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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    Thanks, Bren.  I have my two-year mammo and BS in about a month.  I guess I'll take the whole dose until then, at least.  If all is OK, however, and if the nasty brain fog comes back, I thik I'll be giving real consideration to the half pill as a regular thing.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Finally. Now I know why I love you gals. We're all wine-lovers :) Or at least appreciate alcohol in all its varieties!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    BrooksideVT, I see that you've gone back and forth between Arimidex and Aromasin. Did you not tolerate Aromasin? Were the SEs worse than Arimidex for you? How are you doing now?

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    On aromasin, Peggy, there was always a huge wad of hair in the shower drain (I wash my hair every other day).  The hair loss only lasted a couple of month on arimidex, so I wanted to go back to that.  I totally forgot about the brain fog that is now lifting.  Maybe it was from the arimidex, and maybe not.  If it comes back, I'll have to do something different. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    DH and I both have 2014 cars, my Chev, his Nisan. Neither car has ANY kind of spare tire. If you have a fairly new car, you may want to check that. I have a "tire repair kit

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    The dealership took care of my tire pressure low light by....FILLING the tires :). I had it come on only once before and I had a flat that time. So it does work properly, just annoying.

  • Beachlady28
    Beachlady28 Member Posts: 25
    Anyone lose their hair on Anastozole? And is Anastozole a form of chemo?
  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    I haven't lost mine but more does come out. However, that said, I am not sure if that is the meds or the surgery because in the past, I have had some hair loss after having surgery and I did start taking this right after the surgery. I've been taking it for 3 months, and I think the loss has slowed.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    BeachLady, I haven't lost mine and have been on it about 5 weeks. It is NOT chemo. It is a hormonal therapy - designed to rid your body of all estrogen. You might want to read the articles about it on this site. Do a search.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Beachlady28 I had hair receding before all of this. Yes I did have some with Anastrozole. I think a bit more on Exemestane but I do use Minoxidil and have been since before diagnosis. It's all related to (loss of) hormones though. I was peri-menopause before chemo. It started a few years before that. It is not chemo. If you are losing your hair on either of these drugs it's from the loss of estrogen.

    I have a ton of hair so no one but me would know.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I have lost hair but also prior to the meds.  A dermatologist told me several years it was from losing weight.  I lost quite a bit of weight getting ready for my son's wedding 6 years ago.  I developed a condition called "Telogen Efflivium' which is now chronic.  I don't think the AI's help at all.  My hair is a little long now, about 6" past my shoulders, but so thin.  I dread washing it and seeing how much hair I lose with each shampooing.  It is so upsetting.  I am not sure that anything can be done to improve it.  I do take Biotin twice a day.  I think I may end up having to try Minoxidil at some point.  I really don't want to be bald.

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Msqueen, so glad your daughter is okay. I can say I know how you son was at Virginia Tech when they had the massacre. In fact, his dormitory was right across the street from the building where most of the folks were shot. I was just starting to hear about it at work when he called me to say that he was okay. I was so thankful, because for the next two days you could not get through on the phone lines. And our local high school is the one where one student stabbed 21 people last spring. It brings chills up your spine. Even though my kids are long gone from that high school, I cried because I can feel for all those families.

    Peace to all of you, the world is a terrible place! But there are also many good people out there!

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    I'm always up for a pizza party. Beer, wine, either if fine (or both!). Lago, we could do a clam DH invented a supersteamer. We can crank out seafood or lobsters for 100 people in no time flat! It cooks the corn on the cob too!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Impressive RhodyMMM!!! Sounds good.

    All these school incidents are so scary. Very hard.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    well I am doing wine and an omelet tonight!  not fancy and just need to find something to stick in the omelet

  • grammakathy
    grammakathy Member Posts: 126

    Rhody - are you writing about Reynolds? Our Grandson was there and dove into a classroom with a number of girls. It is horrible that there have been so many school shootings.

    I haven't lost hair from Anastrozole but have had the usual aches in my joints. Right now it is making my spine ache and the muscles spasm. I'm hoping that SE leaves pretty soon. My capillaritis still looks gross on my right calf but the MO and dermatologist don't believe it is related to the pill. I still believe it is a result of the pill but the benefits outweigh the downside. I took it for 7 months, was off for 3, and now back on since the first of October. Unfortunately the wakefulness at night is back in full force. Sigh.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    RhodyMMM wow that's impressive!

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Grammakathy, I was speaking of Franklin Regional in western Pennsylvania. Last April a student pulled a knife and stabbed 21 people. So many troubled people in this world


  • oddducklady
    oddducklady Member Posts: 9

    I am hoping some of you will give me your opinions. I would like to be able to read through all the posts and try to gather info but just don't seem to be able to find the time right now. My husband has BC and we have been dealing with it for over 9 months. We need to go out of state for treatment and so have been gone a lot. He just finished radiation and we have been gone Monday through Friday for over 7 weeks now and I can't seem to catch up on anything. He was just started on Anastrozole. Any opinions on is brand Arimidex better? (less side effects?). Better to take it at night? He had some nausea today and I worry as he has lost a lot of weight and was just now getting his appetite back. For the first time in months food was tasting good again. I realize everyone is different but I would appreciate any opinions. I have learned so much from these boards over the past many months. I am just trying to do the best I can in caring for my DH. Watching him go through all of this, truly my heart holds only good wishes for all that are dealing and living with this horrid disease. Thanks-

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544

    I did fine on both 'Arimidex' and on the generic. It is just something you have to try & know if you have trouble, you can try a different brand. As far as time of day, it is the same trial and error thing. I took mine in the morning because it fit better with my schedule and also because I'd feel a little hot/flashy shortly thereafter. I could deal with that better during the day, at night it would have kept me awake. Others find that it makes them tired, for them nighttime is the right time to take it. So I'd suggest to take it when it is most convenient, and if he has problems, then adjust. Best of luck to him, and to you!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    OddDuckLady, I *did* read all the posts on this forum. One thing that seemed to stand out was that many women found that, if they were taking generic Arimidex, they were happier using the one manufactured by Teva (an Israeli company). So when I got my prescription, that is what I requested. I've only been on it 5 weeks but no problems so far. Have DH try taking the anastrozole right after breakfast (or meal of choice). Play around with the time of day. I always take it right after breakfast. Another time might work better. Just had an off-the-wall thought: Maybe take Dramamine before taking it. That works for nausea and it's OTC. Should be fairly innocuous. I must say I didn't realize that Arimidex was prescribed for men but with his BC being ER+ it does make sense.

    Your DH has had an awful year. Make sure you take care of yourself. If you aren't well, you can't take care of DH. I know what I'm talking about. Most of all loads of positive thoughts going out to both of you It is an awful disease. Stay strong! Many hugs to you.

  • Leveled
    Leveled Member Posts: 57

    Any arimidex users out there suffering any hair loss or thinning? I used cold caps to protect my hair only to loose it to arimidex. Desperately seeking answers.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    OddDuckLady, I forgot to ask if DH is taking Fosamax or similar for his bones now that he's on Arimidex. Did he have a Dexascan of his bones prior to starting Arimidex? Maybe it isn't necessary for men since they don't seem to suffer from osteoporosis like women do. Just curious. HUGS!!!

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    Dramamine isn't innocuous - it can make a person terribly sleepy - probably not a good idea to take unless you're taking at night before bed - wouldn't want to drive while taking it.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305

    I am experiencing some hair loss, and I assume it is from the anastrazole. It seemed to start after a month or two on it. I hope it is a temporary thing, but if it is working, I'll deal with it.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    208Sandy, hadn't thought about it making you sleepy. I don't take it. Nice to know.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Leveled I used women's Minoxodil. It seems to be working for me fairly well although still have some receding. I have recommended it to others and many have had good luck. Do note that it can take 3-6 months before you see a difference. At the very least it might slow the loss down. I use generic. Cheaper and works the same.

    oddducklady I was on Teva brand most of the time but there was a few months they switched me to the generic from India. I didn't notice the difference but I prefer my drugs not come from an manufacturer in India. Due to some side effects I switched to Exemestane (generic Aromasin). If your husband is having issues there are a few other AIs he can try.

  • Leveled
    Leveled Member Posts: 57

    Thank you lago, do you need to use this the whole time your on arimidex?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Leveled I had the issue before diagnosis. After chemo my hair filled in but then on the Anastrozole it started to recede. For me I feel I will have to do this for life. If it's caused by the drug only then maybe not. I did notice when I took a 5 week break from it before I started Exemestane my hair started to fill in. BTW Exemestane has the same issue, maybe even a bit more for some.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    I've been using men's minoxodyl for years because during my divorce and perimenopause, my hair was falling out. Don't know if it was stress, hormones or both. During chemo, I stopped using it because I figured it would be a waste of money. Now I am back to using it and my hair is about 1/2" long and about as thick as it was before.chemo. Last TCH infusion was about 9 weeks ago. My face stays a little fuzzy because of it but that's why God made tweezers.