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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Odd and Grammakathy, while I was in good health, I was exhausted from being the sole caregiver for DH. I may be mistaken but I think the stress of his care contributed to my BC. Of course we can do this!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    PontiacPeggy it is believed there are several switched that need to be turned on for cancer to start. I personally believe my final trigger was stress as well. I too was in perfect health, took no meds. Ironically my PS told me my cancer started about 4 years prior…which would have been 1 year and 3 months after this horrible job with lots of stress ended. I like to blame my cancer on that old boss because he's such an asshole.


  • grammakathy
    grammakathy Member Posts: 126

    PoniacPeggy and Lago - I agree with you - stress affects us in ways we can see and can't see. It is truly the test of our character and inner strength. Hugs to all

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    grammakathy I agree with you about the stress factor, love your attitude about it.  If stress is a factor I am surprised it took so long for cancer to rear its' ugly head in my body.  I know I am not alone dealing with stress.  Lago, Peggy, most of you ladies had huge stress factors.  I applaud everyone for being so positive at this stage of the disease.  It helps so much in our recovery.  I love this board so much because we can come here for answers and suggestions and support.  Nobody judges anyone here.  It is a safe place to learn, vent, socialize, and even laugh.  You ladies are the best.

    Feeling mushy this morning and not expressing myself well!  Does anyone care to share Thanksgiving plans, traditions?  We are going to our neighbor for dinner.  Our children live in different states and won't be able to be here.  I am making pumpkin spice cake balls and marzipan.  Nice little bites of dessert without being filling.  Kay, our hostess, has a huge family and it is always noisy there but we enjoy it.  She and Flip have 9 (yes) grown kids between them, their spouses, and 19 grandchildren.  Also her brother and SIL come.  We are the only non family members but we are good friends and they have had us there every year.  So darn sweet!  Kay always has the food under control and tells me to bring nothing but I cannot go empty handed.  So finishing up the little bites today and will happily spend some fun time with good friends. 

    Much love to all!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JustMeJanis, my kids are far away, too. Having my brother, SIL and nephew for Thanksgiving. Then taking a turkey sandwich to DH at the nursing home. That will be very strange. Have fun with your neighbor!!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    my plans are to head to a pals place for turkey dinner, my family is small these days and my sister & her kids (or young men really) live north so I join local pals.  Just back from buying flowers to contribute to the table

    currently we are in the cold, wet basically nasty weather

  • sherryh16
    sherryh16 Member Posts: 95

    Doing T-Day at my home this year.  Both daughters and their significant others will be here as will my only granddaughter.  My two daughters do not get along the best, haven't for years.  They are as different as day and night and are both very opinionated.  Neither knows the others partners, yet they have each been together for 4+ years.  So it will be the 6 of us with me doing the majority of the cooking and the girls bringing dishes to share.  It is my wish that they can rebuild their relationship to what it was when they were young kids.  They grew apart in middle/high school and have not gotten along since--and that's been nearly 10 years.  The only time they are in contact is during the holidays and at my initiation.  It is my hope/wish that some day they will be in a place where they get along and hopefully stay in touch without my having to initiate or mediate their contact.   Fingers crossed.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  • Pita119
    Pita119 Member Posts: 23

    My SIL & I take turns & it's her turn this year...yeah!!! So, I will bring the sweet potatoes, coleslaw & pumpkin pies. She has 7 grown kids with spouses & grandchildren. 2 of my 3 kids will be going...son-in-law & 3 grandkids. My other daughter is out in Illinois & is hosting her own dinner with friends. So, I will not get to see my 2 1/2 yo granddaughter for this holiday but they are coming home on 12/23...can't wait to see them. The weather is really crappy here. Stepped onto my porch to go out a slid...almost broke my neck. But I'm in for the rest of the day so it's ok. Happy Thanksgiving ladies...enjoy the day :)

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    I'm going to work tomorrow but will leave a bit early. DH is cooking dinner and I will help when I get back. Our kids also live far away (North Carolina and Washington state), and our other family members are all scattered too. So it will be quiet, but certainly thankful! Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday from the time when I was a little girl. Lots of traditions, and I have much of my parent's dining room items in my own dining room so it is very reminiscent for me. Luckily we will see both of our children and their spouses at Christmas time....heading to NC for Christmas and then up to Baltimore because my son and his wife are coming there for a wedding, and DIL's mother lives in Baltimore. That will be nice, I haven't seen my son since January when I was deep into the chemo battle.

    Blessings to all of you!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I'm going to my BIL & SIL. Bringing marinated mushrooms and sweet potato hummus.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    RhodyMMM, you're so lucky to be able to see your kids at Christmas. Mine haven't been home for Christmas in 10-15 years. Maybe 19 years (when they both got married). It's very hard. Luckily my brother lives close so I can celebrate with him and his family.

    Everyone enjoy Thanksgiving!

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Peggy, that must be so hard for you. I know how hard it was for me when I was going through chemo and couldn't see my kids (I shouldn't call them kids, they are adults). My daughter kept in close contact between Facebook and Skype, but my son was kind of MIA. DH said that he thinks that he couldn't handle it, which makes sense, because he was always a very sensitive kid. I am so looking forward to seeing both of them, just wish it could be all together! The last time we were all together was when my daughter got married 9/1/13, which was 5 days before I started the chemo journey. Hugs to you!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thanks, RhodyMMM. I did see my sons this summer since they literally cared for DH after my lumpy. Just don't see them at Christmas. HUGS!!!

  • Jupiterjo
    Jupiterjo Member Posts: 1

    Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful to have finished last round of Taxol Nov. 18, 2013; on one a day Arimidex - so glad to have found all the posts, I hate the Arimidex but feel it's in my best interest, 4 more years to go of it, lots of pain but controllable w/ Tramadol, usually once a day, started back to work part time at a wonderful job (library at a college) with great people, was diagnosed March 2013; stage II invasive ductal, 2.5 cm tumor, dx w/ reconstruction. After 3 chemo's (cytoxin and the red death stuff) I ended up in the hospital w/ zero white count. I found a wonderful new oncologist and finished 12 weekly doses of Taxol. I must have had the same stressful job as some of you have mentioned, the previouse year, was sued during chemo by former boss's angry clients (he stole 5-7 million dollars) I worked there 6 months as a receptionist before moving to a great (I thought) job. After surgery and while on chemo was told through a friend the small law firm where I worked as a Probate paralegel (dealing w/ dead people, could it get more ironic?) that the firm couldn't hold my job, the temp replaced me. I was told about this on Sept. 30, 2013; happy breast cancer awareness month! But out of ashes (or Dante's inferno!) come many blessings - I was helped along the way by so many, family, friends, strangers - amazing how God sent what I needed each time, even a retired judge to stand up for me to the other attorney who filed the lawsuit. I'm cooking lots of Trader Joe food for my husband and son - and so glad to be here! Blessings to you all!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JupiterJo, you've had one shitty year. I can't imagine how you coped with everything and stayed reasonably sane! So glad you found a great job. Your stress level must have dropped to near zero. Hopefully, the SEs of the Arimidex will lessen over time. The goal helps make them more tolerable, I'd guess. Happy Thanksgiving to you! HUGS!

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305

    JupiterJo, I am very curious as to what Tramadol does for you. They gave it to me to help me sleep. It didn't help me sleep, but it did make me bump into a lot of things -- and not even feel good while doing it. It's in a drawer.

    Darn. Forgot who it was. Anyway, someone is coming to Baltimore and that's where I live. Well I actually moved out of the city itself and am in a suburb about an hour northwest.

    Thanksgiving plans: Pick up my xanax. Take a walk or dance for half an hour. Go to my niece's house around 2. Mom made spinach-cheddar puffs for an appetizer and cooked the cranberries. My niece likes the jellied kind. We like the real thing. I'll probably be trying to play with the children: Giada who is a six year old drama queen and Enzo who is a nearly 3 year old wild child. Anyway, that's how they are when I'm grumpy. If I can get my head in the right place, they are both sweethearts with tons of love to give. I pray that I get my head in the right place but that I do NOT try to overdo it with them. I can't be doing the lifting and pushing and carrying and all that I used to be able to do with them. Those mets in my ribs protest particularly loudly.

    Have a great Thanksgiving. Hopefully we will have some nice stories to share tomorrow night.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    It is just me and my dad (87) this year.  I am making a Butterball white meat pre-roasted boneless Turkey breast, the Campbell Soup green bean casserole, Bob Evans Mashed Potatoes, McCormick Turkey gravy, and Ocean spray cranberry sauce.  Desert will be orange and banana fruit salad instead of pumpkin pie, as Dad is diabetic and has been eating a sugar free one last week......

    Thankful for all my board friends.  You will never know how much you all meant to me as I started sailing these uncharted waters last January.....

    Hope you all have a great one, or the memories of a great one.  I miss the sound of my Grandma, my mom and my Aunts voices in the kitchen as I woke up to the clattering of pots and pans and the smell of onions in the butter for the dressing.  I think the smells make better memories than the food itself.....

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Dunesleeper, enjoy that family!

    Redheaded1, it's amazing how evocative smells are. There's a spring, damp smell that reminds me of my Iowa grandmother's HUGE bathroom. It had all sorts of storage in it and was bigger than the 2 bedrooms. Very strange thing to remember. But cooking smells are the best memories, aren't they?

    HUGS and thank you all for the information, support and hugs on my journey. Couldn't have made it without you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542

    Off to spend the day with some of DH's family. Hope you all have a great day, and.......


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Happy Thanksgiving, Ruthbru! Definitely re-setting the scales!

  • grammakathy
    grammakathy Member Posts: 126

    Our sons and their families are in WA and OR so we will be spending the holidays alone. That is OK though - we are blessed and spent two months in our motorhome this summer in the Pacific Northwest. I'm cooking a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, yams, broccoli/cauliflower salad and pumpkin dessert. Last Thanksgiving was hard because my mastectomy was in late October and it was a slow recovery for me. I'm so grateful for my health and life and plan to celebrate this year.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    jsj, wow what a story. Yes that is some of these I'll write up my stress story but not now!

    Going to my brothets. He invited me today when he asked what I was doing. I told him I was trying to decide if I was going to other to cook the half u r key breast for just me. LOL. My DH is hunting and 3 hours here and back with snow forcast means I don't want him to try coming home. His brother and wife will be there so he'll be ok. 2 of my kids are working, one's DH is on call a d the other Is going to his wifes sideass her dad is not doing well. So just me. But now ill be at my bros house so all is well.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Time to get your Turkey on

  • debiann
    debiann Member Posts: 447

    Anyone notice an increase in dark circles around the eyes while on rhis drug? I'm sleeping well, don't think its because I'm tired. I know my family is predisposed to dark circles, but mine seem much more noticeable lately. I've been on anastrozole for 3 weeks.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We're staying at Lew's sister's in Brainerd and will be leaving in a few minutes to pick up his mom from the nursing home and take her with us to Lew's other sister's house. I made 2 pumpkin pies to contribute. Lew's sister and her husband are both excellent cooks so I know lots of good food will be waiting for us. Grateful that the storm changed course and we had dry roads for our trip here yesterday.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Peggy I haven't spent a holiday with my kids for years.  They live in different states.  They usually go to Conifer (CO) to my son's for Christmas.  My ex DH goes and my older son too, so they are usually together.  My DH has two sons also but they don't come for holidays.  It is difficult, but we are so happy to have good neighbors who include us in their holidays.  Yesterday I baked a homemade cherry pie for one good neighbor.  I am taking pumpkin spice cake balls and marzipan to the dinner later.  Kay always prepares for an army (with nine kids, their spouses, and grandkids she has to) and never wants me to bring anything.  So I just take a little something.  They all love them so that is good.

    Wishing all of you wonderful friends a Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy it all and embrace the love. 

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JustmeJanis, So glad you have such wonderful neighbors. Makes it so much better. I'm glad I have my brother and his family nearby. Can't bring DH home from the nursing home so will go see him later tonight. Hope to talk to the boys sometime today.

    Happy Thanksgiving One and All!

  • purplerose444
    purplerose444 Member Posts: 3

    hello.....I've been on Arimidex now for a couple of months after taking 5 yrs of Tamoxifen. I was wondering if anyone has experienced a bad taste in there mouth? I didn't enjoy Thanksgiving today at all because of it. It started about 30 days into taking the drug and no food or drink is the same anymore. In fact it's downright disgusting. I have some joint pain and insomnia but I can deal with that. Taste is something I'm not sure I can give u

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    How distressing PurpleRose! I've been on Arimidex for about 6 weeks and haven't noticed any problems with taste (or anything else). Good luck and HUGS!

  • merg
    merg Member Posts: 6

    I was on Anastrozole for 3 mos but changed to Exemestane(Aromasin) because my bones always ached. I don't know if I feel better though. Sorry I can't help. Good Luck.