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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • gypsyjo
    gypsyjo Member Posts: 112

    I'm hoping that I fall in the group with Peggy and Denise. I just finished my first prescription of Anastrozole manufactured by Accord. Some SEs. Hot flashes, additional joint pain/stiffness, and insomnia. Enough to impact my life but not show stoppers as of yet. My doctor said the AI is optional for me as my risk is already low. I am planning on trying for at least 3 months to see what the SEs are for me. My refill at Target RX happened to be the TEVA brand this time.  Dr felt that being active and exercising were more important in my case. If I find myself less active because of SE, I should stop taking the AI or try another.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    gypsy: add me to the list with Peggy and Denise. I've been on anastrozole about the same length of time as Peggy. Had some hand and knee joint pain for a little while, some insomnia, kept active at the Y, and one day I realized my joints weren't hurting any more and that I'm sleeping pretty good again. I also take the Teva brand.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    have been trying since Mon am to get a refill auth. Nincompoops at MO!!!!

    Walgreens finally called, it's ready. There is SUPPOSED to be a note on my file, Teva only.

    Me, is that Teva?

    Clerk, no, Acord.

    Me, I don't want it, can't take that.

    Clerk, oh, um, well, um............

    Me call me when you get the Teva.

    IDIOTS!!! Why does it have to be so difficult?

    At least I remembered to ask!

  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    Gypsy, I'm on Teva anastrozole as well.  Only in my third month but no major SE's so far.  I am very active and I think your dr. was right on in encouraging you to keep that up.  It seems to help many people on this board.  Check out the "Let's Post Our Daily Exercise" board if you haven't already.  Lots of great support and encouragement to stay active and fit. 

  • gypsyjo
    gypsyjo Member Posts: 112

    Thanks for the great support and suggestions, all! The Teva brand sounds very promising. I really want to do as much as possible to avoid this beast again.

  • TessaW
    TessaW Member Posts: 148

    Haven't heard of that Jilly. Is it only effecting your scalp? I seem to be the queen of new allergies lately. Could you be allergic? I had to stop arimadex. I was using a walker at one point to get around it was so bad. I was also born with cerebral palsy but I'm only 44. NOT walker worthy!

    Why do you never see bad people with cancer? I don't know that we don't. Maybe. I know how much it sucks, but we've gotta try to not compare our sich to everyone else. I think that's what gets me the most down. I look at everyone else and think "They weren't born to a 15yr old who wanted to abort them and hated them. They weren't born with cerebral palsy. They probably didn't grow up in a volatile environment with no support in any form. Then to end up in an abusive marriage. Alone with a baby to raise on my own, c.p., scoliosis, stenosis, knee deterioration, constant sickness, and boom Cancer. On top of having to work full time and also care for my 93 yr old grandmother. STRESS!

    There are always those who have it worse than we do. I know that doesn't make our situations and better, but once in awhile it does help if only for a moment to think, " Well, at least I'm not a parapalegic. " ( sp?)

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Just had a check-in with my MO. All's well. NO SEs thus far and I really don't anticipate any. A friend has been on anastrozole for several years with no problems. Keep in mind that most people don't have SEs or they are so minor as to be not worth mentioning and thus do not post here. BUT those who do have SEs are more likely to post here, looking for solutions to stop the damned SEs.

    HUGS to all!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Jo, you'll do just fine! See you in 3 weeks! HUGS!!!

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    GypsieJo - why did your doctor say you were low risk? Did you have a low Oncotype score?

    Tessa - I'm so sorry to hear about your issues. Yes, life can certainly be unfair. My DD's boyfriend has CP, and he too was rejected by his mom. :(

     I also have scoliosis.

    I had extreme itching and burning of the scalp on the generic (Accord) Arimidex. My scalp peeled in layers. I just started the Teva brand - watching and waiting. If I get the same reaction then that tells me it's the drug and not the fillers.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Jilly, don't forget there is the actual BRAND NAME Arimidex if the Teva generic causes problems. I gather that if you want to use the brand name,AstraZeneca will sell it to you for $30/month. Others here can address that.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Yea Peg!!!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thanks, Spookie! Nice to have an extremely uneventful appointment.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Yeah, love when that happens. Here's to many more.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thank you. Back at ya!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    EXercise is helps............but not if you can't do it.................I have a Y membership..........wish I could use it.

    Walking is a great exercise...........but what happens when the SE's of the AI keep you from being able to walk......I use to walk 3 miles a I can't walk 3 blocks without something to lean on, or to hold on to...........legs hurting so bad that you have to be careful when they don't want to bend that you don't fall........just raising your leg to get on the treadmill is scary.........

    I am done with the Onco score was 8.............almost non existent, but I still got Rads, and the "pill".......and I go to a top rated Cancer Center........Fox Chase Cancer Center..........

    Oh well it is what it is...........

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Aw, Ducky. HUGS and more HUGS!!!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Ducky, sorry you are feeling the dang SEs but I sure know the feeling!  thought they were going to end with my ending the med but dang still bad.  I am doing some PT for my balance so will let you know results

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Proud.....when I stopped the Letrozole becaue of the foot neuropathy some of the SE's were gone within 2 days.....I asked the that possible oris this in my head.....

    She said "no", it is quite possible........and within the week I felt much more foot pain......and thee knees and hips, plus back improved greatly........

    Now withthe Anastrozole no so....................I have been off for 2 weeks, and a few days, an I still don't feel like I did after going off the Letrozole....................

    So maybe with they are not going to go away like before......I sure hope they do..............just fed up with it all..........I thought if I could do one for 6 months, then got to another one for another 6 months in no time I would have my 5 years in,,.............but can't tolerate the anastrozole........guess I'm out of luck huh.....LOL........

    And I'm not going back to Letrozole..........ugh.........

    Will talk to the Onc next appt which I think is in 2 weeks.....

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Ducky, I was really on aromasin and just sort of toughed it out! it is like I had a little arthritis before but more now.  I do think the PT folks are helping my balance issues, that started with a bout of vertigo.  That was a hoot, they wanted to blame it on possible  brain cancer ~~then blamed it on a never seen stroke and who knows what.  Finally after getting a second opinion on the vertigo the guy told me the vertigo was most likely an infection which I now blame on stupid sinus crud. 

    they whole junk is a royal pain

  • gemmafromlondon
    gemmafromlondon Member Posts: 46

    There sure is nothing like a funny movie to combat 7-8 hot flashes a day; crippling joint pain; racing heart and blood pressure going haywire. What insulting nonsense! Who are these jerks who make such crass suggestions? Do please tell them to shut the f up before we all blow a gasket.

  • gypsyjo
    gypsyjo Member Posts: 112

    jilly59 - My risk was low because it was a rare pure mucinous invasive carcinoma. The reoccurrence rate is 3% without AI. The survivability calculator says taking AI will buy me 62 days of life. I also am considering prevention of a new ER+ cancer. I was ER+ 100%/PR+ 100%. I also had the IORT which has a slightly higher reoccurrence rate.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    When I decided to take the 1 month vacation which turned into 3 my MO told me this....with the stats I told you way above, and my treatment thus far here is what I understood

    If I continue on the AI, I have a 6% chance of having a recurrence.......

    If I go off it after taking it for 3 1/2 years my %' goes up to 12%..........

    My fear.............not cancer in the other breast, or even the same is the bones, the lung, the spine, the brain.........if I could get past that fear this would be an easy choice.

    Those above odds are pretty good.......but if I have the same luck with recurrence as I had with Femara, Letrozole, Arimidex, and Anastrozole............I'm doomed.............LOL......glad I can laugh at it.........guess cancer hasn't killed my sense of humor........hahahaha

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Ducky, I hear ya on that. I think we all harbor those thoughts in the hidden recesses of our minds. And that's what keeps us trying every variety of AI available. A damnable decision :(


  • cjanet
    cjanet Member Posts: 288

    HI, I will be starting Arimidex tomorrow. I"m nervous about the side effects. It seems that a lot of people here aren't metastatic or stage IV but I am. I got a shot of Lupron today to put me into menopause. Shot of Xgeva next week. I guess I have a lot of hot flashes to look forward to!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Christina, I can't promise you no Arimidex SEs but I think you'll probably have lots of personal summers for awhile. I have a friend with mets who has been on Arimidex for over 3 years with no problems at all. She's mid-50s and probably post-menopausal when she started it. BTW, your profile says you started Femara today. I wouldn't have thought you'd take Femara and Arimidex both. Did you check the wrong box?

    You might want to check the Mets/Stage Iv forums, too. We do have some Stage Iv ladies here. Scroll back through the pages here, look at the profiles and you'll find them.

    I hope your hot flashes are mild and a mere annoyance (I rather enjoyed them since I'm always cold) and that you sail through taking Arimidex with no SEs!


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Buy a small fan, have it aimed at you for bedtime. Won't stop them, but it may help. Mine goes year round.

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    Spookiesmom, I'm sitting in my chair, with my tower fan, blowing on me and when I go to bed, I have a huge fan, blowing as if I'm in a wind tunnel. Whatever works.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    duckyb1 My onc told me if I do take the AI afor 5 years my stats go down to 14% chance of recurrence! (30% chance if I decided not to do it). Will be interesting next year what the numbers will be to convince me to stay on it another 5

  • florida2015
    florida2015 Member Posts: 46

    hi thanks for your post. I have 10 more treatments to go and then we will try the prescription. I am one of them said it's very nervous and getting any side effects from it. One of the ladies at the treatment center told me levethron. {spelling?) has less side effects. I am not gluten free. On the thin side. Workout regularly. Weight training and treadmill

  • jojo2373
    jojo2373 Member Posts: 60

    Hi Ladies - I started Arimidex in January and for the first months really no SE's (had been on Tamoxifen for 2 years prior). Just recently i am experiencing muscle pain/soreness and i haven't changed my exercise program. They wake me at night and during the day feels like a truck has hit me. I know most complain of joint pain but is this another SE? Muscle pain and soreness? Thanks.