The Hermit Club



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Mags- oh the shoulder thing sounds so painful. I think trying different things is all you can do.

    So nice about your cousin's birthday and the outing. She is certainly your angel with all she has done to help you and DH through this. There are people in this world who are just oriented to helping others, she is clearly one of them. I am glad you are going to go enjoy a nice dinner to celebrate. Dinner by the lake conjures up a nice visual for me.

    I have done one of three bc related apts that will happen this month. I did go to the MO's office for the check in there. They are the ones who help me with the AIs, SE's and check my over all bloodwork to make sure there may not be something brewing elsewhere. I did not hear anything on the bloodwork yet, so hopefully all is okay there. Also waiting to hear on whether I can do the Prolia shots to help the bone health now or not.

    I will be going later in the month for the mammo/ultrasound and then to see the BS the following week. Then I will be done with this follow up and I will go back in July for the next one. And yes, I do feel anxiety every time I go. This is my fourth one, I go every 6 months and sort of know what to expect with the process (takes 1-2 to get used to it), but of course, you never know what they are going to say, find, more tests they may want you to do, etc. I sort of lay low and hold my breath as I go through it. Fortunately, it is not as bad as going through treatment.

    Cami- I missed about your daughter being in the hospital, so I went back and read your post again. I hope she is better and getting rest now. This flu season is wicked.

    Back to the bedrooms. Got half of one almost cleared out.

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Onco, I missed you! You love to skate? My son does too - was a figure skater, then ice dancer. Daughter only skated from pre-school to kindergarden cause her brother did... It's cruel irony - those years of freezing at skating competitions. I took them to learn-to-skate to avoid public skating with them hanging on - I hate the ice. My Dad built a rink every winter... Are Nestor Johnson racers actually speed skating skates? How do you stay off your butt? I tried skating lessons as an adult - when I got going - hit a divot and splatttt... Hope your news is that you made it safely around the rink on your new skates! Wear mittens and hat (and butt pad?). Stay warm.

  • shelleym1
    shelleym1 Member Posts: 111

    hi onco warrior, I'm having a lumpectomy. I get to come home and snuggle with my dogs afterward.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    I need to be very brief but have now split up with my partner. I am living in very temporary rental accommodation with 3 dogs and 3 cats and no garden but taking mountain walks almost every day. Its quite stressful but a different kind of stress as I feel there is space for a surprise to pop in............I have no income, no job and no proper home, I miss my own bed hugely but I have to follow my heart and intuition as I was so stuck. Physically I still feel yuk, and never realised how much a ladys garden could dry out.....some days I think maybe i am having a breakdown but I am trying to stay with the energy and trust I will be ok, although no idea how!

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Hey Lily, I am a relatively new Hermit. I just want to let you know that I am rooting for you! If you can handle 3 dogs and 3 cats, you seem ready for anything! I pray that you will find a more permanent home quickly. Walking in the fresh mountain air sounds invigorating. May the beauty of the world around you lift your spirit and give you the strength and courage to continue on your path of renewal. Stay strong.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Lily- you have taken a huge step. I know it is all very scary right now, but the relationship did not sound good for you. You have made one change for yourself and will make more as you adjust. And I am glad the dogs are with you. Hopefully you have enough money to tide you over for awhile until you can make the next step.

    One of my favorite quotes is "sometimes the only transportation available is a leap of faith." I took a leap of faith when I picked up and moved to NM almost 19 years ago, and also when I went out on my own to open a consulting firm eight years ago. Some circumstances in my life I did not want pushed me to do both of those things. They have worked out too. None of this is easy, but you just keep taking it one day at a time and doing the things that are good for Lili, okay? You are surviving and working toward thriving again.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Shelley- I had lumpectomy surgery too. They will also check your sentinal node in your armpit (or more depending on if they have concerns). The small incision where the checked the node was more bothersome to me than the breast incision. Everything has healed well and two plus years later, you cannot really see much of anything.

    There are women here who swear by recliners if you have one as you won't be sleeping on your side or front for a little bit. I don't have a recliner, but put pillows on each side of me at night to keep me from rolling around.

    Eating protein is really key when recovering from surgery. My doctor friend who helped me through it and all my other doctors reminded me to eat as much protein as possible. Helps to rebuild the tissue and muscle near the node.

    We will be here for you on the other side of the surgery. Again, I am sorry you are going through this.

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    THANK YOU.........ThumbsUp

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    I am back from dinner. It was lovely, and the food was divine. I am not doing great though. Coming home, DH took a road that is under construction and it shook up everything in my tummy, and rattled my aching bones. Hit the wall when we got home and had to be helped out of the car. Tummy still unhappy and I have ice on both shoulders. I did try a couple of the stretches in the hot shower, but it's just too much. I actually have a pretty high pain tolerance but this is just beyond. My whole body is fighting it, tensed up, teeth clenched. I'm actually trembling. I can't take anything with my tummy like this.

    But I did get pics. The sunset.


    My sweet cousin. Can you believe she's 78?


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Mags- I love the photos and what a beautiful spot as well as beautiful lady in that photo. I am sorry the ride home was so rough on you. I hope the ice and the recliner will help you to feel better tonight.

    Made good progress on the bedrooms today. Tomorrow will be another day of the same.

    Good night hermits!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    We got the snow angel variety!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Hermits.............Blondie fell down the steps...........broke her ankle in 3 places and also dislocated it......she is in the hospital and will have surgery tomorrow.........trying to find out more info........her and I live about 20 minutes from each other............damn like she needed this shit.......ugh

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    My goodness me, please give her my love when you see her, horrible......but she did it in style, 3 breaks and a dislocation!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Ducky- thank you for letting us know. I woke this morning thinking about her. You are right, she does not need this at all! I am very sad to hear this news.

    Please tell her Jazzy is sending her love and healing energy.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Jazzy will do........

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Ducky -- thank you for the news.

    Blondie -- sorry for the pain and aggravation. sending love and miss you here. hope the twins are taking special care of you. (sitting by your side?) hope that you didn't injure yourself heading to the birthday party and miss the fun as well... positive thoughts for the surgery Monday. stay strong.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thank you Ducky..... Can you let Blondie know we are all thinking about her? So sorry for all that she has gone through.....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Jazzy, Teka, Daisy, Chevy.....will absolutely keep you all in the loop............I am going to try to contact her daughter.........I have Blondie's phone number, so will try to call and see if I can find out anymore..........will certainly let you all know.....................

    If I get to talk to her will give her you love.......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Ok, got Sandy's phone numbere.....called is a laugh.....she was on the bed pan......LOL.....they were going to take her vitals, so I am going to call her back later.......she sounded worn out..........more to come

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh no not the dreaded BED PAN!!!!!! Tell her to tell them she would prefer a potty-chair instead of that ice-cold bed pan!

    But I remember them getting me up to the wheel-chair to be wheeled down the hall to go pee.... then left me in there, to hold onto the sink, and try and sit-down, with a broken hip! I got back up, and fell into the chair, and they got me back to the bed, and THEN decided I needed a catheter.... which was MUCH smarter I thought. With all the pain meds they give you, I don't think you can even GO for DAYS after.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Sigh, our poor Blondie. Probably stuck with that bed pan because she cannot get out of bed with the broken ankle. My mother had that same type of injury and surgery back in 2007. Once they get her through surgery and get a cast on her, she will be able to get up on the commode.

    Chevy- I am sorry to hear you went through a broken hip. My mom had that happen too. I hope you are well past that now and recovered?

    Everybody else here be careful. We all seem to have fragile bones now......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes thanks Jazzy... Wasn't easy, but it's been almost a year now! That pole dancing is not as easy as it looks....Winking

    Just glad it wasn't my right arm.... my puttin' on make-up and hair-rollin' arm!

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Mommy -- love that snow! tried to get my 6'1" daughter to make an angel for me at college last winter and snap chat it - no go... all grown up.

    Mags -- I was so thrilled to see the beautiful pics. Your cousin looks so young! I am very sorry for your discomfort. Hoping sleep was restorative. -- My brother just had minimally invasive total hip replacement in NYC. He is just over a week out from surgery and able to walk without a cane! I looked up minimally invasive shoulder replacement - it looks like they are performing a few of these. At least you can look forward to that in the future when it becomes mainstream. Praying for you.

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Chevy, Nice to meet you. You crack me up.

    Jazzy is right - everyone needs to be careful. It's dangerous inside and outside. Hermits should definitely stay in. Sending hugs, warm wishes, positive vibes to all.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664

    Duckyb1- tell Blondie we are all sending her love and well wishes for a good outcome tomorrow on the surgery. Whew she has been through the wringer! Damn that is bad luck.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Rose- hi and welcome to our thread! Perhaps you have been here for awhile. We love our Blondie.

  • SweetHope
    SweetHope Member Posts: 74

    Hello all!

    The best Hermit Vacation...hop on a train. Pick a destination where you arrive in daylight. Get a sleeper car, roomettes are inexpensive, or a full sleeper with a toilet (still cheaper than a lot of plane fares). Have the porter deliver your meals (included in fare and very good). You will see some spectacular vistas that you can't see by car. No cramped airports, no noisy claustrophobic planes, no lost directions or traffic jams. Then, at night, you are rocked like a baby in a cradle in a very roomy, starched-sheet bed.

    I can't wait to get my treatments over with because I want to go somewhere I have never been. I want to hop on Amtrak in New Orleans and end up in downtown Manhattan at Penn Central. DH and I have made two trips elsewhere and I have even traveled alone on an overnight trip north to Chicago.

    No, I don't work for Amtrak, but if I wasn't so old and such a hermit, that would be the career for me. And it's pretty ankle-cast friendly, too.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Sweet.............sounds wonderful..................