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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • schoolmom
    schoolmom Member Posts: 327

    mariek.....I have bouts of strong pain in the bad girl. I had chemo, rads and now arimidex after lumpectomy. My onc said that sometimes rads will cause the pain. Mine started about 10 months after rads. I have it about once a month. I wonder if it may be that or carrying groceries or heavy things when I forget. I had a weird thing happen about 10 mos post rads when bad girl had strong pain and turned purple. It was burst blood vessels from carrying grandbaby I guess. The pain felt the same as these current ones.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    I had 8 nodes removed because the Sentinel node did not turn the right color with the dye, so that also didn't help.

    Yes I do have Teva.....that is the only Mfg. I use for all my generic drugs......

    After 3 1/2 years on the AI, I had new SE's show up, like foot to answer your question.............yes anthing can show up at anytime.......even years after you start, and are still on it.

    I have a friend who never had a SE, nothing not one........she has now develooped foot neuropathy, and no she is not it happens...........

    You lose more then "Estrogen", when you lose your "Estrogen".........does that make sense..........

  • evelynsfirstborn
    evelynsfirstborn Member Posts: 3

    Helllo ladies,

    Iam new to this thread and would like your opinions, please. I'm just a bit past 2 weeks since my BMX with reconstruction surgery. I saw my oncol last week with post-surgery path report. All really good news (tiny DCIS removed, sentinel + 1 node clear, wide margins, nipples clear, no chemo or rads required). Chance of recurrence is only 5% but doc thinks I should try AI for even more insurance. I've been post-menopausal for almost 15 years due to ovary removal (BRCA1 positive) & am now a very healthy fit 60 year old. Oncol has prescribed Arimidex & Walgreen's filled script for Anastrozole (manuf = Accord). I don't begin taking drug until mid-June. My question is, should I have Walgreen's switch drug to Teva manufacturer before I start taking? Or wait to see if I have SE with Accord? Sounds like there's a significant reduction in SEs with Teva format. I'm fortunate that I can stop taking drug if SEs are intolerable since the benefit (5%) & my risk are small. But I'd like to give myself every advantage if I can take AI for next 5 years.

    Any thoughts? Thanks much,

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    EvelynsFirstBorn, Welcome! If you can, I'd be strongly tempted to switch to the Anastrozole by Teva. The fillers used by Teva seem to be less of a problem than with some of the other manufacturers. You also might want to consider taking Fosamax along with your anastrozole - to help your bones. And, of course, stay active. Sounds like you are doing everything perfectly!

    How are you feeling? Glad your path report was so very good. Very encouraging.


  • evelynsfirstborn
    evelynsfirstborn Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for your thoughtful response, Peggy. I'm gonna take your advice about having the script switched to Teva formulation. Do I need a prescription for Fosamax? I take OTC calcim/mag plus multi-vitamin but that doesn't sound like it will be enough. I walk my dogs on trails around our house for at least an hour a day (of course I've had to scale back on that a lot since the surgery but that won't be for long). I'm planning on seeing a physical therapist after I get the OK from my plastic surgeon. I am determined to be better than ever. It may be slow going but I will get there! This is a bump in the road. Thanks again

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    EvelynsFirstBorn, you're welcome! Yes, Fosamax (you'll get a generic) is a prescription. I asked my MO about it and he kicked himself for not prescribing it in the first place (only a 2 week delay). I think it's worth it. It aggravates my acid reflux so I'm careful about my breakfast on Fosamax days (it's a once a week tablet) - big bowl of oatmeal to absorb all that acid :) .

    You definitely have the right attitude. Do what needs to be done - whatever it is - to kill the cancer and then get on with the rest of your life. I was caring for my DH who needed 24/7 care and I had no time to spare to worry about BC. Surgery - check; radiation - check; AI - check. He's in a nursing home now and that's relieved a lot of the stress I was under.

    Keep thinking positively - I know it helps!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    I wouldn't add Fosamax unless there is a reason to. Each drug you add has it's own potential side effects. Many people (like me) find their bone density holds up just fine. I did a lot of weight bearing exercise, got in two servings of dairy a day, took extra calcium plus vitamin D, and ate a serving of dried plums (ie prunes), which actually build bones, a day. 

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    And your drunken raisins, Ruth! I can't do dairy or calcium supplements. I do take Vitamin D, of course. I have osteopenia so Fosamax was necessary for me. But you're right - not everyone needs it. EvelynsFirstBorn, check with your MO. Did you have a DexaScan done on your bones? That could be the deciding point. Thanks for the reminder, Ruth!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    You bet. Yes, start with a DEXA scan and go from there. Smile

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    You always have such good advice, Ruth!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    I am a teacher so am kind of bossy by nature Loopy

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338


  • cjanet
    cjanet Member Posts: 288

    Today was ROUGH. Nausea all day from the Arimidex in the morning, and I'm still only on half a pill. I did get all sorts of advice for dealing with the nausea, but please tell me it gets better! I hate laying in bed but there's not much else I can go when I feel so crummy. My kind neighbor brought over essential oils DoTerra for me to use under my tongue and those have been helping. I'm just wondering how long the nausea will last- several weeks? months? the entire time I'm on Arimidex? I'm going to start taking it at night tomorrow to see if that improves things.

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160


    can you give out the drunk raisin recipe? It is for arthritis right?


  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 254


    Are you taking the TEVA brand? Ginger is good for nausea. You can boil some ginger in water and drink it throughout the day.

  • evelynsfirstborn
    evelynsfirstborn Member Posts: 3

    After reading many posts, I'm beginning to question the risk/reward ratio of this drug. If I only have a 5% risk of recurrence, is it worth joint pain & bone health? I'm calling oncologist tomorrow & telling her I've decided to pass on hormonal therapy. God bless all of you

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Cjanet, that's terrible. I'm sorry that you're having such awful nausea. I didn't experience it at all. My only suggestion is to make sure to take it on a full tummy. I take mine right after breakfast and before my first cup of coffee. Have no clue if that matters or not. Sure hope it gets better for you! HUGS!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    EvelynsFirstBorn, please remember that a great many people take Arimidex with no issues at all (including me). You might want to give it a chance. Of course, that's entirely up to you. It certainly isn't an easy decision. HUGS!!

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    Hey all,

    Been on Armidex since last September. FIrst few months no problems, then my hands started hurting bad - but that has improved and I can deal with it as it seems to be lessening every day, hot flashes that are annoying but not debilitating. The last 10 days I have had a constant dull headache and my fatigue seems to be getting bad. I am active, work every day full time. I am already on the Teva brand. Any one else have the headaches and fatigue? IF so, any suggestions on coping with them?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Lind.............after being on an AI for 3 1/2 years, I stopped.......went from Letrozole, then tried Arimidex......Arimidex was wrose......

    However.......try taking your AI at was suggested to me when I first also helps with the fatigue.........and yes........fatigue is normal, and brutal when it happens........never, ever, fell asleep in a chair, or nodded off on purpose before BC...........

    I use to tease my daughters because the would especially one of them.........I am 80, and I was 75 when I was, rads, everything was a walk inthe park.....even developed Lymphedema, but did fine with that even though I was no 'happy about it......................enter life changed............ but "YOU GIVE IT A TRY, REMEMBER YOU CAN AWAYS might be one of the lucky ones......................good luck

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    By the way it was the wonderful ladies hee who suggested taking my AI at night, when I told them I was petrified to start it.....

    Ruth I think one of them might have been could answer that better then I can..........the AI kills brain cells too............LOL..........being funny...........lo

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    Thanks duckyb1 -already taking it at night. I think I might have read that suggestion from someone on here before I started. I am gonna push through this for awhile and see how it goes. I just am not a headache person - I have had very few in my lifetime - mostly all associated with colds - so a daily headache is concerning to me. Of course I think brain mets - ugh - but then the sensible part of me says arimidex.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    cj ==talk to your doc if the acid from the med is unbearable and ask their help but changing the time of day may help.  I took mine in the morning but after eating breakfast.  You will need a plan that works for you but times it takes a few trials

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    When I inquired about a bisphonate (sp.) I was advised to be careful.........a good friend is a Pharmacist.....he said that the Fosomax ..etc......can sometimes do more harm then good.he said ttaking it can make yoour bones especailly in the thigh more ridgid........and that could cause a leg to break easier.............

    His adivice was to increase Vitamin D3, and Calcium..............but do not overdue a calcium supplement.....he said you were better getting it from a natural source.....milk, cheese, yougurt, or any of the good veggies.......

    But then again listen to your Dr........only saying what I was told, although I googled it, and there was quite a bit of controversery about those was an interesting read......check it out................

    Now I do know after taking it you are not suppose to lay down for at least 35 minutes............wasn't happy with that part thought.....ok, last thing I need is digestive problems...........I already have enough......LO

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Cjanet--Doterra Essential oils are wonderful. I use the Lemongrass one for cholesterol and the Wild Orange one smells divine.   I had nausea with the Arimidex for about 4 weeks and it started after I had been on it for about 2 weeks.  Then it just disappeared completely.  Mine was mild, I never hurled, but felt like I wanted to.  Mo offered to give me Compazine or switch me to another AI and I declined both and it worked itself out.   It kind of came in waves......

  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112

    LOL, just on the line with a pharmacist at Future Scripts, which mail order fulfills my AI generic (per Blue Cross) with Accord. I asked for a change to TEVA, which they will request.....but the pharmacist said all the side effects were from the drug itself, not the fillers. Extremely rare, HE said.

    I explained that many woman notice a difference in fillers but he obviously didn't accept that premise. I guess no studies have been it's us to us to "anecdotally" figure out what works better.

    My side effects aren't too bad....extremely stiff after sitting a while despite lots of exercise. But I have had plantar fasciitis for about 5 weeks now.... I stopped Accord generic for a week to see if it improved, but nothing. (I do lots of stretching, pads in shoe, etc.)

    If I get the TEVA and anything changes I will report back.

    BTW, Duck--I live in Havertown.

  • rwiley4529
    rwiley4529 Member Posts: 35

    I've been taking Arimidex for several months now. Last week I felt like I was getting a sore throat, looked up SEs for Arimidex, and saw that it is one. It's not debilitating in anyway, just kind of an annoyance. Has anyone had any particular luck with helping an Arimidex sore throat feel better?

  • cjanet
    cjanet Member Posts: 288

    Hey Redheaded- my neighbor ran over to my house with a bottle of DoTerra Digest Zen and said keep putting this under your tongue! The bottle has been going everywhere w me. The nausea is unpredictable. Sometimes I can't even tell if I'm hungry or not. I just ate lunch and put more DoTerra under my tongue. It's helping a little. I do have ginger tea in my bag for later as well.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    The Lemongrass OIl is very pungent.  I can taste it for hours after I put one drop on my tongue.  So I am adding the drop to my water now.  Once a day.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263

    Evelynsfirstborn, I would just give it a try. I agree you are as low risk as it gets, but you may be one of the lucky ones who has no problems at all, and in that case why not use everything available to kick it to the curb? If any issues arise, you can quit and the SEs will go away. And you will know you did everything you could.

    Rwiley, I've had sore throats and headaches, feels like coming down with a cold but then never materializes. I can't say for sure it'sthe anastrazole but if it's not, that's some coincidence that it all started soon after I began taking it! Nothing really helps..... Annoying...