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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545

    Would Claritin (not Claritin D) help? I know ladies who have Neulasta shots take for the bone pain.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SherryH16, sorry that you ran into such pain.  I took my first Fosamax Tuesday morning.  Waited 30 minutes before eating.  BTW, the instructions IN the box said I could have plain old water during that 30 minutes.  Nothing else stated that.  I didn't have any problems.  I did have oatmeal instead of my usual Cheerios.  Figured it would absorb more acid or whatever.  Seems to have worked.  I've also heard that we don't want to be on it forever, too.  I just started Arimidex  so I have 5 years of it ahead plus another 5 years of something.  Even though my oncotype was 13, my MO says that puts me at high risk for recurrence so 10 years of something(s) is called for.  More than happy to do that.  

    Ruthbru, wonder why Claritin (I assume regular antihistamines don't do the trick) helps.  You know anything?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545

    No, I don't.....

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Okay.  I'll keep it in mind in case I need it.  Thanks!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    question, when I did Fosamax years ago, I did the daily lo dose one, wonder if that would be easier tolerated than the weekly?  maybe it is worth a try

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Iris, that wasn't given as an option for me.  Maybe they figure fewer side effects once weekly.  But I don't know.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Peggy, I did it a long time ago and the weekly was just coming out.  But maybe it is still available for folks with issues!

    me I am in heaven tonight, the contractor is gone and I am just cleaning up after his work for the last 2 1/2 weeks....feels lovely to be able to clean again~~and I now have a non leaky bathroom!  no chance of the tub failing on my head!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Iris, YEAH that the work is done.  A tub on the head would not be desirable.  It seems to take forever to get clean after a construction project.  Good luck!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,798

    got the Prolia shot on Monday. I don't think I have any side effects. I was bending up and down a lot this morning and I got a serious cramp in between my shoulders into my head. Mild headache all day, but not sure if it has anything to do with Prolia.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Good for you FluffQueen!  Glad it went well.  Sometimes it is awfully hard to tell what's a normal crap time and a SE, isn't it?

  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699

    you're so right Peggy....I already have some of the side effects and I'm not on anything yet!!!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Nash, you're so funny.  We tend to forget that not every headache, muscle twinge or ache and pain is NOT a side effect.  We had plenty of them before BC and we still have them AFTER BC.  Of course, that's easier than saying...we're getting old :)

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    Sherry, could sitting upright, in maybe a not-so normal position for two hours have aggravated your disc issue and caused the pain?  I think maybe you could relax a bit next time and maybe not have so much pain.  I find I can slouch and slump quite a bit and go about my normal activities without any issue.  If I think maybe I feel a little something, I take a swallow or two of water.  After half an hour, I assume the stuff has been absorbed and move right on to breakfast.  So far, so good. 

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Sherry and Brookside, I had to wait only a half hour to eat.  AND the manufacturer's printed enclosure said I could have PLAIN WATER during that half hour.  I just went about my normal life (with the exception of starving).  I didn't feel anything and I do suffer from GERD.  

    I think you may be onto something, Brookside, about sitting in an unusual position might aggravate the discs.

    Good luck!  We'll learn as we go on what works and what doesn't.

  • sherryh16
    sherryh16 Member Posts: 95

    Thanks ladies.  While I have not had any back issues since my surgery to correct the herniated disc in January, I will try to stay a bit more active while remaining vertical after my next dosage.  Knowing what to expect should alleviate further issues.  Its always the fear of the unknown that complicates the situation for me.  Next dose should be much easier.   I, too, never had the option of the daily dose.  It was just the once a week Fosamax to try first as that is accepted easiest by insurance.  If that caused problems, then I would have to submit and fight for coverage for either injection or infusion type.

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    MENA, thanks for asking! Today is day 4 on the examestane, and so far things are good. I take it mid-day and have no fog brain like I did with the anastrazole. No new aches and pains, either, but I know it's still early in the game. Keeping my fingers crossed!


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Martha, yeah for no new aches or pains!  I have found my swimming is great for keeping the body less achie if you have that as an option

    best of luck

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Martha I will be interested in watching how well you do on your new drug.  I recently changed from Anastrazole to generic Femara aka Lestrazole. I am hoping that being on the new medication will lessen my joint pain.  The Anastrazole was really beginning to take a toll on my poor body.  I noticed a few ladies here have switched to the examestane with pretty good results.  My MO opted for trying Lestrazole instead so I am willing to work with it.  I have been feeling some very familiar hip pain but doing my best to ignore it right now. 

    I have had two bone scans since DX and both have been totally normal.  MO says I have excellent bones.  I have broken many over the past several years, they sure don't feel sturdy but apparently they are.  I feel badly for you ladies who have to go through other difficult treatments due to bone loss.  I sure hope the treatments help and there are more happy endings like the story Ruth shared.  I wish this kind of luck to all of you here! 

  • traceyb
    traceyb Member Posts: 9

    I see there are so many posts about this. But I guess I am looking for advice. I have been on Tamoxifen for 2,5 years. At first I was very fluish on the T but that went away and I was tolerating it well. Now I am post menopausal so my Dr. changed me to Arimidex about a month and a half ago. First I had stomach upset, that has gone- but I feel as though I have aged 30 years (I am 52 and very active and healthy other that BC/BMX 3/2012) I have terrible plantar faciatus that I am not sure is from the med or from the exercise I do? I have been going to PT but it is not improving at all. Now my knees are sore. I had the ocotype dx test and it was a 5 (low chance of reoccurance, no chemo, IDC though) ...Don't know if I should stay on this and tough it out. I am very active and the achiness is ruining my quality of life! My Dr. said I would just go back on Tamoxifen....Scared to quit the Arimidex, I do want the lowest chance of C coming back but at what cost?? Help......???

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    tracey, sorry you are not tolerating the AL, have you spoken to your doc?  many woman have issues on one of the AL but the first thing docs do is try one of the other (there are 3) ones to see if it is better.

    I just finished my 5 years and it is at times hard to know if something is a side effect or dang old age

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Tracey as mentioned there are other AIs to try but you can also go back on Tamoxifen if you can't find an AI that works. But do note it sounds like your body might need more time to adjust. Just keep your MO updated. 

  • Lago... i was reading your history and I noticed you had your nipples done,,, may I ask if you did tattoo or replacement and how was the one you chose? i have one more implant  to go and then we will be discussing a nipple... i am leaning towards the tattoo ... thanks,, healing hugz to all......J

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545

    Tracey, when did you start Arimidex? It does take awhile for the body to adjust, so if you just started, then give it awhile.

    Keep moving as much as you can because that does help. I have had plantar faciatus, and it is rotten. From what I know, the only thing that helps is time (although it will not be made worse by exercise)..... AND wear good, supported shoes all the time, even in the house (advice given to me by my PA friend that actually did help). Your knees might be hurting because the plantar faciatus pain is throwing off how you walk.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    jeaniebeanie1200 I did nipple reconstruction followed by tattoo (to give color). Glad I did it. The nipples do shrink a lot but it really makes a huge difference. I don't have headlight issues unless I am wearing a very thin tee without a bra or a very wet tee without a bra…and compared to most with headlight issues it's very subtle. 

    I think my nipples came out better than the boobie prizes Loopy

  • thanks Lago, yeah, thats my worry, i dont wanna look like my headlights are on,,,,i also would like to make sure I am happy with my Uni boob before I do that,,, thank you for your answer:))

  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527

    My pharmacist indicated the plain water was okay in that 30 minutes after taking mu Fosamax (written instructions weren't clear if you could have more than the 6-8 ounces of water with the pill). On Saturday mornings, I take the Fosamax and go for my 3-mile morning walk along with my two water bottles. I eat when I get back. The walk usually takes about an hour. I haven't had any trouble so far.

    Just missed two weeks of my Fosamax. I went on vacation and thought I forgot to take the pills along. Found them in a zippered pouch in my suitcase when i got home and unpacked! Think I just wanted a break!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Golden, that's a good idea doing your walk then. Funny about your vacation from Fosamax. :)

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    Question for those doing the fosamax or prolia. My MO suggested that I might consider prolia - he didn't mention fosamax or anything else. Based on the dexa scan that I just had I am slightly osteopenic and just started arimidex. That same week I saw my gyno who said that I really didn't need to start prolia or fosamax yet as my dexa didn't indicate a need and he would rather see me taking Vit D, Calcium and exercising - he knows I am on arimdex and is very familiar with it as his wife had BC and is also on it. Part of me thinks I should take this and part of me thinks I shouldn't as I have always had bad teeth - genetic, since a child - and I am afraid of the jawbone issue because of that. Any of you that are on this have teeth issues? Any thoughts?

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    Linda, do speak with your dentist.  Mine told me the main issue is with extractions and, if they know you are on one of these drugs, they stitch the wound rather than leave it open.  He indicated that I have good oral health and a history of twice-yearly visits for cleaning and exam, and that would be continue to be important.

    Meanwhile, if calcium, vitamin D, and exercise (the dreaded 30 minutes/day of walking or whatever) will keep your bones nice and strong, maybe that's a better solution.  Ladies on one of these threads (maybe this one?) recently mentioned that you're only supposed to be on the bisphosphonate for five years.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    linda505 my MO waited till I had osteoperosis to treat. I was osteopenic even before chemo. Big drop after chemo/5 months Anastrozole but considering I chemo put me into chemopause that was expected. I was still osteopenic though. I was pretty stable for 2 years till my spine dropped just over the border into osteoperosis. While I do think they waited too long to treat me I would hold off if I was you. do the exercise, D and calcium (which I had been doing).

    If you continue to drop I would start with the pills. There are risks with any drug. These aren't drugs you can take for a long time. My Rhuematologist only wanted me on Prolia for 3 years. Not sure what the plan is if I stay on AI for a total of 10 but I know I have to take the break.

    I suggest you read up on the drugs and how they work.