The Hermit Club



  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816

    Hi Shelley, it was good to see that you were feeling well enough to post.  Listen to your body ... rest when it says to rest.  I did not listen to my body, tried to do more than my body wanted to do, and ended up in the hospital for a few days. 

    Ducky, thanks for the Blondie update.

    Blondie, I hope the rehab staff treats you like the special person that you are ... thinking of you!

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Ducky, it's a relief to know that Blondie will spend some time in rehab with meals provided. You are so good to keep us updated. Please let her know I look for her posts, miss her kind thoughts, and pray for her daily.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Ducky- I am glad to hear that Blondie will be going to rehab next, and do agree she will have more eyes on her to ensure she is getting nourishment and other care she needs. I have never sensed she has had enough help at home, even with family living there.

    We appreciate the updates.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Glad to do it ladies..........

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    I need to borrow a hug.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Been a long week with a lot of challenges, But pain

    no sleep and very weak But canalways  win with God on my side.( Sleep machine needs a new mask, been wait 6months ok 2 days ago

    PS A friend came by at the store with a bad cold today


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    I changed the last note alittle But faith is following me everywhere

    I just wish I was not so sore and tired But I am grateful for You and

    Your caring kindness, God bless You Debbie

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Its hard when You live alone and have breathing trouble

    You have to keep it non dusty, But I will try and slow down

    alittle. The new medical coverage for Medicare I have to pay

    for my things and so I fought it and its been ok'ed and still

    waiting. Wake up all night cause mask is leaking.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    I am looking around cause its getting harder to get help

    with seniors here and like a van I loked into is only covered

    by medcaid (Welfare) that hurt my heart, I have to got in my

    wheelchair to get my meds, why? I worked when I was in High


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thanks again for Blondie's news! When I first read her Bio, I thought, "Oh no! And now THIS." She has had such a rough time.... I'm just glad she is somewhere that she can get the help and rest that she needs. I can't imagine being laid-up for that long... Hope you get back on your feet soon Blondie! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Went to my pre-op check-up with my PS yesterday. Everything is still a go and she gave me the papers for the meds for post-op.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Good morning hermits- waking up to snow again this morning, I am attaching a photo of my pampas grass in the snow. Looks so pretty to me.

    Footprints- I live alone too, and do understand being sick and being alone. I am not in that place at the moment, but was and could be again. I agree six months is too long to wait for anything medically. Do you belong to a church? Is there someone there who could provide help? Hugs to you sister and sorry things are so hard. Virtual hug coming your way.

    Chevy- that is a great photo. Blondie got a new calico kitten and was thinking how much she is going to miss her while she is in rehab.

    My painting project got finished yesterday (and ahead of schedule) and everything looks great. Now we wait for the flooring guys to come next Monday to finish the rest of the hard wood flooring. I will share some photos once I have the rooms back together so you can see the new look in those areas for you home improvement types here.

    Hope everyone else is doing okay. Stay safe and warm everyone.


  • shelleym1
    shelleym1 Member Posts: 111

    today is day 2 since my surgery. Still want to stay in bed but forcing myself to sit on the couch and walk around the house. I'm not in any pain just disbelief. I did a word finder puzzle to try to distract myself but it didn't work well. I get to take shower this afternoon and remove my bandages. I'm very nervous about it. I had some loss of sensation in my right arm today which the nurse says is from the IV. Never heard of that before. It's a yucky day here rainy and icy.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Shelly...I lost some sensation in my[ right arm after tumor removal and node removal.......I still have no feeling in big deal.......eventually it becomes second was worse for a while after surgery, but gradually some of the feeling returned.

    Went to my Mo today, and she asked if I went back on my AI.......told her no......I am feeling good right now,and hate to give it up.......but will start start again in another week..........but also told her if the achs and pains come back ..........I'm done..........just gonna take my chances...........sometimes quality is so much more important then quantity.......I have learned that over the past 3 1/2 ;years.......what good is living life, if you can't enjoy life because of SE's from a medicine that is suppose to keep you alive.........

    I am hoping the new better then the Femara......I doubt it, but WTH I may as well give it a shot.........I can always stop........

    Nothing new with Blondie............

  • concernedhubbyalan
    concernedhubbyalan Member Posts: 21

    Us caregivers can become hermits, too. I don't want to around anyone but my wife.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Shelley- I am sorry the reality of this is hitting you so hard. I was just really numb for a lot my experience when I went through it. I am glad you are getting up to move around, many reasons why you need to that. Unwrapping bandages is scary too. You will have some black and blues there for a bit, but things will get better. I hope you are able to get good rest.

    Ducky- I have been on arimidex for almost 3 years. I will be honest, the first six months were really tough on it with the stiffness and my feet was the worst. I went off it after six months for a month, then resumed and it is better. I still have times it bothers me. The stiffness has been bad this week as a matter of fact, but know that is because of the weather. I can function on it though.

    I find daily exercise helps with the stiffness, plus I take a supplement called hyaluronic acid that puts moisture back in the joints. My MO okayed it, be sure yours does as well if you want to try it as some supplements have estrogen-like properties. I am out of it right now, so tomorrow I am going to get some as it really makes a difference for me. I hope this med works better for you. And yes, I am all about quality of life vs. number of years.

    Concerned- welcome to our thread and I understand your need to hermit too. I had to care give my mother during a very difficult year about 11 years ago, and it is too hard to explain to people what is like to be in that role either. Are there care giver threads here you can check out too? I hope your wife is doing okay and getting through her treatment okay?

    Snow came and went today. I got out for apts and errands and a trip to the gym. It did me good to get out of the house today.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Teka- I think there are some forums for older people with BC. I have seen them out there.

    Good to hear Blondie is out on the threads. I am going to PM her.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Teka- oh, duh! Now I get it. I will find her.

  • concernedhubbyalan
    concernedhubbyalan Member Posts: 21

    My DW is scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy on Monday. She was Dxed with Stage II. She took her BRAC test today, but the oncologist seems to think she won't need chemo. Right now, we're getting the preop clearances for Monday.

    Neither one of us has any family, so it's the two of us vs. the world.

  • concernedhubbyalan
    concernedhubbyalan Member Posts: 21

    Yeah, the days of sitting on tge couch watching football all weekend are over. 

    Fine by me. DW comes first.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Concerned- thank you for sharing more about your DW's diagnosis and treatment plan. I am glad you have your surgery plans at least and wish you the best with the final pre-op preparations. I hope she does not have to do chemo either. Just try to make the bedroom and other areas she may spend time in as comfortable as possible for her recovery.

    I am sorry you don't have family to help you. As someone who has limited family myself, and they don't live near me either, I will say that if you have other communities of friends around you, don't be afraid to ask for their help. I know this may not be easy, but people really will want to do things for you. I am a very independent person who hates to ask for help, but had to during everything I went through. People came to my aid in all kinds of way. We all get by with a little help from our friends. And you now have us too, so you are not alone. You would be amazed how much support comes from this site.

    And about football weekends, you may be right about that, at least for awhile. But I will tell you that finding some moments of normalcy during all this is VERY important. For DW and for you. Because your world will change drastically during all this and treatment takes over your life and recovery often takes some time. If you know something your wife enjoys that you can find ways to that are not taxing, do them. Listening to some music she enjoys, renting movies to watch together, going to Starbucks to get a tasty coffee, etc. Keep things simple and these little things really will help you feel better during a tough journey.

    I hope this is helpful to you Concerned and keep us posted.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh now "concerned hubby".... just don't go gettin' too worried, because you want your wife to think you are her rock! And as far as her "friends' you were talking about, they just want to make her feel better, and not worry, but they can be such a PITA!

    I think we ALL heard about what we should do, or take, or what CAUSED us to be "here" in the first place... But Blessings had the best advice... See if she can join us here... and then there are so many threads she can look through, and see what the rest of us have gone through.

    But you will have a LIFETIME of sitting on the couch and watching foot-ball games together!

    So many of us have "had" breast cancer, and are well on our way to see what ELSE we can do... Like break our hips, fall down stairs and break ankles, and get into all SORTS of trouble... Or even trying to keep OUR Husbands well...!

    So just don't worry... and always "believe" in the best possible "tomorrow."


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858


    I commend you for wanting to be involved in your wife's care and as Jazzy said you both need to have a sense of normalcy. If my hubby hadn't been there for me when I needed him, I don't think that I would have done as well as I did. I told him that he couldn't just focus on me all the time, that he needed to have an outlet too, even if it was just a phone call to a friend or a guy's night out with his buddies.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Concerned, if I may add my 2 cents here, as a DW to a DH who is still going through it, please do not neglect your own health and well-being during this time. In years past my DH has always worked out, or run, or even walked. Now he is really out of shape, overweight, on high blood pressure meds, and when he gets through working he crashes on the couch. Fortunately I'm a true hermit, so I don't need a lot of companionship, but I know he would feel better if he were more active again. There's a full gym at his company, and he would often go in early and work out or run, then shower & go to work. I know that he is coping with my disease, but I just want to caution you, because your wife will worry about you as you worry about her. You will be the rock for her, and you need to be healthy to do that. We also don't have kids (I have one who lives half a continent away), so we are all we've got. I agree about finding time for yourself, and she will want you to. She will need some to, it's a lot to process. Many find it a good time to journal, a place to let it all out.

    All the best to you, and do encourage DW to check out the threads for each step of her progress. I started out in the May surgery thread, and graduated to the July chemo thread, and the support, encouragement, and sharing of common experiences was invaluable. It's so important when we wonder, "is this normal?" to see others are going through the same.

  • shelleym1
    shelleym1 Member Posts: 111

    my husband is my primary caretaker as well. If it weren't for him I would've just given up. Please stay strong for her because if she sees you upset it will scare her.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 that your Boston.............just noticed it....picture is small, but he/she looks adorable....I had a Boston which I rescued at 7 yrs, but had to put him down at 13......I still miss him so much, and that was back in 2004.......This is Bossy......

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326

  • shelleym1
    shelleym1 Member Posts: 111

    yes that is my Boston. I rescued him as well. He is about 9 now.