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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    That's discouraging, TJH. Glad to hear you're stronger. And your tastebuds and tummy will play nicely together soon - probably just not soon enough for you.I'm sure you'll be glad to get the port out!


  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156

    I had my port removed too while having my mx and reconstruction. I started Anastrozole a few days after that surgery and it made me super nauseated~~no doubt due to pain and anesthesia. My MO had me stop it for a couple of weeks.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    MarianElizabeth, that makes sense. So much "stuff" in your system and so many shocks. Good thought though for ladies who may be in the same situation as you were.


  • Beachlady28
    Beachlady28 Member Posts: 25

    Hello Ladies,

    Just want to share my experience with Anastrozole (generic for Irimidex). I have osteopenia which can turn into osteoporosis. Arimidex can contribute to osteopenia so my onc. doc recommended Reclast IV infusion which I had Monday. All the following day I had common side effects from the Reclast: fever, chills, achey bones, headache, nausea - much like the flu. Spent all that miserable day in bed on Tylenol. Following days and up to today (Friday) still some aches, but overall better. Anyone else have these side effects? This is the once per year dose, are there alternatives, like a monthly dose? Not sure if I want to go thru this again next year.

    On a brighter note, had my 6 month mammog and ultrasound today following surgery 9/2014 and rads Nov.2014 to Jan 2015. and all is well, thank God!!!!

    Hugs to all!!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    BeachLady, I'm taking Fosamax and I also have mild osteopenia. I'm not familiar with Reclast. Would you have another infusion next year? Or do you want to wait and see how you are in a year?

    Glad that your first mammo and US were good!! Huge relief!


  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    My first bone scan is November 5 and then my oncologist will let me know which bone med I will need. She did say I would need one.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Tjh, nice to know the state of your bones.


  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837


    My MO has me on arimidex too. I have mild osteopenia and so I got a prolia injection the deal is one of those every six months while taking arimidex. You might ask you MO about that, I've heard the side effects are minimal, I actually had no side effects from the shot. I've heard a lot of good stuff about it

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thanks for mentioning that Suladog. I'll put that in MY mental file cabinet in case Fosamax doesn't work for me down the road.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Beachlady28 My MO waited till my osteopenia turned into osteoporosis. I'm on Prolia (injection every 6 months). Supposed to have the same SE as Reclast. I'm one of the lucky ones so far. No SE. I've had 2 shots already.

    But I was also told the first is the worst.

  • Beachlady28
    Beachlady28 Member Posts: 25

    Hi PontiacPeggy, Suladog, and lago: Thx for your replies about Reclast. All good info to file in my BC binder. Will ask next time about Prolia as an alternative. But I am now good for a year for treating osteopenia. Knowledge surely is power. Was also told to take calcium vitamins both AM and PM. Got those chewables so thats not so bad.

    Just a tip which may help you and all others: I keep all my meds in a small zipper bag with a chart and pen and made a graph with a box for each day, so I put a check in the box when I take any meds since I also have esophagitis. I feel like a walking pharmacy LOL !!!!

    Enjoy the weekend my friends. Smile

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Beachlady, I dole out my pills into Dixie cups for the day. Four cups - breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime. I set them on the kitchen counter. Works well for me. My DH started doing his meds that way and I've kept it up for me. I always know when I've missed something.


  • bbbbun
    bbbbun Member Posts: 24

    Beachlady~ I too have esophagitis and take protonix generic ...gastro doc says I must take protonix first thing in morning with no other meds until a half hour later. Wish I could take Zoloft at same time so don't forget Zoloft.... Does anyone else take protonix (pantoprozole) and if so do you combine it with anything else?

    I am still on the fence concerning arimidix....started taking the generic for two months BUT had breakthrough meltdowns so MO said to stop. I am grieving over the death just a year ago of my 37 year old son....have an appt with MO next month and we will discuss the merits of AI v quality of life.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks so much and love and hugs to all!! Bunnie

  • BocaCiegaBabe
    BocaCiegaBabe Member Posts: 12

    spookiesmom, and Linda, I'm between you two, in St Pete half the year! Used to live inTampa full time, then husband's company (Hyatt) transferred us to San Antonio. Now in retirement we live both places, but heart is in FL. I wish you would send us some of your rain!

    Wanted to say a couple things. First, to pboi, I wanted to wish you well with thyroid treatment. Our daughter was diagnosed 12 years ago, thyroid removed, radioactive iodine, and she has been fine since. It will take a little while to get your thyroxine dosage regulated and during that period you will likely be quite tired. That is so normal, so if you experience that, it could very well NOT be the Arimidex behind it. She was diagnosed and treated before her son was conceived, so you have a double whammy with 3 young ones. My very best to you! Her oncologist told her, "If you are going to get cancer, this is one of the best ones to get."

    I'm at the end of my 5 years on Arimidex, and for those just starting, please don't dread it. I had almost no se's. Dryness, absolutely, but that is it, and heck, I'm 72, so maybe I would have had it anyway?! I'm actually one month shy of 5 years from starting Arimidex. I was going to quit now, did stop for two days, but decided to finish out this RX. Oncologist wanted to see if the dryness issue subsided once off Arimiddex, and quitting the beginning of August might have given that time to happen, if it was going to, before my late October appt. My conscience won over. Give it the full 5 years so you won't be kicking yourself down the road should there ever be a recurrence. I did have a hip replacement during my 5 years on, but my ortho says the two were not related, and the other hip, as well as all other joints are fine.

    My best to all of you in the midst of 5 years and those just starting. It need not be a demon for you. It certainly wasn't for me, tho we all react differently. Had it been a demon, I'd have had no trouble quitting a month shy. Now my decision revolves solely around whether I want to or not. Oncologist has left it up to me. I most likely will quit when this RX is gone.

  • Marie711
    Marie711 Member Posts: 35

    bbbbun Did you feel better when you quit the Arimidex? You have been through so much in a year... Cancer and losing a child!! I would expect you to have breakdowns whether you are taking Arimidex or not! And from my experience the meltdowns can come much later after the crisis. I hope you can get answers with your appointments.

  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    I keep my pills in a 7 day strip box...seems to work.

    Bbbbun....thoughts are with you on the anniversary of you sons death. Perhaps some of your symptoms have to do with that trauma?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I too have the 7 day strip box but actually have 8 of them (a months worth). I have morning pills and evening pill. I fill them every month.


  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    It took 14 months for me to start experiencing SE from my Arimidex. I have to say this: This week I got a ton of walking in at the County Fair, plus my 2 miles in the a.m., mowing the yard, etc. and I have consumed my 9 gin soaked raisins this week, and my SE are much better. So I do believe exercise is key. And keep on top of your vitimins. I take Vit D, Calcium and a multivitamin

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Boca, bless you for sharing that you made it the end with out any major SE. I have my toes and fingers crossed to be able to feel that way too. 1 down and 4 to go......

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Red, aren't you supposed to have 9 drunken raisins DAILY? Glad they, the supplements and exercise are working for you! County fairs are fun!

    Boca, Congratulations on finishing up your 5 years! Have you considered staying on Arimidex for another 5 years? From what I read, studies are indicating that it is helpful and I think my MO is leaning that way. Of course, I'm only 10 months into my first 5 and I haven't noticed any SEs.


  • Beachlady28
    Beachlady28 Member Posts: 25

    bbbburn: I take pantaprozole also for esophagitis twice per day AM and PM. No rules to take before or after meals. Was on once per day then was increased. Will see the gastro Doc soon to get the results of most recent endoscopy. Something else to worry about in addition to the BC. It's always something LOL!

  • BocaCiegaBabe
    BocaCiegaBabe Member Posts: 12

    I've thought about it Peggy. My oncologist is leaving it up to me. When we discussed it in May, she said there is an ongoing study, but results aren't in yet, tho of course benefits have been shown for Tamoxifin, and the same results for Arimidex wouldn't surprise me. As things stand now, with my small tumor (8mm at its largest dimension) grade 1, node negative, plus my age (72), I plan to stop, tho yes, I'm a bit chicken! :

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Boca, I'm 70 so we're roughly the same age. If I have no SEs, and I don't anticipate any, I'd stay on this till I'm 100 if it would prefer BC from coming back. My tumor was 9mm (and so was the DCIS). By the time my first 5 years are up, I'm sure they will have arrived at a conclusion on an additional 5 years. I'm also chicken!


  • Kathy044
    Kathy044 Member Posts: 94
    [ETA: oops sorry, registration is required for the Patient Update site but it's free and well worth the trouble]

    Meant to post this review article on extended adjuvant ET from The Lancet earlier, (full access ends today).

    I was age 65 at diagnosis so gave little thought to risk of late recurrence for ER+ knew about it of course but with a positive node was more focused on tx for years 1 - 3 so accepted chemo even though for me on balance benefit would be low.

    Main reason I accepted chemo was that I could not believe that I would want or be able to take a pill for 5 years. I've since learned how powerful the AIs are in treating cancer which is why I stuck it out with them as long as I did. I stopped a year go after four years and a little bit and don't regret it.

    It was actually reading the Tamoxifen 10 year studies that decided it for me, at my age and cancer stage there would be little to no absolute benefit to going further than 5 years. The article above considers this, see the last sentence in the abstract. Same with chemo. How low does risk of late recurrence need to be "to forego the toxicities and side effects of extended adjuvant ET.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Peg, I meant I had my 9 daily raisins for the whole week. Sometimes I forget them. conisistency made a difference.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Kathy44, If I read that right, they are encouraging staying on AIs for as long as you can. I plan on it.

    Red, I totally understand about forgetting. Glad the raisins help!


  • Mary59G
    Mary59G Member Posts: 52

    Just a question????

    How much Calcium does everybody take on a daily basis?



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Mary, I take no calcium supplements. I'm on Fosamax. I've tried taking calcium at various times in my life and I just don't tolerate it.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    1200 for me, MO and pain doc said that.

  • Mary59G
    Mary59G Member Posts: 52

    Thanks for the quick reply, I wasn't sure.......thats what I have been taking but wondering if I should double it or not.
