have to have. What about chicken soup? Or peanut butter crackers?

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    Hey Hermits :)

    camillegal: nice pics!

    bedo: I too love books and cats,  but prefer a nice Pinot Gris to the gingerale ;) Also i feel no shame in wanting to be alone, it is my time now and really I can't be bothered with explaining that to anyone.

    markat: hope it is not fibro, I don't have any experience with that but have read many ladies on here who suffer with that pain. I pick and choose my outings as chemo is a priority and the rest can wait. Lucky you have nice SIL's, mine are say the least.

    kltb04: my port really sticks out, and the tubing is visible in places. I doubt it is a node in that area, maybe just the tubing. I wouldn't stress about it, LOL, even typing that sounds stupid...we stress about everything. As for the extra couple of relaxers, I am sure they won't hurt. I have the occasional glass of wine *cough* but I did have my liver function test just recently and it is normal, so far so good. With weekly taxol, I am sure I won't be in the mood so all is well there.

    CSMommy *waves* glad you had a nice vacation. Had my first Taxol yesterday and other than the loopy premeds, I feel WAY better than day 2 of AC. I hope it stays this way .When did you notice them getting harder and what are you experiencing. I am taking extra vitamins and hoping for the best.

    Jinkala: can you try blender protein drinks? they work for me

    SissyDi *waves* enjoy the hermitude

    *waves* to ALL

    One taxol down 11 to go! Oh the joy~

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
       This is definitly me and come on some of u too.
  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Camillegal, lol!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Sissydi thanks for your help and info!

    Didn't hear anything from my MO about my thyroid or blood counts, so they are probably normal. I go to a different infusion center than hers because it's closer and more private. Some well meaning daughters were talking to their mother about her wishes for when she passes. That was a tough conversation to hear in the chemo room. We all have curtains and TVs so I tried to turn mine up without disturbing the other people around me.

    Camille great pictures! I always want five more minutes!

    Hi whatevah! Hope the taxol is treating you okay.